

发布时间:2023-03-12 19:11


  语言是思维的表达方式,不同的语言特征往往反映着不同地域、民族的思维习惯差异。下文是我为大家整理的关于英汉语言对比方面论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考!


  摘 要: 本文应用范畴和构造手段对英汉委婉语进行了对比,通过对比英汉两种语言中的委婉语可以了解委婉语不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种社会 文化 现象。研究英汉委婉语的异同,有助于我们了解英语国家的社会风俗与文化。

  关键词: 英汉委婉语 应用范畴 构造手段


  委婉语euphemism源自希腊语,由词头“eu”(good)和词干“phemism”(speech)构成,意为吉利之语(words of good omen)或优雅的说法(good speech)。委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种普遍现象。




  生病是人们忌讳说的,因而东西方人常常用委婉语表达。在现代英语中,多用trouble婉指病,如heart trouble,lung trouble等。cancer的委婉语为“the Big C”或“long illness”,“terminally ill”。性病在英语里被称为“social disease”,“the French disease”,“certain disease”,“communicable disease”。汉语里人们把这种病称为“花柳病”、“富贵病”、“那种病”。汉语中,我们把“生病”称作“身体不好”、“身体欠安”,说“癌症”为“不治之症”。

  而在身体缺陷方面,英语中婉称crippled(残疾)为physically handicapped(有生理缺陷的)或者用disabled,the inconvenienced表示crippled(瘸子),用imperfect hearing(听觉不完美)代替the deaf(聋子),用visually retarded(视力有障碍的)代替the blind(瞎子、盲人)。在汉语中,四肢残疾称“手脚不灵便、走路不便”,偏瘫称“半身不遂”等,秃顶婉称“谢顶”,耳朵聋称“耳背、耳朵不灵”。其他的还有“挨了一下子”、“划了个口子”等代称“受伤”。


  从古至今,各民族对性爱及与其相关的一些说法均持谨慎态度。随着人类的进步,也出现了一些开放性的说法,但其主流仍然采用回避、模糊、委婉的说法。英语中谈及性行为的委婉语有make love,to have sex with,to go to bed with etc.汉民族历来对性行为持封闭态度,谈及性行为时总是遮遮掩掩,含混模糊。汉语中表达性爱的委婉语有:同房、夫妻生活、房事、云雨之事、那种事等。在谈到性行为不检点时,英语中有free love,trial marriage,love companion,mixed singles等模糊与中性化的委婉语。汉语中则采用较严厉的贬义词抨击不检点的性行为。如男盗女娼、三者插足、寻花问柳、水性杨花等。对于妓女这一令人鄙弃的角色,西方社会给予了许多雅号,如,street walker,street girl,a woman of the town,pavement princess。谈到怀孕时,英汉两种语言均用委婉语,如英语很少直接说pregnancy(怀孕),而说be in the family way,in an interesting condition,in a delicate condition,knitting little bootees etc.汉语则说,有喜了、要当妈妈了、身怀六甲等。



  (1)英汉表达死的委婉语在体现社会地位上大相径庭。中国经历了几千年的封建社会,封建制度对中国文化影响颇深。天子死称“崩”,诸侯死称“薨”,大夫死曰“卒”,士死曰“不禄”。西方人笃信__,认为人都是上帝创造的,故生来人人平等。英语中有一条古老的格言:Popes,Kings,beggars,and thieves alike must die.头衔和地位并不能免人一死。在死神面前,卑贱者和高贵者一律平等。

  (2)由不同的宗教文化带来的表达差异。英语中die的很多委婉语来自《圣经》,如to go to a better place/world(到一个更美好的地方、世界),to go to Heaven/Paradise(进入天国)。汉语中,入佛门的则说“迁化、圆寂、舍生”等;对信仰道教的则说“蝉脱、羽化、别驾、遁化”等。

  (3)因价值观念的不同,英汉委婉语也不同。汉语中表“死亡”的委婉语还有褒贬之分,如壮烈牺牲、慷慨就义、为国捐躯等。英语国家的民族英雄常常受人敬仰,在英语里找到一些表示为国家或事业而捐躯的委婉词语,如bite the dust/the ground,fire one’s last shot,give one’s life,kiss the dust lay down one’s life。


  在英汉这两种语言里,职业也是一个敏感的话题,因为它直接反映了一个人的社会和经济地位。为提高某些职业的社会地位,人们往往使用委婉语加以美化。这种现象在现代英语中俯拾皆是:把maid(女仆)或housekeeper(女管家)称为domestic help(家务助手)、day-help(白天帮工)或live-in help(住家帮手);一般服务员也升级为service manager(服务管理人员);butcher(屠夫)也改称为meat technologist(肉类技术专家);garbage collector(垃圾收集工)也称sanitation engineer(环境卫生工程师)。

  现代汉语也有类似的职业委婉语,“理发师“成了“发型设计师”,理发店也随之改成了发型设计中心,“佣人”成了“家政人员”,“厨子”婉称为“大厨”、“大师傅”,用“服务员”代替“跟班、听差、跑堂”,“司机”代替“车夫”等。这些职业委婉语的使用一方面反映出人们文明程度的提高和追求高雅的心理趋势,另一方面体现出现代人的尊重意识和平等观念。   5.关于年龄上的委婉语

  英语中有关老的委婉语很多,这与其文化密切相关。美国文化以个人主义为中心,讲究独立与隐私,子女成人后即与父母分居,老人生活孤单寂寞,于是老成了生活中的一大忌。因此,英语中有许多关于老的委婉语。如:senior citizen,advantage in the age,the mature,seasoned man等。

  同时人们把晚年称为golden years(黄金年华),养老院并非理想去处,也被婉称为a home for adults(成人之家)、a rest home(休养所)等。然而在中国,情况却正好相反,因为中国历来有尊老敬老的传统观念和价值观。在中国,“老”字带敬意,是资历和地位的象征。人们有时还倚老卖老,以老为荣。



  由于英汉民族的语言不同,两种语言在文化、语言形式和 思维方式 等方面存在较大的差异。英汉委婉语的差别正是由于两种语言的语言特点差异所造成的,主要体现在英汉委婉语各自的词汇形态特点、语义特点和语法特点等方面。英语是一种拼音文字,通过语音及语法手段构成委婉语,或拼写形式的变异,达到委婉的目的,汉语却侧重于词汇手段。


  (1)缩略(Abbreviation):ladies代替ladies’ room,婉指女厕所。


  (3)首字母缩略(Initiating):B.O.代替body odor(狐臭)。

  (4)逆生(Backforming):ecnop 代替ponce,婉指“拉皮条的人”。


  (6)音节扭曲(Phonetic Distortion)Cripes=Christ(基督)、God(上帝)。

  (7)混合词(Blend word):gezunda=This object“goes under”the bed.(那东西放在床底下,即“夜壶”)。

  (8)小词(Diminutive):heinie=hind end(后端,即“臀部”)。



  (2) 歇后语 法。人们在做一些消极评论时,常会借助一些歇后语来缓冲过于直白的语气,以达到委婉的目的。比如骂人时说:茶壶里的水(滚开)。



  (5)反义法。所谓反义就是指与禁忌语的意义相反。如广州人把“气死我”说成“激生我”;把“笑死我”说成“笑生我”。显然,生与死是 反义词 ,这里用“生”避开了“死”。








  【摘 要】英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,两者在构词法上有着巨大的差别。分析了这两种语言的词缀,通过前缀和后缀的词缀对比,会给英语教学以及英汉互译提供一些启发。


  1 词缀的定义

  词缀法是把词缀附加在词根上构造新词的 方法 (陈,1991),也叫做派生法。总的来说,前缀起着语义功能,而后缀有语法功能。在英语中,它是一种重要的构词法,自从第二次世界大战以来,它在新的 英语单词 中占17.5%。在汉语中,由词缀法构成的词非常少,然而词缀化是汉语本身发展的自然趋势(吴,2001)。

  2 英汉前缀对比


  2.1 英语前缀的分类


  2.2 汉语前缀的分类




  不人道 inhuman 非正式 informal

  不科学 unscientific 非导体 nonconductor

  无形 invisible 无条件 unconditional


  反建议 counterproposal 亲美 pro-American

  反常 abnormal 伪政府 pseudo-government

  反社会 anti-social


  超自然 supernatural 泛非 pan-African

  超音速 hypersonic 次大陆 subcontinent

  准学者 quasi-scholar


  半封建 semi-feudal 单边 unilateral

  半人半神 demigod 单晶体 monocrystal

  双音节 disyllabic 多中心 polycentric

  双语 bilingual 多级 multipolar

  2.3 英汉前缀的对比分析



  许多前缀具有多种意义,这种现象是非常普遍的,即一种语言的前缀在另一种语言中具有几种意义,反之亦然。英语前缀“a-”有三种意思:a. 强调原来的意思,如await; b. 改变词性和意思,如awash; c. 非、不, atypical。在汉语中,前缀“不”可以用英语中不同的前缀来表示,如un-, il-, ir-, a-等。

  3 英汉后缀对比


  3.1 英语后缀的四种范畴


  3.2 汉语后缀的分类




  专家 specialist 教员 teacher

  银行家 banker 打字员 typist

  发明家 inventor 技术员 technician

  读者 reader 讲师 lecturer

  逃亡者 escapee 工程师 engineer

  马克思主义者 Marxist 魔术 师 magician

  助手 assistant 积极分子 activist


  灵活性 flexibility 创造性 creativity

  正确性 correctness 湿度 humidity

  长度 length 唯心论 idealism

  相对论 relativity 社会主义 socialism

  达尔文主义 Darwinism 电子学 electronics


  胖子 fatty 酒鬼 drunkard

  赌棍 gamester 电影迷 filmnik   2)动词后缀

  人格化 personify 简化 simplify

  深化 deepen 现代化 modernize

  革命化 revolutionize


  男孩子气 manly 孩子气 childish

  阔气 luxurious 傲气 cocky

  井然 orderly 默然 speechless


  油然 spontaneously 惨然 miserably

  特地 specially 继而 afterwards

  率尔 rashly

  3.3 英汉后缀对比分析


  汉语中一定量的后缀在英语中没有相对应的后缀,因此,在英语中由自由词来表达这些后缀的意思,例如桌子(desk)、杯子(cup)、石头(stone)、尾巴(tail)、泥巴(mud)。同样,当表示女性的后缀附加于对应的动词之上,整个词就代表了女性。然而,在汉语中单个词就代表了相同的意义,比如女演员(actor-actress) and母老虎 (tiger-tigress)。

  后缀中有一种有趣的现象,加上后缀的英语派生词与加上前缀的汉语派生词相对应,比如,“lawless” 和 “fearless”分别译成“非法”和“无畏”。英语中带有指小意义名词后缀在汉语中经常译成前面加“小”的名词,如小鸭(duckling)、小猫(kitten)。有时,同时使用前缀“小”和后缀“儿”,如小罐儿(cannikin)。

  4 结语

  总之,科技全球化给英语和汉语提供了更多的接触机会,在此过程中相互学习、相互比较。英汉词缀既有相似处也有不同点,将两者相比不仅有益于 英语学习 者深刻认识两种语言,而且有益于他们丰富英汉词汇。



  [2]韩汉雄.英汉词缀比较及 其它 [J].杭州师范学院学报,1994(7).


  [4]吴东英. 再论英语借词对现代汉语词法的影响[J].当代语言学,2001 (3).

  [5]萧立明.英汉比较研究与翻译[M].上海:上海外语 教育 出版社,2010.



The Analysis of the Professional Leon(此文是这个杀手不太冷的影评) The Meaning of Life—Hope The Professional Leon which is directed by Luc Besson is an attractive and affecting movie. It is a story about a professional killer and a 14-year-old girl. In my opinion, this film reflects the influence of hope in people’s lives. Life is a magic thing. It is like a thick forest and when we walk through it, we need hope to lead us. Hope can change one’s mind. Hope can change one’s first reason is the change between the settings from the beginning to the end. The film began with the oppressive cityscapes: roads, streets, alleys and then the screen turned dark. They are the characteristics of Film Noir. Besides, the protagonist Leon appeared from a black shot which is a special close-up. In addition, the following shot are fighting in some rooms. The whole beginning leads to a mood of cold and oppression. However, at the end of the film is a scene of orphanage. The sunshine illuminated the trees and the grass. The scene is bright and warm. Then the shot got far and far. This showed that life was going on and the sunshine brought us hope to live. The world turned peace again, and the mood turned soft and cozy. Therefore, the change of the beginning and the end showed the dark had gone and everyone got their hope. In this film, there is a symbol of hope-Leon’s evergreen. It ran through the whole film. The protagonist Leon, at fist, was a typical killer who was skillful and cold. The evergreen for him is the hope of life. It meant Leon’s valuable memory-the girl he loved. Everyday he cleaned the leaves of the evergreen carefully. He thought the evergreen was quiet and happy, so he took care of it as his most valuable thing. Actually, he lived in his memory and what he must protect is the hope-evergreen. For Leon, there was no meaning of the reality until he met the girl –Mathilda. When the girl implored Leon to open the door, he hesitated. Yes, of course. It was because everything would change since he opened the door. Actually, Leon was a simple, kind and attentive man who was not good at express himself. We can know that from watching old movie and ironing clothes. After accepting the girl, Leon chose the responsibility in his heart. His life changed because his hope changed. His living purpose was to protect the girl and revenge on Stan. Furthermore, his good-side was stimulated by the girl’s love. They were interdependent as a special relationship. I fact, Leon was not a killer any more since he met Mathilda. He was a real man. Another hope is reflected by Mathilda’s attitude of life. Mathilda’s family was inharmonious. She couldn’t feel love in this family, so she became unyielding and mature at an early age. She hated her relatives except her little brother. If she didn’t met Leon, her life would be out of imagination. When Leon opened the door, a light shone on Mathilda. This light of life is a symbol of change. Since she lived with Leon, she felt care from Leon, and she fell in love with him. She wanted to be with him forever. The hope of her life is Leon. She took care of their“home”and took care of him. When Leon ordered her go, she was in agony. She knew that she wouldn’t see him again. She was afraid that the hope of life would disappear. At last, she planted the evergreen near the orphanage, and the evergreen became her hope. She got a new view of this world, and she would cherish the memory of Leon who saved her life and soul. This story is a fairy tale of killer. The killer managed to protect his hope as the expanse of his life, whereas he died in comfort. Maybe, there is another dark world concealed near us. However, it is because the shine of hope has not illuminated it. And the meaning of life is the process of seeking hope.


For different people, the creative process and method of the animation may be different, but the basic rule is the same. The production process of traditional animation can be divided into the overall planning, design, creation and production of four stages, each stage has a number of steps:
1, the overall design stage
1) the script. The first step in any video production is the script creation, but the animated feature film scripts and plays live performance is quite different. General dialogue in the film, the actor's performance is very important, and in the animated film should be avoided as far as possible the complex dialogue. Here is the most heavily used visual motion picture, best animation is achieved through antics, which has no dialogue, but by the visual creation excite the imagination.
2) the story board. According to the script, the director shall draw a story similar comic sketch (drawing a shooting script), the script describes the action show. The story board with a plurality of segments, each segment by a series of scene, a scene is generally limited in a certain place and a group of characters, and the scene can be divided into a series of pictures of the lens is regarded as the unit, constructed the overall structure of the s points in the drawing storyboards lens at the same time, as the content, time, action art photographyinstructions, pictures and so have the appropriate instructions. Generally 30 minutes of animation script, if set shotabout 400, the picture plays - the story board will draw about 800 pictures.
3) the table. The table is the schedule planning director for the film, to guide the animation collective all staff unity and coordination work.
2, design stage
1) design. The design is based on the story board, determine the background, foreground and props in the formand shape, complete the animation design, scene environment and background. To design the shape of characters or other characters, and draw the standard page in different angle each other's, for reference of other animators.
2) sound. In the animation, because actions must match with the music, the sound recordings have the animation before. After the recording is finished, the editorial staff but also to record sound accurately decomposed into a picture of each location, namely a few seconds (or a few pictures) began to speak, speak for how long. Finally, all sound process (or track) decomposition to the location of each picture and sound corresponding to a table, for animation officers.
3, the specific creation stage
1) the original creation. The original creation is the key picture drawn by the animators animation. Often a designeris responsible only for a fixed character or other character.
2) the middle illustration production. Two important illustration is the middle position or opinion of the picture frame diagram, a picture is generally between two of the original painting. Assistant animators to a middle of painting,painting and other art personnel connection and then draw the character motion interpolation. In the continuous action additional interpolation between the original painting, action to comply with the specified time, so that it canbehave close to the natural action.
3) Yu Ching and line drawing. Animation design the first few stages are completed in a pencil sketches. After the completion of the draft plan, the use of electrostatic copier special will sketch known print to acetate and. Then thehand to known printed on film picture description ink lines.
4) coloring. Because the cartoons are usually in color. This step is coloring to scan line after the film (or color).
4, film production stage
1) check. Inspection is the first step in shooting stage. Prior to the shooting, after that, a picture of each and every shot of the all color, animation designers need to make a thorough inspection of each action in each scene.
2) shot. The cartoon film shooting, special use there are several layers of glass layer, at the top of a ng is set in the bottom layer, each layer placed different roles or prospects. You can move the layergenerated animation film, also can use move, zoom, rotate, change and fade in camera stunts such as the function,generate a variety of animation effects.
3) editor. Editing is a post production of a film. The editing process mainly complete the connection, sorting, clipanimation of each fragment.
4) recording. Finished editing, editors and directors began to select the sound effect with animation action. Afterselected on all sound effects and well synchronized with the action, editor and director of music copied the voice, dialogue, music, sound is mixed to a channel, the last recorded on film or tape.
Traditional animation, especially the large cartoon creation, is a collective labor, collective creative personnel is the key factor to affect the efficiency of animation creation. Many people need a full-length animated film production, a director, producer, animation design and animation to assist the production staff. Animation to assist the production staff is devoted to the middle to add picture work, namely animation designers draw two extreme picture of an action,animation to assist the personnel draw pictures of them. Picture technicians to draw sketches to collate, tracing thepersonnel responsible for the tracing of after finishing the figures in the painting, coloring personnel to graph coloring tracing after. The full-length animation cycle longer, also need full-time workers palette, to ensure that in the animated cartoon character before and after a colour. In addition


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To the detention of "aristocratic sport," "elegant movement", as well as the reputation of being a civilized sport. Views important international Net

Ball game, people are much leisure, vacation main content. Unique culture makes tennis tennis sports become now

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One of the options. 3, tennis can improve people's overall quality. Tennis affect people's thinking and action

For. Any kind of culture is a value orientation, and provides people the objectives pursued through the tennis sport

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Often give people a gentle feeling. Time to time at the forefront with the concept of ultra-Living organs do

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The intensity of exercise at unconsciously End run a few miles distance equivalent to the exercise time. Attained the goals of promoting health,

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Unnecessary harm. So tennis is sport for all sports projects in one of the longest life expectancy.

6, tennis culture is a culture of honesty and trust of the people of outstanding quality. Events in amateur tennis competition are no

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The performance of the ball are dishonest. The embodiment of integrity quality tennis activities throughout the entire process, while the tennis live

Actin is also a person can best embody the integrity of the quality of sports. 7, tennis is to develop the essence of unity and cooperation

God. Tennis game is very particular about the spirit of unity and cooperation sport. Between coaches and players, team and

Between teammates, doubles partner must have a tacit understanding between the co-ordination. Understanding on which each player has come from

The spirit of teamwork. Especially in the doubles competition, the competition want to achieve at配合默契, we must always respect

And encourage the partners, especially at mistakes after丢分must be responsible. This spirit of collaboration will greatly add

Strong collective cohesion and combat effectiveness, its efficacy in the students into the community will naturally reflect the full

COME. Such as Zheng Jie and Yan Zi won the Australian Open women's doubles winner, apart from good technical and tactical things, and they get along with 16 years of United

Live in harmony,配合默契are inseparable. 8, tennis can help to cultivate a more confident state of mind. Confidence and

Own are two completely different concepts. Conceit is an unrealistic ideas, and confidence is built on the recognition

True learning, modesty and prudence, not afraid of difficulties in making progress on the foundation. Psychological state in tennis competition has re -

To factors similar to those in the technology race between the players, the mentality is even more important. Tennis can train a person's heart

Rationale, exercise is not due to himself or the opponent, and other reasons, the impact of the psychological state of the normal play. 9, tennis Win

Actin is a civilized, polite, elegant Tennis cultural etiquette. This culture comes from more than 100 years of traditional

Practices, managers manage and tennis crowd's wishes. Tennis etiquette is even more important. Players and the players, the Education

Training, the audience always treated with courtesy; viewers watch tennis game half-way and should not Walk voice; modern

Tennis has retained the culture of this ancient culture of tennis, courtesy and elegance, and has also been strengthened in modern tennis

Popular culture. Sports Tennis, a civilized manner conservation there is a courtesy of the athletes have in any manner

Parties are welcome by everyone. 10, tennis can fully exercise their individuality, mental and physical relaxation exercise project

One. White-collar workers have the pressure of work, students have homework on the pressure, young men and women have love problems, Medium

Years of marriage on people's troubles, the elderly have chronic diseases are the pressure, how to relieve the pressure, has become beset modern

A major problem. Studies have shown that appropriate exercise can improve physical fitness and enhance the immune system for enhanced

Used. Therefore, the selection of their fit with exercise and adequate rest, are to ease the pressure, the most immune

Best means. At tennis, there is a need to eliminate all concentrate on ideas and personal considerations, to run fast ball, and vigorously smash

Such activities could put one-day fatigue, distress, such as artificial too clean, so that complete physical and mental relaxation, especially

At hit a good shot, hit a ball should not have errors, you can fully咆吼, jumping, throwing

Beat and so on, the release of your personality temperament. 11, to play tennis to fitness, good health is to lay a good foundation tennis. Ren

He has a PE project with the project-related chain study human anatomy, sports psychology, nutrition and other disciplines

Contact each other and promote each other. Tennis is no exception. Whether adults, children, learn to play tennis to be sincere,

Are able to exercise and for the study. Tennis sports can enhance blood circulation system improvements, excess consumption of hot

Volume, improve heart and lung function, can increase the body's immune ability to enhance disease resistance capacity and speed recovery after

Degrees, to promote health, enhance physical fitness, and strengthen the physical and psychological purposes. This is a game of tennis can be a starting point for fitness,

Once the tennis skills of the people you have fighting skills of the master, through the tennis match was happy to see their own by

Win, and enjoy sports on this after further enhance their skill level, only just a little regulated actin

For it is not enough. This requires a good physical basis.




























































