大多数设计(理论)都规定了最低安全要求并局限于通过具体指出历史上保护过生命的最低要求来制定最低安全标准。这些设计(理论)没有对受损后的结构性能进行评估。联邦应急管理机构最近提出的基于性能的抗震设计(PBSD)(理论)是一种不同的安全模式,正越来越受到重视。 PBSD这种方法允许工程师考虑花更多的资源,实现更高的性能,从而降低风险(联邦紧急事务管理局- 349)。因此,只要采用合适的模型就可以通过适当的非线性分析提高重要建筑,如水坝,核安全壳和沿海建筑的抗震结构性能。大多数混凝土结构的“软肋”是抗拉强度低,在地震作用产生的循环负载作用下,情况会更加严重。
比如,在水坝,主要的(如果不是唯一的)材料非线性来源是浇灌横接缝,裂缝,岩石节理,伸缩缝,或混凝土-岩石接口的有缝性。尽管源头不同,但是所有这些不连续处,可以笼统地称为“节点”,进而通过主要公式(Puntel 2004)来建模。规模较小的建筑,有很多无筋裂缝的实例,比如无抗剪钢筋的旧钢筋混凝土梁,从锚辐射的裂缝,或钢筋腐蚀造成的裂缝(汉森和萨乌马 1999 )。
因此,本文试图解决相关测试稀缺的问题。 首先,描述复杂的实验方案,并报告实验结果。然后,改进已有模型Puntel et al. 2006 来解释得到的实验结果。最后,比较已有及最新接头模型和实验接头模型的数值反应。
From the "Unity between Man and Nature" on the traditional Beijing courtyard philosophy
翻译 建筑节能英文摘要(论文用)急!
Green Building is in the construction of the entire life cycle (of materials, construction planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of dismantling process), the maximum conservation of resources (energy conservation, saving, water saving, Lin Festival), the protection of the environment and reduce Pollution, provide people with health, application and efficient use of space, in harmony with nature symbiotic construction.
Over the years, China's energy-saving green residential building in enhancing management ideas, and preventing and alleviating the construction of energy-saving construction costs and risks, enhance and ensure the quality of construction has done a lot of work, a more in-depth theoretical study, also conducted effective The practice and exploration, has made some useful theoretical achievements and successful experience in the practice.
Comprehensively promote energy conservation in building a good situation, building energy conservation work has made remarkable achievements, but its overall energy situation is worrying, for example, green construction - the construction phase of the energy situation and energy-saving materials texture options, energy-saving standard The definition, a cause for concern. Interpretation of this paper to green energy-saving building through the substance of the proposed confusion, reflection, to find a better development of green energy-saving building route.
In this paper, this innovation point of innovation is to use the analysis of the case, as well as charts, more intuitive to describe the problem. And star of the relevant theoretical knowledge of the event and organically integrated, elaborate.
Intelligent concrete research and she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam. You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats!"Recalling the history of the development of smart concrete and study the status quo, smart concrete prospect of the development trend and potential applications of the research on the issue should be noted.