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翻译过来就是:Financial books
finance and economics
economic and financial section
Private business in China isn't the only loser from the relentless expansion of state-owned enterprises. The media is also suffering under the onslaught.
Business Watch Magazine is the latest to feel the heat. The Beijing-based weekly won't be publishing this month, according to a notice posted on its website--its punishment for tangling with State Grid, the mother of all SOEs ranked 15th on Fortune's Global 500 list in 2009.
In a 25,000-word cover story called State Grid Empire, Business Watch had reported that the state giant was angling to extend its near-monopoly over the distribution of power in China to the business of manufacturing equipment for that grid. 《商务周刊》曾发表一篇名为《国网帝国》的封面文章,文章用25,000 字的篇幅报道说,国家电网公司正谋求将它在中国电网领域近乎垄断的地位扩大到电网设备生产领域。
It's not hard to see why State Grid would want to move in that direction. Last year, China spent $84 billion on power infrastructure. 国家电网为什么希望朝着这个方向行进,其实不难想象。去年,中国向电力基础设施领域投资了840亿美元。
But the Business Watch article said State Grid's ambitions are opposed by the state-backed China Machinery Industry Federation, and it cited an internal federation document to back up the assertion. The article didn't pull its punches, criticizing State Grid's top leaders and referring to the company as 'Frankenstein's monster.' 但《商务周刊》的文章说,国家电网的计划受到了政府支持的中国机械工业联合会的反对;文章还引用了联合会的一份内部文件来支持这一论断。文章直言不讳地把矛头指向了国家电网公司的高层领导,并把该公司称作“弗兰肯斯坦式巨人”。
In its website notice, Business Watch said publishing authorities found the magazine guilty of 'violating propaganda discipline' for 'revealing internal content,' as well as 'serious factual inaccuracies.' 《商务周刊》网站上的公告说,新闻出版主管部门认为该刊“违反宣传纪律”,“将内参内容公开化”,并且“多处内容与事实严重不符”。
Missing from the notice was any explanation of what facts Business Watch allegedly got wrong. 公告没有讲明《商务周刊》究竟哪些内容出现了所谓与事实严重不符的情况。
It's not the first time Chinese media has gotten into trouble over stories about the energy sector. Three years ago, Caijing magazine was forced to yank a story also related to State Grid. 这不是中国媒体第一次因为报道文章涉及能源行业而陷入麻烦。三年前,《财经》杂志曾被迫撤掉一篇同样和国家电网有关的文章。
There's a new swagger these days about Chinese SOEs in their dealings with the media, including the international media. SOEs have long insisted on the right to vet articles before publication as the condition for agreeing to cooperate with reporters. That helps to explain why so few SOE officials are quoted in the international media. 这段时间中国国有企业与包括外媒在内的媒体打交道时,显示出了一种新的霸气。长期以来,国有企业都坚持要在文章发表前进行审查,这样才同意跟记者合作。这可以在一定程度上解释为什么外媒极少引用国企官员的言论。
Lately, however, the tone has become more threatening. A few weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal fielded a call from the PR department of a prominent state company regarding a story we had broken on one of its international investments. 'You have illegally exposed our company's commercial secrets,' the PR official began. 'We demand that you immediately remove the story from your website and reveal the sources of your information.' Unless the Journal complied, the PR man went on 'we will take legal action against you.' Needless to say, we stood by the story--and rebuffed the demands. 而在最近,国企的态度已变得更加咄咄逼人。几周前,《华尔街日报》接到一家知名国企公关部门打来的电话,谈到我们一篇有关该公司海外投资的报道。这位公关人员一开始就说,你们非法曝光了我们公司的商业机密;我们要求你们立即从你们网站删除这篇文章,并说明你们的消息来源。这位公关人士接着又说,如果不服从,我们将对你们采取法律行动。当然,我们没动这篇文章,并拒绝了对方的这些要求。
Business Watch is acting appropriately chastened. 'We accept the result,' the notice said. 《商务周刊》做得比较乖,它在公告中说:“这个结果,我们接受它。”
The magazine will be back on the streets next month. But muckraking business journalism in China has taken another hit. Chinese publications will think twice before having another go at State Grid, or any other SOE--at a time when public scrutiny of these industrial giants has never been more important. 《商务周刊》将在下个月复刊,但中国商业新闻中的“揭发黑幕”行动已经遭到又一次重创。中国出版物下次要经过三思之后才会去挑战国家电网或任何其他国企——而在当前,公众对这些行业巨头的仔细关注比以往任何时候都更加重要。
财经英语翻译 有翻译器的译文,麻烦翻译成标准的文章
these data suggesting that new equity capital is only a minor source of financing to american
business are consistent with recent evidence showing that in an average year only about 5 percent of publicly traded companies in the united states sell additional common stock
前面的这些数据表明 美国每年只有5% 新增资本流入 公开的股票证卷市场。并不属于主要融资手法。
this means that a typical publicly traded company raises new equity capital only once
every 20 years?
难道这意味着, 一家上市公司需要20年才能在市场上 引资 1倍(中文叫融资)
like the statistician who drowned crossing a stream because he had heard it was only five
feet deep on average (这句话特别点出 average字眼,是联系上面那个每年average 5%融资比例)像一个统计学家 过一条小溪 时溺水,因为他统计过这条小溪 “平均只有5尺深”
we need to remember that the equity figures presented are the net result of new issues and
retirements 请记住 股票流动资金数据 是由2个方面组合成的:新发行和 (退休基金 或 企业自己回购股票比例,该翻译要看这段文章是学术性还是金融机构的研究分析)
figure 4-5 shows the gross proceeds from new common stock sales for U.S. companies from
1970 to 1998
图4 - 5 ,表明 1970-1998年间的新股净销售 的净收益值
the 28-year average was 48.5$ billion,and the high was $126.8 billion in 1998
28年的平均值 为485亿美元, 而单一年(1998) 最高值1268亿美元
to put these numbers in perspective,gross 《不是perceeds》《proceeds》 from new stock issues equaled 10 percent of total corporate sources of capital in 1997
分析以上 数据 得出 :在1997年 企业 由新股发行融资 所得的净收益 等同企业总资金流的10%
18 ,通用产品代码(爱国联盟)条形码读取光学扫描系统,在打印的名称和价格,每个项目的收据。
19 ,利润最大化的定价策略,其中管理人员树立了越来越多的盈利水平作为目标。
20 ,销售最大化的定价策略下,经理人设置一个可接受的最低限度的盈利水平,然后尽量让销售。