02 园林学
02.1 总论
2.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture
2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing
2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture
2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture
2.0005 园林艺术garden art
2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics
2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture
2.0008 园林建筑garden building
2.0009 园林工程garden engineering
2.0010 园林植物landscape plant
2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant
2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing
2.0013 园林garden and park
2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture
2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning
2.0016 园林设计garden design
2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine
2.0018 园林管理garden management
2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology
2.0020 绿化greening, planting
2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening
2.0022 绿地面积green area
2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space
2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage
2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing
2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting
2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening
2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening
2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening
2.0030 群众绿化mass planting movement
2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening
2.0032 公路绿化highway greening
2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting
2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting
2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening
2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening
2.0037 屋顶绿化roof greening
2.0038 垂直绿化vertical greening
2.0039 攀缘绿化climber greening
2.0040 桥头绿化bridgehead greening花园garden
2.0042 专类花园specified flower garden
2.0043 花园村garden village
2.0044 园林城市landscape garden city
2.0045 蔷薇园rose garden
2.0046 松柏园conifer garden
2.0047 球根园bulb garden
2.0048 宿根园perennial garden
2.0049 假山园rock garden, Chinese rockery
2.0050 狩猎场hunting ground
2.0051 街心花园street crossing center garden
2.0052 小游园petty street garden
2.0053 水景园water garden
2.0054 铺地园paved garden
2.0055 野趣园wild plants botanical garden
2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden
2.0057 乡趣园rustic garden
2.0058 盆景园penjing garden, miniature land-scape
2.0059 动物园 zoo, zoological garden
2.0060 墓园cemetery garden
2.0061 沼泽园bog and marsh garden
2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden
2.0063 学校园school garden
2.0064 室内花园indoor garden
2.0065 芳香花园fragrant garden
2.0066 盲人花园garden for the blind
2.0067 公园park, public park
2.0068 城市公园city park, urban park
2.0069 区公园regional park
2.0070 儿童公园children park
2.0071 体育公园sports park
2.0072 森林公园forest park
2.0073 纪念公园memorial park
2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park
2.0075 综合公园comprehensive park
2.0076 文化公园cultural park
2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park
2.0078 中央公园central park
2.0079 天然公园natural park
2.0080 海滨公园seaside park, seabeach park
2.0081 古迹公园historic site park
2.0082 河滨公园riverside park
2.0083 湖滨公园lakeside park
2.0084 路边公园roadside park, street park
2.0085 娱乐公园amusement park
2.0086 雕塑公园sculpture park
2.0087 休憩公园recreation park
2.0088 疗养公园sanatorium park
2.0089 国家公园national park
2.0090 邻里公园neighborhood park
2.0091 特种公园special park
2.0092 植物园botanical garden
2.0093 植物公园 abeled plants park
2.0094 高山植物园 alpine garden
2.0095 热带植物园 tropical plants garden
2.0096 药用植物园 medical plants garden, herb garden
2.0097 绿地 green space
2.0098 公共绿地public green space
2.0099 单位绿地unit green area
2.0100 城市绿地urban green space
2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area
2.0102 居住区绿地residential quarter green area
2.0103 防护绿地green area for environmental protection
2.0104 郊区绿地suburban green space
2.0105 街坊绿地residential block green belt
2.0106 附属绿地attached green space
2.0107 生产绿地productive plantation area
2.0108 苗圃nursery
2.0109 风景landscape, scenery
2.0110 自然景观natural landscape
2.0111 人文景观human landscape, scenery of humanities
2.0112 草原景观prairie landscape
2.0113 山岳景观mountain landscape, alpine landscape
2.0114 地理景观geographical landscape
2.0115 湖泊景观lake view
2.0116 郊区景观suburban landscape
2.0117 地质景观geological landscape
2.0118 喀斯特景观karst landscape
2.0119 植物景观plants landscape, flora landscape02.2 园林史
02.2.1 中国园林史
2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden
2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden
2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden
2.0123 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden
2.0124 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden
2.0125 皇家园林royal garden
2.0126 私家园林private garden
2.0127 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta
02.2.2 西方园林史
2.0128 西方古典园林western classical garden
2.0129 英国式园林English style garden
2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden
2.0131 意大利式园林Italian style garden
2.0132 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden
2.0133 法兰西式园林French style garden
2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden
2.0135 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa
2.0136 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden
2.0137 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden
2.0138 庄园manor, villa garden
2.0139 廊柱园peristyle garden, patio
2.0140 绿廊xystus
2.0141 迷阵maze, labyrinth02.2.3 典型中西园林
2.0142 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden
2.0143 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden
2.0144 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden
2.0145 阿房宫E-Pang Palace
2.0146 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan
2.0147 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace
2.0148 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace
2.0149 华清官Hua-Qing Palace
2.0150 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden
2.0151 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden
2.0152 颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace
2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort
2.0154 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden
2.0155 悬园Hanging Garden
2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden
2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park
2.0158 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden02.3 园林艺术
2.0159 景view, scenery, feature
2.0160 远景distant view
2.0161 近景nearby view
2.0162 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view
2.0163 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing
2.0164 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place
2.0165 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery
2.0166 漏景leaking through scenery
2.0167 框景enframed scenery02.5 园林设计
2.0325 园林设计师landscape architect, garden designer
2.0326 园址测量图garden site survey map
2.0327 地形图topographic map, contour map
2.0328 种植设计planting design
2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design
2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design
2.0331 造价分析cost analysis
2.0332 园林形式garden style
2.0333 规整式园林formal garden style
2.0334 非规整园林informal garden style
2.0335 几何式园林geometric garden style
2.0336 自然式园林natural garden style
2.0337 混合式园林mixed garden style
2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style
2.0339 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden
2.0340 园林区划garden area division
2.0341 园林分区规划garden block planning
2.0342 庭院花园courtyard garden
2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt
2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard
2.0345 中庭patio
2.0346 厨园kitchen yard
2.0347 沉[床]园sunken garden
2.0348 窗园window garden
2.0349 墙园wall garden
2.0350 宅园home garden
2.0351 台地园terrace garden
2.0352 冬园winter garden
2.0353 切花园cut flower garden
2.0354 屋顶花园roof garden
2.0355 后花园back yard garden
2.0356 园林地形改造topographical reform of garden
2.0357 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound
2.0358 假山rockery, artificial rockwork
2.0359 太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone
2.0360 黄石yellowish brown stone
2.0361 人造假山石artificial stone, man-made stone
2.0362 孤赏石monolith, standing stone
2.0363 掇山piled stone hill, hill making
2.0364 叠石stones laying
2.0365 板石flag stone
2.0366 散点石scattered stone
2.0367 抱角石corner stone
2.0368 屋基石foundation stone
2.0369 排衙石guard stone
2.0370 屏石screen stone
2.0371 石岸rock bank
2.0372 石阶stone steps
2.0373 汀步stepping stone on water surface
2.0374 附壁石stone appended to wall
2.0375 石花台stone flower bed
2.0376 石凳stone bench
2.0377 假山石挡土墙rock retaining wall
2.0378 干砌石dry stone wall
2.0379 假山石楼梯rock stairway
2.0380 石亭stone pavilion
2.0381 石洞stone cavern
2.0382 石窟grotto
2.0383 置石stone arrangement, stone layout
2.0384 拱石arch stone
2.0385 拱顶石key stone
2.0168 尾景terminal feature
2.0169 主景main feature
2.0170 副景secondary feature
2.0171 配景objective view
2.0172 夹景vista line, vista
2.0173 前景front view
2.0174 背景background
2.0175 景序order of sceneries
2.0176 景点feature spot, view spot
2.0177 仰视景观upward landscape
2.0178 俯视景观downward landscape
2.0179 季相景观seasonal phenomena
2.0180 气象景观meteorological diversity scenery
2.0181 视野visual field
2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color
2.0183 园林空间garden space
2.0184 开敞空间wide open space, wide space
2.0185 封闭空间enclosure space
2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery
2.0187 苍古antiquity
2.0188 空灵spaciousness, airiness
2.0189 动观in-motion viewing
2.0190 静观 in-position viewing
2.0191 视错觉visual illusion
2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden
2.0193 对称平衡symmetrical balance
2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance
2.0195 左右对称bilateral symmetry
2.0196 辐射对称radial symmetry
2.0197 透景线perspective line
2.0198 轴线axis, axial line
2.0199 主轴main axis 2.0200 副轴auxiliary axis
2.0201 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis
2.0202 树冠线skyline
2.0203 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors
2.0204 单色谐调monochromatic harmony
2.0205 复色谐调compound chromatic harmony
2.0206 对比色突出contrast colors accent
2.0207 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony
2.0208 暖色warm color
2.0209 冷色cool color
2.0210 色感color sense
英文关键词: Greening + factory + (Landscape)(仅供参考)
如:greeen factory landscape filetype:pdf
《Making a City Green 》一篇关于城市环境的文章
agriculture, science and practice of producing crops and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. The primary aim of agriculture is to cause the land to produce more abundantly and at the same time to protect it from deterioration and misuse. The diverse branches of modern agriculture include agronomy, horticulture, economic entomology, animal husbandry, dairying, agricultural engineering, soil chemistry, and agricultural economics.
Early Agriculture
Early people depended for their survival on hunting, fishing, and food gathering. To this day, some groups still pursue this simple way of life, and others have continued as roving herders (see nomad). However, as various groups of people undertook deliberate cultivation of wild plants and domestication of wild animals, agriculture came into being. Cultivation of crops—notably grains such as wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley, and millet—encouraged settlement of stable farm communities, some of which grew to be towns and city-states in various parts of the world. Early agricultural implements—the digging stick, the hoe, the scythe, and the plow—developed slowly over the centuries, each innovation (e.g., the introduction of iron) causing profound changes in human life. From early times, too, people created ingenious systems of irrigation to control water supply, especially in semiarid areas and regions of periodic rainfall, e.g., the Middle East, the American Southwest and Mexico, the Nile Valley, and S Asia.
Farming was often intimately associated with landholding (see tenure) and therefore with political organization. Growth of large estates involved the use of slaves (see slavery) and bound or semifree labor. In the Western Middle Ages the manorial system was the typical organization of more or less isolated units and determined the nature of the agricultural village. In Asia large holdings by the nobles, partly arising from feudalism (especially in China and Japan), produced a similar pattern.
The Rise of Commercial Agriculture
As the Middle Ages waned, increasing communications, the commercial revolution, and the rise of cities in Western Europe tended to turn agriculture away from subsistence farming toward the growing of crops for sale outside the community (commercial agriculture). In Britain the practice of inclosure allowed landlords to set aside plots of land, formerly subject to common rights, for intensive cropping or fenced pasturage, leading to efficient production of single crops.
In the 16th and 17th cent. horticulture was greatly developed and contributed to the so-called agricultural revolution. Exploration and intercontinental trade, as well as scientific investigation, led to the development of horticultural knowledge of various crops and the exchange of farming methods and products, such as the potato, which was introduced from America along with beans and corn (maize) and became almost as common in N Europe as rice is in SE Asia.
The appearance of mechanical devices such as the sugar mill and Eli Whitney's cotton gin helped to support the system of large plantations based on a single crop. The Industrial Revolution after the late 18th cent. swelled the population of towns and cities and increasingly forced agriculture into greater integration with general economic and financial patterns. In the American colonies the independent, more or less self-sufficient family farm became the norm in the North, while the plantation, using slave labor, was dominant (although not universal) in the South. The free farm pushed westward with the frontier.
Modern Agriculture
In the N and W United States the era of mechanized agriculture began with the invention of such farm machines as the reaper, the cultivator, the thresher, and the combine. Other revolutionary innovations, e.g., the tractor, continued to appear over the years, leading to a new type of large-scale agriculture. Modern science has also revolutionized food processing; refrigeration, for example, has made possible the large meatpacking plants and shipment and packaging of perishable foods. Urbanization has fostered the specialties of market gardening and truck farming. Harvesting operations (see harvester) have been mechanized for almost every plant product grown. Breeding programs have developed highly specialized animal, plant, and poultry varieties, thus increasing production efficiency. The development of genetic engineering has given rise to genetically modified transgenic crops and, to a lesser degree, livestock that possess a gene from an unrelated species that confers a desired quality. Such modification allows livestock to be used as “factories” for the production of growth hormone and other substances (see pharming). In the United States and other leading food-producing nations agricultural colleges and government agencies attempt to increase output by disseminating knowledge of improved agricultural practices, by the release of new plant and animal types, and by continuous intensive research into basic and applied scientific principles relating to agricultural production and economics.
These changes have, of course, given new aspects to agricultural policies. In the United States and other developed nations, the family farm is disappearing, as industrialized farms, which are organized according to industrial management techniques, can more efficiently and economically adapt to new and ever-improving technology, specialization of crops, and the volatility of farm prices in a global economy. Niche farming, in which specialized crops are raised for a specialized market, e.g., heirloom tomatoes or exotic herbs sold to gourmet food shops and restaurants, revived or encouraged some smaller farms in the latter 20th and early 21st cents., but did little to stop the overall decrease in family farms. In Third World countries, where small farms, using rudimentary techniques, still predominate, the international market has had less effect on the internal economy and the supply of food.
Most of the governments of the world face their own type of farm problem, and the attempted solutions vary as much as does agriculture itself. The modern world includes areas where specialization and conservation have been highly refined, such as Denmark, as well as areas such as N Brazil and parts of Africa, where forest peoples still employ “slash-and-burn” agriculture—cutting down and burning trees, exhausting the ash-enriched soil, and then moving to a new area. In other regions, notably SE Asia, dense population and very small holdings necessitate intensive cultivation, using people and animals but few machines; here the yield is low in relation to energy expenditure. In many countries extensive government programs control the planning, financing, and regulation of agriculture. Agriculture is still the occupation of almost 50% of the world's population, but the numbers vary from less than 3% in industrialized countries to over 60% in Third World countries.
1\Designing your own panorama, could be each exciting and challenging. If you are contemplating such a mission, listed here are some practical ideas and suggestions.
Planning the Project
Planning your landscape design is the first and most vital step. Take the time to assemble the data you will want to make your decisions on the weather you wish to include in your landscape design. Will you want a deck, patio, foot paths, walkways, a pond? What sort of plants, timber, flowers, and ground cover will you want to use? You need to research books, articles, and landscape design magazines that will help you make these decisions. It will pay off in the end by saving you cash, time, and frustration, enabeling you find yourself with a beautifully completed mission to be proud of.
The Design
The landscape design is your subsequent step. You will need to make a structure of the realm to be landscaped, as close to scale as possible, and with accurate measurements. Many landscape design planning guides that provides you with step-by-step instructions can be found on the internet without spending a dime, and books or eBooks are abundant. As soon as your panorama design structure is done you’ll be able to started to position your components on the layout pad. This should be your first or preliminary plan and as you progess, modifications will be transfered to your secondary or updated plans. Altering your thoughts usually is simply fine. After all this is just on paper at this point and you haven’t spent any money or performed any labor yet. Experimenting with a few plans is critical before you come up the final landscape design. A properly planned landscape won’t ever look the same in numerous seasons. Plan your panorama design to change with the seasons. You must try to design your landscape as maintenance free as possible.
Panorama Design Software program
If it is onerous for you to visualize your finished panorama design by simply taking a look at your format, there is some excellent landscape design software available. A lot of the landscape design software was originally developed for skilled landscapers, however since has been modified for the beginner who needs to do-it-themselves. There are a lot of do-it-yourslef panorama design software program applications out there today. Panorama design software permits you to see a digital picture of the landscape design and allows you to transfer gadgets round and see the changes you make come to life. Some software means that you can import a photograph of your property or constructing and designs the panorama across the photo. Most landscape design software packages offer advise on using and putting the numerous completely different components obtainable right now in your landscape design. A properly designed panorama will all the time change with time, abd a number of the landscape design software program obtainable will mean you can view your panorama because it matures. You may see what it’s going to seem like 5 or 10 years from now when the bushes have grown and the plants matured.
Many people prefer to incorparate a garden of their landscape design. Gardens may be tucked away in the nook of an space, or be the point of interest of the entire panorama design. Gardens can even be stragecly positioned among the plants, flowers and trees so they mix in with your entire landscape design. If you like to backyard, dont overlook all of the garden design possiblities when planning your landscape design.
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We are all ready to invest large amounts of money on landscaping in order to give a face lift to our homes. But we didn’t prune enough or at all when our lawn needed it, making our prized lawns and gardens looking worse than ever. This is the best time to start getting ready and preparing your lawn for beautiful success. For your garden to have a longer life span, take the following tips into consideration.
Plenty of individuals would love to have a garden that has a lot of stunning hydrangeas or azaleas growing beautifully. This particular goal takes a good deal of time and effort, nevertheless, so if you’re amongst those individuals who would like to achieve it, you’ll need to work very hard beginning right away.
Fundamental Garden Landscaping
Starting small is without doubt the method to use, particularly if you happen to be a beginner in this particular craft. One of the things you should focus on to start with will be the choice of plants you want to cultivate, i.e. flowers, trees, or maybe even vegetables. It is clearly sensible to decide on plants that do not need an excessive amount of maintenance but when you are confident enough in relation to your gardening skills, roses, orchids, and bonsai trees offer great options.
Getting the soil ready is very important to ensure that you will be able to grow beautiful things in your garden. Using organic fertilizers often is the preferred strategy to use since they will not present any kind of threat to the environment or to human health. Becoming acquainted with different kinds of organic fertilizers such as horse manure or steer manure can enable you to do a good job in preparing the garden soil for great growing conditions.
Structures and Decor
Naturally, a vibrant and nicely decorated lawn is really what you’ll want which involves various garden landscaping options including water fountains, fencing, and lighting. The strategy is to integrate as much of your own personality into your design so as to make it a little haven that is not just lovely to view but also is a quintessential reflection of you.
Outdoor furniture is a very common garden landscaping feature which also happens to be very useful. When you have the area to hold a complete set, you might as well go for it, especially when you want to have a proper place for your guests during the day if the sun is out but it is not too hot.
Patio and Garden Lighting Fixtures
Adequate illumination can be a large part of designing your garden. The patio is where it all begins so you might wish to buy a good set of sconces or wall lights which illuminate the area and highlight its naturally beauty. Garden lighting is encouraged not just for functional purposes but also for displaying the best features of the space even at night.
To be able to continue to keep the garden in excellent shape, it is crucial to understand its needs like routine and controlled watering, tilling, mowing, and weed removal. Watering needs to be season and weather appropriate because gardens that are way too dry or too wet will never flourish so make sure that you adjust appropriately.
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