

发布时间:2023-03-12 18:37



大学数学论文 范文 一:大学数学网络 教育 论文


意识是行动的主宰者。首先,教师要充分认识到网络教学资源对大学数学教学所产生的深刻影响。在网络信息快速发展的当今时代,如果仍旧拘泥于传统教学方式,势必将会处于落伍的境地。不仅影响教学效率,往深层次讲,还会影响学生 毕业 走向社会的适应能力以及生存能力。因此,教师要积极主动投身于教学改革的先行者行列中,构建现代化网络教学平台、加强网络教学资源的建设。


在现代网络信息资源的基础上,学生能够变传统被动接受知识为主动探索知识。因此,教师要进行适当引导,指导学生掌握有效运用现代网络资源的 方法 ,不断发挥学生的主观能动性,培养学生的自主学习与探索能力,进而实现学生主动探索、教师指导的理想教学模式。 课前预习 、课中学习、课后巩固等这些环节,教师均可以让学生先自主学习,而后再进行有效指导。










教师不但要学习引进网络教育资源,还要充分的引导学生利用网络资源,培养他们自主学习数学, 爱好 数学的良好作风。以前的数学教育中,以老师讲解为主,学生被动的接受知识,学习过后学生们无法应用,这是一个很大的失败,而现在的网络发展情况下,老师可以引导学生们更好的利用网络资源,引导学生们自主学习,可以布置学生做课前预习,到网络上寻求资料,还可以让学生们课后巩固学习内容,网上寻求交流,以便达到巩固知识的作用。


现在大学数学教育尽管很重视学生的学习,教师又会安排课余时间组织学生们给他们进行答疑解惑,但是受到时间性和地域性的限制,效果往往是不太理想,现在网络资源的丰富,不再受时间和地域的限制, 网络技术 可以让学生和老师间进行多样化的交流和辅导,也可以让学生们通过一些论坛,邮箱,视频等等不断的学习巩固自己的知识。学习不再有时间地域的限制,学生们的积极性会大大提高,兴趣也会越来越高,提高数学成绩不再是难事。


大学数学教育充分有效的利用网络课程资源是提高大学数学教育质量的有效办法,教师应该打破传统教学的局限性,以课材为中心,充分利用网络资源融入到现在教学之中,补充课本上的不足,增强教育之中的趣味性,这样会开拓学生们的视野,培养学生们的 兴趣爱好 ,让他们更加具备学习数学的激情,更加具备自主学习的能力。只有这样学生们才会更加有发展,大学数学的教育才会更加成功。

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2. 大学论文格式范文

3. 大学生论文范文模板

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初中数学小论文格式是怎么样的 ?




















  张彧典人工证明四色猜想 山西盂县党校数学高级讲师





  张彧典 (山西省盂县县委党校 045100)


  关键词:H—CP Z—CP H·Z—CP

  如图2: 设图1中有B1-A2链、D1-C2链(也可以是B2-A2链)存在时。
  在已四染色的G’中,由A、B、C、D四色中任意二色组成的不同色链共C42(=6) 种。反映在赫伍德构形中,有始点终点均在中心区且相交的A1-C1环、A1-D1环,还有始点在中心区,终点在A1-C1、A1-D1二环交集区域边缘上的B1-D2、B1-A2(B2-A2)、B2-C2、C1-D2(D1-C2)四种链。这四种链在赫伍德构形中的不同数量组合共四组:
  A-C与A-D、B-C、C-D ;
  〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71


  Using H·Z-CP Solves Heawood Configuration
  Zhang Yu-dian
  Yu Xian Party School, Yu Xian 045100, Shanxi, China

  Abstract: In this text, One Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is found by using Heawoods-clouring procedure (abbreviated as H-CP) and Zhang Yu-dian clouring procedure (abbreviated as Z-CP), based on quantity and poison combination theory of coloring chain. And, one new procedure is found, which is named as H·Z-CP.

  Key words: H-CP Z-CP H·Z-CP

  Thesis [1] made two main contributions to solving Heawood configuration. One is H-CP, by using it Heawood-coloring aperiodic transform’s Heawood configuration sets was found. The other one, in example II[1], provided Heawood-coloring periodic transform’s Heawood configuration. With it, Z-CP was found, and solved correct coloring for this configuration.
  For the convenience of discuss, the simplest Heawood configuration model is given in [1] as follows.
  As shown in Fig. 1, A, B,C ,D denote four colors, one roundlet denotes section V to be dyed, A1, B1, B2,C1 ,D1, denote five adjacent points border upon V, the pentagon area that forms is defined as pairs of B & A embedded area. Outside of V is A1-C1 chain and A1-D1 chain (because the head and trail is looped by V separately, so called loop, in order to distinguish with others). And there are B1-D2 chain and B 2-C2 chain also. A1, A2 is separated by C2-D2 chain. The other Heawood configuration is similar.
  In this model, if add another coloring chain, many distinct normal triangle section map is formed(is G′). When to find the solution of map, it is found that distinct quantity combination and intersectant combination have effect on solution’s difference.
  As follows, the detailed Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is given.

  It is defined in latter figure as: a small transverse thread denotes a loop, a thick thread denotes a chain in which two or more coloring changed. B(D) etc. denotes that one point’s coloring is changed.
  As shown in Fig. 2, if there are B1-A2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1(can also be B2-A2 chain):
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C color.
  As shown in Fig. 3, if there are C1-D2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1:
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B color.
  As shown in Fig.4, if there are C1-D2 chain and B2-A2 chain in Fig. 1:
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed , in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D color.
  As shown in Fig.5, if B1-D2 chain and A1-D1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 4, new B1-A 3 loop and C1-A 3 loop are formed.
  Its solution is:in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A color.
  As shown in Fig.6, if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 5, for simplicity, D can be dyed with B color in C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop. See ○B in Fig.6.
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C color.
  As shown in Fig.7, if B1-D2 chain and B1-A3 loop is intersectant in Fig. 6, for simplicity, A can be dyed with C color in B1-A3 chain inside B1-D2 chain. See ○C in Fig. 7.
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B color.
  As shown in Fig.8, if B1-D2 chain and C1-D2 chain is intersectant inside A1-C1 loop in Fig. 7.
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D color.
  As shown in Fig.8, if B2-A2 chain and A1-D2 loop is intersectant in Fig. 8.
  Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A color.
  In Fig. 10, it is a ten-fold symmetrical Heawood configuration. Namely in Fig. 3, according intersectant combination method in Fig. 6,if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop intersects, D1-C2 chain and A1-D1 loop intersects, D color point at C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop and C color point at D1-C2 chain outside A1-D1 loop are both exchanged with B coloring, see ○B in Fig. 10. And then presume the exchanged C-B chain and D-B chain are symmetrically intersectant. This Heawood configuration is the topology transform form in example II [1].
  For Fig. 10, if using the solution way in Fig. 9, 4 periodic transform’s Heawood configurations will come into being, and will be no result. But there is a common coloring character for the 4 sequence transform Heawood configurations, namely, they all contain A-B loop. And then, as follows Z-CP comes into being.
  If Fig. 10(1) or 10(3) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop interchanged, the new A-C loop and A-D loop(or B-C loop and B-D loop) come into B(D) & B(C) (or A(D) & A(C)) interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(1) and Fig. 10(3).
  If Fig. 10(2) or 10(4) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop is interchanged, the new B-C (or A-D) chain come into being, then A(D) (or A(C)) at the side of B-C (or A-D) is interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(2) and Fig. 10(4).
  The self-contained inevitable sets composed of Fig 2 to 10 will be proved as follows.
  In the 4 color dyed G’, the quantity of distinct coloring chain formed by two colors in A, B,C ,D four colors have C42(=6) kinds totally. It is reflected in Heawood configuration, there are intersectant A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop whose start-point and end-point are all in center area. And there are B1-D2, B1-A2(B2-A2), B2-C2, C1-D2(D1-C2) 4 chains , whose start-point is in center area, and end-point is on the verge of the intersection area of A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop. There are 4 groups in total for the 4 kinds of chain’s distinct quantity combination in Heawood configuration:
  B 1-A2、B 1-A2、B2-C2、B2-A2
  B 1-A2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2
  C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2
  C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2
  There are C62(=15) kinds of two different situation’s combination in 6 kinds of chains, among them ,there are 3 kinds of not intersectant combinations:
  A-B and C-D、A-C and B-D、A-D and B-C;
  Otherwise there are 12 kinds of intersectant combinations:
  A-B and A-C、A-D、B-C、B-D;
  A-C and A-D、B-C、C-D ;
  A-D and B-D、C-D;
  B-C and B-D、C-D;
  B-D and C-D。
  Above 6 kinds of chain’s different quantity combinations(4 groups) and different situation combinations (intersectant 12 groups ) are two major variables, 16 kinds of Heawood configurations in different combination can be found totally. Then, on the “simplest structure” and “same solution” restrictive condition, verifiyed one by one, detailed conclusion is: Fig. 2 to Fig. 4 indicate 4 kinds of different quantity combinations. Among them, Fig. 2 indicates the former 2 groups. Fig. 5 to Fig. 9 indicate intersectant combination increased in turn. Among them, Fig. 9 contains12 kinds of intersectant combinations. Fig. 10 indicates specific quantity combinations sand intersectant combinations.
  By this time, correct coloring for Heawood configuration is solved. The procedure which solve the problem, we name it H·Z-CP. The conclusion renovate the leak of kengpu proof.

  〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71

