

发布时间:2016-08-03 17:13








  1 语法衔接




  (1) Computers exist in a wide range of sizes and power. (2) The smallest are embedded within the circuitry of appliancessuch as televisions and wrist watches.


  句(2)The smallest后面省略了在上文句(1)中已经出现的computers。采用省略的衔接方法避免了在句(2)中重复出现computers,突出了句(2)中的新信息“The smallest”,使得句子之间更加紧凑。


  (3) Laptop computers and PCs are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networksfor word processingto track financesand to play games.


  (4) They have large amounts of internal memory to store hundreds of programs and documents.


  (5) In 1975Gates and Paul Allen collaborated on the first version of the BASIC programming language.


  (6) This led to the formation of Microsoft in AlbuquerqueNew Mexicoin the same year.


  句(4)用人称代词They指上文句(3)中的Laptop computers and PCs,用人称代词起到照应的作用。句(6)用指示代词This指前面In 1975Gates and Paul Allen collaborated on the first version of the BASIC programming language整个句子所表达的意思,用指示代词起到照应的作用。这种照应的衔接方法使得科技论文更加简洁,表达的意思更加清晰。


  (7) A laser used with the erbium-doped fiber can then be triggered without first having to convert weakened light pulses into electrical signals.


  (8) As a resultwith no intervening optical / electronic conversions to slow down transmissionsfibers can carry more information in the form of higher speed signals.


  句(8)中的As a result表示句(7) 与句(8)之间是一种因果关系。还有一些过渡性的词语可以表示转折、时间、条件和因果等逻辑关系。掌握起衔接作用的过渡性词语,有助于把握科技论文的内在逻辑。






  (9) The secret to perfect timing is to make an extra satellite measurement.


  (10) If three perfect measurements can locate a point in 3-dimensional spacethen four imperfect measurements can do the same thing.




  (11) If everything were perfect (i.e. if our receiver’s clocks were perfect) then all of our satellite ranges would intersect at a single point (which is our position).


  (12) But with imperfect clocksa fourth measurementdone as a cross-checkwill NOT intersect with the first three.


  (13) Funding such an immense project would cost more than $230 billion over several decades.


  (14) To make this investment economically feasiblephone companies want new laws that would let them supply programming as well as carry it for other companies.


  (15) Some cable-TV companiesbroadcasters(下转第79)(上接第74)and publishers strongly oppose the entry of such powerful competitors.


  (11)中的perfect与句(12)中的imperfect是一对反义词,利用反义词衔接两个句子,起到了强烈的对比作用。句(13)中的Funding与句(14)中的investment是一对同义词,利用同义词衔接两个句子,不但可以避免用词过于单调,还可以起到了强化同义词所表达意思的作用。句(14)与句(15)利用上下义词衔接两个句子,句(14)中的companies是个上义词,它抽象地指公司,句(15)中的cable-TV companiesbroadcasterspublishers是下义词,它们具体指有线电视公司、广播公司和出版商。




  作者:万新旺 来源:科教导刊·电子版 201317

