水利工程水利工程毕业设计论文[博士]城市区域水土作用分析与土的结构 [博士]中小城市水利可持续发展研究 [博士]中小城市水利可持续发展研究 河口冲刷的理论与数值模拟 [硕士] 吉林西部生态环境需水量与水资源承载力研究 [硕士]航道整治河段流动特性的三维数值模拟 新疆某水电站毕业设计 某混凝土实体重力坝枢纽及发电引水管道设计 [博士]裂隙岩体可灌性及灌浆数值模拟研究 天津市城市水源合理配置研究[硕士] 【学士】某江水利枢纽坝工设计 [学士]水电站毕业设计 【学士】某江水利枢纽重力坝毕业设计 [学士]重力式沉箱码头毕业设计 [硕士]太原城区段汾河蓄水工程对地下水渗流特征影响的研究 [硕士]入库洪水资源化问题的研究与应用 [硕士]波流共同作用下水流垂直结构及污染物 [硕士]从长江三峡库尾(重庆段)淤砂中提钪试验研究 [硕士]洪水资源化利用模式及风险分析 [硕士]河道人工建筑物对复氧及溶解氧扩散影响的研究 [硕士] 市区性河流的水质数学模拟 [硕士] 湿地治污系统在洞庭湖区的应用研究 [硕士]大连市周水子地区海水入侵问题研究 [硕士] 基于模糊数学方法的洞庭湖区水安全评价 [硕士]从长江三峡库尾(重庆段)淤砂中提钪试验研究 [硕士] 长春市主要河流环境容量及其总量控制研究 [硕士]乌梁素海农田面源入湖量的核算研究 [硕士]云南糯扎渡水库水质预测研究 汉河水系上一中型水闸的毕业设计 某泵站的毕业设计 发电机继电保护的研究 毕业设计-某一级水利枢纽工程规划设计书 [硕士]大体积混凝土温度应力分析与反分析 某供水工程毕业设计报告 矩形渡槽设计[本科] 护岸工程课程设计书 某厂净水厂设计[学士] 水工钢筋混凝土课程设计 拱式渡槽设计资料 广西郁江洪水预报与调度系统研究 水利工程水情自动测报系统设计研究 重力式码头施工组织设计课程设计 云南省景洪水电站施工组织设计 拱坝计算书 松涛水利枢纽工程施工(课程、毕业设计) 土石坝毕业设计 某水利工程土石坝枢纽设计说明书 [学士]水利枢纽工程初步设计 [学士]拦河闸设计 [学士]黑河水利枢纽布置及面板堆石坝设计 [学士]土石坝施工组织设计 [学士]函江水利枢纽工程毕业设计 [学士]函江水利枢纽工程毕业设计 [博士]大坝安全管理关键技术研究 [学士]水利灌渠改建工程毕业设计 某闸工程设计图 某排水泵站的初步设计
Spring river 蕴藏 abundant water power resources, among them piece the main purpose for valley segment suitable forly fixing set upping the water conservancy vital point, water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity.
This text combination piece valley geography geology characteristics, hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point proceeds first step design, vital point of basic data, main building that main contents include the vital point of a valley water conservancy arranges the project, foundation to handle and start construction the 导s to cut the 流 etc. the contents.
Under the consideration the every kind of factor, choice B - B conduct and actions this vital point the engineering's 坝 stalk line, on the choice of the 坝 type, the right every kind of 坝 type proceeds 优 weakness the comparison is after, and join together this engineering of when ground characteristics, chose the concrete entity gravity the 坝 to be used as this water conservancy the vital point's 坝 调洪 calculates the adoption the method of widespread half illustrated manual table, at the project that compare three 调洪s the project after make sured a fit, get its design flood is 306.3 rices, 校核 flood 307.1 rice, certain 坝 crest high 程 is 310.9 main building of this vital point be leak watered by 挡 water building, building, generate electricity the building, put the 空 building to machine-readable( gravity 坝 stability with should dint calculation procedure) with should dint and stability than the 核 is after, and have to out not 溢流 the 坝 's breadth of economic section, 坝 crest 12.5 rice, high 125.9 rice;Leak water practical WES curve, 消 of curve adoption of the 流 's way, 坝 crest of watch bore 溢 of building adoption can the way adopt the 挑流消 can;Factory premises 坝 the segment include the segment of three machine sets with the segment of a gearing field, factory premises adoption after the 坝 type;The deep bore conduct and actions of adoption puts the 空 building, bore figure to choose to use to have no to press the 坝 inside to y start construction the 导流 choose to use the 导流 of two two pieceses the method, be designed spring river piece valley water conservancy vital point gave out aly completely by tie the narrow river bed 泄 the 流 , second periods are from the 导流 bottom bore 泄流 , project.
The book sticks to the West江惠东Dam Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Graduation Project version. Because of conditions, as a reference book compiled from large amounts of data, data used in monitoring non-author). Report on the use of the general pattern of the EIA report, based on general, regional overview of engineering analysis environment, the status quo of environmental quality monitoring and evaluation, environmental impact prediction and evaluation of pollutant control measures, site selection analysis of a reasonable, clean production and the total control analysis, public participation, environmental impact of economic profit and loss analysis, environmental management and monitoring and analysis, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the order of the preparation 。Listed by the EIA is based on the use of, in principle, the evaluation factors, work such as grading and evaluation criteria, introduced hydraulic engineering related to natural, social and ecological overview of the project carried out a detailed analysis. The state of the environment through the project's monitoring and evaluation, found that apart from the part of river basin water environment over some indicators, the work environment in the vicinity of the targets to achieve the basic requirements of relevant standards; through the forecast engineering environment, although some factors do not meet standards However, some measures taken to meet the basic requirements - this book lists some of the pollutants prevention and control ing to do the work of the spirit of the EIA, the book also had total control of cleaner production and analysis, public participation in the work of the projects carried out environmental impact analysis of economic profit and loss. Finally, the EIA and gives a summary of recommendations and concluded: "This project meets the overall river basin planning, site selection and reasonable efficiency is obvious that environmental damage is limited. So from the point of view of environmental protection, water conservancy江惠东West branch Project construction is feasible. "
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