

发布时间:2023-02-18 04:27


1.宇宙创生新探索,《自然辩证法研究》,1992;⑴。2.宇宙的耗散结构模式探索,《自然辩证法研究》1993;⑸。3.时空稳定性及其哲学思考,《科学技术与辩证法》(山西) 1993;14.宇宙耗散结构模式科学前提的探索,《自然辩证法研究》,1993;⑺.为中国人民大学书报资料中心,复印报刊资料《自然辩证法B2》1993;5。全文转载。5.论宇宙创生的物质性——评量子宇宙学模型,《云南社会科学》1993;⑵。为人大《自然辩证法B2》1993;⑹全文复印。收入吴中平主编:《中国“八五”科学技术成果选》(第一卷)科学出版社龙门书局,1996年。6.非线性、混沌与宇宙的有限无限问题,《自然辩证法研究》,1994;⑷。为人大复印资料《自然辩证法B2》1994;5全文转载。7.物质可分性新探讨,《自然辩证法研究》,1994;⑻。为人大复印资料《自然辩证法B2》,1994;5全文转载。8.现代宇宙学进展及展望,《大自然探索》(原自然科学学术季刊)1993;⑷。9.试论微观物质开放性及其对物质可分性的影响,《科学技术与辩证法》,1996;⑴。10.超弦理论及其开放性、可分性与“观察者”问题,《云南社会科学》,1996;⑹。为人大复印资料《科学技术哲学B2》,1997;3全文复印。11.从微观物质开放角度审视EPR佯谬,《科学技术与辩证法》,1997;⑴。12.试论物质可分无限性与宇宙无限性的统一,《河北师大学报》(哲社版)。1997;2。为中国人民大学复印资料《哲学原理》,1997;613.“开放”初探,《哲学动态》,1997;⑺。14.后现代科学可以成立吗?《河北师范大学报》(哲社版),1998;⑷。为《新华文摘》1999;⑶转载。为中国人民大学《科学技术哲学B2》1999;⑴全文复印。15.试论科学的合法性,《学习与探索》,2000;⑵为中国人民大学《科学技术哲学B2》2000;7全文转载。《光明日报》2000年6月15日转摘。16.开放论何以可能?《学术界》,2000;⑹。为人大复印资料《科学技术哲学》2001;⑴全文转载。17.论知识的客观性,《科学学与科学技术管理》,2000;⑹。18.论科技成果转化的概念、评价与复杂性,《自然辩证法研究》,2000;⑼;19.走向开放实在,《科学技术与辩证法》,2000;⑸;20.现代科学技术与后现代知识,《华南理工大学学报(社科版)》,2001;⑴。为中国人民大学《科学技术哲学》2001;⑻全文转载。21.专业镇——一种新型乡镇经济发展模式,《科技导报》,2001;⑸;为中国人民大学复印资料《乡镇企业??民营经济》2001,⑻全文转载。22.主体间性与客观性,《科学技术与辩证法》,2001;⑹:23.中小企业网络的方法论意义:基于复杂系统的分析.《自然辩证法研究》,2001;⑾。24.论知识的不确定性,学习与探索,2002;⑴。为中国人民大学《科学技术哲学》2002;4全文转载。该文成为:中央广播电视大学2003—2004学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试(2200试卷代号:2200)(行政管理、物业管理专业文秘管理与应用写作试题)的学术范文,进行有关分析。 Wu,The Emergent Mechanism of Industry-University Cooperation,The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernatics and Informatics. July 27-30,2003,Orlando,Florida,USA. Proceedings,Volume XⅥ。26.物质可分无限性再思考。《自然辩证法研究》,2004,⑶。27.试论产学合作的复杂性、生成性系统干预及其方法论原则。华南理工大学学报(社科版)》,2005,⑴。28.论技术本身的要素、复杂性与本质,《河北师范大学学报(社科版)》,2005,⑷。全文收入陈凡主编《2005年技术与哲学研究》(第二卷),辽宁人民出版社,2006年。29.量子信息的本质探究,《科学技术与辩证法》,2005,⑹30.量子纠缠及其哲学意义,《自然辩证法研究》,2005,⑺. 为人大复印资料《科学技术哲学》2005⑽全文转载。《中国社会科学文摘》,2005年第5期第190页收录。该文还受到美国John Templeton 基金会的重视,该会秘书长Jean Staune博士专程(2006年7月)到广州市访问与讨论。31.科学发展观的语义分析,《华南理工大学学报(社科版)》,2006,⑸32.量子非定域性及其哲学意义,《哲学研究》,2006,⑼。33.量子信息哲学正在兴起,《哲学动态》,2006,⑽。为人大复印资料《科学技术哲学》,2007年第1期全文转载。34.计算复杂性、量子计算及其哲学意义,《自然辩证法研究》,2007,⑴。35.量子控制的基本概念及其哲学意义,《科学技术与辩证法》,2007,⑸。36.计算机本身的后现象学研究,载《技术哲学研究年鉴(2007年卷)》,大连理工大学出版社,2008年。37.现象学的现象与量子现象的相遇,《自然辩证法研究》,2008,⑸。Encounter Between Phenomenological Phenomena and Quantum Phenomena。中国人民大学报刊资料《科学技术哲学》2008年第7期P.42-47全文转载。


主要论文:1.LIU Ying, LI Yuanyuan, LI Wei. Formability of stamping magnesium-alloy ZE10 magnesium alloy sheet [J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2007, 25 (8): 480-4842.刘英,李元元,李卫. AZ31及ZE10镁合金板拉胀复合成形的试验研究 [J].特种铸造与有色合金,2006,26 (5):270-2723. 刘英,李元元,陈维平,张大童,李卫. ZE10镁合金板的超塑变形行为 [J]. 华南理工大学学报,2006,7:17-204. Liu Ying,Chen Weiping, Zhang Weiwen, Zhang Datong, Li Yuanyuan. Effects of RE on the Microstructure and Properties of Hot-extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy [J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2004, 4: 527-5325. 刘英,陈维平,张卫文,朱权利,赵海东. 等通道转角挤压对AZ31镁合金组织和性能的影响 [J]. 华南理工大学学报,2004,9:50-546. 刘英,陈维平,张大童,张卫文,李元元, 不同路径对ECAP挤压AZ31镁合金的组织和性能的影响 [J]. 华南理工大学学报,2004,10:10-147. Liu Ying, Li Yuanyuan, Zhang Datong, NGAI Tungwai Leo, Chen Weiping. Microstructure and properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy prepared by hot extrusion from machined Chips [J]. Tsansactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2002, 5:882-885 . 承担课题:  2005.1~2006.12,广东省自然科学基金项目,等通道转角挤压技术制备的超细晶镁合金的组织性能研究, 主持  2005.10~2007.10,广东省金属新材料制备与成形重点实验室开放基金,镁合金板材的强韧化技术研究, 主持  所授课程:  《材料加工原理》、《材料加工技术》、《模具设计》、《金属材料》等专业课程


出版专著庞素琳. 《信用评价及股市预测模型研究及应用――统计学、神经网络及支持向量机方法》. 北京:科学出版社,2005年(专著)已发表和录用的杂志论文庞素琳,王燕鸣. 含违约风险参量的信贷决策模型及机制分析. 系统工程理论与实践, 2008Sulin Pang, Feiqi Deng, Xuerong Mao. Asymptotic properties of stochastic population dynamics. Dynemics of continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, (to appear)Sulin Pang, Feiqi Deng, Xuerong Mao. Almost sure and moment exponential stability of numerical methods for linear hybrid stochastic differential equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2008庞素琳. 存在拖欠还款概率影响的信贷风险决策机制. 系统工程理论与实践,2007Sulin Pang, Feiqi Deng, Yanming Wang. A comparison of forecasting models of the volatility on Shenzhen stock market. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2007.庞素琳. Logistic回归模型在信用风险分析中的应用. 数学的实践与认识, 2006庞素琳,徐建闽,黎荣舟. BP算法和对称ARCH类模型在深圳股市波动预测中的实证比较. 控制理论与应用,2006庞素琳,王燕鸣. 判别分析模型在信用评价中的应用. 南方经济,2006Shaobo Liu, Sulin Pang. Comparison of BP algorithm and asymmetrical ARCH model for fluctuation prediction of Shanghai stock market. Intelligent and Complex Systems, DCDIS Proceedings, 2006庞素琳,黎荣舟. 规避道德风险的信贷风险决策合同模型分析. 系统工程理论与实践, 2005庞素琳. 概率神经网络信用评价模型研究. 系统工程理论与实践, Pang, Jie Huang and Yuanhuai Bai, Robust output regulation of singular nonlinear systems via nonlinear internal model. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2005Sulin Pang, Bijun Hu and Yuanhuai Bai. Application of fuzzy cluster analysis in credit scoring. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2005庞素琳,黎荣舟,徐建闽. BP算法信用风险评价模型及分析. 控制理论与应用,2005Sulin Pang and Jie Xiao. Analysis and forecasting to stock pricing using Logistic regression model. Intelligent and Complex Systems, DCDIS Proceedings, 2004庞素琳, 黎荣舟, 柏元淮. 信贷风险决策问题的一种相互逼近算法. 数学的实践与认识, 2004庞素琳, 王燕鸣,罗育中. 多层感知器信用评价模型及预警研究. 数学的实践与认识,2003Sulin Pang, Yanming Wang, Feiqi Deng, Yongqing Liu. Analysis on the credit-risk decision model with imperfect information. Intelligent and Complex Systems, DCDIS Proceedings, 2003庞素琳, 王燕鸣,黎荣舟. 基于BP算法的信用风险评价模型研究. 数学的实践与认识,2003庞素琳,王燕鸣. 多层感知器信用评价模型研究. 中山大学学报,2003黎荣舟, 庞素琳, 徐建闽,罗伟其. 不对称信息条件下抵押品的信号作用分析. 系统工程理论与实践,2003Yanming Wang, Sulin Pang. Solubility of finite groups admitting a fixed-point-free operator group. Publicationes Mathematicae. 2002Sulin Pang, Yanming Liu,Y. Wang and H. Yao. The decision mechanism of credit risk for banks on fixed interest rate with imperfect information. System Engineering & Electronic Technology, 2001庞素琳,黎荣舟,刘永清,徐建闽. 基于信息不对称的银行信贷风险决策机制及分析(1)— 信贷风险决策模型. 系统工程理论与实践, 2001庞素琳,刘永清,徐建闽,黎荣舟. 基于信息不对称的银行信贷风险决策机制及分析(2)— 信贷风险决策机制. 系统工程理论与实践, 2001班桂宁,庞素琳,赵啸海. Baer条件对群的影响. 数学研究与评论, 2001庞素琳,黎荣舟,刘永清. 个人资产合理化的灰色层次关联评判模型及其应用. 系统工程理论与实践,2000庞素琳,黎荣舟,刘永清,郭旭芬. 不完全信息下银行信贷风险的决策机制. 华南理工大学学报,1999Giuning Ban, Sulin Pang. A Note on the groups that are automorphism groups. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1999Shirong Li, Sulin Pang. Classification of finite Groups whose cyclic subgroups of composite order aAre subnormal. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1998已发表的国际会议论文Xu Luo, Sulin Pang and Rongqiu Li. The Combination of Rival Penalized Competitive Learning and Self-Organizing Map in a Class of Data Clustering, IEEE Int. Conference Neural Networks & Signal Processing, Pang. Credit risk Evaluation Model Based on Self-Organizing Competitive Network. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,2007 .Le Lei, Sulin Pang. An Empirical Research on the Chinese stock market based on VaR, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation Pang. Approach of credit Evaluation based on support vector machine. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, Part 1, Tang, Sulin Pang. Prediction for the chaotic time series of Chinese stock market. intelligent and complex systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, Pang. Credit evaluation model and applications based on probabilistic neural network. Computational Intelligence and Security (International Conference, CIS 2005, China), Proceedings, ou Cao, Sulin Pang, Yuanhuai Bai. Forecasting exchange rate using support vector machines. The International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, China, Ruan, Sulin Pang, Weiqi Luo, The multifratal structure analysis in China stock market. The International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, China, Pang. Credit scoring model based on radial function network. IEEE Int. Workshop VLSI Design & Video Tech, Pang. An application of Logistic model in stock forecasting. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, China, 2004Sulin Pang, Yanming Wang,Yuanhuai Bai. Credit scoring model based on miltilayer perceptron. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International symposium on Intelligent Control, USA, g Luo, Sulin Pang, Shenshan Qiu. Fuzzy cluster in credit scoring. The International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xian, China, Pang, Yuanhuai Bai and Yuzhong Lou. Radial basis function network in credit scoring for listed companies. Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Pang, Yanming Wang, Yuanhuai Bai and Rongzhou Li. Credit-risk decision model and credit rationing with imperfect information. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Alaska, USA, Pang, Yanming Wang,Yuanhuai Bai. Credit scoring model based on neural network. The International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, China, ou Li, Sulin Pang, Jianming Xu. Neural network credit-risk evaluation model based on back-propagation algorithm. The International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, China, Pang, Yanming Wang, Shaobo Liu, Xinzheng Zhang. The design on credit decision mechanism (CDM) from opportunity benefit. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Shanghai, China, Pang, Yanming Wang, Yuanhuai Bai, Rongzhou Li. Mutual approximation algorithm on credit decision-making including private information parameter. The 2002 International Conference on Control and Automation. Xiamen, Pang, Yongqing Liu and Rongzhou Li. The decision mechanism of bank’s credit risk based on information asymmetry. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Chicago, USA, Pang, Yongqing Liu and Rongzhou Li. The optimal design on the decision mechanism of credit risk for bank with imperfect information. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation, Hefei, China, 2000.


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