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VLK(激光键盘) 全称为Virtual Laser Keyboard,即虚拟激光键盘,由Hutchison Harbour Ring Limited - HRR公司生产。它是一种大小与小型移动电话(90 x 34 x 24 mm)相仿的虚拟键盘,让用户能像操作普通键盘一样轻易地打出文章或电子邮件。I-Tech 虚拟键盘采用光投照技术,几乎能在任意平面上投影出全尺寸的电脑键盘。虚拟键盘用在PDA 和智能手机上时,可方便地进行电子邮件收发、文字处理及电子表格制作,用户可以将笔记本电脑和桌面机留在家里了。虚拟键盘的适用性技术对用户手指运动加以研究,对键盘击打动作进行解码和记录。由于虚拟键盘是光投照所形成的影像,不使用时会完全消失。虚拟激光键盘的工作原理步骤1:模板创建(投影模块)将所需界面模板投影至相邻的界面表面。该模块由经过特殊设计的高效全息光学原件照明产生,元件带有红色二极管激光器。注意:该模板仅供用户参考,不参与检测过程。在固定环境下,还可将模板打印到界面表面。步骤2:参考面照明(微照明模块TM)上一步已产生了红外线光照平面,且与界面表面平行。光线照在表面上几毫米处,用户是无法看到的。当用户碰触到界面表面上的按键位置时,按键边上的平面就会反射出光线,直接传到传感器模块上。步骤3:映射对应坐标(传感器模块)

354 评论


底部靠近桌面的地方发射一排红外光源,当你想敲击某个键时触碰该键所在的地方,红外光以为反射形成一个亮点,反射出的光线传至红外线滤光片,并反射至传感器模块内的CMOS影像传感器。特制的传感器芯片,能够实时确定反射光的位置 。处理核可同步跟踪多次反射,因此能够同时处理多重按键并重叠光标控制输入。这种键盘 要用它必须有个平面当支撑面。 同时在平面上敲击,没有键盘的触觉反馈,用户体验 也不太好。

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使用keybd_event函数:VOID keybd_event( BYTE bVk, // virtual-key code BYTE bScan, // hardware scan code DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying various function options DWORD dwExtraInfo // additional data associated with keystroke);你是做了很多按钮,然后响应按钮按下的消息吗?如果是这样的话,就在按钮按下的消息函数里添加如下的代码就行了(反正就是添加到你需要模拟按键的那个地方):keybd_event(VK_H, 0, 0, 0); // 模拟按下H键要模拟其他键只需要把第一个参数改成相应的虚键值就行了,所有的虚键值表示如下:KEY_EVENT_BASE The base identifier for all UIKeyEvent events. KEY_PRESSED The key pressed event type. KEY_RELEASED The key released event type. KEY_TYPED The key typed event type, which is generated by a combination of a key press followed by a key release. VK_0 VK_0 through VK_9 are the same as ASCII "0" through "9" (0x30 - 0x39). VK_1 A virtual key code for the ASCII "1" key. VK_2 A virtual key code for the ASCII "2" key. VK_3 A virtual key code for the ASCII "3" key. VK_4 A virtual key code for the ASCII "4" key. VK_5 A virtual key code for the ASCII "5" key. VK_6 A virtual key code for the ASCII "6" key. VK_7 A virtual key code for the ASCII "7" key. VK_8 A virtual key code for the ASCII "8" key. VK_9 A virtual key code for the ASCII "9" key. VK_A VK_A through VK_Z are the same as ASCII "A" through "Z" (0x41 - 0x5A). VK_ACCEPT For Asian keyboards. VK_ADD A virtual key code for the numeric keypad PLUS SIGN (+) key. VK_ALT A virtual key code for the ALT key. VK_B A virtual key code for the ASCII "B" key. VK_BACK_QUOTE A virtual key code for the apostrophe (`) key. VK_BACK_SLASH A virtual key code for the BACKSLASH (\) key. VK_BACK_SPACE A virtual key code for the BACKSPACE key. VK_C A virtual key code for the ASCII "C" key. VK_CANCEL A virtual key code for the CANCEL key. VK_CAPS_LOCK A virtual key code for the CAPS LOCK key. VK_CLEAR A virtual key code for the CLEAR key. VK_CLOSE_BRACKET A virtual key code for the CLOSE BRACKET (]) key. VK_COMMA A virtual key code for the COMMA (,) key. VK_CONTROL A virtual key code for the CTRL key. VK_CONVERT For Asian keyboards. VK_D A virtual key code for the ASCII "D" key. VK_DECIMAL A virtual key code for the numeric keypad DECIMAL POINT (.) key. VK_DELETE A virtual key code for the DELETE key. VK_DIVIDE A virtual key code for the numeric keypad DIVISION (/) key. VK_DOWN A virtual key code for the DOWN ARROW key. VK_E A virtual key code for the ASCII "E" key. VK_END A virtual key code for the END key. VK_ENTER A virtual key code for the ENTER key. VK_EQUALS A virtual key code for the EQUAL SIGN (=) key. VK_ESCAPE A virtual key code for the ESC key. VK_F A virtual key code for the ASCII "F" key. VK_F1 A virtual key code for the F1 key. VK_F10 A virtual key code for the F10 key. VK_F11 A virtual key code for the F11 key. VK_F12 A virtual key code for the F12 key. VK_F2 A virtual key code for the F2 key. VK_F3 A virtual key code for the F3 key. VK_F4 A virtual key code for the F4 key. VK_F5 A virtual key code for the F5 key. VK_F6 A virtual key code for the F6 key. VK_F7 A virtual key code for the F7 key. VK_F8 A virtual key code for the F8 key. VK_F9 A virtual key code for the F9 key. VK_FINAL For Asian keyboards. VK_G A virtual key code for the ASCII "G" key. VK_H A virtual key code for the ASCII "H" key. VK_HELP A virtual key code for the HELP key. VK_HOME A virtual key code for the HOME key. VK_I A virtual key code for the ASCII "I" key. VK_INSERT A virtual key code for the INSERT key. VK_J A virtual key code for the ASCII "J" key. VK_K A virtual key code for the ASCII "K" key. VK_KANA For Asian keyboards. VK_KANJI For Asian keyboards. VK_L A virtual key code for the ASCII "L" key. VK_LEFT A virtual key code for the LEFT ARROW key. VK_M A virtual key code for the ASCII "M" key. VK_META A virtual key code for the Application key (found on Microsoft® Windows® 95 keyboards). VK_MODECHANGE For Asian keyboards. VK_MULTIPLY A virtual key code for the numeric keypad MULTIPLICATION (*) key. VK_N A virtual key code for the ASCII "N" key. VK_NONCONVERT For Asian keyboards. VK_NUM_LOCK A virtual key code for the NUM LOCK key. VK_NUMPAD0 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "0" key. VK_NUMPAD1 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "1" key. VK_NUMPAD2 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "2" key. VK_NUMPAD3 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "3" key. VK_NUMPAD4 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "4" key. VK_NUMPAD5 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "5" key. VK_NUMPAD6 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "6" key. VK_NUMPAD7 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "7" key. VK_NUMPAD8 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "8" key. VK_NUMPAD9 A virtual key code for the numeric keypad "9" key. VK_O A virtual key code for the ASCII "O" key. VK_OPEN_BRACKET A virtual key code for the OPEN BRACKET ([) key. VK_P A virtual key code for the ASCII "P" key. VK_PAGE_DOWN A virtual key code for the PAGE DOWN key. VK_PAGE_UP A virtual key code for the PAGE UP key. VK_PAUSE A virtual key code for the PAUSE (BREAK) key. VK_PERIOD A virtual key code for the PERIOD (.) key. VK_PRINTSCREEN A virtual key code for the PRINT SCREEN key. VK_Q A virtual key code for the ASCII "Q" key. VK_QUOTE A virtual key code for the QUOTATION MARK key. VK_R A virtual key code for the ASCII "R" key. VK_RIGHT A virtual key code for the RIGHT ARROW key. VK_S A virtual key code for the ASCII "S" key. VK_SCROLL_LOCK A virtual key code for the SCROLL LOCK key. VK_SEMICOLON A virtual key code for the SEMICOLON (;) key. VK_SEPARATER VK_SHIFT A virtual key code for the SHIFT key. VK_SLASH A virtual key code for the forward slash (/) key. VK_SPACE A virtual key code for the SPACEBAR key. VK_SUBTRACT A virtual key code for the numeric keypad MINUS SIGN (-) key. VK_T A virtual key code for the ASCII "T" key. VK_TAB A virtual key code for the TAB key. VK_U A virtual key code for the ASCII "U" key. VK_UNDEFINED KEY_TYPED events do not have a defined key code. VK_UP A virtual key code for the UP ARROW key. VK_V A virtual key code for the ASCII "V" key. VK_W A virtual key code for the ASCII "W" key. VK_X A virtual key code for the ASCII "X" key. VK_Y A virtual key code for the ASCII "Y" key. VK_Z A virtual key code for the ASCII "Z" key.

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