Composite Materials (Composite materials), is based on a matrix material (Matrix), a material for the reinforcement (reinforcement) material combination. Performance on a variety of materials in each other, creating synergies, so that the integrated performance of composite materials than the original composition of material to meet a variety of different requirements. Matrix material is divided into two major categories of metal and non-metallic. Commonly used in metal matrix aluminum, magnesium, copper, titanium and its alloys. Mainly non-metallic matrix of synthetic resin, rubber, ceramics, graphite, carbon and so on. Main reinforcement glass fiber, carbon fiber, boron fiber, aramid fiber, silicon carbide fibers, asbestos fibers, whiskers, wires and other fine-grained and hard.
The use of composite materials can be traced back to ancient history. From ancient times to enhance the use of straw and clay for centuries has been the use of reinforced concrete formed by the two types of composite materials. The 20th century, 40's, due to the needs of the aviation industry, the development of glass fiber reinforced plastic (commonly known as glass fiber reinforced plastic), a composite material from the name. After the 50's, have developed a carbon fiber, graphite fibers and boron fibers high strength and high modulus fibers. 70's a aramid fiber and silicon carbide fiber. These high-strength, high modulus fibers with synthetic resin, carbon, graphite, ceramic, rubber and other non-metallic substrate or aluminum, magnesium, titanium and other metal matrix composites, which constitute the composite material features.
[Edit this paragraph] Classification
Is a mixture of composite materials. Composite materials into their component metals and metal composites, non-metallic composite materials and metals, non-metallic and non-metallic composite materials. According to their structural characteristics are divided into: ① fiber composite materials. Body will be placed in a variety of fiber-reinforced matrix--《复合材料学报》2004年05期
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