

发布时间:2023-02-21 19:35


  在整个金融分析的框架中,不确定性概念的引入是具有重大作用的。最早Kenes(1936)和Hicks(1939)提出了风险补偿的概念,认为由于金融产品中的不确定性的存在,应该对不同金融产品在利率中附加一定的风险补偿。随后,Von Neumann(1947)应用预期效用的概念提出了解决在不确定性条件下的决策选择的方法,在此基础上Markowiz(1952)发展起了证券组合理论,他认为投资者选择证券组合时关注的只是未来现金流的均值与方差。他假设投资者的预期效用符合二次分布或者是多项式分布。Markowiz的主要研究结论是在不确定的前提下,最优的投资决策是分散化持有。Tobin(1958)认为投资者出于自身流动性偏好的不同选择收益与风险的均衡。这进一步完善了证券组合选择理论的框架。
  以CAPM为代表的资产定价模型,为资产定价提供了一个简洁的计算方法,并且得到了一些在实证方面的研究的支持(Fama and Macbeth,1973),但是对现实中的一些异常现象仍然缺少有效的解释能力,Brennan(1989)认为CAPM是建立在所有投资者对投资的预期与风险都具有共同的估计与判断,并且所有投资者的效用函数一致的假设基础之上,这一假设与现实不一致,这是导致CAPM对一些现实问题缺少解释力的根本原因。以后正是对这些假设的质疑,推动了信息不对称概念的提出与研究。
  金融分析研究的另外一个重要领域是公司财务管理,主要研究公司在投资决策中的有关负债与权益比例选择、公司的红利政策等问题。最早这方面的研究成果由Modigliani和Miller(1958)作出,他们的研究显示,在完全市场中(没有市场摩擦与信息不对称存在)公司的价值与公司的负债比率无关(M-M定理)。类似的研究结论还有,公司的价值与公司的利润分配政策无关。显而易见,这些研究结论与现实中的事实不符。依据M-M定理的结论,公司在利润分配时,由于派发现金红利会有现金流出,公司将更愿意选择股份回购的政策,而不是红利政策,而在现实中,许多公司更愿意选择分红而不是股份回购,这一现象被Black(1976)称为“公司红利的困惑(Dividend Puzzle)”,对此Miller(1977)所能给出的解释是,M-M定理的结论之所以与现实不同在于税收与所谓的破产成本对财务结构的影响,是由于一定的负债可以使公司达到税收减免的作用,另外由于对高负债率公司存在着破产的风险,所以负债率对公司股票价值存在影响,Miller以及其他的学者对这些财务问题做出的解释总体来说都不很令人满意,直到后来引入不对称信息以后,似乎才对这些问题的解释取得了突破。
  关于公司红利决策的困惑引起了许多学者的关注,除了以上提到的公司更愿意支付红利而不愿意将利润用于股份回购的异常现象之外,Lintner(1957)还发现公司在进行红利决策时,由于受累进税制的影响,更愿意使各年的红利平滑些,所以公司每年的红利波动要远远小于股票价值波动,有关税收减免的理论解释较为理想,并且在以后被许多学者用实证方法证实了这一现象的存在(例如:Fama and Babiak,1968)。但是税收效应并没有很好解释公司为什么更愿意支付红利的困惑。
  最早Miller(1961)注意到红利可能是向投资者揭示公司发展前景的信号,但是直到Bhattacharya(1979)才应用博弈论方法建立起了红利模型,Bhattaeharya成为第一个将博弈论引入金融分析的学者,Bhattacharya认为公司的管理者对公司投资项目的前景与其他普通投资者相比具有信息方面的优势,管理者通过公司的尽可能高的红利向普通投资者传递信息,如果公司红利水平高意味着公司投资项目的未来前景好,而对于无法支付高额红利的公司将不得不向银行贷款,从而担负过高的财务成本。以后许多学者在此基础上对模型又进行了一个改造(Miller and Rock,1985;John and Williams,1985)。但是仍有学者质疑认为,按照以上模型认为只有在公司需要为新项目向市场融资时,才有积极性支付高水平的红利,但事实上模型的红利支付水平并不受公司是否有新项目的影响。也就是说,上面的信号模型不能很好解释红利的平滑性。为此,Kumar(t988)发展出了一个粗糙信号(Coarse Signaling)模型,其结论认为公司在一定的利润范围内会支付同样水平的红利,直到公司的利润水平超出了这一范围,公司管理者才会调整红利支付水平。红利信号模型的另外一个问题是,公司为什么愿意支付红利,而不是股票回购。Ofer和Thakor(1987),Barclay和Smith(1988)用逆向选择原理解释了这一现象,他们认为公司更愿意在市场上自己股票被低估时回购股票,所以回购股票行为向市场传达了股票价值被低估的信号,所以会引起股票价值的上涨,从而使公司支付了额外的成本,而用红利分配利润不存在这一逆向选择问题。
  最早Ross(1977)建立了一个公司负债决策的博弈模型,其中公司通过负债率向资本市场传递公司未来经营前景的信息,由于高负债率可能导致公司破产的风险加大,而一旦公司破产将为公司的经营者带来损失,所以只有公司管理者对公司未来的现金收益乐观时才会在资本结构决策时选择贷款,提高负债率。而前景乐观的公司提高负债率的决策是前景悲观的公司所无法模仿的,所以对资本市场来说,高负债率是公司发展前景乐观的信号。随后在Myers(1984)的模型中,认为如果管理者在公司项目发展需要融资时,如果管理者认为目前市场上自己公司股票价值被市场高估了,会选择通过发行股票的直接融资方式,而如果管理者认为公司股票价值被低估了,就会选择贷款等间接融资方式,所以说公司增加发行股票向资本市场传递的是公司目前股票价值被高估的信号。Myers认为经营者在面对新项目需要投资时首先选择的是用自身盈利积累完成投资,其次是选择贷款等间接融资方式,最后才会选择发行股票的融资方式,这被称之为“融资顺序理论(Pecking order theory of finance)”。
  Crossman和Harl(19803研究了在公司收购过程中存在所谓的“免费搭车问题(Free Rider Problem)”,他们认为当收购方发现一个目标公司的运营效率低下,而决定收购目标公司时,面对外部的标购,原有的股东知道收购者通过收购后公司在新的经营者经营下,效率会提高,所以会自发抵制收购,等待收购价格的升高,直到收购价格升高到在新经营者的经营水平下的合理的价格时,原有股东才会出售手中股票。考虑到收购方在收购过程中搜集信息、组织收购是有成本的,所以采用标购行为实际上为收购方带来了损失。Shleifer和Vishny(1986)认为,如果收购方在标购目标公司以前就已经持有了目标公司的一定股票,可以解决上述“搭车问题”的困惑,收购方可以用自己手中股票的增值弥补收购带来的损失。然而Shleifer和Vishny的结论并没有在实证中得到证实,反而Desai和Kim(1988)的实证结果认为大多数的收购方在标购前并没有持有目标公司的股票。
  Grossman和stiglitz(1980)最早将非合作不对称信息的概念引入资产定价领域的研究中,建立了所谓资产定价的理性预期均衡理论,他们认为资本市场中的每个参与者都从市场价格的变化中获得信息(所谓的学习过程),并且每个参与者的行为不会对市场价格构成影响。在80年代初期这一理论成果主要用于解释公司财务方面的问题,直到Kyle(1985)以及Kyle和Milgrom(1985)研究做市商制度下的价格形成机制的成果出现以后,不对称信息对资产价格的影响才越来越多地引起人们关注,以后在Kyle Milgrom框架的基础上出现了大量的研究成果。由于在这一框架下的价格决定机制不同于Modigliani Miller的市场均衡机制,是通过研究具体市场条件下的资产价格形成机制,所以常常将这部分研究成果称为市场微观结构理论。
  Kyle研究了在做市商制度下证券市场的价格形成机制,在Kyle的模型中,市场由三类参与者构成:风险中性的做市商、噪音交易者和信息交易者,噪音交易者出于自己的流动性需求进入市场交易,信息交易者根据自己的信息交易,为了最大化自己的利益,信息交易者选择自己在市场上的交易数量。与Kyle不同之处在于,Milgrom建立的序贯交易模型(Sequential Trade Model)中交易者每次交易的数量都是固定的,即每次都只能买入或卖出一个单位的资产,做市商根据交易指令的类型来设定买卖价差,在均衡条件下,由于有竞争做市商的存在,买入报价是做市商收到卖出指令时关于资产价值的条件期望值,卖出报价是做市商收到买入交易指令时关于资产价值的条件期望值,因而交易者的交易指令将促使做市商调整其买卖报价,这种调整从本质上是一种贝叶斯学习过程。


  The development of modern finance
  First, the financial problem of the uncertainty
  (A) the uncertainty of the field in the application of asset pricing
  1. Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model
  In the framework of the financial analysis, introduction of the concept of uncertainty is a major role. First Kenes (1936) and Hicks (1939) proposed the concept of risk compensation that the financial products in the presence of uncertainty, should interest rates in different financial products in compensation for additional risks. Subsequently, Von Neumann (1947) applied the concept of expected utility of the proposed settlement in the decision-making under uncertainty in the method chosen, on this basis Markowiz (1952) developed a portfolio theory, he thought when investors choose portfolio concerned only with future cash flow of the mean and variance. He assumed that the expected utility of investors consistent with secondary distribution or multinomial distribution. Markowiz The main conclusions are subject to uncertainty, optimal decision-making is a diversified investment holding. Tobin (1958) that investor liquidity preferences for their own benefits and risks of different options for the balance. This further improved the framework of portfolio choice theory.
  In the field of asset pricing model is another well-known theory of capital pricing model (CAPM), Sharp (1994) and Lintner (1995) using the formula succinctly expressed the portfolio value and risk-free interest rate and the level of risk assets, the relationship between . Black (1972) introduced even in the non-risk assets zones remained the case, Sharp and the CAPM formula is still valid, just without the risk of interest rates are including the entire market on all assets of the portfolio rate of return instead of the 预期. Contemporary with the CAPM model of the asset pricing model also Ross (1977) arbitrage pricing model (APT) and Lucas (1978) the typical agent asset pricing model.
  Represented by CAPM asset pricing model for asset pricing provides a simple method of calculation, and obtain some support from empirical studies (Fama and Macbeth, 1973), but in reality some of the anomalies is still a lack of effective explanatory power, Brennan (1989) that the CAPM is based on the expectations of all investors in the investment and risk are common in estimates and judgments, and all investors the same utility function based on the assumption that this assumption is inconsistent with the reality This is leading to some practical problems CAPM on the root causes of the lack of explanatory power. It is beyond doubt on these assumptions, to promote the introduction of the concept of asymmetric information and research.
  2. Market efficiency hypothesis
  Market efficiency hypothesis that in a perfectly competitive market, there is no asymmetric information and market frictions affect the future earnings of the average investment risk is different. 60s in the 20th century a large number of research workers on the market efficiency hypothesis was tested, Fama (1973) through empirical tests on the U.S. stock market, that the efficient market hypothesis holds, but many researchers found that in the market, There are many market efficiency hypothesis or CAPM model can not explain the abnormal phenomenon. For example, Basu (1977) found that the average earnings assets, in addition to the β coefficient of the CAPM, but also with the price earnings ratio of assets (P / E ratio) is related to the same β coefficient, the higher the price earnings ratio stocks (growth stocks) better than the market price of the low price earnings ratio of stocks (value stocks); Benz (1981) found that the market price of the stock with the size of the listed company; Stattman (1980) found that stock prices and the ratio of book value (P / B ratio) is also an important factor affecting stock prices. Fama and French (1993) On the basis of the above three-factor model proposed that the impact of asset prices in the β factors, joined the P / E ratio and P / B ratio factor.
  The interpretation of these anomalies, the efficient market hypothesis seems powerless, someone had tried the "January effect" to the end of Shuishou interpreted as the impact of outflow, but in the United Kingdom, Australia, the annual revenue of the country is not in December, there are still "in January effect "can not be explained. Some scholars from a psychological perspective to explain these anomalies, such as, Dreman (1982) the stock price P / E ratio effect interpreted as the investor always overestimate growth stocks with high growth, leading to market high P / E ratio of stock market was overvalued, that it is a reason for low stock returns.
  3. Continuous time model
  In asset pricing theory is another important assumption: stock market is always in a continuous process, under this assumption, Merton (1969,1971) to develop instantaneous CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM), the same information symmetry, frictionless market, asset price changes in line with Ito process under these conditions, asset prices and investor preference for independent effectiveness. In subsequent studies Merton (1973) and Black (1973) The application of these continuous-time model has been successful in the option pricing formula, the formula was later confirmed that a large number of empirical studies and has been widely applied in practice.
  (B) the uncertainty of financial management in the company of
  Financial analysis is another important area of financial management, major research firms in the investment decision-making in the proportion of the debt and equity options, the company's dividend policy and other issues. Results of the first studies in this area by the Modigliani and Miller (1958) made their study shows that full market (no market frictions and asymmetric information exists) the value of the company has nothing to do with the company's debt ratio (MM theorem). A similar study concludes that the value of the company's profit distribution policy has nothing to do. Obviously, these research findings and practical in reality. MM theorem based on the conclusions in the distribution of profits, due to the cash outflow will be sent found Jinhong Li, the Company repurchased shares will be more willing to choose policies, rather than the dividend policy, in reality, many companies prefer to dividends rather than Share buy-back, this phenomenon is Black (1976) referred to as "Company dividend puzzle (Dividend Puzzle)", which Miller (1977) can give the explanation, MM theorem conclusion is that the reason and the reality of different tax and the so-called bankruptcy costs on the financial structure is the result of certain liabilities of the company can achieve the role of tax relief, another company because of the existence of high debt ratio risk of bankruptcy, so the debt ratio to the value of existing shares affected, Miller and Other scholars make on these financial problems are not very satisfactory interpretation of the whole until later after the introduction of asymmetric information, it seems Caidui explain these issues to achieve a breakthrough.
  As mentioned above, some of the phenomena of reality is difficult to simply use the uncertainty (risk) to get a satisfactory explanation, it is in the research of these issues raises the question of asymmetric information on financial concerns, plus last 60 years in the 20th century to game theory, represented a breakthrough in the information economy research methods, leading many scholars to the financial problems of asymmetric information in the study achieved a lot, especially the use of asymmetric information can explain a lot of perfectly the financial structure issues. Following is an overview of this still results in two parts, first in the results of financial decision-making, followed by the asset pricing results.
  (A) asymmetric information in corporate financial management application


Finance and Economics; 财经;
Canada's housing market; 加拿大的住宅市场;
Time for a bigger needle; 该出手时就出手;
The latest attempt to prick a bubble;戳破泡沫的最新举措;
Canada's reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banksgot through the crisis unscathed. According to Moody's, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canadasits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadianpolicymakers are old hands at pulling “macroprudential” levers of the sort now in vogue amongrich-world central banks.
But questions still nag. Some say that Canada's banks are flattered by a huge indemnity offeredby Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC), a public institution that insures mortgages witha loan-to-value ratio of more than 80%. CHMC's book grew to 567 billion Canadian Dollar(557 billion Dollar) in 2011, up from 345 billion Canadian Dollar four years earlier. And Canada'shousing market looks very frothy on some measures: The Economist's analysis of price-to-rentratios suggests that Canadian properties were about 75% above their long-run “fair value” in thefirst quarter of 2012 (see chart). Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are in arrears, such exuberance is a worry. The central bank recently labelled housing as “the most importantdomestic risk to financial stability in Canada”.
但是,仍有问题缠身。部分人士认为,加拿大的银行被加拿大抵押和住房公司(CMHC)提供的巨额补偿金美化了,CMHC是一家为贷款估值比率超过80%的抵押贷款提供保险的公共机构。在2011年,CHMC的抵押贷款额从四年前的3450亿增长到了5670亿加元(合5570亿美元)。并且,从一些指标来看,加拿大的房地产充斥着泡沫:《经济学人》以房价租金比所做的分析显示,在2012年第一季度,加拿大的物业价格高出它们的长期公允价值75%。纵然仅有低于0.5%的CHMC抵押贷款存在拖欠的情况,但这样的繁荣仍让人忧虑。最近,央行也冠以楼市 “危及加拿大金融稳定性的最大国内隐患”。
Repeated efforts by policymakers to take the heat out of housing have not had a noticeableeffect. So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in fouryears. Some of the new measures were cosmetic. Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollarhave been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%. In practice, it is hard to find buyers in this bracket who do not have lots of equity in their homes. But after July 9th mortgages for homes of this value will not be eligible for CMHC coverage.
Other measures have more teeth. The maximum amortisation period for a mortgage will now be25 years, down from 30. That should hurt demand: last year about 40% of new mortgages werefor terms longer than that. Refinancing a home will be allowed only up to 80% of its value, downfrom 85%. Homebuyers will have to demonstrate their housing costs are no more than 39% oftheir gross household income. On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of theSuperintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limitof 65% on borrowing against home equity.
Craig Alexander, the chief economist for TD Financial Group, estimates all this will be theequivalent of about a 1% rise in mortgage rates for most homebuyers. He believes that willproduce a slow unwinding of the housing market. If he is right, and Mr Flaherty's variousinterventions avoid the collateral damage that would be caused by an actual interest-rate rise, Canada's admirers will have another thing to swoon over.

写一篇150左右的英语论文,internet changes our life 最好有关于金融方面的事,谢谢帮忙

internet changes our life
Nowadays internet is here and there,and we can't leave it even for a example,we use internet to buy what we want more and more,because it is not only convient,but also cheaper than the 's more,internet is becaming more and more popular in big campanies,without internet,it is impossible for the campanies to comnicate easily and operate influently in such short time,internet brings us not only money,but also also changes the way of relising,interner offers us free pictures,music,games and so on,if a person does not know how to use the internet,I think he misses a colourful r,evey corn has two sides,since internet appears,people have felt the distance among them is bicoming larger and larger,and many children can't study well because they are addict to the games in the a word,internet changes our life very much,but we must use internet properly.


On the financial crisis, the authority of the definition of comparison is by Goldsmith (1982) given that all or most of the financial indicators - short-term interest rates, assets (assets, securities, real estate, land) prices, the number of business bankruptcy and the closure of a number of financial institutions - the sharp, short and ultra-cycle deterioration. Its characteristics is based on the expected decline in asset prices and a large number of out of real estate or long-term financial assets into the currency. Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the type. In recent years more and more of the financial crisis showed a mixed form of crisis.
Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the go. Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and troughs. Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and spending. Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start back. Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of life. Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse situation. Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal with.

