

发布时间:2023-03-03 18:13


独撰部分:1、《宪法基本权利的民法效力》,载《法商研究》2002年第5期,《人大报刊复印资料》2003年第一期全文转载;2、《对基本权利的侵害与救济》,载《法律科学》2004年第1期,《中国社会科学文摘》2004年第7期全文转载;《新华文摘》2004年第8期“论点摘编”;入选2005年《中国宪法学精粹》;3、《关于宪法第四次修改的建议》,载《法学家》2003年第5期,《人大报刊复印资料》2004年第1期全文转载;4、《社会基本权理论体系的建构》,载《法律科学》2006年第3期,《人大报刊复印资料》2006年第8期全文转载;《全国高等学校文科学报文摘》2006年第4期全文转载;入选2006年《中国宪法年刊》。5、《后现代法学方法论的理论光谱》,载《法制与社会发展》2007年第4期;6、《客观主义和现实主义 ——美国判例制度下的宪法解释方法论》,载《浙江社会科学》2006年第3期,《人大报刊复印资料》2006年第12期全文转载;7、《后现代语境下的法律阐释理论》,载《厦门大学学报(社科版)》2007年第4期;8、《基本权利冲突认识的几个误区-兼与张翔博士、马岭教授商榷》,《法商研究》2007年第6期;《中国社会科学文摘》2008年第3期全文转摘。入选2007年《中国宪法年刊》。9、《论美国司法审查的正当性问题》,载韩大元主编:《比较宪法---宪法文本与宪法解释》(比较宪法研究所系列丛书),中国人民大学出版社2008年3月出版。10、《法学方法论在宪法解释中的运用》,载《江苏行政学院学报》2008年04期;合作部分:1、《现代宪政条件下的宪法效力》,载《法制与社会发展》2006年第3期;2、《行政裁量的本质论与实践论》,载《人大报刊复印资料》2006年第10期;3、《吴家麟宪法学思想暨宪法学发展研讨会纪要》,载《法学》2005年第8期;4、《我国宪法解释实践问题研究》,载《现代宪法解释基本理论》,中国民主法制出版社2006年版;5、《清末法制改革对大陆法的移植》,载《中国法学》2003年增刊;6、《法制现代化与法律文化互动关系简论》,载《时代法学》2004年第1期;7、《中国司法文化传统的现代价值及其革新》,载《天府新论》2006年第1期;8、《法制现代化的文化选择》,载《行政与法》2006年第1期;9、《学界名家,师之楷模 --吴家麟先生之生平》,载《厦门大学法律评论》2005年第9辑;10、《域外法治发达国家的再审制度》,载《南方周末》2002年11月18日;


Emergency units leading to a translation of documents, came on to help the people. 100 for help, the better the translation oh. The full text is as follows : Abstract Zhendong equipment maintenance group on the Hong Kong Container Terminal Zhendong Group affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "Zhendong Company") engineering technology an important subordinate of the team is to protect branches of production equipment efficient and safe operation of the key. On the Hong Kong Group is a listed company (code-named shareholders of listed companies 600018) Shanghai international shipping center strategy, as the main force to operate the Shanghai port is a major business enterprise, Currently, the port cargo throughput Group was first in the world, the container throughput was third in the world. Zhendong companies on the Hong Kong Group as the wholly-owned subsidiaries, the container throughput of Hong Kong, accounting for nearly one-fourth of the Group of strong, profits account for one quarter of Hong Kong Group. Along with the constant development of the company, the company's leadership has realized more and more that production equipment and the efficient operation of the terminal security services enterprises to create brand one of the key factors. and guaranteeing the efficient operation of equipment and security is the key to human resources, the company, the core team competitive. How to improve the team were the quality of human resources, creating a company to develop the team culture, suitable performance evaluation is a key part of a in human resources development and management performance management are inextricably linked. and the performance evaluation team is to conduct performance management cells. So right equipment maintenance group performance evaluation studies that contribute to the company, team recognizes that the evaluation of performance is not suitable for children, and to take effective measures to be adjusted and improved. Based on Zhendong equipment maintenance group performance evaluation of the status quo, summed up equipment maintenance group in the implementation of performance evaluation of issues, including : Performance Evaluation Scale (standard unclear Halo effect for central trend, the Standard too much or too little, personal bias), All posts have adopted a performance evaluation standards, and the performance evaluation of fuzzy positioning and deviant. The existence of these problems is not conducive to maintenance of equipment Zhendong group of high efficiency operation it is necessary to the maintenance of the equipment group in the evaluation of performance implementation of the problems analyzed. Through research, the paper suggested a solution equipment maintenance group performance evaluation of the specific countermeasures. Including : The first is the performance evaluation of the evaluation scale, to study and understand the various potential problems and performance evaluation solutions. Second, flexibility in the use of appropriate performance evaluation tools. Again, the proposed use of "log records law" to try to address the problem to evaluate some of the shortage. Second was the formulation of a more reasonable criteria to evaluate and improve performance measurement accuracy. 3 is clearly the purpose of performance evaluation, establish performance management thinking. Use of performance evaluation results, the team goal setting, staff selection and configuration, performance evaluation, remuneration, training and development of staff, and other career management. Application of this paper, the conclusion of the study is conducive to maintenance of equipment group to understand the present in the evaluation of performance aspects, recognize team performance appraisal process in the existing problems and solutions to these problems countermeasures. These groups for the maintenance of equipment performance evaluation system and the construction team after all the healthy development of guiding significance and through equipment maintenance group performance evaluation study team also reflects the current performance management implementation, Performance management team recognize the shortcomings and help team find a suitable performance management, By adjusting and gradually establish a more suitable development team's performance evaluation system, achieving performance management team to keep up with the times really establish team embodies the culture of performance evaluation system, To achieve excellence develop the technology and to integrate the management of complex talent lay a solid foundation. Keywords : Zhendong Equipment Maintenance Unit Performance Evaluation of Performance Management


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