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使电子政务系统可行的:探索演化的框架” 他特别挑出的计算机化所有办事处,并强调''土地登记进入21世纪的基础上水果的电子政务工程。 “他还表示,他希望''的工作系统和不完美的,但我不是愿意妥协的一些关键的改革设想是在电脑化项目。 “ 本次会议上,我们猜测,可能是一个分水岭的证据是,不久之后,土地注册处,项目单位,承包商和分包商建立了一个工作组,通过谈判改变系统的设计和 随行的工作惯例在艰苦的细节。 图。 2说明之间的相互作用上述内容的谈判方面相对于帧翻译过程和谈判结果的调整,即停火协议框架。 。帧通过强制性的稳定点的通道 在这里,我们提供了一个了解的目标导向和机构驱动( Emirbayer和米歇, 1998年)的稳定方面采用策略的角色。 每个演员的立场试图捆绑的功能或某些题词作为强制性的过境点。 三种情况下的这种行为描述如下:签名题词,功能捆绑,并签署''打印出“ 。

296 评论


making e-Government systems workable:Exploring the evolution of frames电子政务系统可行性方略:开拓框架新方案He specifically singled out the computerization of all offices and emphasized ‘‘the land registry moving into the 21st century based on the fruits of the e-Gov project.”He also said he wanted ‘‘working systems and not perfect ones, though I am not willing to compromise on some of the key reform ideas that are in the computerization projects.” 他特别地提出所有办公室的电脑化并强调“迈向21世纪的基于电子政务工程成果的土地注册”,他还说他想让“并不让他满意的工作系统和有待完善的工作系统成为电脑化工作的重点改革思想。This meeting, we surmise, may have been a watershed evidence is that shortly afterwards, the Land Registry, the Project Unit, the contractor and the subcontractor put in place a working group that negotiated changes to the system design and accompanying work practices in painstaking detail. 我们以为,这次会议将是一道分水岭。证据是在之后很短的一段时间,土地注册属,工程单位,承包商与分包商将在一起共同商议系统设计的一些改动和伴随而来的艰苦的工作习惯。Fig. 2 illustrates the interaction between the above-mentioned elements of negotiation context vis-a-vis the frame translation process and the outcome of negotiated adjustments—., the truce frame. 图2说明了上述在商议背景下通过框架转换进程中的元素与商议调整结果之间的相互影响,也就是说,暂停序列。. Frame stabilization via obligatory points of passage . (这句话不会译,怕错了影响你的理解,暂不译)。Here we provide a glimpse of the goal-directed and agency-driven(Emirbayer and Mische, 1998) aspects of stabilization tactics employed by the actors. 这里我们提供由执行者(演员)使用的目标导向型和机构驱动型稳定策略之冰山一角。Each actor tried to position bundles of features or certain inscriptions as obligatory passage points. 每个执行人员(演员)试着将许多(……)特征或者一些题词作为过境点。Three instances of this behavior are depicted below: signature inscription,functionality bundling, and ‘‘signed print-out”.此表现的三个实例描述如下:签名题词,捆绑功能以及“签署‘印出’”这篇文章好难理解哈,不知道你是从什么地方找出来的。呵呵。花我整整一个小时,还翻译不是很满意。

313 评论


nternet作为电子商务的载体,已成为企业必不可少的信息采集、传输和交换的工具,网络(信息)时代的到来为基于Internet的IT服务业注入了新的活力, Internet is electronic vehicle for business on line, it turns to be unsplit tool for company for the purpose of collection, transferring and exchange for information, with the net work ( information) age availability, which input new vigor into IT service industry based on internet. 其中电子商务(Electronic Commerce, EC)更是备受瞩目,已被公认为是影响21世纪世界经济格局的新型经济模式和催化剂。 Whereby, Electronic Commerce is the focus of attention, and regarded as new economic mode and activator for global economics in 21st centrury. 在它经历了三个艰难的发展历程(电子零售、电子贸易和网上交易市场)之后,逐渐成熟起来,它的核心是运用现代计算机通讯技术, after it passed 3 difficult stages (electronic retail sales, electronic trading and sales market on line), it is mature step by step, it lies in his core tech. from modern computer communication system. 尤其是网络技术为企业进行社会生产经营活动服务,使企业提高生产效益、降低经营成本、优化资源配置,从而实现社会财富的最大化。 Especially net work technology serves for social production operation of companies so as to improve the production output and benefit, to decrease the operation costing, to optimize resource , so that maximum social property can be realised. 特别是对于中小企业来说电子商务通过良好地运用,更能出现一些惊喜的结果。 The most surprising target is achieved by small and medium size enterprises who make good use of electronic business. 本文共分为四章,通过研究电子商务对中小企业的影响和重要性来阐述中小企业在面临这个电子化、网络化的时代所可以采取的一些策略和办法来提高企业的核心竞争力。 The article is drafted in 4 chapters, with the study on the influence and importance of electronic business for small and medium sized companies, it set forth some strategies and actions can be taken in order to improve the company core competency of competition in the net work age.

255 评论


Basic concepts 什么是电子商务呢,说白了就是电子是手段,商务是目的。 What is e-commerce it, saying that white is the Electronics is a means, business is the goal. 电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。 E-commerce, English is the Electronic Commerce, referred to as EC. 电子商务涵盖 E-commerce covers 的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。 A wide range, generally can be divided into business to business (Business-to-Business), or business to consumers (Business-to-Customer) two kinds. 另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。 There are also consumers of consumers (Customer-to-Customer) such a big growth pattern. 随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长, 电子商务网站也层出不穷。 With the increase in the number of domestic Internet use, using Internet for online shopping and bank card payment has gradually popular consumption patterns, market share is rapidly growing e-commerce sites are endless. 电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL(安全套接层协议)及SET( 安全电子交易协议 )两种。 The most common security mechanism for e-commerce have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) two kinds. 定义: Definition: 广义上指使用各种电子工具从事商务或活动。 The broad sense refers to the use of electronic tools for business or activities. 这些工具包括从初级的电报、电话、广播、电视、传真到计算机、 计算机网络 ,到NII(国家信息基础结构-信息高速公路)、GII(全球信息基础结构)和Internet等现代系统。 These tools range from elementary telegraph, telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, computer network, to the NII (National Information Infrastructure - Information Highway), GII (Global Information Infrastructure) and the Internet and other modern systems. 而商务活动是从泛商品(实物与非实物,商品与非商品化的生产要素等等)的需求活动到泛商品的合理、合法的消费除去典型的生产过程后的所有活动。 The commercial activities are conducted from the Pan-goods (physical and non-physical, non-commercialization of goods and factors of production, etc.) activities to the needs of the Pan-goods, a reasonable, legitimate consumer to remove the typical post-production process of all activities. 狭义上指利用Internet从事商务或活动。 A narrow sense, refers to the use of Internet for business or activities. 【网络营销和电子商务】 【Internet marketing and e-commerce】 从时间上来讲,电子商务概念的出现要早于网络营销。 From the time of speaking, e-commerce earlier than the emergence of the concept of network marketing. 电子商务最早产生于上个世纪60年代,90年代得到长足发展。 E-commerce originated in the last century 60's, 90's by leaps and bounds. 电子商务产生和发展的重要条件主要是: 计算机的广泛应用。 And development of e-commerce, an important condition for mainly the following: extensive use of computers. 而网络营销是随着现代科学技术的发展、消费者价值观的变革与日趋激烈的市场竞争等诸多因素,出现并迅速崛起的,网络营销发展的最重要条件是:消费者价值观念的变革。 Along with the network marketing is the development of modern science and technology, consumer values change and the increasingly fierce market competition, and many other factors, emerged and rapidly growing, Internet marketing, the development of the most important conditions are: changes in consumer values. 从字面意义上讲,网络营销概念要比电子商务大。 From the literal sense, the concept of network marketing than the big e-commerce. 电子商务通常是指是在广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,买卖双方不相谋面的情况下,实现交易达成的一种新型的商业运营模式,讲求的是在网络销售中获得商业盈利。 E-commerce generally refers to commercial trade in a wide range of activities, on the Internet an open network environment, buyers and sellers are not known one another for the case of phase to achieve the deal of a new business model, and stress is that in online sales in the access to commercial profit. 网络营销(cyber marketing),是指借助联机网络,电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体来实现的一种营销方式,讲求的是与目标人群的网络互动。 Internet Marketing (cyber marketing), refers to the use of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve a kind of marketing, emphasizes that the network of interactions with the target population. 从包含的各个体系来说,网络营销和电子商务是交叉存在的。 From the various systems contained in it, network marketing and e-commerce is a cross-exist. 电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式。 Covers a wide range of e-commerce in general can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M four categories of e-business models. 其中企业对企业(Business-to-Business),和企业对消费者(Business-to- Consumer)两种发展最早,另外还有消费者对消费者(Consumer-to-Consumer)这种大步增长的模式。 Including business to business (Business-to-Business), and business to consumer (Business-to-Consumer) two kinds of the earliest to develop, in addition to consumers for consumers (Consumer-to-Consumer) growth of this step模式. 网络营销包含网络调研 、 网络广告 、 网络公关 、整合营销、seo、sem等内容,每个内容都可以单独或者整合应用到电子商务中去。 Internet Marketing includes Internet research, online advertising, Internet public relations, integrated marketing, seo, sem and other content, each content can be applied alone or integrated into the e-commerce to go. 同样电子商务也离不开这些网络营销手段。 The same e-commerce marketing tool is also inseparable from these networks. 加100分行忙,我尽力了.

218 评论


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