The phase-locked loop is composed by three basic parts,namely the discriminator,the ring circuit filter and the pressure control the oscillator to discriminator functin produces an output voltage,this voltage mean direct ratio and two input signals phase ring circuit low pass filter function is filters in the discriminator output current the useless component and other disturbance component,achieved the ring cricuit requests the preformance ,and guarantees the ring circuit the pressure controls the oscillator the function has the frequency along with the control voltage change oscillating filter are in rely on process the signal above the frequency foundation one kind of electric circuit active filter only to bo able to have an effect in the operational amlifier normal work the electronic instrumentation aspect,the phase-locked loop in instruments and so on in frequency synthesizer and phase meter played the vital direct digital frequency synthesis technology is one new frequency synthe tic method,is a frequency synthesis technology revolution,along with the electronic engineering domain actual need as well as the digital integrated circuit an the microelectronic technology development,the DDS technology reveals its superiority day ba word:Phase-locked loop;Oscillator;Ring circuit filter;Frequency synthesizer
振荡器的工作原理 主要有由电容器和电感器组成的LC回路,通过电场能和磁场能的相互转换产程自由振荡。要维持振荡还要有具有正反馈的放大电路 LC振荡器又分为变压器耦合式和三点式振荡器 现在很多应用石英晶体的石英晶体振荡器 还有用集成运放组成的LC振荡器。我也没好好学这点...
我这里有 并且带gsm无线报警模块基于GSM平台的小区防盗报警系统设计摘 要现在单片机和PC机通过串行接口构成的多微机系统已经广泛应用于工业控制、,环境监测等