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Photographs: Walden Pond - Past & Present Walden, The Place - By Ronald Wesley Hoag Thoreau's own 1846 survey map of Walden Pond A ghostly Encounter - poem by Amy Belding Brown The Walden Woods of Thoreau's Youth - an early map From Google Earth - what Walden looks like from space Thoreau quotes, mostly from Walden, with links to their sources Search for words or phrases in Walden in the Princeton Text Archive For the more obscure words - Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition "Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external ... So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: 'Improved means to an unimproved end'." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964 "In Walden, Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live it authentically." - Kathryn VanSpanckeren "The best and most Romantic memoir an American has produced is Walden — though nobody calls it one. ... What Thoreau has to overcome during his time in the woods is not a lapse in mental health. His great problem is to escape the mental health of his neighbors, their collection-plate opinions, their studious repetition of gossip ... There's not a note in the book of self-pity, or nostalgia. And why did he quit his cabin in the end? 'It seemed to me that I had several more lives to live.'" - Benjamin Kunkel 就这多

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这是找的一篇论文后面这么写的,用的是英文,不过你需要的似乎是中文式的Photographs: Walden Pond - Past & Present Walden, The Place - By Ronald Wesley Hoag Thoreau's own 1846 survey map of Walden Pond A ghostly Encounter - poem by Amy Belding Brown The Walden Woods of Thoreau's Youth - an early map From Google Earth - what Walden looks like from space Thoreau quotes, mostly from Walden, with links to their sources Search for words or phrases in Walden in the Princeton Text Archive For the more obscure words - Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition "Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external ... So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: 'Improved means to an unimproved end'." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964 "In Walden, Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live it authentically." - Kathryn VanSpanckeren "The best and most Romantic memoir an American has produced is Walden — though nobody calls it one. ... What Thoreau has to overcome during his time in the woods is not a lapse in mental health. His great problem is to escape the mental health of his neighbors, their collection-plate opinions, their studious repetition of gossip ... There's not a note in the book of self-pity, or nostalgia. And why did he quit his cabin in the end? 'It seemed to me that I had several more lives to live.'" - Benjamin Kunkel

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浅谈汉语典故成语的翻译摘要:本文分析了典故成语的特点和它隐合的比喻意义。同时阐述了它与文化和翻译之间的关系。由于目的语中存在文化空缺现象,为了使翻译的交际目的成功实现,从跨文化角度翻译典故成语时,归化优于异化。关键词:典故成语 文化翻译文化空缺 归化 异化 引言习语足某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式,它包含成语、谚语、歇后语、典故等。英汉两种语言历史悠久,都包含着大量的习语。至今为止,国内外的外语类学刊发表了不少有关英汉习语(idoms)的文章,但就汉语典故成语(idiom with allusion)的英译来说,还没有学者单独地谈论过它的翻译方法。本文将从跨文化的角度来探讨翻译汉语中的典故成语, 归化和异化孰优孰劣的问题。一、典故成语1.定义和特点典故成语是习语中比较特殊的语言群体, 是固定的四字结构,它不仅言简意赅,而且形象生动、趣味横生、意义深远,如“东施效颦” “名落孙山” “叶公好龙” “邯郸学步”等等,翻译过程中译者往往习惯性地把英语习语(idom)和汉语成语联系起来。成语承载着中华民族特有的文化,它与中图文化传统紧密相连, 它是“熟语” 的一种,是习用的固定词组,在汉语中多数由四个字组成。2.隐含的比喻意义典故成语的定义使我们知道,在使用中我们通常注重的足它的比喻意义,而不是从字面上看出的意思。例如:水落石出(苏轼 后赤壁赋》)字面含义是水落F去,水底的 头就露出来了。在具体使用时比喻事情的真相完全显露出来。“于是焉, 河伯始旋其面目,望洋向若而叹。”( 庄子》)现在, “望洋兴叹”比喻做事力量不够或缺乏条件而感到无可奈何。出自《史记·项羽本纪》中的“四面楚歌”现在比喻孤立无援, 四面受敌的处境。要想确切地弄清楚典故成语的这种比喻义,译者必须具备深厚的文化知识,了解中国悠久的历史文化。二、文化和翻译1.定义英罔人类文化学家爱德华·泰勒在《原始文化》(1 871)一书中首次把“文化”作为一个概念提了出来,并表述为: “文化是一种复杂的集合体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风格以及其在社会上习得的能力与习惯。” 可见文化的覆盖面很广,它是一个复杂的系统,语言作为文化的组成部分,反映一个民族丰富多彩的文化现象。虽然中国文化和英国文化有很大不同,在典故成语英译时有很大困难,但不是说中两方人无法互相沟通,翻译架起了跨文化交际的桥梁。美国著名的翻译理论家,尤金·奈达(Eugene ANida),对翻译作了如下定义: “Translation consists inreproducing in the receptor language the closest naturalequivalent of the source language,first in"terms of mean ingand secondly in term s of style.”(Eugene A Nida,Charles RTaber:“The Theory and Practice of Translation”,1969)翻译过程不仅涉及两种语言, 而且涉及到两种文化, 它是通过语言机制的转换连接或沟通目的语文化(Target Culture)和源本语文化(Source Culture)的桥梁, 足具有不同语言文化背景的人们互相交际的媒介。他 时强调“翻译中,意义是最重要的, 形式次之,对应的形式会丢失源文本(the source text)的文化意义,这是源文本的交际特点, 这样会阻碍跨文化交流”(Nida,The Sociolinguistics of InterlingualCommunication,1996)。翻译是一种交际活动,为了使人们互相沟通,源文本的意义应该被清楚地传达,翻译主要是释义,从这个意义上说,翻译典故成语时,归化应是最主要的策略。2.异化、归化所谓异化、归化是就翻译中所涉及的文化转化而言,前者以源文化为归宿(source language cultureoriented,i.e.culture oriented),后者以目的语文化为归宿(target language culture oriented,i.e.culture oriented)。即“异化”提倡泽文 。1尽量去适 、照顾源语的文化及原作者的遣训用字习惯,而“归化”则恰恰相反,主张译文应尽量适应、照顾日的语的文化习惯,为读者着想,替读者扫除语言文化障碍。3.文化空缺“语言词汇足最 的承载文化信息、反映人类社会生活的工具”。英汉训’『L的文化内涵极为丰富,但许多方血存在着不对 现缘。从语言学和跨文化交际学的角度来说,它的产生是 为每一种语吉都仃它自身所特有的语言体系和建构,每一个民族都有它[_I己的生活习惯、思维方式、语 心理、行为规范、价值观念和文化传统, 两种语言之问的语义和文化的对等是极为少见的。一种语 中的训 另一种语言中也许没有对应或契合的浏,所以 英洋典故成语时必须改变它的结构形式。4.举例下面通过几个例子来具体分析典故成语英泽时,归化和异化这两种翻洋方法孰优孰劣。(1)东施效颦(((红楼梦 第3 4章)译文.“Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih”(Yang)洋文 Zhungzi’S story of the beatutiful Xi—Shi’S uglyneighbour,whose endeavours to imitate the hideous thatpeople ran from her in terror.(David Hawkes)译文.山EJ《红楼梦》,在处理含有文化特色的 故成语时,杨宪益先生采用了异化的洋法,把“东施”译成了“Tung Shih”,一个两方文化中 缺的人物形象,因此这样的泽文对J:曲方读者来说足毫无意义的。 霍克斯采用地道的英语表达法, 外 读者看来町是妙不可苦。(2)愚公移山(《A Dictionary of Chinese Idioms inEnglish)),Northern Art Printing Company)泽文.“The Foolish Old Man who removed themountains.”(异化)译文 “the determination to win victory and the couragrto surmount every dificulty”(归化)(3)请君入瓮(《A Dictionary of Chinese Idioms inEnglish)),Northern Art Printing Company)译文l"Will you kindly step into the jar?”(异化)译文2“Make a person suffer from his own scheme.”(归化)在例(2)中, 洋文采用l芹化的译法把“愚公” 洋成了“The Foolish Old Man”这样一个贬义的短语,严重误解了成语本身的内涵。例(3)的徉文同样用异化译法无法传达出成语本身所表达的J下确意思。而 例中的译文 都用归化译法翻洋山“愚公移山”和“请君入瓮”这两个成语的比喻意义。使口的语读 理解了原语意义,实现了翻泽的口的。三、结束语翻译的本质目的是沟通,足让译语读者理解懂得原文的意思。这就好比把一个人说的话翻译成哑语,再怎么“说”都没有用, 只有把蜕的话转换或日“归化”成用手势表示的哑语,才能让聋哑人明白。因此,翻译的本质目的决定了翻译典故成语时,归化是更好的方法。但同时, 归化法也并不排斥异化法, 而是两者互为补充。总之,在翻译时, 采取归化占主导,异化从属的方法,使两者相得益彰。参考文献:[1]包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2O01.[2]陈定安.英汉比较与翻译[M].北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司,1998.[3]刘玉杰,钱莲生.汉语成语英译词典[M].北京:北方文艺出版社,1 999.[4] 其昌.汉英翻译技巧[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1990.[5]工襦祥.文化与语言‘[M]北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2OO0.[6]许建平[M].“跨文化翻译中的异化与归化问题”[J].中 翻译,2002, (5).[7] 治奄.人学汉英翻洋教程[M].济南: 山东大学出版社,1999.[8]许 钧. 代美 翻译理论研究[M].武汉:湖北教育出版社,2001.[9]夏征农.辞海[z].北京:中 大百科全书出版社,1999.[10]郭建中.文化与翻译[C].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.[H]曹雪芹,高鄂.红楼梦[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1982.[12]Baker,Mona,In Other Words:Translat/onCourse[M].Beijing-Foreign Language Teachi—ng and Research Press, 2000.[13]Hawkes,David,The StOng of the Stone[Z].Penguin Books, 1980.[14]Yang,Xianyi&Gladys,A Dream of Mansions[Z].Bei Jing:Foreign Language Press,1994.[I5]Nida Eugene A.&Taber CharlesR,The Theory817d Prac tice of Translation[M].Leiden:E.J.BriII,I969.[16]Nida EugeneA.。Language, , ture and Translating[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Edu—cation Press。1993.

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jihtg xhchncx come.

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