

发布时间:2023-03-02 09:47


Qu Yuan's youth have a good time on the competence,Jin Chu court soon to be appreciated,has left office only,三闾doctor,but the political reform that has not been able to achieve the final grade has been cut subsequently informed that all Ying QIN Bing Chu break,like a bolt from the blue,very sad,we came to the riverside Perot,picked up a stone,jump for Jiang himself."Qu Yuan's spirit," a stretch of more than 2,000 years,inspiring generations of Chinese people,this is a spiritual treasure of the Chinese nation,no matter when and where,for us is always an educational and inspiring.


屈原 《楚辞·离骚》














Li SaoQu Yuan

Three ancient kings there were so pure and true

That round them every fragrant flower grew;

Cassia and pepper of the mountain-side

With melilotus white in clusters monarchs then, who high renown received,

Followed the kingly way, their goal achieved.

Two princes proud by lust their reign abused,

Sought easier path, and their own steps faction for illict pleasure longed;

Dreadful their way where hidden perils thronged.

Danger against myself could not appal,

But feared I lest my sovereign's scepter d and back I hastened in my quest,

Followed the former kings, and took no rest.

The prince my true integrity defamed,

Gave ear to slander, high his anger flamed;Integrity I knew could not avail,

Yet still endured; my lord I would not fail.

Celestial spheres my witness be on high,

I strove but for His Sacred Majesty.'Twas first to me he gave his plighted word,

But soon repenting other counsel heard.

For me departure could arouse no pain;

I grieved to see his royal purpose vain.

屈原介绍 英文版

Qu Yuan (about 340 BC - 278 BC), a poet and politician of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. Born in Danyang, the country of Chu (now Yichang, Hubei).


The descendants of Qu Wu Wang Xiongtong's son. When I was a teenager, I was well educated. In the early years, he was trusted by Chu Huaiwang, and he served as a left-winger and a three-time doctor. He also took charge of internal affairs and diplomacy.


Advocating "American politics", advocating for the internal ethics, cultivating the law, and external forces to fight against Qin. Due to the exclusion of the nobility, it was exiled to the Hanbei and Xiaoxiang river basins. After being attacked by the Qin army, the Chu State was self-sinking in the Luo River and taking advantage of the country.







  There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China's earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu's capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand) and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
  After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That's why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.



公无前229年,秦国攻占了楚国八座城池,接着又派使臣请楚怀王去秦国议和。屈原看破了秦王的阴谋, 冒死进宫陈述利害,楚怀王不但不听,反而将屈原逐出郢都。楚怀王如期赴会,一到秦国就被囚禁起来,楚怀王悔恨交加,忧郁成疾,三年后客死于秦国。楚顷衰王即位不久,秦王又派兵攻打楚国,顷衰王仓惶撤离京城,秦兵攻占郢城。屈原在流放途中,接连听到楚怀王客死和郢城攻破的噩耗后,万念俱灰,仰天长叹一声,投入了滚滚激流的汩罗江。屈原的故事

回答者: fubo_163 - 助理 二级 8-8 16:29

