Testing the "System on a Chip"
Much has been written about the concept of a "system on a chip," the ever-increasing integration of logic and analog functions on one silicon die or chip. This paradigm is about to change. The results of work by universities, national labs, and companies such as Motorola, Inc., are paving the way for a true system on a chip, or SOC. These new SOCs will not only analyze data, but will measure, analyze, and react to their environment.
The integration of power and analog elements with a CMOS microcontroller unit (MCU) has been possible for several years. Products have been introduced such as an integrated 68HC05 motor controller with integral power devices in an H-bridge configuration (1990). In 1993, a product called a System Chip MCU was introduced that provided a Society of Automotive Engineers J1850 interface, including the physical layer. This chip could withstand 40 V, based on the combination of power and analog capability with the MCU. However, the system input was not included in previous monolithic designs.
What is the most recent development that promises to truly enable a system on a chip? It is the ability to combine CMOS and MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) structures into one process flow. Photo 1 illustrates a 68HC05 microcontroller with a 100 kPa pressure sensor integrated onto a single silicon die. A likely application is a side air bag sensor.
A pressure sensor, inside the door panel of a car, could detect the change in pressure when the panel crumples under an impact. The ability to program the onchip microcontroller will enable the auto manufacturer to embed the control algorithm inside the chip. To complete an entire system, only a mechanism for actuating the air bag need be added. This actuation capability could be yet another step in the continuous integration of silicon and electronics/electromechanical systems. This platform provides a first step in the integration of electronics with electromechanical structures and at the same time raises several issues that must be resolved before a low-cost, high-quality product can be mass produced. One of these issues is that of testability.
Typical logic circuits have many years of accumulated test data that can be used as a foundation for building the next generation of product. With sensors, however, very little previous technology can be reused. The reasons are the relative infancy of sensor technology and the uniqueness of each type of sensor. For example, the technology used to measure pressure (a thin diaphragm with integral strain gauge) is much different from that used for measuring acceleration (a proof mass forming a moving capacitor). The testing technology is different as well. Pressure measurements require a pressure source to be connected to the sensor; acceleration or shock detection requires shaking the device at some known frequency and force.
System Configuration
To develop a proof-of-concept vehicle (see Figure 1), a 100 kPa pressure sensor was integrated onto Motorola's standard 8-bit 68HC05 microcontroller core along with the associated analog circuitry [1]. To this basic core was added analog circuitry for signal conditioning, a voltage and current regulator, and 10-bit A/D and 8-bit D/A converters. A temperature sensor was also incorporated into the design for compensation purposes.
The pressure transducer is temperature dependent and has an inherent nonlinearity. To increase the accuracy of the system, a calibration or conditioning algorithm must be programmed into the microcontroller.
The pressure transducer's output is conditioned by a variable gain and input offset amplifier that is controlled by the program stored in the MCU. The A/D converter is used to read the temperature sensor's and the pressure transducer's outputs. The band gap voltage regulator supplies a constant voltage for the pressure sensor, amplifier, and A/D converter. The band gap current regulator provides a constant current source for the temperature sensor.
Calibration Method
The MCU calibrates and compensates the pressure sensor's nonlinearity and temperature drift. To provide the maximum accuracy, an A/D input resolution of 10 bits was chosen and the calculation resolution was set at 16 bits, fixed point. To calibrate span and offset and compensate the nonlinearity of the sensor output, calibration software performs a second-order polynomial correction of sensor output described as:
Vout = c0 + c1Vp + c2Vp2 (1)
Cp = (c0, c1, c2 ) (2)
Vout = calibrated output
Vp = uncompensated pressure sensor output
To compensate the temperature dependency of Cp, calibration software is used to calculate Cp using a second-order polynomial fitting equation to temperature:
c0 = c00 + c01Vt + c02 Vt2 (3)
c1 = c10 + c11Vt + c12 Vt2 (4)
c2 = c20 + c21Vt + c22Vt2 (5)
Vt = temperature sensor output
The Cts are read during the calibration procedure and stored in EPROM. The MCU calculates Cp from the temperature sensor output, Vt, and Ct. Cp is then used to calculate the calibrated pressure sensor output using the pressure transducer's output, Vp.
Calibration Procedure
The calibration system first adjusts the gain and offset of the amplifier to use the full A/D range. Then the characteristics of the uncompensated pressure sensor output are examined over several temperature points. At each temperature, a second-order polynomial described in Equation 1 is obtained by least square fitting and the coefficient set, Cp, is determined. After completing the calculation of Cp over all temperature points, Ct is determined by the least square fitting of Equations 3, 4, and 5 to determine Cp over the temperature points. At present, at least three separate temperature sampling points are required to complete the fitting calculation.
Figure 2. The uncompensated output of the sensor-based system on a chip is plotted at four different temperatures.
Figure 2 shows the uncompensated sensor output characteristics over various temperatures after adjusting gain and offset. Based on these data, the coefficients for calibration were calculated and written into the onchip EPROM by the calibration system. The compensation value was rounded off to 8 bits. Figure 3 shows the calibrated and compensated output of the integrated MCU. Figure 4 shows the error from expected values. Since 1 bit is 0.4% error, the result indicates the error is within 0.4% of full-scale output.
Figure 3. Compensated output of the system on a chip is improved through testing and calibration at three temperatures.
Test Issues
Several issues are raised by this initial work, including the different types of testing required, unique test equipment, and the need for multipass testing. To make a low-cost integrated solution possible, these concerns must be addressed.
The integration of a physical measurement function onto the already complex mixed-mode analog-digital chip raises the need for an additional type of testing. The physical medium being tested must be applied to the device and the response must be measured. Measuring the response to a physical stimulus is not a
Figure 4. Bit error in the compensated output is within 1 bit at both 30°C and 85°C
standard test for the semiconductor industry, especially under multiple temperatures. Standard equipment can test the digital and analog portions of the chip, but the application of a physical stimulus and the procedure of heating and cooling the device under test rapidly and accurately drive the need for a modified and unique tester. These testers are one of a kind and are not available as a standard. The tester therefore represents a large part of the final unit's cost.
Not only are the testers expensive, but the throughput is limited. This raises the cost of each part because of the increased depreciation costs allocated to each device. The cost is further increased by the need for multipass testing. Remember that each part is first tested, using at least three different temperatures, to determine the transducer's output characteristics over temperature. Then these values are used to derive the compensation algorithm, which is loaded into the onchip EPROM. To complete the cycle, the device is once again tested over temperature to prove accuracy. Hence, not only is a special tester required, but it becomes a bottleneck since it must be used twice to complete each device—once to measure the characteristics and a second time to verify the result.
Future Directions
Finding ways to reduce the cost of testing is one of the keys to making a low-cost integrated sensor and MCU a reality. Ideas that could prove promising include:
Thoroughly characterizing the design
Limiting the operating temperature
Limiting the accuracy
Programming the MCU to take data during testing
Loading the test and compensation algorithm into the MCU before testing
Since this is a first proof-of-concept device, further characterization could provide a way to limit the number of temperatures required for compensations. Limiting the operating temperature range could also reduce the number of temperatures required for compensation testing. Data shown in Figure 3 indicate a 5% accuracy from 5°C to 25°C. Another potential cost reduction step would be to use the MCU's programmability for data logging during test. By storing the compensation program in the onchip EPROM prior to test, and then logging the uncompensated output into the EPROM during test, it might be possible to develop an algorithm for a one-pass test over temperature.
Without a breakthrough in lowering the cost of testing this new integrated sensor and MCU, the system designer may be limited to the continued use of the present day solution—separate MCU and sensor.
All the DS18B20 sensors, used for the multipoint test temperature, are connected with MCU on one of IO bus, and temperature data are collected by turns. If the system has a large amount of sensors, the time of MCU used in processing the temperature data is obviously prolonged, so the cycle of alternate test gets longer. In this paper, a new method that DS18B20 are rationally grouped is presented, and some measures are taken in software; as a result, the speed of alternate test advances distinctly.
About Temperature
This document was prepared for the middle school math teachers who are taking part in Project Skymath. It is also hoped that the general public will find it interesting.
Disponible en espanol, toque aqui.
Contents (click on star)
What is Temperature
The Development of Thermometers and Temperature Scales
Heat and Thermodynamics
The Kinetic Theory
Thermal Radiation
3 K - The Temperature of the Universe
What is Temperature?
In a qualitative manner, we can describe the temperature of an object as that which determines the sensation of warmth or coldness felt from contact with it.
It is easy to demonstrate that when two objectsof the same material are placed together (physicists say when they are put in thermal contact), the object with the higher temperature cools while the cooler object becomes warmer until a point is reached after which no more change occurs, and to our senses, they feel the same. When the thermal changes have stopped, we say that the two objects (physicists define them more rigorously as systems) are in thermal equilibrium . We can then define the temperature of the system by saying that the temperature is that quantity which is the same for both systems when they are in thermal equilibrium.
If we experiment further with more than two systems, we find that many systems can be brought into thermal equilibrium with each other; thermal equilibrium does not depend on the kind of object used. Put more precisely,
if two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they must also be in thermal equilibrium with each other,
and they all have the same temperature regardless of the kind of systems they are.
The statement in italics, called the zeroth law of thermodynamics may be restated as follows:
If three or more systems are in thermal contact with each other and all in equilibrium together, then any two taken separately are in equilibrium with one another. (quote from T. J. Quinn's monograph Temperature)
Now one of the three systems could be an instrument calibrated to measure the temperature - i.e. a thermometer. When a calibrated thermometer is put in thermal contact with a system and reaches thermal equilibrium, we then have a quantitative measure of the temperature of the system. For example, a mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer is put under the tongue of a patient and allowed to reach thermal equilibrium in the patient's mouth - we then see by how much the silvery mercury has expanded in the stem and read the scale of the thermometer to find the patient's temperature.
What is a Thermometer?
A thermometer is an instrument that measures the temperature of a system in a quantitative way. The easiest way to do this is to find a substance having a property that changes in a regular way with its temperature. The most direct 'regular' way is a linear one:
t(x) = ax + b,
where t is the temperature of the substance and changes as the property x of the substance changes. The constants a and b depend on the substance used and may be evaluated by specifying two temperature points on the scale, such as 32° for the freezing point of water and 212° for its boiling point.
For example, the element mercury is liquid in the temperature range of -38.9° C to 356.7° C (we'll discuss the Celsius ° C scale later). As a liquid, mercury expands as it gets warmer, its expansion rate is linear and can be accurately calibrated.
The mercury-in-glass thermometer illustrated in the above figure contains a bulb filled with mercury that is allowed to expand into a capillary. Its rate of expansion is calibrated on the glass scale.
The Development of Thermometers and Temperature Scales
The historical highlights in the development of thermometers and their scales given here are based on "Temperature" by T. J. Quinn and "Heat" by James M. Cork.
One of the first attempts to make a standard temperature scale occurred about AD 170, when Galen, in his medical writings, proposed a standard "neutral" temperature made up of equal quantities of boiling water and ice; on either side of this temperature were four degrees of heat and four degrees of cold, respectively.
The earliest devices used to measure the temperature were called thermoscopes.
They consisted of a glass bulb having a long tube extending downward into a container of colored water, although Galileo in 1610 is supposed to have used wine. Some of the air in the bulb was expelled before placing it in the liquid, causing the liquid to rise into the tube. As the remaining air in the bulb was heated or cooled, the level of the liquid in the tube would vary reflecting the change in the air temperature. An engraved scale on the tube allowed for a quantitative measure of the fluctuations.
The air in the bulb is referred to as the thermometric medium, i.e. the medium whose property changes with temperature.
In 1641, the first sealed thermometer that used liquid rather than air as the thermometric medium was developed for Ferdinand II, Grand Duke of Tuscany. His thermometer used a sealed alcohol-in-glass device, with 50 "degree" marks on its stem but no "fixed point" was used to zero the scale. These were referred to as "spirit" thermometers.
Robert Hook, Curator of the Royal Society, in 1664 used a red dye in the alcohol . His scale, for which every degree represented an equal increment of volume equivalent to about 1/500 part of the volume of the thermometer liquid, needed only one fixed point. He selected the freezing point of water. By scaling it in this way, Hook showed that a standard scale could be established for thermometers of a variety of sizes. Hook's original thermometer became known as the standard of Gresham College and was used by the Royal Society until 1709. (The first intelligible meteorological records used this scale).
In 1702, the astronomer Ole Roemer of Copenhagen based his scale upon two fixed points: snow (or crushed ice) and the boiling point of water, and he recorded the daily temperatures at Copenhagen in 1708- 1709 with this thermometer.
It was in 1724 that Gabriel Fahrenheit, an instrument maker of Däanzig and Amsterdam, used mercury as the thermometric liquid. Mercury's thermal expansion is large and fairly uniform, it does not adhere to the glass, and it remains a liquid over a wide range of temperatures. Its silvery appearance makes it easy to read.
Fahrenheit described how he calibrated the scale of his mercury thermometer:
"placing the thermometer in a mixture of sal ammoniac or sea salt, ice, and water a point on the scale will be found which is denoted as zero. A second point is obtained if the same mixture is used without salt. Denote this position as 30. A third point, designated as 96, is obtained if the thermometer is placed in the mouth so as to acquire the heat of a healthy man." (D. G. Fahrenheit,Phil. Trans. (London) 33, 78, 1724)
On this scale, Fahrenheit measured the boiling point of water to be 212. Later he adjusted the freezing point of water to 32 so that the interval between the boiling and freezing points of water could be represented by the more rational number 180. Temperatures measured on this scale are designated as degrees Fahrenheit (° F).
In 1745, Carolus Linnaeus of Upsula, Sweden, described a scale in which the freezing point of water was zero, and the boiling point 100, making it a centigrade (one hundred steps) scale. Anders Celsius (1701-1744) used the reverse scale in which 100 represented the freezing point and zero the boiling point of water, still, of course, with 100 degrees between the two defining points.
In 1948 use of the Centigrade scale was dropped in favor of a new scale using degrees Celsius (° C). The Celsius scale is defined by the following two items that will be discussed later in this essay:
(i) The triple point of water is defined to be 0.01° C.
(ii) A degree Celsius equals the same temperature change as a degree on the ideal-gas scale.
On the Celsius scale the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure is 99.975 C in contrast to the 100 degrees defined by the Centigrade scale.
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit: multiply by 1.8 and add 32.
° F = 1.8° C + 32
° K = ° C + 273.
(Or, you can get someone else to do it for you!)
In 1780, J. A. C. Charles, a French physician, showed that for the same increase in temperature, all gases exhibited the same increase in volume. Because the expansion coefficient of gases is so very nearly the same, it is possible to establish a temperature scale based on a single fixed point rather than the two fixed- point scales, such as the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales. This brings us back to a thermometer that uses a gas as the thermometric medium.
In a constant volume gas thermometer a large bulb B of gas, hydrogen for example, under a set pressure connects with a mercury-filled "manometer" by means of a tube of very small volume. (The Bulb B is the temperature-sensing portion and should contain almost all of the hydrogen). The level of mercury at C may be adjusted by raising or lowering the mercury reservoir R. The pressure of the hydrogen gas, which is the "x" variable in the linear relation with temperature, is the difference between the levels D and C plus the pressure above D.
P. Chappuis in 1887 conducted extensive studies of gas thermometers with constant pressure or with constant volume using hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide as the thermometric medium. Based on his results, the Comité International des Poids et Mesures adopted the constant-volume hydrogen scale based on fixed points at the ice point (0° C) and the steam point (100° C) as the practical scale for international meteorology.
Experiments with gas thermometers have shown that there is very little difference in the temperature scale for different gases. Thus, it is possible to set up a temperature scale that is independent of the thermometric medium if it is a gas at low pressure. In this case, all gases behave like an "Ideal Gas" and have a very simple relation between their pressure, volume, and temperature:
pV= (constant)T.
This temperature is called the thermodynamic temperature and is now accepted as the fundamental measure of temperature. Note that there is a naturally-defined zero on this scale - it is the point at which the pressure of an ideal gas is zero, making the temperature also zero. We will continue a discussion of "absolute zero" in a later section. With this as one point on the scale, only one other fixed point need be defined. In 1933, the International Committee of Weights and Measures adopted this fixed point as the triple point of water , the temperature at which water, ice, and water vapor coexist in equilibrium); its value is set as 273.16. The unit of temperature on this scale is called the kelvin, after Lord Kelvin (William Thompson), 1824-1907, and its symbol is K (no degree symbol used).
To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, add 273.
K = ° C + 273.
Thermodynamic temperature is the fundamental temperature; its unit is the kelvin which is defined as the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
Sir William Siemens, in 1871, proposed a thermometer whose thermometric medium is a metallic conductor whose resistance changes with temperature. The element platinum does not oxidize at high temperatures and has a relatively uniform change in resistance with temperature over a large range. The Platinum Resistance Thermometer is now widely used as a thermoelectric thermometer and covers the temperature range from about -260° C to 1235° C.
Several temperatures were adopted as Primary reference points so as to define the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968. The International Temperature Scale of 1990 was adopted by the International Committee of Weights and Measures at its meeting in 1989. Between 0.65K and 5.0K, the temperature is defined in terms of the vapor pressure - temperature relations of the isotopes of helium. Between 3.0K and the triple point of neon (24.5561K) the temperature is defined by means of a helium gas thermometer. Between the triple point of hydrogen (13.8033K) and the freezing point of silver (961.78°K) the temperature is defined by means of platinum resistance thermometers. Above the freezing point of silver the temperature is defined in terms of the Planck radiation law.
T. J. Seebeck, in 1826, discovered that when wires of different metals are fused at one end and heated, a current flows from one to the other. The electromotive force generated can be quantitatively related to the temperature and hence, the system can be used as a thermometer - known as a thermocouple. The thermocouple is used in industry and many different metals are used - platinum and platinum/rhodium, nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminum, for example. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) maintains databases for standardizing thermometers.
For the measurement of very low temperatures, the magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is used as the thermometric physical quantity. For some substances, the magnetic susceptibility varies inversely as the temperature. Crystals such as cerrous magnesium nitrate and chromic potassium alum have been used to measure temperatures down to 0.05 K; these crystals are calibrated in the liquid helium range. This diagram and the last illustration in this text were taken from the Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology's picture archive. For these very low, and even lower, temperatures, the thermometer is also the mechanism for cooling. Several low-temperature laboratories conduct interesting applied and theoretical research on how to reach the lowest possible temperatures and how work at these temperatures may find application.
Heat and Thermodynamics
Prior to the 19th century, it was believed that the sense of how hot or cold an object felt was determined by how much "heat" it contained. Heat was envisioned as a liquid that flowed from a hotter to a colder object; this weightless fluid was called "caloric", and until the writings of Joseph Black (1728-1799), no distinction was made between heat and temperature. Black distinguished between the quantity (caloric) and the intensity (temperature) of heat.
Benjamin Thomson, Count Rumford, published a paper in 1798 entitled "an Inquiry Concerning the Source of Heat which is Excited by Friction". Rumford had noticed the large amount of heat generated when a cannon was drilled. He doubted that a material substance was flowing into the cannon and concluded "it appears to me to be extremely difficult if not impossible to form any distinct idea of anything capable of being excited and communicated in the manner the heat was excited and communicated in these experiments except motion."
But it was not until J. P. Joule published a definitive paper in 1847 that the the caloric idea was abandoned. Joule conclusively showed that heat was a form of energy. As a result of the experiments of Rumford, Joule, and others, it was demonstrated (explicitly stated by Helmholtz in 1847), that the various forms of energy can be transformed one into another.
When heat is transformed into any other form of energy, or when other forms of energy are transformed into heat, the total amount of energy (heat plus other forms) in the system is constant.
This is the first law of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy. To express it another way: it is in no way possible either by mechanical, thermal, chemical, or other means, to obtain a perpetual motion machine; i.e., one that creates its own energy (except in the fantasy world of Maurits Escher's "Waterfall"!)
A second statement may also be made about how machines operate. A steam engine uses a source of heat to produce work. Is it possible to completely convert the heat energy into work, making it a 100% efficient machine? The answer is to be found in the second law of thermodynamics:
No cyclic machine can convert heat energy wholly into other forms of energy. It is not possible to construct a cyclic machine that does nothing but withdraw heat energy and convert it into mechanical energy.
The second law of thermodynamics implies the irreversibility of certain processes - that of converting all heat into mechanical energy, although it is possible to have a cyclic machine that does nothing but convert mechanical energy into heat!
Sadi Carnot (1796-1832) conducted theoretical studies of the efficiencies of heat engines (a machine which converts some of its heat into useful work). He was trying to model the most efficient heat engine possible. His theoretical work provided the basis for practical improvements in the steam engine and also laid the foundations of thermodynamics. He described an ideal engine, called the Carnot engine, that is the most efficient way an engine can be constructed. He showed that the efficiency of such an engine is given by
efficiency = 1 - T"/T',
where the temperatures, T' and T" , are the hot and cold "reservoirs" , respectively, between which the machine operates. On this temperature scale, a heat engine whose coldest reservoir is zero degrees would operate with 100% efficiency. This is one definition of absolute zero, and it can be shown to be identical to the absolute zero we discussed previously. The temperature scale is called the absolute, the thermodynamic , or the kelvin scale.
The way that the gas temperature scale and the thermodynamic temperature scale are shown to be identical is based on the microscopic interpretation of temperature, which postulates that the macroscopic measurable quantity called temperature is a result of the random motions of the microscopic particles that make up a system.
The Kinetic Theory
This brief summary is abridged from a more detailed discussion to be found in Quinn's "Temperature"
About the same time that thermodynamics was evolving, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) and Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) developed a theory describing the way molecules moved - molecular dynamics. The molecules that make up a perfect gas move about, colliding with each other like billiard balls and bouncing off the surface of the container holding the gas. The energy associated with motion is called Kinetic Energy and this kinetic approach to the behavior of ideal gases led to an interpretation of the concept of temperature on a microscopic scale.
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3 K -温度的宇宙
把在接触) ,对象与较高的温度变冷,而凉爽的对象变得温暖,
何两个单独的平衡彼此。 (引自苏灿奎因的专着,温度)
In physics, temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold; something that feels hotter generally has the greater temperature. Temperature is one of the principal parameters of thermodynamics. On the macroscopic scale, temperature is the unique physical property that determines the direction of heat flow between two objects placed in thermal contact. If no heat flow occurs, the two objects have the same temperature; otherwise heat flows from the hotter object to the colder object. This is the content of the zeroth law of thermodynamics. On the microscopic scale, temperature can be defined as the average energy in each degree of freedom in the particles in a system- because temperature is a statistical property, a system must contain a few particles for the question as to its temperature to make any sense. For a solid, this energy is found in the vibrations of its atoms about their equilibrium positions. In an ideal monatomic gas, energy is found in the translational motions of the particles; with molecular gases, vibrational and rotational motions also provide thermodynamic degrees of freedom.
Temperature is measured with thermometers that may be calibrated to a variety of temperature scales. In most of the world (except for Myanmar, Liberia and the United States), the Celsius scale is used for most temperature measuring purposes. The entire scientific world (these countries included) measures temperature using the Celsius scale and thermodynamic temperature using the kelvin scale, which is just the Celsius scale shifted downwards so that 0 K[1]= −273.15 °C, or absolute zero. Many engineering fields in the U.S., especially high-tech ones, also use the kelvin and degrees Celsius scales. Other engineering fields in the U.S. also rely upon the Rankine scale (a shifted Fahrenheit scale) when working in thermodynamic-related disciplines such as combustion.
Intuitively, temperature is the measurement of how hot or cold something is, although the most immediate way in which we can measure this, by feeling it, is unreliable, resulting in the phenomenon of felt air temperature, which can differ at varying degrees from actual temperature. On the molecular level, temperature is the result of the motion of particles which make up a substance. Temperature increases as the energy of this motion increases. The motion may be the translational motion of the particle, or the internal energy of the particle due to molecular vibration or the excitation of an electron energy level. Although very specialized laboratory equipment is required to directly detect the translational thermal motions, thermal collisions by atoms or molecules with small particles suspended in a fluid produces Brownian motion that can be seen with an ordinary microscope. The thermal motions of atoms are very fast and temperatures close to absolute zero are required to directly observe them. For instance, when scientists at the NIST achieved a record-setting cold temperature of 700 nK (1 nK = 10−9 K) in 1994, they used optical lattice laser equipment to adiabatically cool caesium atoms. They then turned off the entrapment lasers and directly measured atom velocities of 7 mm per second in order to calculate their temperature.
Molecules, such as O2, have more degrees of freedom than single atoms: they can have rotational and vibrational motions as well as translational motion. An increase in temperature will cause the average translational energy to increase. It will also cause the energy associated with vibrational and rotational modes to increase. Thus a diatomic gas, with extra degrees of freedom rotation and vibration, will require a higher energy input to change the temperature by a certain amount, i.e. it will have a higher heat capacity than a monatomic gas.
The process of cooling involves removing energy from a system. When there is no more energy able to be removed, the system is said to be at absolute zero, which is the point on the thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale where all kinetic motion in the particles comprising matter ceases and they are at complete rest in the “classic” (non-quantum mechanical) sense. By definition, absolute zero is a temperature of precisely 0 kelvins (−273.15 °C or −459.68 °F).
The formal properties of temperature follow from its mathematical definition (see below for the zeroth law definition and the second law definition) and are studied in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
Contrary to other thermodynamic quantities such as entropy and heat, whose microscopic definitions are valid even far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, temperature being an average energy per particle can only be defined at thermodynamic equilibrium, or at least local thermodynamic equilibrium (see below).
As a system receives heat, its temperature rises; similarly, a loss of heat from the system tends to decrease its temperature (at the--uncommon--exception of negative temperature; see below).
When two systems are at the same temperature, no heat transfer occurs between them. When a temperature difference does exist, heat will tend to move from the higher-temperature system to the lower-temperature system, until they are at thermal equilibrium. This heat transfer may occur via conduction, convection or radiation or combinations of them (see heat for additional discussion of the various mechanisms of heat transfer) and some ions may vary.
Temperature is also related to the amount of internal energy and enthalpy of a system: the higher the temperature of a system, the higher its internal energy and enthalpy.
Temperature is an intensive property of a system, meaning that it does not depend on the system size, the amount or type of material in the system, the same as for the pressure and density. By contrast, mass, volume, and entropy are extensive properties, and depend on the amount of material in the system.
Temperature plays an important role in almost all fields of science, including physics, geology, chemistry, and biology.
Many physical properties of materials including the phase (solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma), density, solubility, vapor pressure, and electrical conductivity depend on the temperature. Temperature also plays an important role in determining the rate and extent to which chemical reactions occur. This is one reason why the human body has several elaborate mechanisms for maintaining the temperature at 37 °C, since temperatures only a few degrees higher can result in harmful reactions with serious consequences. Temperature also controls the type and quantity of thermal radiation emitted from a surface. One application of this effect is the incandescent light bulb, in which a tungsten filament is electrically heated to a temperature at which significant quantities of visible light are emitted.
Temperature-dependence of the speed of sound in air c, density of air ρ and acoustic impedance Z vs. temperature °C
[通信工程]MCS-51 单片机温度控制系统
This paper presents an experimental study
about the impact of reflective coatings on building surface temperatures, air
tempera- ture, globe temperature, energy consumption
thermal comfort for buildings located in Shanghai, China. This
location is characterized by hot summers and cold winters, and the overall
effects of reflective coatings are complex considering the potential benefits
in the summer and the potential penalties during winter. In parallel, another
experiment with four smaller test cells was carried out to investigate the
impact of envelope material thermal properties combined with reflective