1) 评估服务种类
Document-by-Document Evaluation, Course-by-Course, GPA Board Evaluation
一般我们申请硕士或者博士学位的,选第二种(Course-By-Course)认证。 WES 还有一种服务,就是多加25美金,可以把自己认证的信息存在WES处。WES也提供加急服务,可以选择1天、3天的加急服务,还可以选择不同的邮寄方式,当然是越快越贵了……
2) 评估所需材料 (请在WES网站上再核实一次,以免WES UPDATE)
Verified graduation certificates, Verified degree certificates, Verified academic transcripts for all post-secondary programs of study, Photocopy of Degree Certificate(英文)
3) 评估过程
i.登录WES网站,在网页左边"Apply Now" 填写网上申请表。填写中需要注意的是,评估费是包含了两份评估报告,一份寄给你,另一份寄给你选择的学校,如果你不止一间学校需要WES认证的成绩单,那么就在下面填写额外的学校地址,费用另计。在提交了申请后,直到评估报告出来之前,都能继续添加额外的接受学校。缴纳评估费后,WES会提供一个 Referrence号码,以便将来与WES联系。另外还有一份"International Transcript Request Form" 下载,打印出来,上半部自己填好,等着以后和其他的资料一起寄给国内的认证机构。
ii.通过WES进行认证的成绩单需通过教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心或者中国高等教育学生信息网发出, 也就是说你必须把材料交给这两个机构的任意一个先做认证,然后他们再帮你把认证后再把资料发给WES。以教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心为例,其具体过程是:
WES的International Transcript Request Form
4) 评估所需时间:
全过程大约需要1个半月(以教育部收到文件和汇款开始认证计算), 教育部认证20天+EMS全球特快到WES(5~6天) + WES评估7天=32天. 而以上计算的是工作日,按一个星期5天工作日算,大概就是1个半月时间了.
如果想加急,可以在提交申请之后,跟教育部认证中心联系,网上有电话 - 电话要求加急,对方会依情况而定,决定是否可以加急。如果可以加急,则汇款加急费用并将汇款单传真、邮寄过去。有的时候,提交后立即联系认证中心会被告知无法加急,因为他们没法加急从学校取得成绩单。提交后1-2周再联系认证中心,可能会被告知可以加急,因为成绩单已经获得。
标准4.0制是最传统的一种算法,具体算法如下:100~90=4.089~80=3.0 79~70=2.0
69~60=1.0 这种算法简单明了,10分一个档次,1-4都有,但是对很多学生不是特别有利,因为中国学生的成绩普遍是在70-90分,同一个学生的成绩按这种方式计算是最低的,故一般不建议采用,除非学校成绩单明确标出了这种算法。
北大4.0算法将60-100分划分成7个区域,100~90=4.0 89~85=3.7 84~82=3.3 81~78=3.0 77~75=2.7 74~72=2.3 71~68=2.0 67~64=1.5 63~60=1.0,这种算法划分的比较细致,这也是很多中国学生采取的方式,算出来的分数属于居中靠上。
WES 4.0
WES是美国World Education Services的一个认证机构,一般中国的需要申请公共卫生下面的专业需要进行WES认证,部分学校要求学生确认入学后需要做成绩认证。WES成绩认证首先会对学生的学分进行认证,一般会将中国一些课程学分降低,如大学英语国内是按照3.0,WES会认证为2.0学分,而特色课程如形式与政策、体育课程、军训和就业指导课程等学分认证为0.0学分,而一些专业相关课程如0.5学分的实验课会认证成1.0,专业实习和毕业论文一般会认证为4.0和6.0。然后,WES将课程得分认证为A-D等,100~85认证为A =4.0,84-75 B =3.0,74-60 C= 2.0,60以下D= 1.0。
改进4.0(1)和(2)是在标准4.0基础上进行的改进,4.0(1)是100~84=4.0 84~70=3.0 69~60=2.0,改进4.0(2)是100~84=4.0 84~75=3.0 74~60=2.0,这2种算法和WES算法比较类似,一般算出的GPA整体偏高,建议学生可以参考4.0(2)。
Spring river 蕴藏 abundant water power resources, among them piece the main purpose for valley segment suitable forly fixing set upping the water conservancy vital point, water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity.
This text combination piece valley geography geology characteristics, hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point proceeds first step design, vital point of basic data, main building that main contents include the vital point of a valley water conservancy arranges the project, foundation to handle and start construction the 导s to cut the 流 etc. the contents.
Under the consideration the every kind of factor, choice B - B conduct and actions this vital point the engineering's 坝 stalk line, on the choice of the 坝 type, the right every kind of 坝 type proceeds 优 weakness the comparison is after, and join together this engineering of when ground characteristics, chose the concrete entity gravity the 坝 to be used as this water conservancy the vital point's 坝 调洪 calculates the adoption the method of widespread half illustrated manual table, at the project that compare three 调洪s the project after make sured a fit, get its design flood is 306.3 rices, 校核 flood 307.1 rice, certain 坝 crest high 程 is 310.9 main building of this vital point be leak watered by 挡 water building, building, generate electricity the building, put the 空 building to machine-readable( gravity 坝 stability with should dint calculation procedure) with should dint and stability than the 核 is after, and have to out not 溢流 the 坝 's breadth of economic section, 坝 crest 12.5 rice, high 125.9 rice;Leak water practical WES curve, 消 of curve adoption of the 流 's way, 坝 crest of watch bore 溢 of building adoption can the way adopt the 挑流消 can;Factory premises 坝 the segment include the segment of three machine sets with the segment of a gearing field, factory premises adoption after the 坝 type;The deep bore conduct and actions of adoption puts the 空 building, bore figure to choose to use to have no to press the 坝 inside to y start construction the 导流 choose to use the 导流 of two two pieceses the method, be designed spring river piece valley water conservancy vital point gave out aly completely by tie the narrow river bed 泄 the 流 , second periods are from the 导流 bottom bore 泄流 , project.