

发布时间:2023-03-13 12:27


  论文摘要:生态文学批评作为一种新兴的理论话语和批评 方法 正日趋成熟。本文旨在采用生态批评视角,重新审视D.H.劳伦斯的《蛇》中体现的人与自然的关系,并从“征服、统治自然观”与“生态整体观”两个方面,探索《蛇》中蕴涵的生态思想和劳伦斯对人类生存前景的终极关怀。
  深受浪漫主义思想影响的现代主义作家D·H·劳伦斯于192年完成的诗集《鸟·兽·花》以隐喻和象征的手法勾勒了大量丰满的动植物形象,其中的树木、花草、家禽、野兽均富于情感和灵性劳伦斯赋予自然以生命的血肉,通过将自然人格化,发现人与自然神秘的联系方式。其中的名篇《蛇》寓言般地讲述了文明人面临大自然的困惑与踌躇,初始本能的敬畏与随后心中敌意的“教化之声”形成本诗的张力,诗人最终在赎罪与自省中呼唤与大自然和谐共存关系的建立。历来评论家已采用原型批评和弗洛伊德心理分析等方法分析过该诗。本文采用生态批评视角,重新审视《蛇》中体现的人与自然的关系,并引发对人类文明与人自身的 反思 ,从而挖掘出劳伦斯对“征服、统治自然观”的批判和“生态整体观”(hoistithought)的呼唤。
  20世纪60年代,美国生态运动的导火索《寂静的春天》(1962出版了,这本绝不“寂静”的书,引发了美国当代轰轰烈烈的群众性环境保护运动。1972年,约瑟夫·米克(Joseph Meeker)在《生存的喜剧:文学生态学研究》(TheComedyofSurvival:StudieinLiteraryEcology)中提出“文学生态学”的概念,即“对出现在文学作品中的生物主题进行研究”。到1993年,生态文学研究成为公认的批评学派。九十年代中期以后,一些生态文学批评的专著相继出版。1996年佐治亚大学出版社出版了格罗费尔蒂和费罗姆主编的《生态批评读本:文学生态学的里程碑》(Ecocriticism Reader:LandmarksinLiteraryEcology),并在前言中指出生态批评“作为一种批评立场,它一只脚踩着文学,另一只脚踩着土地;作为一种理论话语,它协调着人类与非人类的关系”。国内学者则进一步诠释为:“作为一种文学和 文化 批评,生态批评的主要任务是通过文学来重审人类文化,进行文化批评,探索人类思想、文化、社会发展模式如何影响甚至决定人类对自然的态度和行为,如何导致环境的恶化和生态的危机。并最终以弘扬关怀自然,与自然和谐相处的思想为归宿。



D. H. Lawrence is an influential but controversial writer who is believed to be a feminist to some researchers but a male chauvinist to others. Although he has an increasingly changing attitude towards women and women's liberation throughout his writing career, Lawrence has shown great sympathy and much concern for them. Based on this awareness, I present my thesis in the hope of getting a full and complete understanding of his "feminism". This thesis sets out to give a general retrospection of ot...


下面是劳伦斯在过去35年里发表的论文。本目录并不详尽。ecent important referencesContributed Chapter 4 on Fats and Oils in the diet inEssentials of Human Nutrition, Oxford University Press, Mann and Truswell ,(2012)Contributing author to “Avocado Oil’ in text book Gourmet and Health Promoting Specialty Oils, edited , AOCS press ,2008Contributing author to Olive and avocado Oil in the textbook, Green Vegetable Oil Processing, editor and proctor, AOCS Press (2012)Processing Oils and Fats in New Zealand, Chapter in Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils, Page 214, Published by the Oils and Fats Specialist Group,(2007)The Composition of Titoki Oil Paper presented to the IUPAC Conference on the Chemistry of Natural Products - Dunedin (1976)The Importance of Tallow to New Zealand Paper presented to Society of Chemistry and Industry UK (1979)Gas Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Oils and FatsChemistry in New Zealand (1979)Oil from Deep Water Fish Species (Orange Roughy)J American Oil Chemist Association (1982)Industrial Aspects of Fat Nutrition in New ZealandProceedings of the First International NZ Fats Conference Duromark (1983)A Chemical and Commercial Background to Evening Primrose OilChemistry in New Zealand, April (1984)Industrial Aspects of Fat Nutrition, Published in the Proceedings of Fats for the Future,Auckland (1983),contains a section on infant Management of Frying FatsPaper presented to NZ Food Technology Conference (1985)Maize. Nutritious and VersatileFood Technology in New Zealand March (1987)Milk Fat: Product DevelopmentLipid Technology. Vol 1. No 1 August (1989)Tailored Food Ingredients from Milk FatPaper presented to Food Ingredients Conference London (1988)Linking Product Development with the MarketplaceFats for the Future (IUPAC) Ellis Horwood (1990)Section on infant formulae on page 245 of this es Human milk fat with fatty acid compositions of infant ng and Processing Shark Livers for the Recovery of Squalene and Diacyl Glyceryl Ethers(Co-Author) DSIR Crop Research - Seafood Report No 1 (1990)Inflammable and Toxic Gases OffshoreIndustrial Fire Journal March (1993)Supplementary PublicationsNew Zealand Tallow as a Raw Material for Several Manufacturing IndustriesPaper presented to NZIC Annual Conference (1977)Edible Fats and Oils in the New Zealand Food IndustryChapter of “Chemical Processes in New Zealand”Edited by J.E. Packer, NZIC (1978)Storage of Bakery Fats“Food Technology in New Zealand”, May 1984, P. 27Fats in Cake and Biscuit ManufacturePaper presented at a seminar, “Baking Ingredients, Processing and Products”Massey University, May 22nd-23rd (1984)A Guide to Deep Fat Frying for Abels Ltd 1984(Produced an authoritative booklet)Fats, Oils and Waxes: Functional Components of Cosmetic PreparationsL. Eyres and D.M. FentonPaper presented to Australian and New Zealand Societies of Cosmetic ChemistsRotorua, 16 March 1985Tallow, the Ideal Frying Fat“Food Industry”, (1986)Food Ingredients - Composition, Utilisation and EffectivenessPaper presented at Foodtech 86, Auckland, 1986Paper Presented to Australian Cosmetic Conference on Orange Roughy OilSydney, 1986Career Choices for ChemistsAddress to 7th Form Students at University of Auckland (1987)Pork Nutrition and Innovative CuisineProfessor J.A. Birkbeck and Dr. L. EyresPaper presented to 22nd Annual Conference of the Nutrition SocietyDunedin, 1987Market Development of Milk FatPaper presented to 36th Annual Conference of Dairy ManagersPalmerston North 10-12th May 1988Chapter on Milkfat Innovation in, Fats for the Future, (1989) editor, R.C. Cambie, Ellis ndustrial Fat Products - Downstream ProcessingPaper presented to the 57th Annual Conference of Dairy ManagersPalmerston North, 13-16th June 1989Applications, Requirements and opportunities for Milkfats in the Food IndustryPaper presented to AFISC Seminar, Melbourne 1995Critical Issues and Solutions for the Edible Oils and Fats IndustryDavid Allen, Kurt Berger, L. Eyres, P. Barnes, F.D. Gunstone, M. Gurr and F.B. Padley“Prepared Foods”, June 1996, P. 36; and“Lipid Technology Newsletter”, December 1996Career Planning for Food TechnologistsAddress given to a seminar, Foodtech 98, October 1998Fear of FatPaper presented to a Crop and Food Symposium in Wellington (1999)Fear of FatThe NZ Food Journal 29 (4), P. 143 (1999)The Changing Diet of New ZealandersPaper presented to NZ Nutrition Society Annual Conference November 2000Avocado Oil - A New Edible Oil from AustralasiaLipid Technology (2001), P. 84-89Potential of Squalene as a Functional Lipid in Foods and CosmeticsLipid Technology (2002), P. 104-109Adventures with Lipids (2002)The J.C. Andrews Awards Address given to NZIFST Conference Palmerston NorthWhat is the Optimal Dietary Lipid Intake?Paper published June 2003 - Britannia Oils WebsiteAnchor - The Dairy Icon in New Zealand (2003)Paper presented at NZIFST ConferenceAdventures with Lipids, paper presented to NZIFST, JC Andrews award lecture (2002)Industry adoption of Nutritional Guidelines, Paper presented to CAPS conference, Dunedin (2011)Extracurricular Activities in ScienceRecipient of J.C. Andrews award (NZIFST) of Editorial Board of Food New Zealand (Previously Food Technologist) and Lipid TechnologyPast President NZIFST (1989)Chaired four international conferences on Oils and Fats - 1983-2010Chairman NZIC Oils and Fats Specialist Group (1983-2010)Chaired many seminars and courses over the last 30 yearsPresented a course in marketing for Diploma in Business, University of Auckland (1994-1995)MORST grant to attend Institute of Directors course 1998Member of Nutrition Foundation Scientific Advisory Board and Council (2000-Present)Retired Director of FSANZ (2004-2010)Managing Editor of Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils (2007)Member of Pick the tick panel for the Heart Foundation.



