发布时间:2015-07-04 09:43
【摘要】 目的 探讨缬沙坦和氨氯地平对高血压病患者血浆apelin-12浓度的影响、两者的对比及其临床意义。方法 轻、中度高血压病患者组110例,随机分为缬沙坦治疗组58例,氨氯地平治疗组52例,治疗16周,酶联免疫法测定治疗前后血浆apelin-12浓度,健康体检者50例作为对照。结果 高血压患者血浆apelin-12降低与正常人比较,差异有统计学意义,缬沙坦治疗后血浆apelin-12浓度升高程度高于氨氯地平组。结论 缬沙坦降压较氨氯地平更能升高血浆apelin-12水平。
【关键词】 高血压病;apelin-12;缬沙坦;氨氯地平
comparative study to effect of valsartan andamlodipine on plasma apelin-12 in patients with essential hypertension
wang shi-xun, wang juan-ling, liu tong-xiang.
department of cardiology, weifang people’s g 261041, china
【abstract】 objective to study the effect of valsartan and amlodipine on plasma apelin-12 in patients with essential hypertension. methods the 110 mild and moderate hypertension patients were divided randomly into 2 groups, 58 patients were treated in valsartan, 52patients were treated in amlodipine. 50 healthy people physical examinded were control group. all the cases were detected apelin-12. after 16 weeks’ anti-hypertensine lowering with valsartan and amlodipine for eh group, the above item was detected s the plasma apelin-12 level after treatment of valsartan and amlodipine was significantly higher than that of treatment before. the plasma apelin-12 level after treatment of valsartan was significantly higher than that of treatment of amlodipine. conclusion valsartan increase plasma apelin-12 more than amlodipine.
【key words】 hypertension; apelin-12; valsartan; amlodipine
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2009年4月至2009年10月在潍坊市人民医院心内二科门诊就诊的轻、中度高血压病患者110例,其中男60例,女 50例,年龄34~72岁,均(48.0 ±7.2)岁,诊断以2005年
3 讨论
国内外多种体内外实验研究表:apelin作为一种心血管活性肽参与血压的调节。tatemoto[3]等用10nmol/kg的apelin-12和apelin-13使平均动脉压map分别减少26 mm hg和 11 mm hg。lee[4]等报道:给wistar大鼠静脉注射apelin后,血压立即出现显著改变,收缩压下降(10.0±1.9)mm hg,舒张压下降(13.0±2.8)mm hg,这种效应可持续一段时间,且对心率影响甚微。
氨氯地平主要通过阻断钙离子通道来降压,缬沙坦通过拮抗血管紧张素受体来发挥降压作用,两者控制高血压患者血压下降后均降低了患者血浆apelin的水平,本身apelin水平的下降亦能进一步降低血压,apelin是 apj的天然配体,一种新发现的具有重要生物学作用的心血管活性多肽、属于ras体系新的组分,广泛分布于心脏及其周围血管系统。arb类药物替米沙坦降压降低血浆apelin已有报道[9],且apelin的水平与平均动脉压呈负相关,本研究发现缬沙坦较氨氯地平更能升高患者的apelin水平,考虑可能缬沙坦,而缬沙坦为arb类药物,为ras系统的抑制剂,本身apelin属于ras系统的一部分,具体缬沙坦通过以上何种手段来升高患者的apelin水平有待于进一步研究证实。
[1] tatemoto k,hosovam,habata y,et al. isolation and characterization of a novel endogenous peptide ligand for the human apj receptor. biochem biophysres commun,1998,251(2):471-476.
[2] de facom,delucal,onori n, et al. apelin expression in normal human tissues. in vivo,2002,16(5):333-336.
[3] tatemoto k, takayama k, zoumx, et al. the novelpeptide apelin lowers blood pressure via a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism. regul pept,2001,99(2-3):87-92.
[4] leedk,chengr,nguyen t, et al. characterization of apelin, the ligand for the apj recepter. neurochem, 2000,74(3):34-41.
[5] kidoya h, uenom, yamada y, et al. spatialand temporal role of the apelin/apj system in the caliber size regulation of blood vessels during angiogenesis. embo j,2008,27(3):522-534.
[6] azizim, iturrioz x, blancharda, et al. reciprocal regulation of plasma apelin and vasopressin byosmotic stimuli. j am socnephrol,2008,13(6):422-432.
[7] ishida j, hashimoto t. regulatory roles for apj a seven trasmembrane receptor related to angiotension-type i receper in blood pressuer in vivo. j b iol chem, 2004,279(26):274-279.
[8] iturrio zx, eimessari s,demotan, et al. functional dissociation between apelin receptor signaling and endocytosis:implications for the effectsof apelin on arterialblood pressure. archmal,2007,100(8):704-708.
[9] 吴哲兵,余静,李光迪,等. 替米沙坦对高血压病患者血浆apelin-12水平的影响. 临床荟萃, 2006,21(5):16-18.
【关键词】 高血压病;apelin-12;缬沙坦;氨氯地平
comparative study to effect of valsartan andamlodipine on plasma apelin-12 in patients with essential hypertension
wang shi-xun, wang juan-ling, liu tong-xiang.
department of cardiology, weifang people’s g 261041, china
【abstract】 objective to study the effect of valsartan and amlodipine on plasma apelin-12 in patients with essential hypertension. methods the 110 mild and moderate hypertension patients were divided randomly into 2 groups, 58 patients were treated in valsartan, 52patients were treated in amlodipine. 50 healthy people physical examinded were control group. all the cases were detected apelin-12. after 16 weeks’ anti-hypertensine lowering with valsartan and amlodipine for eh group, the above item was detected s the plasma apelin-12 level after treatment of valsartan and amlodipine was significantly higher than that of treatment before. the plasma apelin-12 level after treatment of valsartan was significantly higher than that of treatment of amlodipine. conclusion valsartan increase plasma apelin-12 more than amlodipine.
【key words】 hypertension; apelin-12; valsartan; amlodipine
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2009年4月至2009年10月在潍坊市人民医院心内二科门诊就诊的轻、中度高血压病患者110例,其中男60例,女 50例,年龄34~72岁,均(48.0 ±7.2)岁,诊断以2005年
国内外多种体内外实验研究表:apelin作为一种心血管活性肽参与血压的调节。tatemoto[3]等用10nmol/kg的apelin-12和apelin-13使平均动脉压map分别减少26 mm hg和 11 mm hg。lee[4]等报道:给wistar大鼠静脉注射apelin后,血压立即出现显著改变,收缩压下降(10.0±1.9)mm hg,舒张压下降(13.0±2.8)mm hg,这种效应可持续一段时间,且对心率影响甚微。
氨氯地平主要通过阻断钙离子通道来降压,缬沙坦通过拮抗血管紧张素受体来发挥降压作用,两者控制高血压患者血压下降后均降低了患者血浆apelin的水平,本身apelin水平的下降亦能进一步降低血压,apelin是 apj的天然配体,一种新发现的具有重要生物学作用的心血管活性多肽、属于ras体系新的组分,广泛分布于心脏及其周围血管系统。arb类药物替米沙坦降压降低血浆apelin已有报道[9],且apelin的水平与平均动脉压呈负相关,本研究发现缬沙坦较氨氯地平更能升高患者的apelin水平,考虑可能缬沙坦,而缬沙坦为arb类药物,为ras系统的抑制剂,本身apelin属于ras系统的一部分,具体缬沙坦通过以上何种手段来升高患者的apelin水平有待于进一步研究证实。
[1] tatemoto k,hosovam,habata y,et al. isolation and characterization of a novel endogenous peptide ligand for the human apj receptor. biochem biophysres commun,1998,251(2):471-476.
[2] de facom,delucal,onori n, et al. apelin expression in normal human tissues. in vivo,2002,16(5):333-336.
[3] tatemoto k, takayama k, zoumx, et al. the novelpeptide apelin lowers blood pressure via a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism. regul pept,2001,99(2-3):87-92.
[4] leedk,chengr,nguyen t, et al. characterization of apelin, the ligand for the apj recepter. neurochem, 2000,74(3):34-41.
[5] kidoya h, uenom, yamada y, et al. spatialand temporal role of the apelin/apj system in the caliber size regulation of blood vessels during angiogenesis. embo j,2008,27(3):522-534.
[6] azizim, iturrioz x, blancharda, et al. reciprocal regulation of plasma apelin and vasopressin byosmotic stimuli. j am socnephrol,2008,13(6):422-432.
[7] ishida j, hashimoto t. regulatory roles for apj a seven trasmembrane receptor related to angiotension-type i receper in blood pressuer in vivo. j b iol chem, 2004,279(26):274-279.
[8] iturrio zx, eimessari s,demotan, et al. functional dissociation between apelin receptor signaling and endocytosis:implications for the effectsof apelin on arterialblood pressure. archmal,2007,100(8):704-708.
[9] 吴哲兵,余静,李光迪,等. 替米沙坦对高血压病患者血浆apelin-12水平的影响. 临床荟萃, 2006,21(5):16-18.
- 试论缬沙坦和氨氯地平对高血压病患者血浆Apel
- 氨氯地平联合应用阿托伐他汀钙对高血压患者血
- 原发性高血压应用氨氯地平联合颉沙坦治疗的疗
- 2型糖尿病患者血浆Apelin12水平与高血压、胰岛
- 替米沙坦对冠心病合并轻度高血压患者颈动脉内
- 氯沙坦对冠心病合并高尿酸血症血尿酸的影响
- OSAHS合并高血压患者血浆同型半胱氨酸与颈动脉厚
- 短暂性脑缺血发作患者血压及血浆Hcy、VitB12水平
- 苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平片联合缬沙坦治疗老年原发
- 氨氯地平联合卡托普利治疗冠心病合并高血压的
- 高血压社区管理和综合干预对高血压患者的控制
- 左旋氨氯地平治疗轻中度高血压的疗效观察
- 贝那普利氯沙坦对原发性高血压伴胰岛素抵抗及
- 高血压患者血浆N端B型脑钠肽水平变化的价值体现
- 缬沙坦与贝那普利治疗原发性高血压的治疗策略