

发布时间:2023-02-11 01:41


Sensors & Transducers is established, international, peer-reviewed, open access journal (print and electronic). It provides the best platform for the researchers and scientist worldwide to exchange their latest findings and results in science and technology of physical, chemical sensors and biosensors. The journal publishes original results of scientific and research works related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of sensors: reviews, regular research and application specific papers, and short notes. In comparison with other sensors related journals, which are mainly focused on technological aspects and sensing principles, the Sensors & Transducers journal significantly contributes in areas, which are not adequately addressed in other journals, namely: frequency (period), duty-cycle, time-interval, PWM, phase-shift, pulse number output sensors and transducers; sensor systems; digital, smart, intelligent sensors and systems designs; signal processing and ADC in sensor systems; advanced sensor fusion; sensor networks; applications, etc. By this way the journal significantly enriches the appropriate databases of knowledge.


Sensors & Transducers journal has a very high publicity. It is indexed and abstracted very quickly by Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO Publishing, IndexCopernicus Journals Master List (ICV=6.13 in 2011), Open J-Gate, ProQuest Science Journals, CAS Source Index (CASSI), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Scirus, Google Scholar, Academic Journal Catalogue (AJC), Knowledge Hub (K-Hub), etc. Since 2011 to 2014 Sensors & Transducers journal was covered and indexed by EI Compendex (CPX) index (including a Scopus, Embase, Engineering Village and Reaxys) in Elsevier products. The journal is included in the IFSA List of Recommended Journals(up-dated 9.12.2014), which contains only the best, established sensors related journals. The universal impact factor (UIF) is 0.3529 (2013), and global Impact Factor of the journal is 0.705 (2013).

Sensors and Transducers Journal是不是已经被从EI踢出来了

Aim and Scope

Sensors & Transducers is established, international, peer-reviewed, open access journal (print and electronic). It provides the best platform for the researchers and scientist worldwide to exchange their latest findings and results in science and technology of physical, chemical sensors and biosensors. The journal publishes original results of scientific and research works related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of sensors: reviews, regular research and application specific papers, and short notes. In comparison with other sensors related journals, which are mainly focused on technological aspects and sensing principles, the Sensors & Transducers journal significantly contributes in areas, which are not adequately addressed in other journals, namely: frequency (period), duty-cycle, time-interval, PWM, phase-shift, pulse number output sensors and transducers; sensor systems; digital, smart, intelligent sensors and systems designs; signal processing and ADC in sensor systems; advanced sensor fusion; sensor networks; applications, etc. By this way the journal significantly enriches the appropriate databases of knowledge.


Sensors & Transducers journal has a very high publicity. It is indexed and abstracted very quickly by Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO Publishing, IndexCopernicus Journals Master List (ICV=6.13 in 2011), Open J-Gate, ProQuest Science Journals, CAS Source Index (CASSI), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Scirus, Google Scholar, Academic Journal Catalogue (AJC), Knowledge Hub (K-Hub), etc. Since 2011 to 2014 Sensors & Transducers journal was covered and indexed by EI Compendex (CPX) index (including a Scopus, Embase, Engineering Village and Reaxys) in Elsevier products


无机材料学报 、复合材料学报 、材料研究学报 、高分子材料科学与工程稀有金属材料与工程材料热处理学报、 材料科学与工艺等。







