1、 (英语系毕业论文)一位坚强独立的女性——简•爱
摘 要简爱是夏洛蒂•勃朗特根据自身经历而写的一部小说, 也是她的成名作。小说塑造的是一位坚强独立的女性,她追求真爱,平等,是女性的楷模。简爱是个孤儿,从小受尽凌辱,但从不为生活所屈服,她有...
类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-11-22
2、 (英语系毕业论文)解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识
摘 要文化战略是帝国主义国家控制殖民地的一种方式,作为文化的产物,<<简.爱>>包含了帝国主义的各种因素。19世纪中期的英国,以前所未有的速度向外扩张,人们普遍沉醉于白色神话的迷梦中,而作为意识形态表...
类别:毕业论文 大小:72 KB 日期:2008-11-18
3、 (英语系毕业论文)从《简•爱》看知识改变女性命运
摘 要《简•爱》是一部出色的自传小说。女主人公简没有娇好的面容,婀娜的身姿,却和其它著作中的美人一样,深深地吸引着我们;简出生贫寒,是一个可怜的孤儿,随后又被送进寄宿学校,过者艰苦的生活,...
类别:毕业论文 大小:79 KB 日期:2008-11-13
4、 (英语系毕业论文)我看简•爱的爱情
摘 要《简.爱》是一部自传体小说,它是夏洛蒂.勃朗特的第一部长篇小说。作者以第一人称的自叙手法,为我们描述了一个反抗社会压力,充满反叛和独立精神的女性形象。小说以其独特的艺术魅力,展示其充满爱、激情与...
类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-10-05
5、 (英语系毕业论文)分析简•爱的美
摘 要《简•爱》是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂—勃朗特的代表作写于1846年。虽然迄今150多年,但是这部作品仍然深受广大读者的喜爱,这都是因为这部作品的女主人翁简.爱。外在的美是短暂的,内在的美...
类别:毕业论文 大小:83 KB 日期:2008-10-05
6、 (英语系毕业论文)《简•爱》的浪漫主义解读
摘 要本文从浪漫主义视角重新解读了19世纪现实主义作家夏洛蒂•勃郎特的长篇小说《简•爱》的艺术特点——积极浪漫主义与黑色浪漫主义的完美结合。《简•爱》是一部复杂的作...
类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-10-05
7、 (英语系毕业论文)从作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特看《简·爱》
开题报告+论文目录I Introduction 1II The Comparison between Charlotte Bronte’s and Jane Eyre’s Experiences ...
类别:毕业论文 大小:34 KB 日期:2008-05-17
8、 (实用英语专业)论《简·爱》的写作特点及人物个性
中文摘要和关键词摘要: 《简·爱》的独特之处不仅在于小说的真实性和强烈的感染力,还在于小说塑造了一个不屈于世俗压力,独立自主,积极进取的女性形象。本文通过对小说生动丰富的语言、具体的人物性格、写作背景...
类别:毕业论文 大小:42 KB 日期:2008-03-21
9、 (英语系毕业论文)为爱而叛逆——简·爱对爱的渴求的分析
类别:毕业论文 大小:28 KB 日期:2007-08-12
10、 (英语系毕业论文)从《简爱》看19世纪女性地位及女性意识的觉醒
任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文文献翻译+论文摘 要女性主义批评在女性解放运动推动下发展起来。近年来女性主义批评转向以女性经验以及女性对生活的反映为基础,通过对文学中的女性人物进行重新阐释和解读,肯...
类别:毕业论文 大小:82 KB 日期:2007-06-21
论文名称: 论夏洛特.勃朗特《简爱》中性别文化政治
论文名称: Cultural Politics of Gender in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
性别文化建构 cultural construction of gender
性别主体 gendered subject
父权 patriarchy
性压迫 sexual oppression
简爱 Jane Eyre
第四章主要论述简爱如何抵抗Rochester 及St. John的诱惑,而不至于成为Rochester
的情妇及St. John有名无实的妻子,并阐述简爱如何寻找到自我,成为自己的主人而
非Rochester及St. John的他者。此外,这一章将Bertha诠释为维多利亚时代性压迫下一个
Lonely people who listen to friends to read some useful books to enrich their own lives. Since when do not know, I was famous in the world have a special feeling, my favorite is a classic "Jane Eyre", although my book was pirated, I still relish to read the entire book. "Jane Eyre" Jiang Xu, a girl named Jane Eyre's story, she did not father nor mother, and led a poor life. But she firmly believes: While I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Her efforts to study and work hard to live the ultimate independent property and loved ones. The plot are tear-jerking scenes, makes stronger. I began to understand the true meaning of life. I tried to brave and strong to live, despite the very hard very busy, but also sometimes very hard, but enriched OK. Helen Jane Eyre's friends will die due to infectious diseases, Jane Eyre, without fear of life spent with her last night, their outspoken words, life to death I am deeply moved by the friendship, yes ah, Jane Eyre childhood by foster families in the throat where Medvedev, where Medvedev will be abused because of jealousy, she bullied people around him, and she had only Helen, who through their ups and downs of the interest in the common living, but could be heaven so cruelly took away Helen ... ... long-suffering of Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester finally returned to the side, but he yet blind and arthropods. Jane talking with her eyes, silently watching Rochester. It was at that moment, feeling the Rochester of Jane Eyre - his little fairy to come back, they start talking clenched around what happened, and vowed never to separate, I was deeply moved forward, I see more Wai The more difficult for people to really love more unforgettable! Two years ago, life chose me mercilessly. I can not university, while facing the cruel reality I yielded. Mom and Dad did not afford to pay my tuition fees so high, I can only destined to be selected. Finally, I chose the teacher, where I spent most of his most memorable period of time alone, "Jane Eyre" empty and tasteless to make up my life, I think I already have a Jane Eyre, with her, though I do not can choose to wealth, but I can choose an optimistic attitude towards life. I tried to cheer up, and try hard to live in the brave. In learning, I do my best effort to learn, but also actively participate in other school activities, this road, there are flowers there are also tears, applause, I am learning very quickly to catch up, and in the school's essay contest, winter cross-country event, the Games that I have won numerous awards. I have rediscovered himself. Everyone had to survive in every folder, in the face of adversity and development. Required setbacks, the challenges of life, it is a perfect beautiful life! Life is changing, and perhaps it is like an instant the wind blew gave people has never been straightforward. Maybe it is like hanging a rainbow in the sky, but the creation of the world's most beautiful miracle! Embrace of "Jane Eyre" It gave me more than these. I fully understand: I should be strong to live, and strive to be alive. Although the sky without my footsteps, but I'm flying! Although I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Can of friends said the lonely people needs to read a few good useful books , the life strengthening self. The when to begin without the knowledge of from, I have had one kind of peculiar affection to a world-famous book , my most delighted one masterpiece has been that I had better had finished reading a complete book with good relish despite of my that book is a pirate's "letter likes ",. "Letter likes " say the story having narrated a girl who is called simple loving, she does not have dad also having no the block of wood mother, live in poverty. But, she firmly believes that: Although I can not choose wealth,I can choose life! Her effort study about works , effort field life owns the independent property and loved one ultimately. The curtains circumstance is all weepy , makes person further strengthen. I begin to have understood the true meaning of life. I am trying brave live firmly, despite of very busily occupied , also risking the life very much sometimes very laboriously , but rich fine. Simple loving friend Helen will die because of infectious disease , simple love fears that the field accompanies her to have spent a final evening of life , they lead true utterance not in the least , that the friendship being parted in life and separated by death has touched me deeply, is to simplify love being entrusted to the care of cruel Madam Lide family from childhood Oh, Madam Lide just abuses her since jealous , the people on every side also bullies him , she only has Helen, they go by disturbances together , have lived under common aspiration and interest, May seize Helen go up to the sky but so ruthless, ... The simple love experiencing a tribulation for a long time has returned to Rochester Sir at one's side ultimately , he both be blind of and save but a limb but. Letter prefers to use her eye that can speak being looking at Rochester silently. Have been in that moment also right away , Rochester has been felt simplifying the small fairy maiden be back loving him, they grip the thing setting about happening being saying at one's side , make an oath to will never part for, my quilt is being moved deeply, I have known that the people difficult to dodge increasingly to like it really is always remembered in heart as if inscribed on bones the more surrounding! For 2 years in the front, life has chosen me mercilessly. I can not study in university, but I have given in to ruthless reality. Dad mummy has no an ability paying my so expensive tuition fee , I can only be destined to be chosen. At last , I have chosen normal school , I have spent self most lonely most unforgettable segment of day in here ", have made up letter likes " my insipid inanity life , have I think that already have owned simple love, I , have owned her, I can choose sanguine life attitude although I can not choose wealth. I am trying bestiring oneself , am around being trying brave effort field life. On studying, I use up self maximal make great efforts to go and emulate good , participate in school's also active to use personal influence other, all the way, has a fresh flower to have applause to have a tear also , my study about comes to overtake very quickly , I am rewarded all many times in school megagame soliciting articles , cross-country match of winter , Games. I have found self back again. It truns out that everyone asks exist in being to meet in the clip, asks develop in adverse circumstances. Life needs the setback challenge , that is really beautiful consummate bright life! Life is changeful , it maybe is just like the wind that the moment has blown over but frank having given people having no precedent. It has maybe been in the sky rainbow if hanging , has created the most beautiful miracle of in the world but! The bosom do not stopping that it gives me is these. I know deeply: I ought to the field alive , making great efforts firmly is alive. Though the sky has not had my footmark, but our flying! Although I can not choose wealth,I can choose life
不过 还是给你参考下!
指导毕业论文选题参考 (文学方向)
序号 选题 方向 教师姓名 联系方式
1 On tragic Beauty 文学 李琼 63326618
2 An Analysis of the Social Impact on the Character —— Sister Carrie 文学 李琼 63326618
3 Exploration of the Common Features of American Writers During World War II 文学 李琼 63326618
4 Jane Eyre’s Linguistic Features 文学 李琼 63326618
5 论Virginia Woolf 的意识流创作方法在某一作品中的体现 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
6 简论Jane Austin 的爱情婚姻观 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
7 从《简爱》看早期女权主义的理想和追求 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
8 十九世纪英国小说家笔下的真、善、美 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
9 英国十八世纪浪漫主义诗人的自然观 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
10 Romanticism in Mark Twin’s works 文学 胡雅玲 63182522
11 文学批评方法之我见 文学 段燕
12 浅谈泰戈尔的文学生命 文学 段燕
13 浅谈《红字》中珠儿形象的作用 文学 王丽 62854558
14 论《红字》中的道德主题 文学 王丽 62854558
15 论海丝特·白兰的性格发展 文学 王丽 62854558
16 《红字》中象征手法的运用 文学 王丽 62854558
17 论霍桑《红字》中“A”的象征意义 文学 王丽 62854558
18 象征意向在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用 文学 王丽 62854558
19 论《了不起的盖茨比》的艺术特点 文学 王丽 62854558
20 伍尔夫创作中的女权主义立场 文学 王菁 65783483
21 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女权思想 文学 王菁 65783483
22 伍尔夫女性视角中的女性形象分析 文学 王菁 65783483
23 文学流派研究 ( 19 世纪美国浪漫主义文学与英国浪漫主义文学,超现实主义,魔幻现实主义) 文学 涂朝莲 62014305
24 作家研究和文本分析 (例如简·奥斯汀、勃朗特、哈代、华盛顿·欧文、狄更斯研究、论莎士比亚的“威尼斯商人” 、阿瑟·米勒研究、海明威研究等)
文学 涂朝莲
陈智平 62014305
25 Jane as a narrator and as a character 文学 陈智平
26 Character Analysis of Nancy, the “criminal” in Oliver Twist
文学 陈智平
27 Virginia Woolf and Modern Feminine Independence 文学 陈智平
28 An Analysis of Charles Dickens' Great Expectation 文学 陈智平
29 Familial Relationships in Great Expectations: The Search for Identity 文学 陈智平
30 中外比较文学研究(如《红楼梦》与《傲慢与偏见》比较,《白鹿原》与《百年孤独》等) 文学 涂朝莲 62014305
31 美国文学流派研究 (如:浪漫主义,自然主义,现实主义,迷惘的一代, 跨掉的一代,黑色幽默,现代主义,南方文学等) 文学 许萍
32 论夏洛特-勃郎特《简爱》中性别文化政治 文学 余梅冰
33 简-奥斯丁之《傲慢与偏见》一书中达西先生之蜕变 文学 余梅冰/87329730
34 论简-奥斯丁在《爱玛》一书中的妥协艺术 文学 余梅冰/87329730
35 艾米莉-勃郎特《呼啸山庄》中场景要素之研究 文学 余梅冰/87329730
36 从《呼啸山庄》的心理分析探索艾米莉-勃郎特的内心世界 文学 余梅冰/87329730