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哈,西语同仁~~我也马上要写论文啦!1.有关西班牙语言的研究(语音、词汇、词缀、语法等) 2.有关西语国家文化、社会、政治、经济和宗教等 3.我国和西语国家之间政治、文化、经贸等方面的交流与合作的专题研究 4.中国与西语国家文化之间的比较 5.有关西语国家文学的研究(流派、作家、作品等) 6.中国与西语国家之间文学的比较 7.西汉、汗西翻译理论与实践方面的研究 8.语言与文化两者之间关系方面的研究 这个挺全面的不过个人建议选择2,3或5,其他的题目学术性比较强而且涉及比较文化这方面的专业知识,写起来之后会有点难以真正下手,作为本科论文还是挑好下手的,体现出自己的知识水平就好。另外找一个合适的导师也很重要哦!

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on. 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)


看你对哪些方面有兴趣了,之前有这么几大类1:文学 深度剖析某位作者及其一部或几部作品2.旅游针对西班牙旅游现状分析3.历史针对西班牙某一时间的历史 发表个人见解4.建筑可剖析高迪建筑如果语言水平不高,可选择旅游类等比较通俗简易的内容去写


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首先翻译一下这句话是什么:这是两篇文章,在塞万提斯网上学院查得到的信息,有点早了,是2001年写的。作者叫Maximiano Cortés Moreno,文章分为上下两篇,在Glosas Didacticas(直译是教育解读)这本西班牙文艺文学教育协会(Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura) 的国际数码电子杂志(Revista Electrónica Internacional)的第七册发表。内容是关于在台湾的西文学习情况(La enseñanza del español en Taiwán)。以下就是他写得两篇文章作者 AUTOR: Maximiano Cortés Moreno标题 TÍTULO: ¿Enseñar español en Taiwán?: Reflexiones sobre la situación actual 在台湾教授西班牙语?对于现况的深思。发表杂志 REVISTA: Glosas Didácticas, Revista Electrónica Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura作者 AUTOR: Maximiano Cortés Moreno标题 TÍTULO: ¿Aprender español en Taiwán?: El factor motivación 在台湾学习西班牙语?学习动力的来源。发表杂志 REVISTA: Glosas Didácticas, Revista Electrónica Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura如果还有疑问可以追问,望采纳,谢谢。



看看行吗?如果不行再找我,我也在线等~~~~浅议英汉文化差异与翻译策略作者:佚名 资料来源:不详 点击数:230 更新时间:2009-3-27 22:28:00-摘 要:翻译作为跨文化交际的最主要手段之一,是和文化紧密结合在一起 的。翻译活动体现了不同文化之间的交流,同时也揭示了文化差异存在可译性。英汉文化差 异主要表现在宗教文化背景、价值取向、风俗习惯等方面,当文化差异现象在翻译中需要保 留或无法求同时,可以采用直译、意译、阐释、信息的增删等翻译策略。关键词:文化差异;翻译;可译性Abstract:As one major means of cross�cultural communication, translation is tig htly related to culture. Translation activities reveal the communication between different cultures and show the translatability in cultural differences. The di fferences between English and Chinese cultures are reflected mainly in religious cultural background, value orientation and customs and habits. Translation tech niques such as literal translation, liberal translation, explanation, addition a nd deduction can be applied when the cultural differences need reserving or cann ot be identified in words:cultural differences; translation; translatability翻译作为跨文化交际的重要手段之一,是和文化紧密结合在一起的。而语言 又是与文化相互交叉,相互渗透的——语言作为文化信息的载体,可以突破时空限制,承载 文化信息的多方面内涵〔1〕。因此,在语际转换中,翻译是译者将一种语言文字所 蕴涵的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动,是一种忠实于原文的再创作,而不是简 单地将词和句进行转移〔2〕27。从这一点看,翻译是一种具有科学性、创造性的艺 术。但由于各个民族在政治制度、地理环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰以及文学艺术等方面都存 在文化差异,在翻译过程中如何对待和处理这些文化差异,无论在理论上还是实践上都具有 一定的现实意义。一、英汉文化差异的主要表现文化是一种历史现象,每一个社会都有与其相适应的文化。语言是文化 的组成部分,是文化的载体。使用不同语言的民族之间必然存在文化差异,这种文化差异会 造成翻译的困难。英语和汉语在文化内涵上的差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1.宗教文化背景的差异欧美人多信基督教,认为世界是上帝创造的,世上的一切都按上帝的旨意安排。“上帝”这 个概念就具有浓重的基督色彩,如果我们不了解这些宗教背景,在翻译时一味地追求文化的 等值,有时就会造成文化的亏损。因此,不同的宗教信仰引起的文化差异在翻译中不容忽视 。中国文化博大精深,源远流长。儒、道、佛是中国的三大宗教,在我国的传统文化中,有道 教的“玉帝”、佛教的“阎王”、还有神话中的“龙王”。其中以佛教对我国的文化影响最 大,不少成语就和佛教相关。例如:苦中作乐、五体投地、现身说法、天花乱坠等。如果译 者不了解宗教文化背景,势必会给翻译带来困难。2.思维方式和价值取向的差异英美文化中最重要的价值观念是个人自由,它是一种以个人为基本单元,强调“人人生而平 等”的文化。英美文化又被称为“我文化”、“个人价值至上文化”。在这种注重个人尊严 的文化里,权力的重心更多地倾向个体。而中国传统文化里最重要的价值观念是“忠”和“ 孝”,人际交往很注意自我与谈话对象的关系。中国文化又被称为“我们文化”、“集体主 义文化”。例如,中国人常说“四海之内皆兄弟”、“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”、“仁义 值千金”、“大树底下好乘凉”等,这都说明中国人常把自己和所谓自家人视为一体并希望 能够在自身以外找到安全之所;而英语谚语中却说“God helps those that help t hemselves”(天助自助者),“ self is our centre”(自我是我们的核心),“life is a battle”(生活就是战斗),这些英语谚语都在告诫人们:只有靠自己奋斗,才能 获得成功和安全感。思维方式的差异本质上是文化差异的表现,长久生活在不同区域的人具有不同的文化特征, 因而也形成了不同的思维方式。如东方人偏重人文,注重伦理道德,西方人偏重自然,注重 科学技术;东方人重悟性、直觉、求同、求稳、重和谐,西方人则重理性、逻辑、求异、求 变、重竞争等。不同的思维方式决定了各个民族按照各自不同的方式创造不同的文化,而这 种不同必然要通过文化的载体——语言得以表达。这种思维方式的差异常导致翻译中一些词 语的引申义不同,因此,我们要谨防翻译陷阱。例如:汉语中的“拖后腿” ,如直译成英语“pull one's leg”,其意思就变成了“哄取笑某人,愚弄某人 ”。再比如,中国人常用“黄色”表示低级趣味、庸俗、猥亵等,但 我们不能看到“yellow boy”,就译成“下流男孩”,因为这 个短语在英语中指的是“金币”。3.历史、地域、风俗习惯的差异因为文化具有鲜明的地域性,所以区别于对方的“异质”客观存在,而这种“异质”必然要 通过语言表达出来。如英语中不乏歌颂“西风”的诗篇,而汉语中却常有赞美“东风”的诗 句;英诗多抒写“夏日”之丽,汉诗多描绘“春天”之美。这些都与文化的地域性不无联系 。西方人起源于游牧,与奔马感情深厚,因此,在英语中有大量带“马”的习语,如 “a will horse”(工作认真的人), “a dead horse”(徒 劳无益的事),“ ride on the high horse”(盛气凌人)等等。而 中国自古以来 是一个农业大国,成语中很大一部分是农谚,如“众人拾柴火焰高”、“拔苗助长”、“顺 藤摸瓜”等。英汉民族不同的生活经验和风俗习惯势必造成观察、认识问题的角度、方式和方法的不同。 就话题的选择来看,英美人交谈忌讳涉及年龄、收入、婚姻、信仰等有关个人的话题,而中 国人见面就会问“你多大了、结婚了吗、收入怎么样”等问题。再比如,英国人对狗一般都 有好感,常用来比喻人的生活。例如:“top dog”(重要人物),“ lucky dog”(幸运儿),“love me, love my dog”(爱屋及乌)等 等。而中国民间虽然有养狗的习惯,但一般在心理上都厌恶鄙视它,常常用它来比喻坏人坏 事,如:狗腿子、狗急跳墙、狗仗人势等。二、文化差异下的翻译策略翻译不单纯是两种语言在形式上的转换,还包含两种文化在交流中的 相互渗透和相互兼容。刘宓庆先生〔2〕20也认为:文化的可译性是由认识的同一性 及语义系统的同构原理和人类思维形式的同一性原理决定的。但同构的相对性及语言的模糊 性决定了文化的可译性是相对的。为此,译者就要采取必要的翻译策略,最大限度地传递文 化信息。1.直译直译是指按原来的意义和结构直接把原语的词句转译成译语的词句,即如何在保持原语形式 的同时不让其意义失真〔3〕。这种方法既可保留原语的民族色彩,又让译语读者能 够接触大量的异族文化,从而丰富目的语的表达方式。如:“条条大路通罗马”,“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”等,都是从英语直译过来并被大家所接受的习 语。再比如:将“挥金如土”译为“spending money like dirty” ,要比选用现成的英语成语“spending money like water”好,这样 既不影响正确地理解原文含义,又保留了汉语的特点。总之,直译重在忠实原文,从内容到 形式追求最大限度的“信”,但决不等于提倡在翻译中搞形式至上的机械转换。直译可以保 持原文形象生动的比喻,巧妙的手法和独特的民族风格,尤其适用于那些只为某民族所特有 ,具有独特文化内涵的词。 2.意译如直译无法尽显原作风姿或造成目的语读者理解困难,则有必要借助意译。意译是指将别的 民族语言中的无等值物词按照汉语的构词方法和构词成分进行仿照。如将“hold a wolf by ears”译成“骑虎难下”;把“as thick as thieves”译成 “亲密无间”;“put the cart before the horse”译成“ 本末倒置”。反过来,把汉语的“糟糠之妻”译成“the wife who shared her husband's hardships”;“八仙过海,各显其能”译成“ each of us shows his true abilities”等等,都是采用的意译手法。和直译相比 ,意译更注重意义,忽略细节,要求译文自然流畅。换而言之,直译和意译的关系实际上就 是“形合”和“意合”的关系〔3〕。3.音译音译适用于专有名词(人名、地名等)和一些特殊的文化现象。音译中,汉字已经不表意, 只表音。如:“Beatles”是一支60~70年代在英国影响很大的吉他乐队,音译成汉语为“ 披头士”,由这个词我们中国人便可联想到此乐队乐手的形象、风貌。再如:“cool”音译 成汉语“酷”。一个“酷”字把时下年轻人追求新潮、前卫、崇尚与众不同、寻求个性发展 的言行与心态表现的活灵活现。4.阐释越是民族色彩浓重的词语和事物、越是作家个性鲜明突出的地方,翻译越是离不开“释”。 通过下面两段文字的处理,我们可以看到阐释对文化差异的有效弥补。①His wife held the purse string.(他的妻子掌管经济大权。)purse st ring是钱袋子,握着钱袋子即掌握着经济大权。②Since The Book of Poem begins with a poem on wedded love. I thought I w ould begin this book by speaking of my marital relations and then let other matt ers follow.(因思关雎冠三百篇之首,故列夫妇于首卷;余以次递及焉。)译者为使 原 文涵义明朗化,直接解释说明了“关雎”与“三百篇”的关系及其内容,点出了作品的文化 渊源。5.信息的增删由于英语和汉语存在差异,在双语转换中,有时为了求得源语与译入语的表达在概念上的一 致,译者常常需要在语言形式上作适当的变通。这既利于突出译文中语言的合理性和规范性 ,也便于读者认同和接受源语文化。在翻译过程中,这种“变通”具体可体现为信息的增补 与删减。例如:①It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,it was the ep och of incredulity.(这是一个隆盛之世,但也是一个衰微之世;这是一个智慧的时代,但 也是一个愚蠢的时代;这是一个有信仰的新纪元,但也是一个充满怀疑的新纪元。) 译文中添加了3个“但也是”,成功地反映了原文所描述的种种对比和矛盾,如不做这样的 增补,则无法连接上下文,亦无从再现源语风格。②It was Friday and soon they would go out and get drunk.(星期五发薪日到 了,他们马上就会出去喝得酩酊大醉。)译文中如不增加“发薪日”,读者往往会产 生迷惑。在英国星期五是发薪日,这里的增补,使得“星期五”具体化,也让文化信息一目 了然。③In the street below a peddler was crying his wares.(房子下面有个小贩在 沿 街叫卖。)译文中略去“他的货物”几个字,不但无损原文的语义,而且更生动的再 现了源语中的情形。④ …because he used to lend money to people in distress, and would neve r take any interest for the money he lent…(因为他常常借钱给那些有急难的人,从来 不要利钱。)译文中将原句末尾处的介词短语连同其中的定语从句通通略去,仅用一 个“利钱”与之对应,简练地传达了源语的语义和风格。由此可见,要做好传译,译者必须时时牢记信息增删的目的,并以之为准绳,认真对照两种 语言,发挥主观能动性,该增则增,该减则减。同时,还要协调好信息增补与删减之间的关 系,掌握好“度”的问题,决不能无中生有或随意舍弃。三、结语综上所述,汉英两种语言产生于不同的文化背景,承载不同的文化,这就必然导致两种语言 在表达方式上存在诸多相异之处。要处理好翻译中的文化差异问题,译者除了要具备对两种 文化的领悟、感应能力以及对两种语言的实际运用能力外,还要不断提高自身文化修养,努 力使自己具备原作者所具有的理想、感情和意境。作为构筑文化交流桥梁的译者,要根据不 同的情况,采取灵活的翻译策略,克服中西方文化差异造成的障碍,做到既尊重别国文化, 也尊重本国文化,使译文尽可能达意、传神,从而达到跨文化交际的目的。参考文献:〔1〕李源.英汉文化差异与语言翻译初探〔J〕.云南师范大学学报:哲学社 会科学版,1998(2):78-82.〔2〕刘宓庆.当代翻译理论〔M〕.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.〔3〕孙晶.直译、意译翻译与归化、异化〔J〕.齐齐哈尔医学院学报,2007(3):3 36-337.

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on. 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on.












—— 以上数据参考前瞻产业研究院《中国语言服务行业发展前景预测与投资战略规划分析报告》

















摘要近十多年来,我国的翻译研究取得了可喜的成就,研究视野也更加开阔,但在理论建构,研究深度和创新性方面尚存在一定的不足之处。本文从三个方面简要概括了国内翻译研究的现状并指出其不足之处,以期能对以后的译学研究有所启示。 关键词翻译研究 翻译标准 多元化视角 中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A 0 引言 伴随全球化的深入发展,翻译作为沟通不同文化的重要精神桥梁正在与社会各领域发生着更为广泛的联系。近十多年来,中国的翻译研究艰难但迅速地跨越了从对“信达雅”无休止的争论,乃达、纽马克、卡特福德等西方语言学翻译理论的引入,到对巴斯特等的多元系统、操纵理论、女性主义等翻译思想或流派的评价和接收过程。研究著作不断涌现,翻译理论也取得了突出的成就,研究范围不断扩大,视角也日趋多元化,方法与手段也更为客观、科学。 1 科学观与艺术观的统一 长期以来,翻译研究都陷于诸如形与神,直意与意译,归化与异化等经验主义的二元对立中,而近十多年来引起翻译界激烈争论的当数有关翻译性质的科学观与艺术观。 在《中国翻译》杂志上,劳陇(1996)声称“翻译活动是不受客观规律支配的,所以翻译活动不可能成为科学。” 而唯一正确的道路是:“我们必须在翻译实践的基础之上,集中力量,实事求是地研究和解决翻译理论的基本问题,即Why(为什么),What(是什么)和How(怎么办)的问题,通过广泛的研究,达到共同的、一致的、正确的认识,然后在这个可靠的基础上逐步建立起完整的翻译理论体系来。” 无独有偶,就在同一年,林璋(1996)对翻译和翻译学、科学与艺术等基本概念作了论证,并争论说翻译是一种行为,“翻译始终都在处理聚合关系,对聚合关系的处理贯穿翻译的全过程”,进而得出翻译既不是艺术也不是科学,只是一种技能,而研究翻译行为和翻译结果的翻译学毋庸置疑是一门科学。 相关科学,特别是语言学的发展,促使翻译研究沿着科学方向深入探索,但长期以来,人们基本上是凭借他人或自身的经验进行翻译,大多数论著也不过是经验的总结。从这个意 义上来讲,翻译还只是处于“前科学”阶段,所以许钧(1996)认为翻译是一门正在探索中的科学。 究竟翻译是艺术、科学、还是技巧?这简直比讨论先有鸡还是先有蛋还麻烦,因为翻译可以指翻译活动、翻译行为、翻译现象、翻译方法等。抛开概念的含糊不论,一种艺术未见得不可以有理论。就译者必须运用语言重塑原文中的形象而言,翻译应当是一门艺术;但翻译又不仅仅是艺术,译者的“生命”源泉在于原作之中,译者绝不能只凭直觉,任意发挥,他还得借助语言逻辑去正确理解,因此无论何种翻译都要讲点儿科学。在翻译过程中抽象思维,形象思维与灵感思维是同时运用的,从这点上来讲,翻译应该是科学性与艺术性的统一,故翻译理论研究应彻底摆脱“科学观”与“艺术观”的二元对立(蔡新乐,2005),从而为为翻译理论的建构开辟新的思路和途径。 2 翻译标准多元化 翻译标准是翻译学的核心问题之一,也一直是翻译界争论的焦点。自严复的“信达雅”后,郁达夫从译者的角度提出了“学思得”三字标准。著名的还有林语堂的三字论“信顺美”、傅雷的“神似”论、钱钟书的“化境”说等,但译界公认,这些传统的翻译标准纯属“经验式”、“随想式”的散论,缺乏系统性,精密性和可分析性,而且始终没能摆脱严复的“信达雅”的框架(陈福康,1992)。 在批判继承传统翻译标准的基础上,王东风(1996)对严复的“雅”作了新的阐释,认为“雅”属于言语美,并指出言语美在不同的语体中主要有三种美学形态,即日常口语交际注重的伦理美;公文、科技和政治语体中的规范美;文艺语体追求的艺术美。刘宓庆(1996)则从美学的角度,提出翻译的三条语言审美标准――“真实性”,即对应(equivalence),包括语言的形象对应性;“清晰性”,即条理思路清楚,立意、陈词明晰;“约定性”,即译语的用词要符合约定俗成。 当今一些学者以客观上不存在绝对忠实的译作为由,主张译者放弃对忠实的主观追求。对此,曹明伦(2006)旗帜鲜明地指出以“忠实”为取向的翻译标准永远不会过时,因为以忠实为取向的翻译标准从来就是译者主观上的自律准则,也是人们评判译作质量好坏的客观准绳。当代翻译界仍以推陈出新的方式使用“忠实”这一术语,坚持这一概念,甚至德里达的英文版译者也提出了“忠实原则系统”。 当下越来越多的研究者认为放之四海而皆准的翻译标准并不存在,翻译标准是多元互补的。辜正坤先生(2003)认为:“由于翻译具有多重功能,人类的审美情趣也具有多样性,读者译者具有多层次,翻译手法、译作风格和价值因而势必多样化,而这一切终将导致翻译标准的多元化。” 这一见解可谓是高瞻远瞩,颇具客观性。的确,随着世界多元化的发展,翻译标准也必将呈现多元化。 3 翻译研究的新视角 相关学科的迅猛发展使译学界越来越深刻地认识到翻译研究是一门综合性极强的学科,诸如文化学、传播学、哲学、思维学等都和翻译研究息息相关,这促使译学由单纯的学科内部研究转向与其它学科的交叉性研究。一如周方珠(2005)所言,翻译理论必须突破传统译论的藩篱,将众(下转第171页)(上接第140页)多相关学科的知识融入其中,使其形成多元框架,从而对翻译起到普遍的指导作用。 以往的翻译研究大都是对语言的转换过程进行探讨,较少触及到翻译问题的根源,所以很难从本质上揭示翻译的基本规律,而近年来从思维的角度进行翻译研究的论文和专著与日俱增。“实际上,作为一种跨语际的交流活动,翻译不仅仅是一种语言变化的表象操作,更多的是一种文化思维模式的转换过程(刘金龙,安全勇,2006)。 翻译实际上是一个动态的语用过程和思维过程,其中既有客观因素又有主观特点,所以深入研究人脑的思维活动将是译学研究的突破口。 语料库翻译和机器翻译研究在国内逐渐受到广泛关注,相关文章也是层出不穷,诸如“语料库翻译研究的历史与进展”(刘敬国,2006)让我国的读者对西方语料库的研究获得了比较全面的了解和认识。刘群的“机器翻译研究新进展”(2009)则系统介绍了近年来国际机器翻译,特别是统计机器翻译等方面取得的一些进展。这些研究都更好地拓展了翻译研究的新视角。 4 结语 本文仅从三个方面对国内近十多年的翻译研究作了简要概括,而翻译理论技巧,翻译评论等其他方面未能一一涉及。总的来说,中国的译学研究在十多年的时间里可谓是硕果累累,但在看到成就的同时,我们也应该意识到我国的译学理论的建构仍然处于初级阶段,无论在深度和广度上都还存在着很大的局限性。 首先是批判意识和创新能力不强。无论是对于中国传统的译论还是西方的最新研究成果,我们往往只满足于诠释和效仿,因袭多而创新少,证实多而证伪少。其次是大多数研究还只是停留在语言文化及文学方面的单一的静态的零散对比研究,从哲学、社会学等角度在高层次上研究翻译的功能,或借用心理认知和科学理论深入研究翻译过程的成果却很少,还有待于系统完善,各学科交叉研究与整合有待深入探讨和发展。特别是在语料库翻译研究方面,同西方相比,我们尚有很大的差距。大多数文章仅限于泛泛地对语料库翻译研究进行介绍和评价,而基于语料库的实证性翻译研究却严重不足。 从国内译学研究的长远发展来看,21世纪的译学工作者似乎更需要学会批判性地继承和吸收国内外先进的译学理论,并结合实际进行理论创新,将外来的理论本土化,站在跨学科的角度,不断推进中国的翻译研究向纵深方向发展。



毕业设计不会做,抄也要讲究方法作为一个已经毕业了的大学生,在做毕业设计的过程中,无论是设计成果的研究还是毕业论文的撰写,不可回避的一个问题就是抄袭。作为一个过来人,我想说的是,做毕业设计难免会有抄袭的现象,但是一定要掌握方法,千万不要盲目的抄完了事,那样做是非常危险的。有的同学看都不看就抄到论文上去了,有的同学拿着别人做完的东西都不研究一下就参加答辩去了。我就听过一个活生生、血淋淋的例子——老师问:“你这段代码是什么意思?”答:“我不知道。”老师又问下一段代码,又不知道,老师问:“这是你做的吗?”答:“不是,老师给的。”其结果可想而知了。你们想想,那些东西都是往届毕业生做出来的,老师们能看不出来吗?掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,大家都是成年人,我想不用多说了吧。大家在完成毕业设计的过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的现实性困难,成果做不出来了怎么办?论文写不出来了怎么办?外文文献不会翻译怎么办?其实这都好办,世界上再难的技术也是人做出来,没有成果就找个现成的东西;论文写不出来就多看几本书,多引用书里的内容;外文水平不高就用翻译软件。总之一句话,你有张良计,我有过墙梯,物竟天择,适者生存。文章转自 众赏文库 毕业设计论文,专业文档下载


1 大学英语翻译教学现状分析







2 提升大学英语翻译教学质量的有效对策







3 结语


英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告

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