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一、选题 选题在学术论文写作中具有头等重要的意义。这是因为,只有研究有意义的课题,才能获得好的效果,对科学事业和现实生活有益处;而一项毫无意义的研究,即使研究得再好, 论文写作得再美,也是没有科学价值的。钱学森教授认为:“研究课题要紧密结合国家的需 要。……在研究方法上要防止钻牛角尖,搞烦琐 哲学 。 目前 在 社会 科学中,有的人就古人的 一句话大作文章,反复考证,写一大篇论文,我看没有什么意思。”因此,我们要选择有科 学价值的课题进行研究和写作。那么,应该根据哪些原则来选题呢?(一)具有科学性。它应包括:急待解决的课题;科学上的新发现,新创造;学科上短 缺或空白的填补; 通行说法的纠正;前人理论的补充;等等。(二)有利于展开。指的是:要有浓厚的兴趣;能发挥业务专长;先易后难,大小适中; 已占有一定的资料;能得到导师指导;在一定时间内能完成;对题目加以限定。注意事项1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。


汽车维修新技术论文篇二 汽车发动机的维修技术分析 摘 要 作为汽车的心脏部位,发动机在汽车的正常运行和操作中其中至关重要的作用。因此,平时需要加强对发动机的维修和保养。而针对汽车发电机的维修,其需要比较全面的技术知识和实践操作能力。因此,汽车发动机的维修可以说是一个需要技巧和技术的硬活。本文从汽车发动机检查以及汽车发动机的诊断和维修两个方面出发,具体阐述其相关的维修技术,希望对学习汽车发动机维修的人员有所帮助。 关键词 汽车;发动机;维修;技术 中图分类号 U46 文献标识码A 文章 编号 1674-6708(2014)114-0109-02 1 传统的发动机维修工艺 发动机的内部零部件的检查: 由于汽车发动机内部的曲轴和活塞往往是比较容易出故障的地方,如汽车突然无法启动等,很可能是因为汽车发动机内部活塞不能运作造成的。因此当汽车发动机出现故障需要维修的情况下,可以先对其曲轴和活塞进行检查,其具体步骤如下: 曲轴的检查 对于曲轴容易出现的故障,主要有轴颈处容易磨损,容易出现扭曲变形或者疲劳裂纹,因此需要进行重点检查。1)裂纹的检查:对于曲轴裂纹的检查,其相应的检查 方法 有超声波探伤检查,浸油敲击法检查,磁力探伤检测仪进行检查和X光探伤检查。在用浸油敲击法对曲轴进行检查时,需要先将曲轴在煤油中浸泡一段时间, 然后再将曲轴从煤油中取出来,擦干净后在曲轴上撒一些白粉,再对曲轴的不同部位进行轻敲,如有出现了比较明显的油迹,这说明曲轴的这个部位有裂纹。对于磁力探伤仪检查,其磁力线会穿透曲轴被检查的部分,如果在该部分有裂纹的话,那么这个地方的磁力线就会出现偏散,然后将磁力粉撒在该部位,从会显示出裂纹的具体大小和具体位置;2)弯曲变形的检查:针对曲轴弯曲变形的检查,可以先将整个曲轴的两个顶端用V型版块支承住,如图1所示,然后用在主轴中间用百分表的触头抵着。当曲轴转动一周后,在指针上对出角度的最小值和最大值,并且计算两者之差,这个差值就是曲轴弯曲变形的差值了,如果其值大于, 那么曲轴弯曲的比较严重了,为了确保发动机的正常运行,需要及时更换曲轴。 活塞连杆组的检查。 对应活塞部位的检查,主要是检查其活塞销座的尺寸和裙部直径等是否发生了变化,或者是否在使用过程中发生了堵塞等。其主要的检查方法一般有两种,第一种检查方法是用千分尺进行测量,通过测量裙部直径的大小和活塞汽缸磨损部位值的大小,将这两个测得的数据相减,然后和配缸间隙值进行比较,如果差值大于, 则说明活塞磨损比较严重,不能够再使用啦。另一种方法是塞尺进行测量,通过测量配缸间隙来判断其汽车发动机内部活塞是否可以正常使用。首先将塞尺放入安装气环的环槽内,然后以35N的拉力轻轻转动塞尺,当感到轻微的阻力时停止转动,这样就可以用塞尺测量活塞裙部和活塞侧隙差值的大小,当活塞受到磨损越多时,其相应的差值也越大,当该值超过时,这该活塞不能再使用啦,需要为汽车发动机配备新的活塞。如图2所示。 图2 图3 图4 2 汽车发电机的诊断和维修 发动机失速故障 发动机如果出现了失速故障,其一般表现为发动机转速一会低一会高的情况,而这种情况就是常见的发动机失速故障了。出现这种故障的原因主要是因为点火控制系统出现故障,或燃油喷盘系统出现问题,又或者是整个发动机的进气系统出现了问题等。例如,出现了燃油喷盘系统的故障,很有可能是系统线路接触不稳,油管变形或者燃油滤清器灰层太多等。针对不同的原因,可以采取不同的 措施 进行维修。 其相关的故障排除和维修的方法如下:1)如果是喷油系统出现问题,检查是否是线路接触不良,如果是,则可以调整线路或更换导线的方法进行维修,如果是 机油滤清器盖等太多灰层了,则可以采用清洁滤清器盖的方法进行修复;2)如果是进气管出现了问题,则仔细检查是否有各软管或者其相接的地方出现了漏气,也可以检查PVC阀管子等是否通气正常,如果不是,则可以考虑修复或替换相应的管子;3)针对点火控制系统出现的问题,则需要检查各缸火花塞是否正常工作了。例如,火花塞积累的灰层太多,引起发动机转速不正常,则可以通过彻底清洁火花塞来进行维修。 发动机怠速不良故障 发动机怠速不良故障的现象主要是发动机怠速不稳,停车易熄火。在故障诊断方面,可以先检测发动机燃油压力。将燃油压力表连接到油压检测孔上,起动发动机,油压表指示正常,压力为265kPa,拨掉油压调节器真空管,油压上升到340kPa。上述结果均在标准范围内,说明燃油管路系统无故障。然后再检查气缸压力。预热发动机,温度到85℃,打开节气门,用缸压表测量各缸压力,当压力值均为l1OOkPa左右,各缸压差小干300kPa时,上述情况表明发动机气缸密封性出现了问题。 针对该故障的维修,其方法如下:清洗怠速电动机、节气门体。将怠速电动机、节气门体拆下,彻底清洗各空气通道,并用压缩空气吹净。用万用表测量一下怠速电动机电阻值,电阻为20Ω,在18~24Ω正常范围内。测量节气门位置传感器,输出阻值呈线性变化,且在正常范围内。若发现进气总管内沉积有异物,用缠有麻布的铁线将其清理干净。为彻底根除故障,还可以对喷油器进行清洗、检测。 3 结论 从上面的分析可以看出,本文只是简单的介绍了汽车发动机比较常见的故障以及出现故障的原因和解决的方法。其实,整个汽车发动机的维修覆盖面比较广,其相应的维修技术也比较全面复杂,要熟练的掌握汽车发动机的维修技巧和相关技术,还需要学习和实践很多知识,比如电控燃油系统的检查和维修等,本文就不在此一一赘述。 参考文献 [1]朱鹦文,魏浩,章秦.探究汽车发电机维修和检测技术[J].汽车和科技,2004(1):235-248. [2]__斌,罗洛.关于汽车发电机维修技术的几点思考[J].汽车和科技,2007(2):129-137.看了“汽车维修新技术论文”的人还看:1. 汽车维修论文范文 2. 汽车维修技术论文范文 3. 浅谈汽车维修研究论文范文 4. 2017年汽修技术论文 5. 汽车钣金维修技术论文范文























你好,学汽修哪个专业好? 汽车维修技术专业比较多,下面推荐两个热门专业给您,希望能对同学们有所帮助。1、汽车检测与维修汽车检测与维修主要研究汽车整车、机械系统、传动系统、制动系统、电气系统等的构造、故障诊断、检测维修等方面的基本知识和技能,进行汽车的检测、维修、评估等。例如:汽车整车的装配,汽车故障的诊断与维修,汽车零配件的更换与保养,二手车价值的评估等。2、新能源汽车技术工程师新能源汽车技术主要研究新能源汽车组成构造、电池设计、故障诊断、维修养护等方面的基本知识和技能,进行新能源汽车的生产制造、装配调试、检测维修等。常见的新能源汽车有:纯电动汽车、增程式电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车、燃料电池电动汽车等。现在中国的汽车越来越多,而汽修人才并没有倍数增,汽修人才定是紧缺,拿高薪也就成为必然。但以后汽修行业的竞争也会很激烈,那就要看你汽修技术是否过硬。这个专业都很好找工作的,只要你好好干,工资肯定会让你满意的。以上回答仅供参考!




1. 汽车电控发动机系统故障诊断与维修技术探讨

2. 汽车维修管理系统的设计与实现

3. 越野汽车维修性试验评价研究

4. 试论汽车发动机故障诊断与维修

5. 汽车维修管理中维修工时定额方式的运用

6. 基于本体的汽车维修服务知识管理系统研发

7. 3D打印技术在汽车制造与维修领域应用研究

8. 汽车变速器可靠性分析及维修决策系统软件开发

9. 汽车发动机的维修技术分析

10. 汽车维修管理系统设计与实现

11. 汽车销售服务企业维修业务内部控制研究

12. 汽车电控发动机系统故障的诊断与维修研究

13. 国内汽车维修服务中心社区连锁经营模式研究

14. 汽车电气系统故障诊断与维修

15. 试论现代汽车维修技术特点

16. 汽车维修行业现状及优化策略探究

17. 基于移动互联技术的汽车故障救援与维修系统设计与实现

18. 面向汽车快修业的数字化维修辅助系统的设计与实现

19. 最新汽车维修技术的特征与进展

20. 汽车维修救援的网络模式发展应用

21. 汽车4S店维修服务系统动态调度

22. 基于客户需求的汽车维修业连锁经营模式研究

23. 浅谈我国汽车维修技术的现状及发展

24. 汽车维修生产中的不安全因素以及安全措施

25. 如何看待国内汽车维修业的现状与发展

26. 浅论现代汽车维修技术

27. 汽车维修中运用“数据流”诊断电控发动机

28. 浅谈汽车维修特征及进展

29. 浅谈我国汽车维修业的未来发展

30. 浅析汽车维修企业现状与连锁经营发展模式

31. 浅谈汽车维修质量管理[A]

32. 汽车维修企业钣喷(BP)车间流水线式维修方法研究与实施

33. 基于汽车电控技术发展的现代汽车维修策略

34. 汽车远程故障诊断与维修系统研究

35. 现代汽车维修现状、技术设备与质量管理

36. 汽车维修服务质量评价研究

37. 汽车检测系统预维修策略的研究

38. 汽车维修服务质量与顾客满意度关系的实证研究

39. 淄博市汽车维修业发展对策研究

40. 漯河市汽车维修行业的现状与发展研究

41. 汽车维修企业维修服务质量控制规范研究

42. 浅析汽车维修专业发展趋势

43. 汽车检测与维修专业数字化教学资源建设研究

44. 汽车维修行业管理数据仓库的建立

45. 最新汽车维修技术的特征与进展

46. 汽车维修行业的现状及对策研究

47. 汽车维修救援网络运营模式研究

48. 汽车维修企业服务质量测评及改进对策研究

49. 基于SWOT分析的天津市汽车维修模式研究

50. 数据流技术在汽车维修中应用的研究

51. 基于横向转运策略的汽车维修备件库存管理研究

52. 浅谈汽车底盘常见故障诊断分析与维修

53. 汽车维修行业的发展现状及对策

54. 基于制造企业的汽车维修保养服务平台的研究

55. 汽车维修经济的相关思考

56. 汽车设计运用的检测与维修技术分析

57. 基于信息技术的'汽车检测与维修培养模式研究

58. 电子诊断在汽车维修技术中的应用实践

59. 谈汽车维修保养的技巧与常识

60. 汽车发动机常见故障及维修探讨

61. 运输企业汽车维修与配件管理信息系统设计

62. 汽车维修与保养

63. 关于汽车新技术故障的维修

64. 互联网时代的汽车养护维修平台模式的思考

65. 基于B/S架构的汽车维修技术互助系统的设计与实现

66. 新环境下汽车维修的特点与技术分析

67. 信息技术在汽车维修中的应用

68. 浅谈汽车维修、检测的行业发展趋势

69. 郑州市汽车维修行业的现状与发展

70. 汽车维修服务质量管理体系研究

71. 浅谈五菱汽车4S店维修配件的库存管理

72. 试述国内外汽车维修行业及特点

73. 基于集中控制策略的汽车维修备件分布式多级库存研究

74. 汽车电控发动机系统故障诊断与维修

75. 汽车维修工不能等同于“汽车换件工”

76. 基于RFID的汽车预维修故障诊断系统的研发

77. 汽车维修行业发展现状、问题及对策

78. 汽车维修专家系统的设计与实现

79. 汽车维修企业存货管理存在的问题及对策

80. 矿用电动轮汽车运行效率及维修成本建模研究与分析

81. 汽车故障自动检测与维修系统的研究与实现

82. 我国汽车维修行业的现状与分析

83. 汽车维修行业管理信息系统研究

84. 浙江省汽车维修行业发展研究

85. 灰色聚类法在汽车维修质量评价中的应用

86. 我国汽车维修业对信息资源的需求及存在问题

87. 基于模糊层次分析法的汽车维修服务评价

88. 浅析我国汽车维修业现状及发展策略

汽车故障原因诊断综合分析法【论文关键词】汽车故障 综合判断【论文摘要】分析了汽车故障原因及部位(全车各部位、机械、电气、油、气等),并提出了科学合理的判断方法,即故障概率顺序排列法及辅助判断法,可迅速地确定故障所在部位。结果表明,汽车发生故障的可能性主要取决于产品质量,可靠性高的产品其出现故障的部位往往是正常思维可以想到的;而产品质量有缺陷的车型,故障部位往往出现在人们正常思维无法判断的。利用综合分析方法,对判断车辆故障具有重要指导价值。一、原因分析一辆奔驰560SEL轿车因气门异响更换新摇臂后出现怠速剧烈抖动的情况。按照一般思维过程,只拆装过摇臂、凸轮轴,查找故障应当首先考虑这几个部位,如果顺着这条线索查找下去,也许很快就可以排除故障。但遗憾的是修理工在断火试验时发现至少有三个缸工作不良,他当然想到只更换了一个缸的摇臂,即便是有故障也不会引起这三个缸都不工作,故障原因可能在于其他方面。根据经验,可能原因排列:(1)废气再循环(EGR)系统故障,废气大量进入气缸(此项可能性最大)。(2)进气系统漏气,混合气太稀,怠速工作不良(此项可能性居中)(3)更换摇臂型号(质量)有缺陷(此项可能性最小)。二、故障判断方法(1)检查废气再循环系统。将EGR阀上真空管去掉,故障依旧;再将EGR阀从发动机上拆下,发现该阀锈蚀严重,废气通道与进气通道根本就不通,废气并未进入气缸,可能性最大的一项成为不可能。接下来检查进气系统,没有发现有漏气的地方,第二种可能性也被排除。对于第三种可能性,即使最终发现是摇臂的问题,对于本次维修而言,也不能算是一次圆满成功的维修,因为到这个时候检修工作已进行了半天,车主对此已有所不满,当然最终发现确实是摇臂型号不对,与气门的接触面新摇臂比旧摇臂高约2mm,磨去一段后修正至标准值,重新装复后发动机怠速平稳,故障排除。如若检修车辆是在拆装、调整后出现的故障,应当首先对这部分进行检查,而不能按常规步骤来进行。时隔不久一辆新款丰田(CARMY )轿车因行车时捣缸,发动机损坏而入厂维修。更换新缸体及其他部件后试机起动,发动机却始终无法起动。在起动机带动发动机运转的过程中,发动机不是回火即是放炮,象是点火错乱,检查高压线也并未插错(该发动机为直接点火)。吸取上一次教训,不能盲目检查,先询问修理工拆装发动机时有何异常情况,修理工回答在曲轴上有一齿轮形传感器,分解发动机时因生锈无法从曲轴上拆下,强行撬下来后发现有一个齿开裂,用502胶粘牢后又装上,结果出现上述故障。根据所获得的信息,让修理工将曲轴位置传感器转子从车上拆下,仔细检查并未看出有明显异常,粘接处也几乎看不出痕迹来;但对于人自身看不出来的故障及零件缺陷,电脑未必不会监测到,因为修理厂条件所限,无法用示波器观察到传感器输出波形,但对于本车所述故障,从概率方面分析,我仍认为曲轴位置传感器转子损坏具有最大可能性。(2)电脑损坏。但众所周知,即使电脑可以输出正常代码,也不能绝对地认为电脑一定正常,但这种可能性较小。(3)气缸压力不足。但在配气相位正确的情况下,四个气缸同时出现压力不足的情况的可能性也较小。经以上分析,建议修理厂购买新曲轴位置传感器转子,次日新件到货,装车一试立即着车。三、故障概率分析法一辆一汽生产的奥迪轿车出现蓄电池亏电的现象,在车库里放3、4天后蓄电池里的电几乎全部放完。修理工起初以为蓄电池失效,因自放电而亏电,换新蓄电池后故障依旧,修理人员几乎检查了所有部件,仍未查出故障,最后得出的结论是将第四个保险拔出,蓄电池即停止亏电。第四个保险所涉及内容包括:室内灯、阅读灯、点烟器、钟表、收音机、行李舱灯、空调指示灯。首先确定故障是否存在,点火开关关闭,将蓄电池负极断开再接上,可以看到蓝色电火花,证明确实存在较大电流放电。接下来并不急于检查故障部位,而是对第四个保险丝所涉及内容作一故障概率分析。(1)点烟器不能自动弹出:将前后两个点烟器拔出,故障依旧,此项可能性被排除。(2)室内灯、阅读灯、钟表、收音机、空调指示灯均可正常工作,但不能确定在点火开关关闭后其消耗电流是否正常,此项可能性居中。(3)第四个保险丝所涉及线路有短路、搭铁处,消耗电流,此项可能性同上居中。用数字万用表测量第四个保险丝所消耗电流(点火开关关闭)为 A,粗略估算其功率=,其功率与行李舱照明灯接近,但行李舱钥匙被司机带走,无法打开检查,修理工建议拆下仪表检查钟表、收音机及相关线路,但笔者认定行李舱灯损坏可能性最大,要求修理厂先检查行李舱灯,检查其他部位可能费力不讨好。次日从修理厂得到消息:确实是行李舱灯烧坏:灯开关座下陷,即使关上行李舱盖灯泡仍不能熄灭,灯泡已烧坏发白,但灯丝未断,因而始终消耗电流。换新灯泡并修复开关座,故障排除。四、辅助诊断法(1)眼观。观察仪表:观察电流、机油压力表、水温表和汽油指示表等指示车辆有关部位的工作情况,如发现显示数字异常,说明该部件出了问题。察看外观:如发动机排烟过多,排烟颜色异常;某些部件出现漏水、漏气、漏油、漏电等现象;车架车身变形,各部件间隙过大或过小。察扯油液:常规的油、液、媒检查不可忽视。机油、自动变速箱油、转向助力器油、齿轮油、制动液、冷却液、玻璃水、冷媒等油液的检查的车辆正常运行的保证,相关批示灯亮起,或是发现有缺少,要及时补充。察看颜色:通过察看车用零件液体的品质来判断故障。如某辆车自动变速器油颜色变紫,而且有少量浑浊物,可判断是自动变速器故障而不是发动机动力不足。(2)耳听。发动机:由于不断变换油门,发动机发出的响声也是不相同的,要仔细听发动机声音有无异常。底盘:不断改换行驶速度,传动系的响声一般随车速的提高而增大,但当车速提高到一定程度后,有些响声反而减弱,甚至消失。分清响声的类型:如连响与间断响;脆响与闷响;有规则与无规则的响,并确认哪些是正常的,哪些是异常的。(3)鼻闻。焦臭味:是制动拖滞,离合器打滑所致。烧机油、烧制动液能引起特殊气味。电器工作时烧毁线路会发出焦皮味。闻味的方法用的得当,可为诊断故障提供指导作用。(4)手摸。用手摸制动鼓、后桥壳、变速器外壳来判断该部件的温度: 如手摸感到发热,温度大约40℃左右。感到烫手,但能坚持几分钟,温度约在50℃~60℃左右。手根本不能忍受,温度至少达80℃以上。(5)隔离。部分的间隔,或隔断某些系统与某些部件的工作,以此来确定故障范围。如隔断某部件后,故障消失,说明故障发生在此部件;如故障还存在,则说明故障不此处。发动机:隔断某个缸(断火或断油),如果排烟消失或减少,则该缸有故障。底盘:如诊断底盘异响,可将变速杆放在空档位上,不断地接通和分开离合器,根据响声的变化来分析响声是发生在离合器还是变速器。电气:如某灯不亮,可将该灯与蓄电池直接接通,若灯亮,则说明连接该灯的导线发生了故障。(6)试探。如诊断气门异响。若怀疑气门间隙过大所致,可用厚薄规检查,并调整规定值,若异响消失,即判断正确。若响声依然存在,再继续查找其他部位。(7)比较。当某缸不工作时,如怀疑是火花塞问题,可交该火花塞与正常工作的火花塞对换,若故障转移,说明故障出于原火花塞。五、结束语在汽车故障诊断中,经常会遇到花费较长时间检查故障所涉及的部位仍未能查出故障,即使能够查出故障,在时间、精力方面也可能得不偿失;如果采用概率分析法则能够迅速、准确地确定故障,为客户节省时间的同时提高了自身的声誉。在汽车维修中,除了用仪表、检修仪器和工具对汽车进行诊断外,还应结合简易的人工诊断,对汽车故障诊断具有重要价值。参考文献:[1] 汽车工程手册[M].北京:人民交通出版社,2001.






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Scott Perl, Albuquerque, . A: Auto racers have told us the main advantage in filling tires with nitrogen instead of ambient air is that nitrogen tends to maintain more consistent tire pressure over a wide range of temperatures. As friction between the tire and pavement drives up the temperature, air with varying amounts of moisture content responds differently and can cause inconsistencies in tire pressure. While racing drivers are more likely to notice the advantages of nitrogen than everyday drivers, we haven't heard of any disadvantages to using it. Skeptics question the practice, noting that ambient air is about 80% nitrogen and that it expands and contracts at the same rate as pure nitrogen. A number of readers say there's no appreciable difference in how the tires will react if filled with nitrogen, especially in everyday use. Q: Is it safe to use cruise control in rain or on wet pavement? -- Scott Brake, Westminster, Calif. A: Car makers often warn that cruise control should be used only in light traffic on open roads and in good weather. There have been reports of accidents involving cruise control when the car lost traction -- or hydroplaned -- in slippery conditions. Some car makers warn that the steady throttle of cruise control -- like keeping one's foot on the gas -- could cause the wheels to spin when they hit a wet or icy patch of road. Car-company representatives say the cruise- control warnings reflect the fact that drivers should be particularly vigilant when conditions are less than ideal, and cruising along on what amounts to partial autopilot tends to lull some drivers into a false sense of security. Q: If an automobile manual suggests a certain weight oil (such as, 5W-30), would adding a quart of a different weight oil (say, 10W-40) between complete oil changes damage the car's engine? -- Gil Ehrenkranz, Potomac, Md. A: Probably not. But today's engines generally are more precisely engineered than those of 20 or 30 years ago. Many of us at some point have topped off our cars with whatever oil happened to be available without causing damage -- at least not that we know of. Auto makers, however, say modern engines can be more sensitive to a change in oil weight, and using the wrong oil, even in small amounts, can hurt an engine's performance and even cause harm. Q: What is a sequential manual transmission? How does it differ from an automatic or a standard manual transmission? -- Harry J. Jaffe, Germantown, Tenn. A: A sequential manual transmission is a gearbox that requires gear changes to be made in order (first to second to third), instead of having a shift pattern with a lever that allows the driver to skip gears. Motorcycles have used such transmissions for decades and racing cars began using them years ago because they allow quicker shifts. Shifting is usually done through levers, buttons or switches. The sequential transmissions advertised today -- mainly in high- performance cars such as Ferraris, Aston Martins and some BMWs -- are technically manual transmissions, except that the clutch and the gear changes are controlled electronically. The advantage is that gear changes can be made more quickly and precisely than a human shifting the old-fashioned way. Traditionalists say the downside is that they simply aren't as much fun to drive and require less driver skill. 意思:斯科特Perl,阿布奎基,.答:汽车赛车已经告诉了我们的主要优势和氮气充填轮胎代替周围的空气是氮倾向于保持更一致的胎压在很大的温度范围内。作为之间的摩擦力的轮胎与路面驱动温度,空气和变化不定的含水量反应,会导致不一致的轮胎压力。虽然赛车驾驶员更容易注意到的优点优点长处的优势,我们比每天氮、磷、钾和还没有收到任何缺点,使用它。怀疑论者质疑的实践,指出空气是大约80%,氮、磷、钾和热胀冷缩速度一样纯氮。大量的读者表示没有欣赏不同的轮胎会如何回应如果充满了氮,尤其是在日常使用。问:它安全巡航控制在雨中或在潮湿的路面吗?斯科特制动、威斯敏斯特宫——。答:汽车制造商经常警告巡航控制应该只用在光路交通开放的好天气。据报道,事故的巡航控制时,车失去牵引力——或者hydroplaned——在滑的条件。一些汽车制造商发出警告,稳定的油门巡航控制——就像一脚的气体——可能导致车轮旋转时,他们打湿或冰的补丁的道路。Car-company代表说,克鲁斯-控制警告反映驾驶员应特别警惕时,条件是少于理想,独自徘徊在什么等于趋于平静一些局部自动驾驶产生了一种虚假的安全感。问:如果一个汽车手册显示有一定的重量油(例如,5W-30),将增加一夸脱的不同,10W-40油(重量)之间的完整的机油变化损害的汽车引擎?吉尔Ehrenkranz、波,——事宜。答:大概不会。但是今天的引擎通常是更精确的工程比20或30年前。我们中的很多人已经超过了我们的汽车和任何可用的石油发生不损坏,至少不是我们所知道的。汽车制造商,然而,现代的引擎,可以更敏感的改变时,油,使用错误的重量,即使在少量的油,能伤害一个引擎的性能,甚至造成伤害。问:什么是一个序列手操作的传动系统。它如何与一个自动或手动传输标准吗?Jaffe >,德国——哈利。答:一个序列机械式变速器齿轮箱,是需要改变是为了(第二次到第三个),而不是有一个工作模式与杆,让车手可以跳过齿轮。使用这种传输摩托车赛车的几十年就开始使用他们,因为他们允许更快年前。通常是通过转移杠杆,按钮或开关。今天的顺序传送——主要是在广告表现等车,阿斯顿·马丁和一些不佳,手动变速器宝马—技术,除了那个离合器和齿轮的变化是控制电子签名。好处是齿轮的变化,可以作出更快速、准确地比人类将传统的方式。传统说不利的是,他们根本不一样的乐趣来驱动,需要更少的司机的技能。还有一篇:Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United States. The car made the UnitedStatesanationon helped to make the United States what it is are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States. First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don't like to have to follow an exact the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much PollutionEach year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are produced. One out of six Americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up gas. Americans couldn't live without cars!Most Americans would find it hard to imagine life without a car. However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars. The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without pollution. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field is way is to replace car engines with something else. Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars. Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our lives. Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air this change does not come easily. A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses down. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment. Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.意思:美国的汽车汽车是美国生活的重要组成部分。汽车使得美国成为轮子上的国家,它也帮助美国成为现在的样子。汽车在美国如此盛行有三个主要原因。首先这个国家地域辽阔,而美国人喜欢在其间来回走动。汽车提供了最舒适最便宜的交通方式。汽车如此盛行的第二个原因是美国从未真正发展过有效廉价的公共交通这一事实。美国的长途火车从未像世界上其它地方那么普及。如今飞机提供了空中服务的良好体系。但是飞机太贵了,不能频繁使用。而第三个原因是最为重要的。美国人的独立精神是使得汽车盛行的真正原因。美国人不喜欢等公共汽车、火车甚至飞机。他们不喜欢必须遵循精确的时间表。汽车给予他们的自由正是美国人最想得到的。汽油供给的减少已经给美国人带来了巨大的问题。但答案不是发展更大型的公交体系。真正的解决方式必须是一种新型的汽车,那种不需要使用很多燃料的汽车。汽车污染上路的汽车数量逐年增长,同时,每年都会生产出几百万辆新车。在美国,每六个人中就有一个从事与汽车相关的工作:造车、开车、修路、加油等等。离开汽车,美国人无法生活!大部分美国人简直无法想象没有车的生活会是什么样子。但是一些人也已经意识到汽车造成的空气污染已成为严重的问题。被污染的空气具有毒性,并且危害健康。解决空气污染的方法之一就是制造无污染汽车。但是生产清洁汽车说来容易做来难。目前,这一领域的进展十分缓慢。另一个方法就是使用其他东西替代汽车发动机。发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电车。但是许多厂家认为我们可以使用的实用型汽车的诞生可能还需要几年时间。要想阻止全球化的汽车污染,我们需要对自己的生活方式做出适当的改变。例如,在美国,需要缩减汽车总量。鼓励人们使用有助空气清洁的自行车。但这种改变不能一蹴而就。一旦汽车工厂关闭,就会有大量工人失去工作。与失业相比,空气污染似乎就不再那么重要了。尽管汽车为我们带来了更加舒适的生活,同时,它也带来了新的问题。

Automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve. Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = wT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation, and T Niuju. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions. General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhourichan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV, its transmission ratio are: 1 File ; stalls ; stalls ; stalls 1:1 5 stalls (speeding file) : 1. When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle. When the growth rate of car drivers choose two stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2-file synchronization and file a joint separation after 2 stall and lock the output shaft gear, power transmission line similar, the difference is that the output shaft gear of a stall 2 stall replaced by the output shaft gear driven. 2 stall Biansuchilun typical transmission ratio is , laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle than a stall speed increase, lower torque. When refueling vehicle drivers growth stalls option 3, Plectrum to 1 / 2 back to the free file-synchronization position, and also allows the 3 / 4 file synchronization Mobile stall until 3 in the output shaft gear lock, power can be into the shaft axis - intermediate shaft - the output shaft of the three stalls Biansuchilun, led through three stalls Biansuchilun output shaft. 3 stalls typical transmission ratio is , laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle is further growth. When car drivers Option 4 refueling growth stalls, Plectrum will be 3 / 4 from the 3-file synchronization stall gear directly with the input shaft gear joint initiative, and power transmission directly from the input shaft to the output shaft, the transmission ratio at 1:1, that the input shaft and output shaft speed the same. The driving force without intermediate shaft, also known as direct file, the file transmission than the maximum transmission efficiency. Most cars run-time files are used directly to achieve the best fuel economy. Shift into the first interval when, in a free transmission when Biansuchilun output shaft is not locked in, they can not rotate the output shaft driven, not power output. General automotive manual transmission than the main 1-4 stalls, usually the first designers to determine the minimum (one stall) and maximum (4 files) transmission ratio, the middle stall drive by geometric progression than the general distribution. In addition, there are stalls Daodang and speeding, speeding file is also known as the five stalls. When the car to accelerate to more than car drivers with the choice of five stalls, and a typical five-transmission ratio is , which is driven by a pinion gear, the gear when the initiative to zone, passive gear have been transferred to a circle of the End. Dao Dang, the opposite direction to the output shaft rotation. If one pair of meshing gears when we reverse rotation, with a middle gear, it will become the same to the rotation. Use of this principle, we should add a gear Daodang the "media" will be rotational direction reversed, it will have a Daodang axis. Daodang installed in the transmission shaft independent crust, and the intermediate shaft parallel axis gear with the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, will be contrary to the output shaft. Daodang usually used for the synchronization control also joins five stalls, stalls and Daodang 5 position in the same side. As a middle gear, the general transmission Daodang transmission ratio greater than 1 file transmission ratio, by twisting, steep slope with some vehicles encountered on the progress stalls falters with a Daodang boost. Ride from the driver of the considerations, better transmission stall, stall adjacent stall more than the transmission changes the ratio of small, and easy to shift smoothly. However, the shortcomings of the stalls is more transmission structure is complicated, bulky, light vehicle transmission is generally 4-5 stalls. At the same time, transmission ratio is not integral, but with all of the decimal point, it is because of the gear teeth meshing is not caused by the whole multiples of two gear teeth can lead to the whole multiples of two meshing gears of uneven wear, making the tooth surface quality have a greater difference. --- Manual transmission and synchronization of -- Manual transmission is the most common transmission, or MT. Its basic structure sum up in one sentence, is a two-axle shaft, where input shaft, the shaft axis and intermediate shaft, which constitute the main body of the transmission and, of course, a Daodang axis. Manual transmission known as manual gear transmission, which can be in the axial sliding gears, the gears meshing different variable speed reached twisting purpose. Typical manual transmission structure and principles are as follows. Input shaft also said that the first axis, and its front-end Spline driven directly with the clutch disc sets with the Spline, by the transfer of torque from the engine. The first axis of the intermediate shaft and gears meshing gears often, as long as the shaft axis to a turn, the intermediate shaft and gear also will be rotating. Vice also said intermediate shaft axis, the axis-even more than the size gear. Also known as the second output shaft axis, the axis of various sets of gear stall progress can be manipulated at any time in the role of the device and the corresponding intermediate shaft gear meshing, thus changing its speed and torque. With the end of the output shaft spline associated with the drive shaft through the drive shaft torque transmitted to the drive axle reducer. Thus, progress stalls drive transmission path is: input shaft gear often rodents - often rodents intermediate shaft gear - corresponding intermediate shaft gear - the second axis corresponding gear. Reversing the gear shaft can be manipulated by the device pick in the axis movement, and the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, to the contrary to the direction of rotation output. Most cars have five stalls and a Daodang forward, a certain degree of each stall transmission ratio, the majority of stalls transmission ratio greater than 1, 4 file transmission ratio of 1, known as direct stalls, and transmission ratio is less than 1 No. 5 stall called accelerated stall. Free at the output shaft gear in a position of non-engagement, unacceptable power transmission. The transmission input shaft and output shaft rotational speed to their own, transform a stall when there is a "synchronous". Two different rotational speed gear meshing force will impact the collision occurred, damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to a "feet-off" approach, or stall on the location of the free stay for a while by stalls in the free position refueling doors, in order to reduce the speed differential gear. However, this operation is relatively more complicated and difficult to grasp accurate. So designers create a "synchronized," and allows synchronization through the meshing of gears to be consistent speed and smooth meshing. At present Synchronous Transmission is based on the synchronization of inertia, mainly from joint sets, synchronous lock ring, and so on, it is characterized by friction on the role of synchronization. Splice sets Genlock engagement ring gear and the ring gear when it had Chamfer (Lock angle), Genlock within the cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear contact friction. Lock and cone angle has been made in the design of an appropriate choice to be made friction cone of the teeth meshing with the ring gear quickly sets pace at the same time will have a Lock role and to prevent the gears meshing in sync before. When synchronization lock cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear after contact in the effects of friction torque gear speed quickly lower (or higher) with the same speed synchronous lock ring, the two synchronous rotation of the gear Genlock Central zero speed, thus moment of inertia also disappear, then in force under the impetus of engagement sets unhindered and synchronization lock ring gear engagement, and further engagement with the question of gear engagement and the completion Gear Shift 从此网翻译而来。

AbstractAn engine speed control system causes an engine, equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up according to predetermined shift schedules, to reduce its output at a predetermined engine speed so as to protect the engine by preventing the engine from being subjected to "over-revolution." The predetermined engine speed is changed according to engine operating conditions such as a decrease in engine temperature. Simultaneously, a shift-up vehicle speed, at which the automatic transmission shifts itself up, is decreased according to engine operating conditions and, more particularly, engine temperatures and throttle openings. As a result, an up-shift of the automatic transmission properly takes place, even when the vehicle travels at lower . An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine operating condition detecting means for detecting an engine operating condition, including at least a throttle opening of an engine throttle valve; speed altering means for altering said predetermined engine speed depending upon said engine operating condition detected by said engine operating condition detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for determining a regular shift-up vehicle speed, at which said automatic transmission is shifted up, according to a throttle opening of said engine throttle valve detected by said engine operating condition detecting means, and shifting said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a alteration of said predetermined engine speed. 3. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 2, wherein said engine operating condition detecting means also detects an engine temperature, said speed altering means decreasing said predetermined engine speed as an engine temperature detected by said engine operating condition detecting means becomes lower. 4. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 3, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means shifts said regular shift-up vehicle speed by shift coefficients according to engine temperatures detected by said engine operating condition detecting means. 5. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 4, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed. 6. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 5, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 7. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 6, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means increases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an increase in said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 8. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 3, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means includes means for limiting a throttle opening of said engine throttle valve detected by said engine operating condition detecting means to a predetermined guard opening. 9. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 8, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed. 10. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 9, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 11. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 10, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an increase in said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 12. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up at predetermined shift-up vehicle speeds according at least to throttle openings, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine temperature detecting means for detecting an engine operating temperature of said engine; speed altering means for decreasing said predetermined engine speed with a decrease in engine temperature detected by said engine temperature detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for decreasing a predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed. 13. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 12, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 14. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 13, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means increases said predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 15. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up at predetermined shift-up vehicle speeds according at least to throttle openings, said engine speed control system comprising; over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine temperature detecting means for detecting an engine operating temperature of said engine; speed altering means for decreasing said predetermined engine speed with a decrease in engine temperature detected by said engine temperature detecting means; throttle valve opening detecting means for detecting a throttle opening of an engine throttle valve; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for limiting the throttle opening of said engine throttle valve to a predetermined guard opening according to which a predetermined shift-up vehicle speed is restrictively determined when said engine temperature detecting means detects a predetermined engine temperature. 16. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine operating condition detecting means for detecting an engine operating condition, including at least an engine load on said engine; speed altering means for altering said predetermined engine speed depending upon said engine operating condition detected by said engine operating condition detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for determining a regular shift-up vehicle speed, at which said automatic transmission is shifted up, according to the engine load detected by said engine operating condition detecting means, and shifting said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an alteration of said predetermined engine of Related Art In order to prevent an automotive engine from operating in an "over-revolution" condition, ., at rotational speeds beyond a specific rotational speed for which the engine is rated, it is typical to establish an upper critical speed for the automotive engine so as to prohibit an undesirable rise in rotational speed beyond the upper critical speed. Such an upper critical speed is referred to as an over-revolution restrictive speed in this specification. Prohibiting such an undesirable speed rise is performed by interrupting or cutting fuel supply to the engine, by controlling fuel ignition, or by controlling the rate at which intake air is admitted into the engine. An engine speed control system having an over-revolution prevention feature is known from, for instance, Japanese Unexamined Utility Model No. 59-194,550. On the other hand, because engine lubrication qualitatively deteriorates with a decrease in engine temperature, it has been proposed to lower the over-revolution restrictive speed, depending on a decrease in engine temperature, so as to realize reliable engine lubrication over allowable engine speeds. Automotive engines require a certain speed control so that an over-revolution restrictive speed becomes lower for low engine temperatures. Such a speed control is hereafter referred to as an over-revolution prevention control, and is provided to protect the engine against deterioration of engine lubrication at low engine temperatures. Executing the over-revolution prevention control at low engine temperatures, however, may cause an automatic transmission to fail to up-shift in response to a requirement for quick acceleration. Moreover, an over-revolution prevention control system for an engine equipped with an automatic transmission may also have the disadvantage of letting the engine operate too sluggishly in speed for a long period of time to cause an up-shift, even if quick acceleration is needed. This is because the engine is normally forced to maintain a higher speed while operating at lower temperatures. This causes the shift-up vehicle speed to become higher, thereby heating up the engine. However, since the over-revolution restrictive speed established for lower engine temperatures remains low, although the shift-up vehicle speed is changed so that it becomes higher, no up-shift of the automatic transmission takes place, even though the engine operates at full throttle. 这是英文原文,瑞士的~希望对楼主有用!您还可以参考以下网站:


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