

发布时间:2023-03-13 02:21




黄忠廉. 变译理论[M] . 中国对外翻译出版公司,2002
任津升. 进一步谈谈中国菜的英译[J],中国翻译. 2001 年第6期第56页
陈宏微 . 汉英翻译基础[M]:上海外语教育出版社1998年
朱虹. 文学翻译:中译英琐谈[J]. 读书,1997年第4期
张林 . 旅游资料翻译反映出的文化因素[J],中国翻译. 2000 年第5期

(1)、直译:烹饪方法+原料名如:清真桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish 、回锅肉Twice-cooked Pork、炖牛肉Stewed Beef 。
(2)、音译+释义如:饺子Jiaozi (Chinese-style Ravioli) 、包子Baozi (Stuffed Bun) 、锅贴Guotie (Pot Stickers)。
(3)、意译+释义:全家福 Happy Family---A combination of shrimps, pork beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce 、左宗鸡General Tso' Chicken---A mouth watering dish made with large chunks of marinated chicken, sauted with scorched red chili peppers in special, tangy sauce。
(4)、音译+意译:稳得福酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant、麻婆豆腐 Bean Curd Sichuan Style、西菀饭店 Xiyuan Hotel。
(5)、意译:红烧狮子头Braised Met Ballswith Brawn Sauce、龙虎凤大烩Thick Soup of Snake, Cat and Chicken、红茶Black Tea、棕子Pyramid -shaped Dumpling 、冰糖燕窝 A bird Nest Soup with Rock Sugar。

华夏文化与汉英翻译 武汉大学出版社 卢红梅编著
陈小慰.新编实用翻译教程[M] 北京:经济科学出版社2006
中国烹调方法 刘子孝编著



求 论文摘要的英文翻译 涉及饮食文化的 不要直接在线翻译的 谢谢啊 抓紧啊 急需……

Abstract: The Chinese always “take the food as the day”, regardless of is the basic survival need: Basic necessities of life, further life demand: Makes merry, cannot leave “the food” and “eats”.China's diet culture is well-established, broad and profound, is a Trans-Culture human relations important ore, in the Trans-Culture translation, the diet culture translation is in a translation important part, it has the Trans-Culture nature as well as the dissemination culture historical article take the diet culture translation essence as a foundation, summarizes in the diet culture translation the common question, the discussion translation optimized strategy, finally induces removes the acupuncture needle to this aspect effective author has analyzed the cooking English characteristic and the Chinese diet culture characteristic in the the cross language and in the cultural exchange process, the different cultural idea can have partial overlapping, the collision and the conflict inevitably, thus brings all sorts of barriers and the difficulty for the language translator only then realizes these differences to be able soberly to translate the work, enable this national the outstanding culture to obtain the after the author proposed the success translates the Chinese diet culture the effective strategy: Literal translation, transliteration, pronunciation and meaning literal translation namely by the word by the sentence translation, translates in Chinese diet culture England is most commonly transliteration namely translates the primitive mes for the prominent cooked food place characteristic and its and somebody thing relations, may adopt the pronunciation and meaning union the increase is in order to enhance the translation the acceptability, adopts the interpretive method or the increase information in the translation. In brief, when translation the translator must the correct appraisal goal language reader's anticipation field of vision, make the translation to be easier by the goal language reader to accept, thus enable China's diet culture to obtain a more widespread dissemination.
Key word: Diet culture menu translation culture Trans-Culture diet culture

