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首页 > 毕业论文 > 师范英语毕业论文outline

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其实英语的 outline 很简单,你不用很麻烦,按照和写中文outline模式就行。。。在英语写作中就有outline这一题。相对于整篇作文而讲。outline 就是一个简单的框架。可以用三段式。第一部分,首先标好你的题目。。第二部分,就是你的body啦。。。可以分三部分。。每一部分就用一句话来表达,即每一段的topic sentence也就是main idea ..但是首先你要想好自己的大致内容。。第三部分,结尾,还是一句话总结。。。你可以按这个模子套,一般是没问题的 。。。。具体的操作步骤就如楼上所讲。。

286 评论


英文论文格式均以美国土木工程师协会出版社发布的标准格式为准。论文用激光打印机打印,打印稿为黑白稿,彩色打印件会影响出版效果。 版心:A4纸,上、下页边距 cm,左、右页边距均为 mm。论文内容宽不得超过, 长不得超过。字体和字号:正文,标题,作者联络信息和图表中的文字均为Times New Roman 12号字。可以跟据需要使用同类字体中的粗体,斜体。行距:单倍行距。页码:论文正文和文后所附图例都需添加页码。页码为阿拉伯数字,位于页面下方居中。文体:文章应语法正确,技术用词准确。标题应该以最简洁的语言概括文章内容。如果标题较长,请采用Title: Subtitle的形式。数学公式:文中的数学公式不得手写,必须打印。公式如果在文中多次被引用,应该编号。公式之间,公式和正文之间都应该空一行。 单位: 文中所用的度量衡单位应为国际单位。可在括号内,单位对应表中列出其他单位。有关国际单位的使用(Standard Practice for Use of The International System of Units)可以通过电话1-向ASCE索取。其他相关使用参考文献,如ANMC Metric Editorial Guide, 5th ed,1992 可向美国国家公制协会 索取(American National Metric Council, 1735N. Lynn Street, Suite 950, Arlington, VA 22209-2022)图表:标题说明和图例:插入的图表应该以出现顺序编号(Figure 1,Figure 2,Table 1,Table 2)。图的说明和标题,包括图的序号应该位于图的下方。表的说明和标题,包括表的序号应该位于表格上方。位置:图可以插入到正文中,或者集中放在文章最后。如果在正文中插入图,尽量放在页面的顶部或尾部。不要选择文字环绕图形的对齐方式,可选择上下环绕方式。底纹:插图中不要选择带阴影或底纹,否则会影响印刷效果。照片:如果文中需要附上照片,在文中出现照片的地方贴上其黑白光面冲洗照片,标题说明位于照片下方。照片将和正文一起缩印,请不要提供彩色照片,以免影响印刷效果。扫描图:印刷后的扫描图不如原件清晰。如果文中有扫描图,请提供灰色色标扫描图。作者联络信息:请用横线和正文隔开。联络信息可以为一位作者或所有作者的,包括以下内容:作者全名;所属学会;学历或授予的荣誉;所在单位;通讯地址和电子邮箱;电话和传真。参考文献:所有参考文献为单倍行距,放在文章最后,按照第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排列。如有同一作者的两篇以上文献,按出版年代先后排列。正文中引用参考文献时,作者和出版年代应该放入括号内。由于上标缩印后会变小,难于辨认,正文中不使用上标标注参考文献。所列出的参考文献应当在正文中都有所引用,如果正文中没有引用,请将文献列入文章最后的附加信息(Additional Information)部分,或者相关材料(Related Materials)部分。

100 评论


这里很详细 your outline's structure. Each entry in an outline can either be a word or short phrase without punctuation (a topic outline) or a full sentence with punctuation (a sentence outline). There are advantages to both, but the important thing is that you choose one and stay consistent throughout the outline. Outlines can also be in either Roman number--letter--number form or they can be in decimal form. Again choose one, and be consistent. Write down your main categories. In general, you write your thesis statement at the top of the outline and omit any introduction and conclusion (although in longer papers these may be long enough to warrant inclusion in the outline). The outline thus covers only the body of the work, the information that supports the on your main categories. The main categories are key points of your thesis, the main divisions of your paper. For example, in a basic wikiHow article, the main categories might be "Steps," "Tips," and "Warnings." For a novel, each chapter might be a main category, or you might divide the story into its exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Put your main categories in logical order. List the main categories in the order you want them in your paper. This may be chronological or thematical, but it should make each main category with a Roman numeral (. "I.", "II.", "III.", etc.) for a Roman numeral-letter-number outline Label each main category with a number (. "", "", "," etc.) for a decimal outline. Note there are periods after each label in a Roman numeral outline but not in a decimal outline. Fill in the subcategories for each main category. Each main category of the paper may be composed of several paragraphs. Each subcategory typically correlates to one paragraph within your paper, but in a long paper or a novel each subcategory may include many paragraphs. For example, in this article, subcategories might be the bolded sentence for each step. Indent several spaces (typically 5), and write down only a short word or phrase (for a topic outline) or a brief sentence (for a sentence outline) to describe the main idea of each each subcategory as a letter ("A." "B.", "C.", etc.) in a Roman number outline. Under main category "I." you will have one set of letters, and then your will start again at "A." for the first subcategory of each subsequent main category. Label each subcategory as a decimal in a decimal outline. Thus for main category "1." the first subcategory would be "", and the next would be "". The first subcategory under main category 2 would be "" and so on. Fill in the tertiary categories or sentences. Within each sub-category, list and arrange your specific notes to support or expand the argument or point made on that paragraph. The tertiary (third-level) categories will often correlate to the order of sentences in each paragraph since each tertiary category should correlate to a distinct point or idea, such as these:Indent each tertiary category several spaces from the beginning of each subcategory. For Roman numeral outlines, label each tertiary category as a number. So you would have "1.", "2.", "3.", etc. For decimal outlines, label each tertiary category as a decimal with two decimal points. Thus, "", "", "", etc. Continue adding smaller divisions as needed. While tertiary categories often correspond to individual sentences, many outlines will require smaller divisions. For example, you may have one supporting sentence (tertiary category) that is then followed by three sentences giving three specific examples of the point you made in the that sentence. These example sentences do not deserve their own tertiary categories because they don't make a new point--they just support the supporting sentence. Thus you can break them down under that tertiary category as "a.", "b.", and "c." or as "," "," and "". You can make even smaller divisions if necessary. Write your paper. You should easily be able to write your paper with the completed outline in front of you. You may only need to add transitions and connecting words, since all of your points and evidence will already be in their correct places in the outline.

331 评论




















226 评论


outline 有三种 很简约的说 outline thesis:XXXXX(是一句话,要打句点)(下面的都是单词和短语 不打句点) Ⅰ.XXXX Ⅱ.XXXX Ⅲ.XXXXX outline (格式和TOPIC OUTLINE 是一样的,但是下面的小点和层次都是一句话的形式) thesis和下面的层次是一排起头的 outline 格式也是一样的 但是第一层是要是一句话的 ,一下的都是短语和单词组成,是前面2种的混合体

247 评论


英语专业学位论文应采用英语撰写,一般由以下部分组成,依次为:(1)封面,(2)任务书,(3)开题报告, (4) 英文摘要及关键词(Abstract,Keywords),(5)目录(Outline),(6)正文,(7)注释(Notes),(8)参考文献(Bibliography), (9) 致谢(Acknowledgement)。Outline中要有Thesis Statement, 采用四号加粗,目录的各章节应简明扼要,其中每章(Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.)题目采用小三号,每节(.)题目采用四号。目录部分采用单倍行距。

307 评论


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