

发布时间:2023-11-02 00:05











赵宇昊 教授 博士生导师
教授、博士生导师,国家中医药管理局名老中医第四批师承继承人,国家中医药管理局全国名老中医传承人名医工作室负责人,从师于国家级名老中医高忠英教授,在首都医科大学中医药学院从事中医内妇科临床用药 研究及临床中药学教学工作30年余,主持课题多项,近年发表论文核心期刊30余篇,其中SCI近10余篇。









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Kodaira, Structural heterogeneities of the crust and upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 16-21, 2009. Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Pei, Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, America, 14-19, December, 2008. Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei, Genesis of the Mw 7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China: Implications from Seismic Tomography, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008; Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Shuichi Kodaira, Dapeng Zhao, Seismic imaging for the Mj7.2 2008 Iwate earthquake, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008; Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Kodaira, Structural control the rupturing of the M7.92008 Wenchuan earthquake, China, Conference in the University of Tokyo, Japan, August 6,2008; Wang, Z., Structure heterogeneities along the West Pacific Island Arcs, Invited presentation in IFREE of JAMSTEC, Japan, 9-13 June, 2007; Wang, Z., P-wave velocity and gradient images under the Okinawa Trough, American Geophysics Union, San Francisco, December 14-19, 2007. Wang, Z., New insight into the structural heterogeneities under the Taiwan Island, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, May 22-27, 2007. Wang, Z.,Seismic imaging beneath the island of Taiwan, China, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007. Wang, Z., Hypocenter location and the structural heterogeneities under the Island Arcs of West Pacific Ocean, (Special presentation for Fu-Chongyi Young Scientific Award) Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, Tomographic evidence for the Eurasian lithosphere subducting beneath South Taiwan, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagaya, November 1-3, 2006. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic structures of P-wave and S-wave in the entire-arc region of central Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire-arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, P-wave and S-wave tomographic images under the subduction zone in Southwest Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006. Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, J. R. Kayal, Z. Wang, O. P. Singh, G. K. Chakrabortty, D. 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Zhao, Crustal structure under the Nankai Trough derived from OBS and Hi-net data, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Tomographic imaging of Hokkaido and Tohoku forearc region under the Pacific Ocean, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004. Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire northeast Japan arc by a joint inversion of land and sub-oceanic data, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 9-13, 2004.

