Abstract] supermarket as a new retail model, the rapid development in China, it's healthy development and living relationship has become closer. This paper discusses the development of exposure in our supermarkets, as well as specific measures.
[Key words] supermarket chain logistics
Since 1930, the Americans established the first supermarket in the world since the history of the development of this retail industry has been 70 years. Its appearance is a major change in circulation, after 70 years of development, the supermarket has developed into a multi-species system of series of retail formats, each species has its own characteristics. In China, this change occurred later, but once there would be loved by people living in shopping form in the recent 20 years of development, the supermarket retail industry has become China's important and indispensable component.
In the 20 years of the development process have achieved gratifying results, there are some problems. Only a clear understanding of the status of supermarket development in China, learn successful experience, come out of the supermarket development road with Chinese characteristics.
First, the connotation of the supermarket
Emergence and development of the supermarket, so that the completion of the retail business from manual labor to shift industrial production to be greatly improved business productivity. The reason is the traditional commercial labor, including sales of goods description, display, weighing, pricing, packaging, collection and other work, with customers buying activities simultaneously, commercial work is a series of labor services can not be saved. The emergence of supermarkets, to packaging, weighing, pricing and other commercial work in factories or stores can be completed in advance, this part of the labor cured and stored in commodities, labor and customers realize the business activities of the separation of purchase, thus greatly improving the efficiency of circulation ,
Reduce the distribution cost. Circulation area of the supermarket for the promotion of structural adjustment, structural reform is important to deepen business.
Second, the supermarket business issues
China's rapid local supermarket, but there are a number of supermarkets have been closed down as autumn leaves. Therefore, our supermarket chains in the development process a lot of problems:
First, market positioning fuzzy, no operating characteristics of general practice some foreign supermarket differentiated market position, and form their own characteristics, target customers with satisfactory service. For example, Carrefour customers locate the standard for urban office workers, mainly to provide them with daily living products, build more traffic than the convenience of the city business district; Metro's target customer orientation is a legal person units, the construction of more marginal land in the city; Wal-Mart take the form of discount stores in Shenzhen, the target market for the low-income consumers. Moreover, China's supermarket location ambiguity, the target market wants is not clear where all the residents of the region as their target customers,
Want to make everyone satisfied.
Second, the logistics management skill level of our supermarket chain in general lower, not form scale, and therefore would be very difficult to achieve true logistics management. Main features: the socialization of logistics and the low degree of specialization, due to a lower level of our supermarket chain, and many supermarkets each have their own suppliers and logistics, causing the spread of logistics activities, procurement volume is small, difficult procurement costs down. The coexistence of overstock and stock-outs, high inventory costs. Scattered, inefficient, high consumption of logistics organization, weakening the competitiveness of the entire supply chain. Logistics Technology backward.
Either hardware or software from the developed countries there are significant gaps. Slow development of China's third-party logistics, long divided by industry and geographical constraints affecting the third party logistics, distribution logistics network is not uniform, small, scattered, poor state of the more common, slow development of third party logistics, logistics, low degree of specialization is directly affect the supplier costs.
Third, the staff of the quality chain stores generally low, not really "home shop" In addition to the general manager of the supermarket staff, no college diploma, many of them use their experience to do things; with no "to shop home ", it may not comply with company policy, not due diligence. This will definitely affect the quality of service and reputation of the supermarket, thereby affecting operating efficiency. Third, improving the policy
Supermarket is a revolution in the field of commodity circulation, the general trend of the future retail development. For the supermarket development in China over the key of the measures as follows:
First, choose the right target market, the implementation of differentiated market position as China's economic development, people's income level increases, people's consumption demand, consumer behavior have undergone tremendous changes, is no longer the previous simplification, mass, while diversified, personalized features. Such differences in the characteristics of the consumer demand, the current business, any business can not meet all the needs, can not meet all the needs of a person. This requires companies doing business can not, all the consumers as its target customers,
Can only according to their business objectives to meet some part of the customer needs and market it as a target to carry out proper market positioning, target customers for the provision of satisfactory service.
Secondly, to improve logistics management to strengthen the supermarket chain, supermarket chain to prevent the low level of level of development of logistics constraints, for strong-strong alliance. Supermarkets should choose a large integrated producers such as P & G, Haier, logistics management enterprise of strong-strong high level of strategic alliance, through the aid of a computer in the form of alliances to achieve the information there.
Third, the headquarters human resources department should increase its efforts to introduce high-quality personnel, and systematic professional training to enable them to participate in high-level decision-making discussions and decision-making level to improve management efficiency. One of the successful experience of foreign supermarkets is its generally high quality of personnel management, can objectively and scientifically predict the market outlook, seize opportunities, make fewer mistakes in the expanding supermarkets. "Maiden voyage power" in recent years, more than 10 students enrolled each year distributed to all aspects of the development for better human resource base.
The 21st century is China's century, the 21st century will be the chain stores in China by the growing maturity of the century. As long as we can seize the opportunity to forge ahead, China's chain stores will flourish, the other from one victory to victory.
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服务贸易论文 范文 一:我国企业服务贸易下税收政策论文
与企业走出去密切相关的税收政策主要是企业所得税法第二十三条,及在 财税 [2009]125号文件中详细规定了关于企业境外所得税收抵免有关问题。此外,尽管已与一百一十多个国家签署税收协定,但也有尚需完善之处。一是需要用实物及配套服务等形式出资进行对外投资的企业,若不具备出口经营权则不能享受增值税免抵退政策。二是对于境外不具有独立纳税地位的分支机构取得的各项境外所得,无论是否汇回中国境内,均应计入该企业所属纳税年度的境外应纳税所得额,这使得企业在应对不可预见的经营风险时,容易遇到资金瓶颈。三是对于国家鼓励支持、或战略需要、以及具有明显贸易创造效应的被投资企业,其经营产品(如矿石、原油等)或服务的进口没有对应的关税、增值税减免。
按照十八届三中全会决策部署,推进金融、 教育 、 文化 、医疗等服务业领域有序开放,放开育幼养老、建筑设计、会计审计、商贸物流、电子商务等服务业领域外资准入限制。加快培育参与和引领国际经济合作竞争新优势,提升我国服务贸易竞争力,需要完善相关税收政策以营造良好的政策环境。
对服务业课征增值税是国际较为通行的做法。目前,我国服务贸易项目中的旅游、建筑、 保险 、金融尚处于应纳营业税范围。今后,对已经适用增值税的服务项目中,需要在退税政策方面予以创新,探索适用于生产性服务业的免抵退税政策;对于尚未达到条件扩围入增值税范围的如金融、保险等服务应当考虑给予跨境服务减免营业税;探索不限于技术性离岸服务外包的增值税免税政策。
在香港与内地服务贸易顺利发展以及香港服务经济与内地产业转型升级需要的背景下,CEPA出台对于加快香港与内地服务贸易合作的促进效应受到广泛关注。CEPA主要涉及三方面的内容:两地实现货物贸易零关税、扩大服务贸易市场准入以及实行贸易投资便利化。内地对香港扩大服务贸易市场准入主要涉及的42个行业,包括管理咨询服务、会展服务、 广告 服务、会计服务、建筑及房地产、医疗及牙医、分销服务、物流、旅游、银行、证券及期货等服务行业及专业技术人员资格考试。服务行业的开放方式主要为两种:一种是完全开放,即以独资的形式从事特许经营,如物流、零售服务等;另一种是以比世界贸易组织更低的门槛进入内地市场开设分去机构,如银行及保险。2004年CEPA实施以来,香港至内地的服务输出与输入上升趋势更加显著,特别是香港至内地的服务输入。近年来,香港与内地互为双方最大的服务贸易伙伴,且继续保持着上升趋势。2004年以前,香港至内地的服务输入基本处于持平状态;2004年以后,香港至内地服务输入明显上升。从服务贸易总量分析,2010年,香港至内地服务输出额为2305亿港元,是2004年CEPA开始实施时服务输出额的两倍,占香港服务输出总额的28.3%;香港至内地服务输入额为1047亿港元,占香港服务输入总额的26.6%。从服务贸易部门类别分析,香港自内地的服务行业进口基本保持稳定,2004~2007年,香港自内地的商贸服务、旅游服务、运输服务进口额在香港相应行业服务进口总额中的占比分别保持在45%、30%、25%左右。除旅游服务外,香港与内地的服务贸易主要是运输贸易和与贸易相关的服务,这两项服务贸易的发展和香港对内地(特别的珠三角地区)的直接投资及由此形成的“前店后厂”产业分工格局密切相关,同时与香港的国际贸易中心和物流中心的地位密切相关[2]。
本文通过对香港与内地服务业发展状况和分部门服务业出口竞争力优势的分析表明:香港与内地在交通运输、旅游及金融等服务贸易方面有较强的互补性。在内地有明显比较劣势的交通运输和金融方面,作为国际转口贸易中心、航运中心、贸易中心与金融中心的香港具有明显的比较优势;而在香港有明显比较劣势的旅游领域,内地具有较强的比较优势。在服务产业结构上,香港的会展、中介等领域的丰富 经验 、优秀人才及国际标准能够弥补内地的相应不足。因而,CEPA的实施会有利于两地经济的发展。根据数据统计,香港与内地的贸易依存度在逐年增加,服务贸易关系更加紧密。然而通过巴拉萨模型检验发现,香港与内地仅存在总的贸易创造效应,而不存在区内的贸易创造效应和转移效应,表明CEPA的实施效果在香港与内地之间的服务贸易领域还未充分体现。香港与内地之间服务贸易受内地市场制度、政府壁垒等因素限制仍需大力推进CEPA的各项政策实施,加快内地与香港在服务业制度等方面的制度对接与资源整合。不同社会体制和法律体制、人文环境、语言环境等均会造成两地服务业合作在实际操作中的障碍,例如法律制度、会计准则等。因此,相关政府部门应该做到以下几点:(1)加强对CEPA优惠 措施 的落实,进一步改善内地经济环境,提高服务效率,降低港商向内地扩展服务贸易的交易成本。(2)虽然CEPA降低了香港服务贸易进入内地市场的门槛,但是审批程序的耗时耗力,在操作过程中的不规范大大削弱了CEPA对两地服务贸易的促进效应。(3)作为亚洲金融中心,香_特的金融优势应发挥在服务贸易领域,尽快完善香港人民币清算体系,建立香港人民币离岸市场,消除服务贸易中不同币种的限制。同时,充分发挥香港的金融体系,香港银行应在内地增设营业机构和代表处,为内地企业提供先进的金融服务,加强两地在金融行业的服务贸易合作。
服务贸易论文范文相关 文章 :
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2. 毕业论文——国际贸易
3. 对外贸易论文
4. 对外贸易方面的论文
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