作者:Shi H B, Chen Z, Li G, et al.
文题:Research on Short-Circuit Current of Wind Power System and its Impact on Relay Protection
期刊:Advanced Materials Research. 2015, 1070: 258-263.
Wind energy is clean and renewable energy with rich resources. As one of the most promising green energy, wind power has become an important part of the electricity supply. But there are still many technical problems to be solved related to wind power generation and integration, because it may have significant impact on safe and stable operation of the power grid. Therefore, the doubly-fed wind generator and direct-driven permanent-magnet wind power generator are studied. Their models are built in PSCAD/EMTDC for electromagnetic transient simulation, in order to study the characteristics of their short circuit fault current, as well as the impact on the relay protection of the wind power system. The research outcomes provide a reference and basis to wind power failure characteristics research.
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