

发布时间:2023-03-02 20:23


Alibaba is not the Amazon of China
September 16 HONG KONG
Forget what you've read, Alibaba is NOT "the Amazon of China."
The analogy has been used widely as Alibaba prepares for its IPO. But it is only partially accurate, and masks big differences in business models.
Sure, Alibaba (BABA) and Amazon both do business on the Internet. They both enable consumers to buy huge volumes of goods without stepping foot in a store. And both have a stranglehold on their home markets.
But that's pretty much where the similarities end. Unlike Amazon (AMZN, Tech30), Alibaba does not own most of the items sold on its platforms, it does not maintain massive distribution centers, and it has only a fraction of the 132,000 employees on Amazon's books.
"Amazon and eBay are e-commerce companies, and Alibaba is not an e-commerce company," Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma said last year. "Alibaba helps others to do e-commerce. We do not sell things."
The point Ma was trying to drive home is that Alibaba excels at connecting buyers and sellers. Alibaba is not the seller.
Related: Meet four kings of Alibaba's online retail empire
The company's largest digital marketplace -- Taobao -- allows consumers to buy goods directly from small businesses. Tmall, Alibaba's other major shopping marketplace, connects larger brand retailers to consumers.
Alibaba makes money on Taobao by selling advertisements and search placement to retailers (kinda like Google (GOOG)). The company takes a commission from the larger retailers that operate on Tmall (think eBay (EBAY, Tech30)).
The model means that Ma doesn't have to obsess over keeping prices low the way Amazon founder Jeff Bezos does.
Related: Should you buy Alibaba shares?
The structure also makes Alibaba more of a pure Internet play, a trend reflected in the company's bottom line. Compared to Amazon, Alibaba's revenue is small (but growing faster). And investors are salivating over the company's much higher profit margins.
Investors have also been enticed by Alibaba's success at building what Ma calls an Internet "ecosystem."
The network of services allows consumers to move seamlessly between the company's online retail marketplaces and mobile apps used to process payments, buy movie tickets, call a taxi or invest in a money market fund. Alibaba even has a corporate cousin in the logistics business that handles most of the shipments generated on Tmall and Taobao.
Related: 7 things Alibaba users can do
In the end, Alibaba's biggest strengths may stem from overcoming broader problems in China's retail sector.
Ma has said that e-commerce in the U.S. is about transferring an existing business onto the Internet (think Amazon and books).
"E-commerce in the U.S. is like a dessert. It's just supplementary to your main business," Ma said. "In China, because the infrastructure of commerce is [so] bad, e-commerce becomes the main course."
What will happen when Alibaba and Amazon find themselves fighting for the same consumers? Here they are similar: expect both founders to come out swinging.
"Lying behind the massive allure of the capital market, there is unparalleled ruthlessness and pressure," Ma wrote in a letter to employees earlier this year. "In this market, only a small number of outstanding enterprises can maintain a gallop."
By Charles Riley September 16, 2014 00:54AM EDT


Finance and Economics; 财经;
Canada's housing market; 加拿大的住宅市场;
Time for a bigger needle; 该出手时就出手;
The latest attempt to prick a bubble;戳破泡沫的最新举措;
Canada's reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banksgot through the crisis unscathed. According to Moody's, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canadasits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadianpolicymakers are old hands at pulling “macroprudential” levers of the sort now in vogue amongrich-world central banks.
But questions still nag. Some say that Canada's banks are flattered by a huge indemnity offeredby Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC), a public institution that insures mortgages witha loan-to-value ratio of more than 80%. CHMC's book grew to 567 billion Canadian Dollar(557 billion Dollar) in 2011, up from 345 billion Canadian Dollar four years earlier. And Canada'shousing market looks very frothy on some measures: The Economist's analysis of price-to-rentratios suggests that Canadian properties were about 75% above their long-run “fair value” in thefirst quarter of 2012 (see chart). Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are in arrears, such exuberance is a worry. The central bank recently labelled housing as “the most importantdomestic risk to financial stability in Canada”.
但是,仍有问题缠身。部分人士认为,加拿大的银行被加拿大抵押和住房公司(CMHC)提供的巨额补偿金美化了,CMHC是一家为贷款估值比率超过80%的抵押贷款提供保险的公共机构。在2011年,CHMC的抵押贷款额从四年前的3450亿增长到了5670亿加元(合5570亿美元)。并且,从一些指标来看,加拿大的房地产充斥着泡沫:《经济学人》以房价租金比所做的分析显示,在2012年第一季度,加拿大的物业价格高出它们的长期公允价值75%。纵然仅有低于0.5%的CHMC抵押贷款存在拖欠的情况,但这样的繁荣仍让人忧虑。最近,央行也冠以楼市 “危及加拿大金融稳定性的最大国内隐患”。
Repeated efforts by policymakers to take the heat out of housing have not had a noticeableeffect. So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in fouryears. Some of the new measures were cosmetic. Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollarhave been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%. In practice, it is hard to find buyers in this bracket who do not have lots of equity in their homes. But after July 9th mortgages for homes of this value will not be eligible for CMHC coverage.
Other measures have more teeth. The maximum amortisation period for a mortgage will now be25 years, down from 30. That should hurt demand: last year about 40% of new mortgages werefor terms longer than that. Refinancing a home will be allowed only up to 80% of its value, downfrom 85%. Homebuyers will have to demonstrate their housing costs are no more than 39% oftheir gross household income. On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of theSuperintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limitof 65% on borrowing against home equity.
Craig Alexander, the chief economist for TD Financial Group, estimates all this will be theequivalent of about a 1% rise in mortgage rates for most homebuyers. He believes that willproduce a slow unwinding of the housing market. If he is right, and Mr Flaherty's variousinterventions avoid the collateral damage that would be caused by an actual interest-rate rise, Canada's admirers will have another thing to swoon over.



John McCain andBarack Obama exchanged blame and offered proposals to address the nation'sfinancial crisis during Tuesday's presidential debate, USA Today reported.

McCain promisedaid to struggling homeowners and Obama said the government must assure themassive federal financial rescue package works as planned.

The debate focusedimmediately on the economy and stayed on it for much of the night.

McCain called forthe Treasury Department to buy up troubled mortgages — with some conditions —and renegotiate them with homeowners at the current value of homes.

McCain said,"We all know, my friends, until we stabilize home values inAmerica,we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing oureconomy,

and we've got toget some trust and confidence back toAmerica."

Obama called thecurrent downturn "the worst financial crisis since the GreatDepression" and said the government must assure that the financial rescuepackage signed into law worked as planned.

"I believethis is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eightyears, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by SenatorMcCain," he said.

The debate beganhours after the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled another 508 points, andthe resulting financial anxiety is looming large over the debate.

McCain accusedObama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations fromindividuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgageindustry giants.

Obama shot backthat McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, has a stake in a Washington lobbying firm that receivedthousands of dollars a month from Freddie Mac until recently.

Both candidatesvowed to focus on making theUnited Statesenergy independent, Reuters reported.

McCain saidnuclear power was a clean source of energy that would be key to battlingclimate change and mocked Obama.

And Obama said heapproved of nuclear power as one element of a broader energy plan.

The debate alsoveered into foreign policy, and the disputes were as intense as on the economyand domestic matters, AP reported.

McCain said hisrival "was wrong aboutIraqand the surge.

“He was wrong about Russia when theycommitted aggression against Georgia.”

“And in his short career he does notunderstand our national security challenges.”

“We don't have time for on the jobtraining.”

Obama counteredwith a trace of sarcasm that he didn't understand some things — like how UScould face the challenge inAfghanistanafter spending years and hundreds of billions of dollars inIraq.

Two quick pollstaken immediately after the debate, by CBS News and CNN, both judged Obama thewinner, Reuters reported.

McCain could berunning out of chances to recast the race, Reuters commented.

With only fourweeks to go until the election, the two candidates will meet for one finaldebate on October 15.


Business is bad onWall Street, and business schools across the country are bracing for theimpact: A surge in applications this year to their full-time M.B.A. programs.

With financialmarkets in turmoil, the economy slowing down and Wall Street undergoing aprofound structural change, many people are deciding that now is a good time tohead back to school.

Some would-bestudents are the victim of layoffs roiling the financial industry. Others thinktheir jobs could disappear soon.

Even someapplicants whose jobs are currently stable are deciding that it makes sense togo for a graduate degree now: since promotions and new opportunities could behard to find in the next few year

Schools don't haveapplication tallies yet -- as deadlines for the first round of admissions arein mid-October for most top-tier schools -- but many already are reporting bigincreases in interest.

New YorkUniversity Stern School of Business reports a 30% increase in attendance atoff-site information sessions this year.

NorthwesternUniversityKelloggSchoolof Management has had a 22% increase inapplications so far.

Universityof Chicago GraduateSchool of Business says it is seeing significant increases ininquiries online and attendance at information sessions.

People are alsoregistering for the Graduate Management Admission Test in greater numbers thisyear.

According to theGraduate Management Admission Council, a McLean, Va.-based membershiporganization of 165 graduate business schools,U.S.

GMAT registrationvolume for the first nine months of this year totaled 129,902, up 5.1% from thesame period last year.

The numbersunderscore a trend that has occurred in previous economic downturns.

Graduateadmissions are countercyclical -- meaning that they move in the oppositedirection of the economic cycle, business schools and economists say.

When this year'sM.B.A. applicants graduate, they will enter a dramatically different WallStreet and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the rippleeffects of the credit crunch.

This year's newlyminted graduates already encountered a tougher job market.

At the University of Chicago, the percentage of 2008graduates that either had offers or had already accepted them dropped roughlythree percentage points from the previous year, Ms. Kole says.

Indeed, schoolssay not knowing what the job market will look like upon graduation could detersome prospective applicants who have stable jobs from applying.

Some applicantsare taking their chances.

Other graduateschools are also expecting increases in applicants.

Also a factor forstudents to consider this year: The credit crunch has roiled the market forstudent loans.

In the past year,144 education lenders have suspended private and federal loans, according toMark Kantrowitz, publisher of , who has been following thedevelopments.

Still, witz says business-school students should be able to find loans. Manylenders, he says, have suspended loans for undergraduate and continuingeducation students but not graduate loans

For lenders,'graduate student loans are the most profitable because the loan balances arethe highest,' he says.

But students mayface tighter credit requirements in getting private loans and pay higherinterest rates.

