Abstract: Contemporary young artist, Liu Xiaodong's work inherits the traditional focus of realism, potraying people and events around him through realist style. His subject of focus has changed from painting realtives and friends to more significant social issues such as the Tree Gorges Dam project and Qinghai-Tibetan railway, and so on, together reflecting the reality of drastic social changes. The people in his painting reflect his realistic attitude towards reality, therefore his paintings are regarded as a country's wound and an artist's state of powerlessness. Yet again, the characteristics of Liu Xiaodong's work is precisely fitting to the conception of contemporary art. Here, in order to examine artist Liu Xiaodong's artistic style and characteristics, I analyse the works of Liu Xiaodong from different stages in relation to their different historical backdrops and value systems with my own understanding of contemporary painting,to help (him) to better grasp the essence of contemporary art.
Keywords: realist attitude, the state of powerlessness,contemporary art, artistic style and characteristics, the essence of contemporary art
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