

发布时间:2023-03-10 20:23


  The development of modern finance
  First, the financial problem of the uncertainty
  (A) the uncertainty of the field in the application of asset pricing
  1. Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model
  In the framework of the financial analysis, introduction of the concept of uncertainty is a major role. First Kenes (1936) and Hicks (1939) proposed the concept of risk compensation that the financial products in the presence of uncertainty, should interest rates in different financial products in compensation for additional risks. Subsequently, Von Neumann (1947) applied the concept of expected utility of the proposed settlement in the decision-making under uncertainty in the method chosen, on this basis Markowiz (1952) developed a portfolio theory, he thought when investors choose portfolio concerned only with future cash flow of the mean and variance. He assumed that the expected utility of investors consistent with secondary distribution or multinomial distribution. Markowiz The main conclusions are subject to uncertainty, optimal decision-making is a diversified investment holding. Tobin (1958) that investor liquidity preferences for their own benefits and risks of different options for the balance. This further improved the framework of portfolio choice theory.
  In the field of asset pricing model is another well-known theory of capital pricing model (CAPM), Sharp (1994) and Lintner (1995) using the formula succinctly expressed the portfolio value and risk-free interest rate and the level of risk assets, the relationship between . Black (1972) introduced even in the non-risk assets zones remained the case, Sharp and the CAPM formula is still valid, just without the risk of interest rates are including the entire market on all assets of the portfolio rate of return instead of the 预期. Contemporary with the CAPM model of the asset pricing model also Ross (1977) arbitrage pricing model (APT) and Lucas (1978) the typical agent asset pricing model.
  Represented by CAPM asset pricing model for asset pricing provides a simple method of calculation, and obtain some support from empirical studies (Fama and Macbeth, 1973), but in reality some of the anomalies is still a lack of effective explanatory power, Brennan (1989) that the CAPM is based on the expectations of all investors in the investment and risk are common in estimates and judgments, and all investors the same utility function based on the assumption that this assumption is inconsistent with the reality This is leading to some practical problems CAPM on the root causes of the lack of explanatory power. It is beyond doubt on these assumptions, to promote the introduction of the concept of asymmetric information and research.
  2. Market efficiency hypothesis
  Market efficiency hypothesis that in a perfectly competitive market, there is no asymmetric information and market frictions affect the future earnings of the average investment risk is different. 60s in the 20th century a large number of research workers on the market efficiency hypothesis was tested, Fama (1973) through empirical tests on the U.S. stock market, that the efficient market hypothesis holds, but many researchers found that in the market, There are many market efficiency hypothesis or CAPM model can not explain the abnormal phenomenon. For example, Basu (1977) found that the average earnings assets, in addition to the β coefficient of the CAPM, but also with the price earnings ratio of assets (P / E ratio) is related to the same β coefficient, the higher the price earnings ratio stocks (growth stocks) better than the market price of the low price earnings ratio of stocks (value stocks); Benz (1981) found that the market price of the stock with the size of the listed company; Stattman (1980) found that stock prices and the ratio of book value (P / B ratio) is also an important factor affecting stock prices. Fama and French (1993) On the basis of the above three-factor model proposed that the impact of asset prices in the β factors, joined the P / E ratio and P / B ratio factor.
  The interpretation of these anomalies, the efficient market hypothesis seems powerless, someone had tried the "January effect" to the end of Shuishou interpreted as the impact of outflow, but in the United Kingdom, Australia, the annual revenue of the country is not in December, there are still "in January effect "can not be explained. Some scholars from a psychological perspective to explain these anomalies, such as, Dreman (1982) the stock price P / E ratio effect interpreted as the investor always overestimate growth stocks with high growth, leading to market high P / E ratio of stock market was overvalued, that it is a reason for low stock returns.
  3. Continuous time model
  In asset pricing theory is another important assumption: stock market is always in a continuous process, under this assumption, Merton (1969,1971) to develop instantaneous CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM), the same information symmetry, frictionless market, asset price changes in line with Ito process under these conditions, asset prices and investor preference for independent effectiveness. In subsequent studies Merton (1973) and Black (1973) The application of these continuous-time model has been successful in the option pricing formula, the formula was later confirmed that a large number of empirical studies and has been widely applied in practice.
  (B) the uncertainty of financial management in the company of
  Financial analysis is another important area of financial management, major research firms in the investment decision-making in the proportion of the debt and equity options, the company's dividend policy and other issues. Results of the first studies in this area by the Modigliani and Miller (1958) made their study shows that full market (no market frictions and asymmetric information exists) the value of the company has nothing to do with the company's debt ratio (MM theorem). A similar study concludes that the value of the company's profit distribution policy has nothing to do. Obviously, these research findings and practical in reality. MM theorem based on the conclusions in the distribution of profits, due to the cash outflow will be sent found Jinhong Li, the Company repurchased shares will be more willing to choose policies, rather than the dividend policy, in reality, many companies prefer to dividends rather than Share buy-back, this phenomenon is Black (1976) referred to as "Company dividend puzzle (Dividend Puzzle)", which Miller (1977) can give the explanation, MM theorem conclusion is that the reason and the reality of different tax and the so-called bankruptcy costs on the financial structure is the result of certain liabilities of the company can achieve the role of tax relief, another company because of the existence of high debt ratio risk of bankruptcy, so the debt ratio to the value of existing shares affected, Miller and Other scholars make on these financial problems are not very satisfactory interpretation of the whole until later after the introduction of asymmetric information, it seems Caidui explain these issues to achieve a breakthrough.
  As mentioned above, some of the phenomena of reality is difficult to simply use the uncertainty (risk) to get a satisfactory explanation, it is in the research of these issues raises the question of asymmetric information on financial concerns, plus last 60 years in the 20th century to game theory, represented a breakthrough in the information economy research methods, leading many scholars to the financial problems of asymmetric information in the study achieved a lot, especially the use of asymmetric information can explain a lot of perfectly the financial structure issues. Following is an overview of this still results in two parts, first in the results of financial decision-making, followed by the asset pricing results.
  (A) asymmetric information in corporate financial management application


作者:Liu Cao

我猜题主是想通过读作为学科foundation的这些paper来进行金融入门,曾几何时我也有和楼主相似的想法,并自己做了一点Researching ,也整理出了一点成果,我就试着根据这些Paper为知友们理一理现代金融发展的脉络吧。

(提醒:为了给新手一个金融学发展的直观的感受,我选择了用时间顺序列举Paper的办法,而不是按传统的分 投资学/公司金融 两块(PT-CAPM-EMH-MM-BSM)[3]来列举的。)


首先,金融的一切一切的Foundation,Daniel Bernoulli (瑞士人)在1738年写的:

Specimen Theoriae Novae de Mensura Sortis," Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, Tomus V 1738, pp. 175-192.



Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk,Daniel Bernoulli,Econometrica, Vol. 22, No. 1. (Jan., 1954), pp. 23-36.


(Citation 数据来自Google Scholar,写答案时候顺手刷新的,更新日期: 2014/2/17 2:52 am,下同)


然后? 黑喂狗!


1. The birth of finance--Portfolio Theory.

正如Eugene F. Fama [2]所说:

Finance has its birth in 1952 with the PhD thesis of Harry Markowitz on portfolio theory that he did in the Department of Economics.


Markowitz, Harry. "Portfolio selection*." The journal of finance 7.1 (1952): 77-91.



Markowitz, Harry M. Portfolio selection: efficient diversification of investments. Vol. 16. Yale University Press, 1970.




tion of Corporate finance--MM theorem.


他们的研究算是真正的给Corporate Finance这门学科奠定了基础。

Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. "The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment." The American economic review (1958): 261-297.



bridge between risk and return--Capital Assets Pricing Model


Sharpe, William F. "Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk*." The journal of finance 19.3 (1964): 425-442.


Lintner, J., 1965, The valuation of risk assets and the
selection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capital
budgets, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47:13‐37.


Mossin, J., 1966, Equilibrium in a capital asset market,
Econometrica, 34: 768‐783.



does our market behave? --Efficient Market Theory




Fama, E. F., 1965, Random walks in stock
market prices, Financial Analysts Journal,


Fama, E. F., 1970, Efficient Capital Markets: A
review of theory and empirical work, Journal
of Finance, 25: 383‐417.



Greatest Financial Theory Ever--Black-Scholes-Merton Model


The Black-Scholes paper is, in my view, the most important paper in economics of the 20th century. No other paper has to be learned by every single economist getting a PhD and has also created an industry—the derivatives industry.

别的theory都是奠定了什么什么基础,BSM Model直接创造了迄今为止可能最赚钱(也最亏钱,衍生品往往是零和博弈)的行业--金融衍生品行业

Merton, Robert C. "Theory of rational option pricing." (1971): 141-183.


Merton, Robert C. "Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous." Journal of financial economics 3.1 (1976): 125-144.


Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973, The pricing of
options and corporate liabilities, Journal of Political
Economy, 81: 637‐654



theory to Practical--APT


Ross, S. A., 1976, The arbitrage theory of capital
asset pricing, Journal of Economic Theory, 13: 341‐


Ross, S. A., 1978, A simple approach to the
valuation of risky streams, Journal of Business, 51:








最后提一句,建议知友们平衡好看Original Paper和Explained Material(Textbook, PPT )之间的关系,Paper作为第一手资料固然好,但是却真的不适合入门,Textbook讲的有条理且浅显易懂,但却不利于我们领略这个理论本来是什么样子的,阻碍了我们进一步理解这些理论。



finance - Google Scholar

[2].Eugene F. Fama:A brief history of finance and my life at Chicago
[3] The history of finance

编辑于 2014-09-23

64 条评论











•117 人赞同

我读的偏corporate finance,结合文献课list、专业书籍以及自己总结做一个推荐,感谢授课的诸位老师们。Capital Structure MM理论:无税MM与有税MMModigliani, F. and M. Miller,
1958, The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Invest…


我读的偏corporate finance,结合文献课list、专业书籍以及自己总结做一个推荐,感谢授课的诸位老师们。

Capital Structure

Modigliani, F. and M. Miller,
1958, The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment, American
Economic Review, 48(3), 261-297.
Modigliani, F. and M. Miller, 1963, Corporate
Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital: A Correction, American Economic
Review, 53(3), 433-443.

Robichek, A. A., S. C. Myers, 1966. Problems in the theory of optimal capital structure[J]. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis: 1-35.

DeAngelo, H., and R. W. Masulis, 1980. Optimal capital structure under corporate and personal taxation[J]. Journal of financial Economics, 8(1): 3-29.

Myers, Stewart and Nicholas Majluf, 1984, Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have, Journal of Financial Economics 13, 187-221.

Malcolm and Jeffrey Wurgler, 2002, Market timing and capital
structure, Journal of Finance 57, 1-32.


Jensen, M. C., and W. H. Meckling,1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure[J]. Journal of financial economics, 3(4): 305-360.


Raising Capital
Rock, K , 1986, Why New Issues
are Underpriced?, Journal of Financial Economics, 15, 187-212.

2. Dittmar, Amy and Anjan Thakor,
2007, Why Do Firms Issue Equity? Journal
of Finance
62, 1-54

Payout Policy
1. Bhattacharya, 1979, Imperfection Information, Dividend Policy, and "the bird in the hand" fallacy, The Bell Journal of Economics

Corporate Investment

Fazzari, S., R. G. Hubbard, and
B. Peterson, 1988, Financing constraints and corporate investment, Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity 1, 141-195

Asset Pricing
1. Markowitz, H., 1952. Portfolio selection. The journal of finance, 7(1): 77-91.


2. Sharpe, W. F.,1964 . Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk. The journal of finance, 19(3): 425-442.


3. Malkiel, B. G., and E. F. Fama, 1970. Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. The journal of Finance, 25(2): 383-417.


4. Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973. The pricing of options and corporate liabilities. The journal of political economy: 637-654.




5. Fama, E. F., and
K. R. French, 1992. The Cross-Section of Expected Returns. Journal of Finance,
6. Fama, E. F., and
K. R. French, 1993. Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.
Journal of Financial Economics, 33, 3-56.
7. Fama,
E. F. and K. R. French, 1996. Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing
Anomalies, Journal of Finance51, 55-84.

Behavioral Finance

Harrison, and Marcin Kacperczyk, 2009, The price of sin: The effects of social
norms on markets, Journal of Financial Economics 93, 15-36.

Ulrike, and Geoffrey Tate, 2005, CEO overconfidence and corporate investment, Journal of Finance 60, 2661–700.

Gilles, and Kai Wai Hui, 2009, Does religion matter in corporate decision
making in America?, Journal of Financial Economics 93, 455-473.
Alok, Jeremy Page, and Oliver Spalt, 2011, Religious beliefs, gambling attitudes,
and financial market outcomes, Journal
of Financial Economics102, 671-708.
Terrance, 1998, Are investors reluctant to realize their losses?, Journal of
Finance 53, 1775-1798.




Jurnal of Finance自诞生以来引用次数最高的50篇文章,由美国金融学会主办的学术杂志《金融学杂志》(Journal Of Finance),主要刊载金融理论及投资、货币、银行、保险和金融市场等方面的文章。该刊目前由美国出版商Wiley-Blackwell代美国金融学会出版。2008年影响因子:4.018,在ISI 同类48 本期刊中排名第1,是金融领域同时也是经济领域被引用最多的期刊之一。自1946年创刊以来,《金融学杂志》发表了众多广受关注的论文,其中一些可谓经久不衰,对金融理论和金融实务产生了重要影响。日前,该刊编辑特意筛选了《金融学杂志》自诞生以来引用次数最高的前50篇文章,供诸位读者参阅。Harry Markowitz发表于1952年3月刊的论文《证券组合选择》,后来成了证券组合管理理论的基石;1961年,William Vickrey发表于该杂志的文章,对拍卖做了经典的分析。一年后,William F. Sharpe发表了《资本资产价格:风险条件下的市场均衡理论》一文,与Lintner等人的研究,共同发现了资本资产定价模型;1970年5月,Eugene F. Fama发表了《有效市场:理论与经验研究的评论》,正式提出了有效市场假说;四年后,Robert C. Merton发表了《企业债务的定价》,用期权定价模型解决了企业的定价问题;世纪末,Andrei Shleifer在该刊发表了对公司治理的研究,此文至今仍被大量引用…刚开始读美国金融体系的时候,写格林斯潘的一篇Understanding the Greenspan Standard。去年诺奖得主Fama合著的两篇《The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns》(1992)和《Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: Empirical Tests》(1973),关于CAPM的经典。推荐的一篇文章,“Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies” Eugene F. Fama; Kenneth R. French The Journal of Finance, Vol. 51, No. 1. (Mar., 1996), pp. 55-84.简直就是做资产定价实证的模板

