计算机在现代社会生活中发挥着重要的作用,而与之相伴随的就是大量的文件而且是一些经常使用的文件。根据人们的实际需求,提出了基于计算机网络的网络文件管理系统的设计方案。本系统是将用户的文件存放在互联网上,方便用户“携带”他们的文件,方便其它用户 “共享”他们的文件。 本文在研究分析MVC模式、J2EE开发平台等先进技术的基础上,应用这些技术设计并实现了一个基于MVC模式,应用Struts框架的J2EE网络文件管理系统。本文主要包含四个部分,网络文件管理系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析、需求分析等;概要设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计;详细设计部分说明了功能模块的实现过程。测试部分对系统的功能进行了测试。 Calculated that machine is playing the vital role in the modern society life, but follows with it is the document which the massive documents moreover are some use frequently. According to people's physical demand, proposed based on computer network's network document management system's design proposal. This system is deposits user's document on the Internet, the convenient user “carries” their document, facilitates other users “sharing” their document. This article in the research analyzes the MVC pattern, J2EE to develop the platform and so on vanguard technology in the foundation, applied these technical design and has realized one based on the MVC pattern, applied Struts the frame the J2EE network document management system. This article mainly contains four parts, the network document management system's system analysis part, including feasibility analysis, demand analysis and so on; The preliminary design part mainly introduced the system function design and the database design; The detailed design part explained the functional module realizes the process. The measurement component has carried on the test to system's life in modern society plays an important role, and with it is accompanied by a large number of documents and are frequently used files. According to people's actual needs, the proposed computer-based network of networks document management system design. The system is user's files stored on the Internet, user-friendly "with" their documents to facilitate other users "share" their files. Based on the analysis of MVC model, J2EE development platform, and so on the basis of advanced technology, application of these technologies designed and implemented a model based on the MVC, Struts framework for J2EE application network document management system. This article contains four parts, network file management system analysis, including feasibility analysis, demand analysis, and so on; summary of some of the major design on the system design and database design, the detailed design of the description of the functional module of the implementation process. Some tests on the function of the system was tested.
MVC(Model/View/Controller)模式是国外用得比较多的一种设计模式,好象最早是在Smaltalk中出现。MVC包括三类对象。Model是应用对象,View是它在屏幕上的表示,Controller定义用户界面对用户输入的响应方式。 模型-视图-控制器(MVC)是80年代Smalltalk-80出现的一种软件设计模式,现在已经被广泛的使用。 1、模型(Model) 模型是应用程序的主体部分。模型表示业务数据,或者业务逻辑. 2、视图(View) 视图是应用程序中用户界面相关的部分,是用户看到并与之交互的界面。 3、控制器(controller) 控制器工作就是根据用户的输入,控制用户界面数据显示和更新model对象状态。 MVC 式的出现不仅实现了功能模块和显示模块的分离,同时它还提高了应用系统的可维护性、可扩展性、可移植性和组件的可复用性 早期的程序中,如果不注意对数功能和显示的解耦合,常常会导致程序的复杂及难以维护。很多VB,Delphi等RAD程序都有这种问题。甚至现在的C#,Java有时候也会出现把业务逻辑写在显示模块中的现象 管MVC设计模式很早就提出,但在Web项目的开发中引入MVC却是步履维艰。主要原因:一是在早期的Web项目的开发中,程序语言和HTML的分离一直难以实现。CGI程序以字符串输出的形式动态地生成HTML内容。后来随着脚本语言的出现,前面的方式又被倒了过来,改成将脚本语言书写的程序嵌入在HTML内容中。这两种方式有一个相同的不足之处即它们总是无法将程序语言和HTML分离。二是脚本语言的功能相对较弱,缺乏支持MVC设计模式的一些必要的技术基础。直到基于J2EE的JSP Model 2问世时才得以改观。它用JSP技术实现视图的功能,用Servlet技术实现控制器的功能,用JavaBean技术实现模型的功能 JSP Model 1 与 JSP Model 2 SUN在JSP出现早期制定了两种规范,称为Model1和Model2。虽然Model2在一定程度上实现了MVC,但是它的应用用并不尽如人意 JSP Model 1 JSP Model 2 model2 容易使系统出现多个Controller,并且对页面导航的处理比较复杂 有些人觉得model2仍不够好,于是Craig R. McClanahan 2000年5月提交了一个WEB framework给Java Community.这就是后来的Struts. 2001年7月,,正式发布。该项目也成为了Apache Jakarta的子项目之一 Struts 质上就是在Model2的基础上实现的一个MVC架构。它只有一个中心控制器,他采用XML定制转向的URL。采用Action来处理逻辑
Computer life in modern society plays an important role, and with it is accompanied by a large number of documents and are frequently used files. According to people's actual needs, the proposed computer-based network of networks document management system design. The system is user's files stored on the Internet, user-friendly "with" their documents to facilitate other users "share" their files. Based on the analysis of MVC model, J2EE development platform, and so on the basis of advanced technology, application of these technologies designed and implemented a model based on the MVC, Struts framework for J2EE application network document management system. This article contains four parts, network file management system analysis, including feasibility analysis, demand analysis, and so on; summary of some of the major design on the system design and database design, the detailed design of the description of the functional module of the implementation process. Some tests on the function of the system was tested.
The computer is playing the vital role in the modern society life, but is the document the massive documents which follows with it which moreover are some use frequently. According to people's actual demand, proposed based on the computer network network document management system design proposal. This system is deposits user's document on the Internet, the convenient user “the carryhome” their document, facilitates other users “sharing” their document. This article analyzes the MVC pattern, J2EE in the research develops the platform and so on the vanguard technology in the foundation, applied these technical design and has realized one based on the MVC pattern, applied Struts the frame the J2EE network document management system. This article mainly contains four parts, the network document management system system analysis part, including feasibility analysis, demand analysis and so on; The outline design part mainly introduced the system function design and the database design; The detailed design part explained the function module realization process. The measurement component has carried on the test to the system function
论文的的整个框架结构是什么意思 首先,介绍一下背景以及你做该项目的意义所在;然后是其他人的研究现状,以及其他人得出的结论;然后写写自己做的东西,得出的结论,
毕业论文本科范文示例: 国民财富的定义。 英国剑桥大学的著名经济学家帕瑟达斯古柏塔(Parthas Dasgupta)教授认为,如果在任意一个时间点,社会福利不
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