

发布时间:2023-02-10 07:55


Little lamb lost
Life, what is life? Some people think that life is creation, some people think that life is the pursuit of high official positions and riches, some people think that life is given. But I think life is born, have their own goals and live.
Some people have for their own life made a perfect life plan, and to implement the plan. But life for me is very confused. I have my own make a life plan. My life is like this: after graduating from junior high school to learn the craft, will come out to work, save some money, and then they open a shop. Perhaps in the eyes of others I this life plan is very good. But I got so nervous, afraid of bad science. I also thought that after graduation directly to work into the community to hone a, then there may be go to be a soldier. Parents want me to study at home mechanic. I hate my life being dominated, but I have a confused about the future.
The life always want a perfect answer, but always can't make a decision, there is not much time, when we are still hesitant, but I do not know it has quietly leave. When we struggle to wake up in the confused hesitation, but found it was dark, belong to our vigorous youth day has become the dust of history.
Maybe in a few years, we look back on the past, only to find the night fog has lifted the dawn. But when you have too much time to waste?
The stage of life, whether you like it or not, we have to stop our unique interpretation of life on the stage. You can not get out of the maze, walk on the road, but also find export.
Their way of life to choose right, do not let the night lost myself, believe that the dawn, they will find the way home. My life I call the shots, to choose their own way to go, is to choose their own future.


It is a trend in China to by things look nice, especially when people decide to buy something as a gift for their friends. Doing so has automatically triggered a rapid development in packaging industry, but also caused a huge waste in our national resourses. A good example is buy a bag of Chinese tea, the tea itself may cost more than 500CNY but it includes nearly 200CNY for the package. Does it mean high quality when you buy a goods in a posh case, the answer is 'perhaps'. 'Perhaps' here means 50% of a chance to buy something realy good and another 50% of the chance is to buy something crap or of my friends bought a bottle of Maotai for 1800CNY, he was absolutely embarassed to find it to be water in it in front of his invited guests. It is crazy. Things have become so expensive and so well packed that many companies produce crap products play the same trick. We should criticize the manufacture that produce crap and fake goods, but those companies that charge their customers a large amount of money just for the package should be praised? No. As customers, we need to think about the question: why do we have to chase the superfacial things when we buy things? Why do we have to buy friends expensive gifts? Are a notebook computer, an I-phone and electronics really something we have to buy as gifts to someone? Can we not change our ways to show our love to your beloved ones just with an item suitable instead of telling them how much money it is worth? If we make a statistics in our population, it is easy to find out that 99% of the people would express their hatred for bribery and corrupted officials. However, how many of us have ever asked ourselves a question like 'What I have done in the past year that has promoted corruptions in our country?' (by ztlthb)


If the Dream is Big EnoughI used to watch her from mykitchenwindow, she seemed so small as she 1)muscled her way throughthecrowd of boys on the playground. The school was across thestreetfrom our home and I would often watch the kids as theyplayedduring recess. A sea of children, and yet to me, she stoodout fromthem all.I remr the first day I saw her playing ed in wonder as she ran circles around the other aged to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into boys always tried to stop her but no one could.I begantonotice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing ld practice 2)dribbling and shooting over and overagain,sometimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practicedsomuch. She looked directly in my eyes and without a momentofhesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way Icango is if I get a scholarship. I like basketball. I decided thatifI were good enough, I would get a scholarship. I am going toplaycollege basketball. I want to be the best. My Daddy told me ifthedream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” Then she smiledandran towards the court to 3)recap the routine I had seen overandover , I had to give it to her—she was ed her through those junior high years and into week, she led her 4)varsity team to day inhersenior year, I saw her sitting in the grass, head cradled inherarms. I walked across the street and sat down in the coolgrassbeside her. Quietly I asked what was wrong. “Oh, nothing,”came asoft reply. “I am just too short.” The coach told her that at5’5”she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team—muchless offered a scholarship—so she should stop was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tightenas Isensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to herdadabout it lifted her head from her hands and told methather father said those coaches were wrong. They just didnotunderstand the power of a dream. He told her that if shereallywanted to play for a good college, if she truly wantedascholarship, that nothing could stop her except one thing — herownattitude. He told her again, “If the dream is big enough, thefactsdon’t count.”The next year, as she and her team went totheNorthern California Championship game, she was seen by acollege5)recruiter. She was indeed offered a scholarship, a fullride, toa Division I, 6)NCAA women’s basketball team. She was goingto getthe college education that she had dreamed of and workedtoward forall those ’s true: If the dream is big enough,the factsdon’t count.












我们的人生会经历很多不一样的事情,下面是我为大家提供的一次难忘的经历 英语 作文 范文 ,希望对你有帮助。


I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I dwill never forget it for ever. An Unforgettable Travel My families plan to visit the interesting place p of are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city. This is the trip l never forget.


This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.

After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.

In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.

Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday. summer, I went to Beidaihe for my holiday with my family. We took a train because the way is not far. We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea . We stayed there for three days.

The first day, we went for a walk along the seaside, and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there. The second day, we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes. I was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends. The last day, we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives. They acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy.

It’s a very good journey, and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days. If I have another holiday, I will go there again.


This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.

After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.

In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.

Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.

难忘的经历英语作文范文500词相关 文章 :

1. 关于难忘的经历英语作文

2. 初中难忘的经历的英语作文

3. 难忘的经历英语作文

4. 令我难忘的一件事英语作文

5. 难忘的一件事英语作文5篇

6. 难忘的经历英语作文200字

7. 一件难忘的事英语作文5篇

8. 难忘的一件事英语作文4篇

9. 春节难忘经历英语作文八十字以上

