

发布时间:2023-12-08 21:53


  大学优秀英语短文:文学的重要性 The Importance of Literature
  Nowadays, as students pay attention to the exam and the practical subjects, so many schools have given up asked the students to read literature book. Actually, literature book is very important for students. A good book can cultivate students with the good character and affect their lives.


  One the one hand, reading literature books can let the students learn about the culture. The literature book always reflects a country’s history, so the students can know about the country’s culture in the certain time. They will broaden their vision.


  On the other hand, the characters in the literature books are strong persons, students can learn from them. The literature books always describe the characters to get over all kinds of difficulties and get successfully in the end. Their stories are the best examples to teach students bee the strong persons. Reading the literature books helps students grow up quickly.


  Even though most schools haven’t opened the literature lesson, we still need to read literature. It is the light that guides us to move on.

  大学优秀英语短文:我喜欢的居住方式 The Way I Like to Reside
  When I was *** all, there were so many people lived in the countryside, but as the economy developed, more and more people moved to the city. Living in the city, people can get more ways to amuse, but I prefer to live in the countryside.


  When I lived in the countryside, the memory was so beautiful. Early in the morning, I walked on the road, it is so quiet and the dogs were running. The mountains were right in front of me, they surrounded me. Living in the country, I was so close to the nature. But when I moved to the city, there were so many noises, people always closed their door and I never knew who was living next to me. Though people live in the gorgeous environment, but they seem to be a little cold.

  当我住在农村,记忆是如此的美丽。清晨, 我走在路上, 很清静,狗在路上跑。大山在我面前, 围着我。生活在乡村, 我是如此接近大自然。但当我搬到城市,有很多噪音,人们总是关闭了他们的门,我从不知道谁住在我隔壁。虽然人们住在华丽的环境里,但是他们看上去有点冷漠。

  The important reason that I like to reside in the country is that the house there are big. As there are more land and space, so I can live in the big house and can appreciate the scenery, like the sunset and the stars. I’d rather to live in the countryside, though the house is not that nice.

  大学优秀英语短文:化妆的权利 The Right to Make Up
  When we look at the mercial ads, we are easily attracted by the beautiful faces. All these perfect faces are made up. People are enjoying watching the attracting scenery, but when they are asked their opinion about the make-up, they are not that open. In my opinion, making up is everybody’s right.


  Early in the morning, my friend sent me the two pictures, I saw a girl’s face, one of the picture very beautiful, because the girl had made up, while the other looked not that beautiful, because she did not make up. My friend said so many people criticized this girl, for they thought she was ugly and her beautiful outlook was just the trick of make-up. They felt like being cheated.


  Seeing these impolite words, I had to say that people are so mean to the people who have made up. It is everybody’s right, if making up can bring people confidence and happiness, then it is right to make up. The things that bring positive sides are worth to be done, we don’t have to care about other people’s judgment.





大学英语范文篇1:How to Sell Yourself

In this petitive society it is essential to know how to sell yourself in order to get the job you want. That means you must be able to market your best features and present yourself in the best light. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.


There are several things you can do to project a good image in an interview. First of all, look like a winner. Dress conservatively and well, and you'll look like you're going to the top. Second, municate clearly. Consider each question carefully and respond with total honesty. Remember to make eye contact and maintain good posture. You need to look attentive but also at ease. Third, have a positive and assertive attitude. It's important to appear confident of your ability and optimistic about your future. Finally, be prepared. Present a professional resume and be ready to explain everything in detail.


By following the advice above, you are bound to make a good impression on potential employers. Then you will be able to choose the best opportunity for you and take that first step towards success.



i received a devastating blow to my self-confidence in the first interview of my college years. i applied to be a host in our student acting troupe and felt confident that i would be accepted. but one of the panel members told me: "you seem inadequate and you are a little vertically-challenged." my life has never been the same since. i used bigger heels to plement my height and psychological maneuvers and tricks to hide my lack of confidence. but no matter how hard i tried to look the part, there was still something missing.

as president of english club, i organized the rehearsal of snow white for an english party. unfortunately, we could not find an actor to be the last dwarf. it had to be someone who was humorous by nature and fluent in english. suddenly, all eyes turned to me, and i knew i would have to be the dwarf. to my great surprise and delight, once on stage, i was totally absorbed in the performance and my humorous nature was put to full use. as the dwarf, i was a big hit.

yes, each of us is only one among millions of others, but each of us is an individual and each of us is unique. cultivating our individuality will transform our lives, making of them a kaleidoscope of new colors and textures.

a world deprived of diversity would be a bland and boring place. the real tragedy is not being short or shy or ugly, but having your identity lost in a world in which everyone is a clone of a model cool boy or a flawless charming girl.

given a choice, i would rather be ugly than live in such a world. i'd rather be a genuine dwarf acpanying a snow white than be a snow white among nothing but snow whites. i would rather be myself. i would contribute my individual and unique colors to create a more diverse universe. please, be yourself.







大学英语范文篇3:speech at christmas eve

ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

tonight, we are meeting here to celebrate this special, peaceful, silent and holly night. here and now, allow me,on behalf of all the members of the school mittee, to express my hearty regards and seasonal greetings to all of you. merry christmas and happy new year!

and i am very glad to tell you that we have two distinguished guests from england to join us tonight to celebrate this special christmas eve with us together. this is because christmas eve has the same meaning of safe and peace with ping an in chinese. just as the chinese saying goes, “safe and peace is fortune and luck”. so i’d like to extend my best wishes of fortune and luck to everyone here and those you love as well as those who are now still working in their posts.

christmas is a time to give thanks, so let’s give our hearty thanks to our parents, our teachers, those around us as well as our great motherland with our sincerity, loyalty, intelligence and diligence.

my dear boys and girls, the mid-term examination is over, and all the students in our school did very well this time. since the examination, many students are working harder than ever before, and they are being more active in class. especially through english corner, they’re getting to understand the importance of learning english. meanwhile, i hope every student in our school will take an active part in learning english and using english, and enjoy english.

here and now, i’d like to say thank you very much to those who have tried their best to have organized the christmas eve.

this special christmas eve will certainly bring us pleasure and enjoyment, laughter and passion, ass well as applause.

to conclude my speech, i wish everyone here will enjoy the performances and have a very good time tonight. and i sincerely wish a merry christmas and happy new year to you again.

that’s all. thank you very much.

大学英语范文篇4:knowing the consequences of choice

over the past spring festival, i got involved in a family dispute. right before i got home, four satellite channels of cctv were added to the 14 channels we had already had. in prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and i-had to argue over what to watch. finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" programme... if we

could agree what that was.

however, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had tv, there were only one or two channels available. the increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice.

fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one colour. today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades.

fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. today, we read english newspapers like the china daily and the 21st century, as well as various chinese newspapers.

fifteen years ago, english majors took only courses in language and literature. today, we also study western culture, journali *** , business munications, international relations, and puter science.

the emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in china's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the chinese nation.

we enjoy the abundance of choice. but this has not e easily.

about 150 years ago, china was forced to open up its door by western canons and gunboats. it has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. the policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference.

like others of my age, i'm too young to have experienced the time when the chinese people had no right to choose. however, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: what does choice really mean to us young people?

is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? is choice an empty promise that never materializes? or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?

first, i would like to say: to choose means to claim opportunities.

i am a third-year english major. an important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. i can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. i can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in china.



关于一个和谐的宿舍 On a Harmonious Dormitory

When September es, it means the new semester begins. For the freshmen, they are so excited about the campus life, for they have worked so hard to realize this dream. They need to leave their parents and live in the dormitory. For the better college life, it is important to create a harmonious phenomenon.


To create a harmonious dormitory, first, students need to understand each other. In the college, there are students from all the cities and the culture is different. It is easy to have the cultural conflict. So students need to be tolerated and learn to be considerate. Second, it is better to have more munication. Though roommates are from different places, there is no need to stop municating. They can go out for some activities, so that they can build relationship and bee intimate friends.


A harmonious environment is very helpful for students. They can no longer miss home and when they are in trouble, friends will always e to help in the first time. Students can also cultivate with the good character.


大学印象最深刻的同学 The Most Impressive Clas *** ate in My College

The first time for me to go into the campus, I was so excited about the college life, at the same time, I also worried about the person I met. Now the fact is that I meet the good guys and I make a good friend. She is my clas *** ate and she is so brave and never hesitates. I am so impressive about her.


In the college, I meet my roommate, her name is Lily, she is also my clas *** ate. As we live together, we always have some contradictions, but Lily considers me in the first place. She will let me do what I want and what she does will never make me unfortable. I am older than her, but in front of her, I just like a kid. Lily is fearless and I admire her so much. When there is the performance or petition, Lily takes no hesitation to be part of it, while I am afraid of losing face. Lily said she is enjoying the moment and that is the youth, she doesn’t want to regret when she is old.


Lily is such a brave friend, I am so lucky to be her friend.


自主创业 Self-employment

As there are more and more college graduates, it is hard for students to find a job, because the petition is so intense. Recently, the traditional occupations are full with workers and the government encourages the graduates to do the self-employment. I think it is a good policy.

由于大学毕业生越来越多,大学生找工作很难,因为竞争很激烈。最近,传统职业已经趋于饱和, *** 鼓励毕业生自主创业。我觉得这是一项好的政策。

One the one hand, the graduates can make full use of their talent. They can choose to do what they are good at, and don’t have to carry out the plan at the boss’s will. paring sitting at the office and just carry out the order, self-employment is more creative, it provides a free stage for people to show their ability.


On the other hand, self-employment can bring the sense of satisfaction. When a person runs his own business from nothing and to get the great achievement, he will enjoy the process and can feel satisfied. Such feeling is wonderful. He will be very passionate and excited to get the challenges. Life is amazing for him.

另一方面,自主创业能带来满足感。当一个人经营自己的事业,从一无所有到取得巨大成就,他会享受这个过程,感到满足。这样的感觉是很美妙的。面对挑战,他充满 *** 和兴奋。生活是如此的美好。

The meaning of life is to make the difference and self-employment can make people feel life is meaningful and wonderful.



  大学英语经典作文及翻译:A Day in the Park
  The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient.

  True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender twigs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere.

  Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year.




  大学英语经典作文及翻译:A Happy Time
  The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Florida and had a happy time. Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo. Pan Yi and I went there by car. It was fun. We went to the Sea World, Universal Studio and the beach.

  There are a lot of sea animals at the Sea World. We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. They are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience. The whales are especially naughty. They made half of the people in the stadium wet all over. The shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks. They open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or municate with us. Who knows?

  The Universl Studio is where Hollywood films are made. It was real fun to ride in the movies, just like you were in the film yourself. In "Back to the Future", we rode through the time tunnel, went through the vocanoes, dinosaurs and all kinds of planets. It is made so real life and so horrihle that everybody sereams. It was very exciting. Our car went directly into the dinosaur's big mouth. It is all made by hitech. We went to see how the horror films were made. I was chosen to show the effect and was so scared. It was not so funny. I don't like horror films.

  We went to the beach and saw the sea for the first time. I admire her vastness and greatness. The sun threw her remaining rays onto the sea. The sea lies there silent, tolerant of everything.




  宇宙室是好莱坞拍电影的地方。在电影中乘车真有趣,好像自己也在电影中。在《回到未来》中,我们穿过时间隧道、火山、恐龙和各种行星。一切都那么逼真、骇怕,大家都叫了起来,很 *** 。我们的车直接穿过恐龙的大嘴。这一切都是用高科技制作的。我们去看恐怖影片的制作,我被选出来显示效果,大可怕了。一点也不好


  大学英语经典作文及翻译:An Outing
  After a week's study and test, our department went to the forest for a piic. At the edge of the ferest there are wooden hours, wooden tables and chairs. The oven is made of bricks and the meat is roasted over it. It is called BBQ in short.

  Last wook we were so burded with homework that now we were delighted to be having an outing. The wind was strong. Alan, Zhang Ying and I tried to fly kites, but the wind was always changing its direction, which made it more difficult but no less intereting.

  Then I walked with Fren and her boyfriend deep into the forest. Fren knows a lot about trees and grazes. I learned a great deal from her. When we came back, I was as hungry as a wolf and helped myself to the roast beef and chicken and big, fresh strawberries.

  Some teachers and students took their children with them. Marlina's son is only a few months old and seems happy in anyone's arms. Tim is especially fond of children, saying he can carry a child all day long. He learned from an English-Chinese booklet the words, "Do you want children?" and asked this question of everyone he met. He himeself wants to have five children, which made us burst out laughing.

  Zhang Ying is good at playing volleyball. So is Tim. He is tall and good at *** ashing the ball. Our dean, Sastry, also joined in the game. We played seven matches altogether. What a happy weekend!









