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This conclusion has been reached from data compiled by NASA's Aqua and Terra earth observation satellites.
From 2000 to 2017, the global areas covered by greenery increased by 5%, of which, 25% of such territory lies in China. In fact, China only accounts for 6.6% of global vegetation coverage. So, how did these changes happen?
To this end, we have invited experts from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences who have been engaged in monitoring vegetation change for a long period of time, to explain the process with the sufficient statistical data and satellite remote sensory images.
Earlier this year, a multinational cooperative research paper led by Boston University and mainly funded by NASA was published in Nature Sustainability . The paper was entitled ' China and India Lead in Greening of the World Through The Land-Use Management ', and found that during the period from 2000 to 2017, China and India dominated global land greening (increases in leaf-covered areas). More importantly, in the process of turning China greener, forests contributed 42%, greater than the 32% contribution of agricultural land and much more than India's forest contribution of 4.4%.
▲ Source: p/56452684,
China's afforestation and forest protection are crucial parts of the results achieved.
Since the 1970s, China has successively launched many large ecological projects, including six projects which are directly related to land greening: the "Three-North" Shelter Forest Program, the Natural Forest Resource Protection Project, the Project of Returning Farmland to Forest (Grass), the Shelterbelt Forestry Project of the Yangtze/Pearl River Basin, the Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project and the Project of Returning Grazing Lands to Grasslands. These projects cover most of the regions of China.
“三北”防护林工程 ,1979年开始实施,涉及13个省市区,工程建设总面积406.9万平方公里,占全国陆地总面积的42.4%,至今总投资约500多亿元。
Beginning in 1979, the "Three-North" Shelter Forest Program involving 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, has achieved a total construction area of 4.069 million square kilometers, accounting for 42.4% of China's total land area , with total investment adding up to more than 50 billion yuan so far.
天然林资源保护工程, 1998年开始试点,涉及17个省区、724个县、160个重点企业、14个自然保护区等,到2004年累积投资488.3亿元。
Beginning in 1998, the Natural Forest Resource Protection Project involving 724 counties, 160 key enterprises and 14 nature reserves in 17 provinces and autonomous regions, reached cumulative investment of 48.83 billion yuan by 2004.
退耕还林(草)工程, 始于1999年,涉及25个省区、1897个县区, 是迄今为止世界上最大的生态建设工程 ,仅中央投入的工程资金就超过4300多亿元。
Having been started in 1999, the Project of Returning Farmland to Forest (Grass) involves 1,897 counties in 25 provinces and autonomous regions. It is one of the largest ever ecological project to be carried out worldwide. The central government alone has invested more than 430 billion yuan in the project.
长江/珠江流域防护林工程 ,一期为1989—2010年,根据森林清查资料及林业统计年鉴,共造林约6.3万平方公里、育林约5.5万平方公里。二期涉及的范围更广,其中长江流域防护林二期工程包括17个省(市)的1033个县(市、区),规划造林任务6.9万平方公里。
Phase I of the Shelterbelt Forestry Project of the Yangtze/Pearl River Basin was carried out between 1989 and 2010. According to forest inventory data and the forestry statistical yearbook, a total of 63,000 square kilometers of forest were planted and 55,000 square kilometers were afforested. The Phase II covers a wider range, of which the Shelterbelt Forestry Project of the Yangtze River Basin Phase II includes 1,033 counties (cities and urban districts) in 17 provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) with a planned afforestation task of 69,000 square kilometers.
京津风沙源治理工程, 始于2002年,涉及北京、天津、河北、山西及内蒙古等五省(区、市)的75个县,总面积45.8万平方公里,一期工程初步匡算投资558亿元。
Having begun in 2002, the Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project involves 75 counties across five provinces (autonomous region and municipalities directly under the Central Government) including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, with a total area of 458,000 square kilometers. The initial estimated investment for Phase I is 55.8 billion yuan.
退牧还草工程, 自2003年以来,北方7省区退牧还草工程约64万平方公里,中央已累计投入资金295.7亿元。
Since 2003, the Project of Returning Grazing Lands to Grasslands has covered 640,000 square kilometers in seven northern provinces and autonomous regions. The Central Government has invested 29.57 billion yuan in the project.
The most effective way to understand the results of these afforestation projects in China is to observe changes in collected data. In the field of ecological environment change monitoring, the most widely used technology is that of acquiring images of the earth for continuous monitoring through remote satellite sensing.
Here are a few sets of data and images which illustrate the reasons behind this green miracle.
In the field of remote sensing applications, the "vegetation index" is widely used for evaluating vegetation coverage and vegetation growth and the "normalized difference vegetation index" (NDVI) is most widely used. In general, the higher the NDVI, the higher the vegetation coverage.
The NDVI(at the national level) in China, India and most European countries show significant increases in 2015 compared with 1982, indicating that the land of these countries has turned significantly green. However, the NDVI in the countries in North America, Australia, Africa and South America showed a decreasing trend in 2015 compared with 1982.
Another measurement indicator is net primary productivity (NPP) .
NPP is the amount of photosynthetic products or organic carbon formed by plants after converting the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis, and is the material basis for the survival and reproduction of other organisms in the ecosystem.
We quantifies moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) NPP from 2000 to 2014 at the country level, and the results show that the combined NPP for 53 countries represents >90% of global NPP. The top three and top 12 countries accounted for 30% and 60% of total global NPP, respectively. China accounts for about 5% of the world's total NPP, ranking 4th globally. However, it cannot be ignored that western China is mostly covered by desert or sparse vegetation, and the average NPP per unit area in China is about 300gC/㎡/y — not high in the global ranking, at a similar level compared to Canada, Australia, India and other countries.
Spatial distribution of annual total NPP at national scale
Spatial distribution of mean national NPP per unit area
Average annual country-level NPP (2000–2014) for the top 53 countries representing >90% of the total global NPP
Source: science/article/pii/S0048969716319507
就2000—2014年变化趋势来看, 中国大面积区域NPP是在上涨的,尤其是西部区域。 几个NPP大国中,中国的NPP年净增加约11Tg C,远大于NPP总量排在第一位的巴西(5Tg C/y)、第三位的美国(2Tg C/y)。
According to the trend of change from 2000 to 2014, NPP in large parts of China is rising, especially in western regions. Among several countries with high NPP, China's NPP has increased by about 11Tg C per year, far exceeding that of Brazil (~5Tg C/y) — ranking 1st in terms of total NPP — and the United States (~2Tg C/y) — ranking 3rd.
▲ (a)2000—2014年像元尺度NPP年际变化率空间分布
Pixel scale: Spatial distribution of inter-annual variation rate of NPP from 2000 to 2014
National Scale: Spatial distribution of inter-annual variation rate of NPP from 2000 to 2014
For the inter-annual variation rate of NPP in China from 2000 to 2014, most areas of the "Three-North" Shelter Forest Program show an increasing trend, especially in Shaanxi Province.
▲ 2000—2014年中国像元尺度NPP年际变化率空间分布(图中墨绿色粗线为“三北”防护林工程五期界线)
Spatial distribution of the inter-annual variation rate of NPP at the pixel scale in China from 2000 to 2014 (The dark green thick line in the figure is the boundary line of Phase V of the "Three-North" Shelter Forest Program)
In addition to the statistical changes, the image is fairly self-explanatory.
首先看看 陕西省榆林市 。
The first area reviewed is the city of Yulin in Shaanxi Province .
According to the classification from the American Landsat series satellite images of 1987 and 2014, the forested land area in Yulin in 2014 was about four times higher than that of 1987, and the bare land area in 2014 was only one quarter of that of 1987. In addition, the grassland area increased by 3,000 square kilometers.
The following two satellite images show Yulin clearly. It was a large area of sand or bare land in 1984, but was covered in vegetation by 2016.
▲ 以东经108°43′14.916″,北纬37°41′0.996″为观测中心点拍摄的榆林
Yulin, taken at 108°43′14.916″E-37°41′0.996″N
再看看同属 陕西省的宝鸡市 。
Another illustration covers the city of Baoji in Shaanxi Province .
Although there was some vegetation in the vicinity of Baoji in 1984, the vegetation coverage rate was only about 40%, while 32 years later in 2016, the vegetation coverage rate exceeded 90%. According to the China Forestry Statistical Yearbook, from 2002 to 2016, Baoji introduced a total afforestation area of 4,064.9 square kilometers, including an artificial afforestation area of 2,117.06 square kilometers, an aerial afforestation area of 779.51 square kilometers and newly closed hillsides for afforestation of 1,168.33 square kilometers.
▲ 以东经107°10′50.01″,北纬34°52′04.29″为观测中心点拍摄的宝鸡附近
Vicinity of Baoji, taken at 107°10′50.01″ E-34°52′04.29″N
还有 甘肃省天水市 。
The next illustration is the city of Tianshui, Gansu Province .
The satellite images show that duringthe 1980s, most of the land in the area was bare. According to the China Forestry Statistical Yearbook , during the period from 2002 to 2016 alone, Tianshui benefited from afforestation of 3,427.56square kilometers, including artificial afforestation of 2,877.52 square kilometers, afforestation by aerial seeding of 29.45 square kilometers and newly closed hillsides for afforestation covering 520.59 square kilometers. Today, Tianshui is a lush city, enjoying the fame of “rich area south of the Yangtze River” in the northwest.
▲ 以东经106°10′53.97″,北纬34°53′11.03″为观测中心点拍摄的天水
Tianshui, taken at 106°10′53.97″E-34°53′11.03″ N
The most noteworthy is the green miracle — Saihanba, Hebei Province .
The two satellite images below show that the forest coverage rate of Saihanba increased significantly in 2016 compared to 1984.
▲ 以东经117°25′34.824″,北纬42°28′57.36″为观测中心点拍摄的塞罕坝
Saihanba, taken at 117°25′34.824″ E-42°28′57.36″N
This photo shows that the Saihanba area was basically desert before the founding of the People's Republic of China. After more than 50 years of unremitting efforts across three generations, the forest coverage rate of Saihanba increased from 11.4% to 80%. Now, Saihanba is a contiguous artificial forest. In December 2017, the United Nations Environment Programme announced that the builders of the Saihanba Forest Farm in China were to be awarded the "Champions of the Earth" prize in 2017 — the United Nations' highest honor for environmental protection.
Saihanba desert before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
▲ Source:
Now, Saihanba is home to the largest contiguous artificial forest in China.
green chemistry是一区期刊。green chemistry即绿色化学,研究方向是化学-化学综合。
资源与产业(1)云南省薄壳山核桃良种基地建设工艺设计探讨 张盼盼 李云(4)元江县干热河谷造林进展与展望 胡子萍 方强明 李江 白峰(7)基于促进经济发展方式转变的资源环境新观念 吴仕良(10)城市观光奶牛场发展策略探讨——以深圳光明农科大观园为例 曹琼 李雪娇 麦热耶木·艾散 颜育良 陈健琦 黄锋 莫放(13)和县蔬菜产业转型升级的对策研究 姚明虎(17)柔印产业现状及发展探讨 黄卿(18)天目湖产业调整与可持续发展研究 章凯文(20)三明油茶产业发展研究 杨培华(22)林业在生态城市建设中的作用探讨——以资兴市为例 李兴林 曹方莉 黄晓明(23)来凤县药业产业发展现状与对策 陈武宽 谭波道(25)舟山市生态循环农业发展研究 方巍 叶维寅(27)宽阔水保护区实施“天保工程”的措施及其成效探讨 杨昌乾(29)曲靖市国营海寨林场产业结构分析及发展对策探讨 包绍红(31)景宁山区林业发展存在的问题及对策 金国华 郑必坤 王晓霞 彭学库 李兴发(32)营林技术对森林有害生物的防治研究 胡天明 吴江水(34)木里县森林资源保护措施探讨 扎西龙布(36)森林资源资产评估智能决策支持系统的设计 黄丽萍(38)梨树县国有林场改革与发展探讨 常桂平 刘峰 刘东波(39)丽水市休闲养生产业发展研究 叶方长 罗根香 郑素云(41)西畴县林业生态建设发展对策探讨 王国仙(43)夏季养薰衣草剑兰可驱蚊醒脑净化空气 无(44)广东省林业有害生物防治的营林技术探讨 黄伟群(45)家养君子兰的“水培”技术 无(46)丽水市森林质量提升研究 雷小平 谢松雄 翁振明(47)丽水市森林产品发展对策探讨 吴承军 王洪根 程樟富园林与景观(49)南昌市城市道路绿化现状及改进对策 罗旭华 廖佳梅 马雨泠 李燕(51)龟背竹的家庭栽培特点 无(52)光谷地区道路交叉口景观建设方法研究——以武汉光谷大道为例 汤菲(54)野生乡土植物在园林绿化中的应用研究 李景蕻 张丽华(57)地被菊在园林设计中的应用研究 杨俊 卢明明 孙莺沙