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现行编排规范对英文人名如何标注未作明确要求,英文人名的标注较为混乱,有标注全名的,有标注时将名缩写、姓不缩写、保持原来顺序的,还有在姓、名之间加圆点的,后者是我国翻译作品中,中文书写外国人名经常采用的一种方式。其实,标注英文人名是有章可循的,在国外学术着作的参考文献中,关于人名的标注已约定俗成为一种统一的格式,即英文参考文献标注作者姓名时,要求姓在前、名在后,姓与名之间用逗号隔开,姓的词首字母大写,其余字母不大写;名用词首大写字母表示,后加缩写符号圆点,缩写符号不可省略。由于欧美国家人的姓名排列一般是名在前、姓在后,在标注时必须加以调整。如Georg Paghet Thomson,前面两个词是名,最后一个词是姓,应标注为Thomson,G. P为什么要如此标注呢?笔者认为有以下原因。
对于复姓情况,如Jory Albores-Saavedra等,在引用标注时,应将复姓全部写出,即Albores-Saavedra, J对于姓前带有冠词或介词的情况,如带有Mac,Le,Von,Van den等,标注时不能省略,应同姓一起提到前面标注,如Mac Donald,La Fontaina,Von Eschenbach,Van den Bery等。这里有个有趣的现象,对于北欧人常见的姓Van den Bery,如Van的词首字母大写,表示它是姓的一部分,标注时应与姓一起前置;如果作者姓名书写为Graham van den Bery,其中van的词首字母v没有大写,则表示它不是姓的一部分,姓Bery前置时,van den仍留在原来的位置,并且不可缩写或省略,标注为Bery,G. van den.另外,对于“姓名+学位”的情况,标注时一般把“学位”删去,不要将其误认为姓或姓的一部分.
在标注原文献名及作者时,原文献多指论文集或与之类似的著作,英文标注习惯上在编着者名前加词首字母大写的介词In,作者姓名前后次序不作调整,名缩写为词首大写字母,后加缩写符号圆点,姓完整标出,不缩写。作者后加编者一词的缩写形式及缩写符号圆点,词首字母大写,外加圆括号,如标注为In S. Weil(Ed.),如示例[3].然后斜体标注原文献题名,后加注出版年,起至页码的缩写形式pp.和析出文献的起至页码。当原文献有两位或两位以上作者时,作者姓名同上述情况一样,前后次序不作调整,分别标出,编者一词缩写用复数形式Eds.,如In L. Eedering,& P. Leseman(Eds.)。
出版地和出版社(商)是参考文献的重要内容,标示版权信息,不可遗漏或省略。我国一部着作一般由一家出版社负责出版发行,出版地一般也就比较明确为出版社所在的城市。国外情况就比较复杂了,由于市场经济高度成熟,语言通用程度高,着作权被普遍保护等原因,一部着作可能由不止一家出版社(商)合作出版发行,出版地也可能在不同国家的不同城市。当出版地有两处或两处以上、出版社(商)有两个或两个以上时,应当一一标出,中间用斜杠分开。如Amsterdam/Philadephia:Ben-jamins,又如Den Haag:Sdu/DOP出版地一般是出版社(商)所在的城市,标注城市名,不可标注为国家名。
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In a market economy, the management is to determine the importance of enterprise survival and development. In recent years, due to ideological bias in understanding and some historical reasons, the objective reasons why the number of internal financial management system is not sound financial management to cause confusion, resulting in some lack of internal oversight mechanisms, occurring false accounts or accounts peripherals account. "Corporate management chaos, chaos first financial management; enterprise financial management and poor efficiency is poor first." This is the proof obtained from the practice. So grasp business management, establish a sound internal financial management system has become a top priority, but according to the author about the closing 200x years only,Longquan City, more than 500 companies, but the establishment of internal financial management system, very few companies, especially construction, real estate development companies a total of 22, only Longquan Municipal Corporation 3 Enterprise to develop a financial internal control system, only 14% of the total, for this phenomenon, the author strengthen enterprise management, establish a sound system of internal financial management of the relevant issues and corresponding , establish a sound internal financial management systems need to(A) the establishment of internal financial management system is to adapt to the socialist market economic system, the objective requirements ofEnterprises to survive in market competition, and development, we must follow the requirements of market economy norms financial behavior. That must be in accordance with the requirements of market economy financing, use of funds and distribution of benefits, improve production and operations, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in order to achieve economic growth, to change the way companies adapt to market economy objective requirements.(B) establish a sound internal financial management system is an inherent requirement of enterprise management1. Financial management is the basis for all management activities, is the central link in enterprise management. Internal financial management of the company's funds management activities and the form of value, mainly based on cost management and capital management as the center, through a form of value management, to physical form of management. Therefore financial management is the basis for all management activities, the central link in enterprise . Financial management throughout all aspects of production and operation and the entire process.(C) financial management and business management all have extensive contactIn business activities, financial management of the tentacles are often stretched to every corner of business, each department will be serviced through the use of funds into contact with the financial sector, each sector should in the rational use of funds, to save money and so accept what Department guidance, subject to the constraints of financial systems in order to ensure the improvement of economic efficiency of enterprises.(D) financial management to quickly reflect the production production and business activities of enterprises, are ultimately reflected in the financial results up through the accounting, analysis, comparison, you can check the implementation of enterprise production and business activities, and finding problems, find solutions to the problem. In particular financial results reflect the number and circumstances of the authoritative. In business management, decision-making is appropriate, whether business management, technology is advanced, production and marketing is smooth. Can be quickly reflected by financial , internal financial management system is difficult to establish the main reason(A) deviation of thinking and understandingAccording to my understanding of a considerable number of enterprise managers on financial management in business management center of awareness is not enough understanding of the financial management tools and resources for the Arabic collection and payment of "money counter." That establish and improve enterprise financial system take the old path is resurgence. Moreover, that the system more robust, the constraints on enterprise managers greater mistake thinking, adopt a negative attitude.(B) of the market economy on the business impact of internal financial management systemAs the market economy further, some units of one-sided emphasis on corporate ownership and management rights, to relax the internal financial management, resulting in varying degrees of accounting based on the work of the weakening, landslides and even chaos. In particular in:1. According to state regulations, prepare accounts of the financial system does not require the construction, prepare accounts but the accounts Though some confusion;2. Account or accounts peripheral false accounts, concealing the true financial condition and business economic results;3. Violation of financial discipline, unauthorized retention, transfer of national income, "little treasuries";4. Violation of the financial accounting system, mob unjustified costs, free to write off the cost, reduce profits or increase any loss, severe distortion of accounting information.(C) the overall quality of corporate financial officers is not high enough on the strong financial management awarenessI believe that as a corporate financial officer is the drafting of internal financial systems, and also a supervisor and executor. Therefore, the company staff the ability to work, the level of service quality on the establishment of internal financial systems and the implementation of the system plays an important role. But a considerable part of the company's financial staff as subjective and objective factors, difficult to fully undertake the development of internal financial management system functions, mainly:1. A considerable part of the financial personnel not familiar with the new enterprise financial systems, business is not fine, initiative is not strong, was unable to start with;2. There is fear of corporate financial officers, afraid of offending the leadership, fear of losing easy work;3. Position itself is not even one-sided view to establish and improve internal financial management system is a matter of leadership has nothing to do with their , establish a sound system of internal financial management measuresAnalysis for the above reasons, I believe that to establish a sound internal financial systems, available from the following aspects:(-) To strengthen leadership, unity of thinking, to raise awarenessStrengthen publicity and education, through advocacy and education to business owners and financial officers are able to fully realize the establishment of a sound system of internal financial management of the importance, necessity and practical significance, to establish a sound internal financial management system with the modern enterprise system combined with the deepening of enterprise reform, enterprise operational mechanism together. To remove the system more robust, the greater the constraints on the business leaders the mistake, correct thinking, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of hard work and style, and promote the healthy development of this work.(B) to strengthen the business enterprise financial staff training and professional ethics1. Enhance the business training, corporate financial officers through a variety of training courses, seminars, classes and meetings and other forms, to strengthen the market economy theory and accounting theory of learning to enhance the operational level of financial personnel;2. Strengthening financial officer of professional ethics, vigorously promote the reform and opening up the financial front since the company emerged in the advanced character and deeds, so that conscious attention to the general financial staff of professional ethics training to high professional ethics do their job.(C) of the financial sector should strengthen guidance and promote the establishment of internal financial systemsFinancial departments should establish and improve internal financial management system and implementation of enterprise autonomy, and promote enterprise change management mechanism, establish a modern enterprise system. Written guidance is necessary to organize the sample, to counseling and help enterprises to facilitate guiding the work in order to expedite the work of universal coverage.
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[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.
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[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.
[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.
[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.
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[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.
[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.
[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.
[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.
[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.
[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.
[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.
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[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.
[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.
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经济环境下的财务会计.Financial accounting in an economic context = 原书第6版:(美)杰米·帕拉特(Jamie Pratt)著/来明佳,彭红英,徐虹等译 财务会计 北京;机械工业出版社:2009 978-7-111-24756-2 12,545页 共14章,分为五部分。第一部分是财务会计概述;第二部分介绍财务报表的计量、结构及其使用;第三部分详细地介绍与资产有关的事项;第四部分介绍负债和股东权益;第五部分介绍收益和现金流量表。 管理会计.Management accounting = 第5版:安东尼·A. 阿特金森(Anthony ...[等]著/王立彦,陆勇,樊铮译 管理会计 北京;清华大学出版社:2009 978-7-302-18858-2 20,523页 包括:创造价值的信息、成本管理的概念与成本习性、传统的成本管理系统、作业成本系统、利用预算实现组织目标等。 高级会计学.Advanced accounting = 第9版:(美)Joe ,(美)Thomas ,(美)Timothy 著/王鑫改编 会计学 高等学校 英文 北京;北京大学出版社:2009 978-7-301-14752-8 490页 实证会计理论.Positive Accounting Theory:罗斯·L. 瓦茨(Ross L. Watts),杰罗尔德·L. 齐默尔曼(Jerold L. Zimmerman)著 会计学 英文 北京;中国人民大学出版社:2009 978-7-300-10133-0 22,381页 内容包括:会计理论的作用、竞争性假说的辨识、会计与政治活动、会计选择的经验检验等。 税务会计.TAX ACCOUNTING = 第七版 SEVENTH EDITION:盖地[主编] 税务会计 上海;立信会计出版社:2009 978-7-5429-2240-3 9,676页 系统介绍税务会计有关基础知识,其内容包括纳税基础、增值税会计、消费税会计、关税会计、营业税会计、资源税会计、土地增殖税会计、出口货物免退税会计和税务筹划等。
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M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章
J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告
①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的'首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;
②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。
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M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章
J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告
①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的'首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;
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