《代数曲线论》 作者普吕克尔。该书于 1839年出版,是普吕克尔的最重要的著作。在该书中给出了所谓 的普吕克尔公式,把平面曲线的阶数和亏格数与简单奇点联系起来,证明了 描述代数曲线奇点(在该点有两两 不相同的切线)数目的方程。还研究 了四次曲线,他第一个发现这种曲 线有廿八条二重切线,其中至多八 条是实的。该著作为代数几何学的 发展做出了重要贡献。普吕克尔还 著有《解析几何的体系》、《空间 几何的体系》、《以直线作为空间 元素建立的新空间几何学》。
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As a middle school mathematics curriculum content of the main elementary algebra, and its core is a theoretical equation. The Latin word algebra is intended to "go home." Algebraic equations in the theory of elementary algebra is a dollar linear equation to the two expansion : One is to increase the number of unknowns. inspected by several unknown number of equations posed by the binary or ternary equations (linear equation is the main group); Second is the increasing number of unknowns, inspected one yuan quadratic equation or quasi-quadratic equation. Elementary Algebra in the main contents of a 16th-century development has been basically perfect. Substituting mathematical symbols development history can be divided into three stages. The first stage of the three centuries ago, the solution to the problem need not abbreviations and symbols, but wrote a thesis as narratives algebra. The second stage of the third century to the 16th century, some of the more frequent operation and the quantity used shorthand, known as algebraic simplification. Three century Diophantine one of the outstanding contribution that Greece algebra simplify, simplify algebraic created. But then narratives algebra, in addition to India outside the rest of the world, and they are very ordinary existence for several hundred years, especially in Western Europe until the 15th century. The third stage of the 16th century, the solution of the problem showed the most symbolic of mathematical shorthand These symbols with the performance of the content is no obvious link, known as algebraic symbols. D Whyte (Vi è te), in his "analysis Easy" (analyticem is Inartem agoge,1591) works, the first systematic use of symbols of unknown value calculation, Operators made with a number of symbols of the difference between the provisions of the algebra and arithmetic boundaries. D Whyte is the first attempt to create a general symbol algebra mathematician, he created the algebraic symbols, by Descartes (Descarte) improved as a modern form. Descartes use lowercase letters a, b, c and expressed known quantity, with the x, y, z on behalf of unknowns. This usage has become standard usage. The concept of several Extension in history is not all made by the algebraic equations arising from the But there are still accustomed to it on the elementary algebra, so this course with the same arrangements. 4 century BC, the ancient Greeks found unreasonable number. 2 century BC (Western Han Dynasty), China started to use negative. 1545, the Italian Cardano (N. Cardano) in the "big operation" started to use imaginary number. 17 end of the century, the general index concept is only gradually taking shape.