

发布时间:2023-12-11 17:15


曾在Mechanical System and Signal Processing、内燃机学报、汽车工程、中国机械工程航空动力学报、振动工程学报、推进技术、内燃机工程、哈尔滨工业大学学报、汽轮机技术、流体机械等国内外学术期刊上发表第一作者学术论文30余篇,有多篇被SCI和EI收录。出版专著《小波分析及其工程应用》一部,参编教材《通风机械》一部。目前主持的项目包括国家科技攻关计划项目、国家863计划项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、山东省科技攻关计划项目和威海市科技发展计划项目等。

journal of combustion是sci吗

journal of combustion

journal of combustion


在《Tribology International》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science》等国际刊物,《航空学报》、《摩擦学学报》和《内燃机学报》等国内一级学报以及国内核心刊物上以第一作者身份发表论文50余篇,(其中SCI/EI检索论文30余篇),获得教育技术发明一等奖一项(排名第5)。代表作有:[1] MENG F.M,etal. Thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of Piston Skirt Considering Oil Film Inertia Effect. Tribology International.2007, 40 (7): 1089~1099. (SCI检索:161YW)[2] MENG F.M,etal. Analysis of Dynamic Performances of Piston-Crankshaft System Considering Oil Film Forces Reconstructed by Neural Network. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2007, 221 (2): 171~180. (SCI检索:147FK).[3] MENG F.M,etal. Numerical study of influences of hard particles in lubricant on tribological performances of piston ring. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science 2007, 221 (3): 361~372. (SCI检索:176XU).[4] MENG F.M,etal. Numerical Analysis of Combined Influences of Inter-Asperity Cavitation and Elastic Deformation on Flow Factors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science (SCI检索:201MA).[5] MENG F.M,etal. Study on Combined Influence of Inter-Asperity Cavitation and Elastic Deformation of non-Gaussian Surface on Flow Factors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science (in press).[6] MENG Fanming, ZHANG You yun. Research on Effect of Oil Film Inertia on Piston Skirt by Iteration Method[J]. Chinese journal of aeronautics.2004,17(1):1~6.(EI检索: AN 04208159018)[7] Meng Fanming, Zhang Youyun. Influence of Oil Film Inertia on Piston Skirt Lubrication in High Speed Engine[J].Journal of Shanghai University, 2003,7(3): 285~288.(EI检索: AN 03487760130)[8] 孟凡明,张优云.研究运动污染颗粒对活塞环润滑性能的影响[J]. 内燃机学报, 2004,22(2): 169~175. (EI检索: AN04298268306)[9] 孟凡明, 张优云. 使用有限元法研究油膜温度场对活塞裙润滑性能的影响[J]. 内燃机学报, 2004, 22(6):543~548. (EI检索: AN 05058822096).[10] 孟凡明,张优云. 污染颗粒-活塞环-缸套接触数值研究[J]. 内燃机报,2005, 23(6):562~566. (EI检索: AN 06069686619)

