苹果破碎前在45℃热水中处理45min,在30℃破碎可以增加果汁中果胶的含量和悬浮颗粒的ξ电位,增加了果汁的浊度和浑浊稳定性.苹果破碎时用质量分数的VC和的NaCl组合防褐变剂代替国内报道工艺中使用的质量分数~的VC,既经济又较好地防止了褐变效果,且减轻了由VC降解引起的非酶褐变.该工艺生产出的产品有较高的浊度和较好的颜色,果汁中颗粒的平均粒径为μm.近年来,混浊苹果汁风靡欧美和日本[1],而我国却缺少高质量的混浊苹果汁.混浊苹果汁重要的质量指标是颜色和浊度及它们的稳定性.为了防止酶促褐变的发生,使果汁保持苹果的天然风味和乳白色,较安全和有效的措施是在破碎时加入维生素C(VC)[1,2].但VC在果汁加工和储藏中会降解意思为:Apple 45min at 45 ℃ hot water before crushing, crushing potential can increase the content of pectin in the fruit juice and suspended particles at 30 ℃, increased juice turbidity and turbidity stability. Apple broken NaCl in combination with mass fraction of VC and case of mass fraction of ~ browning agents instead of domestic reporting process the use of VC, both the economy and better prevent the browning effect, and reduce the non-enzymatic browning caused by VC degradation. The process to produce products with high turbidity and better color, average particle juice particle size was μ recent years, cloudy apple juice swept Europe and the United States and Japan [1], while China has a lack of quality of cloudy apple juice. The quality index of cloudy apple juice is important to color and turbidity and their stability. In order to prevent the occurrence of enzymatic browning in apple juice, to keep the natural flavor and milk white, is safe and effective. Measures is to add vitamin C in crushing (VC) [1,2]. VC in the juice processing and storage of degradation
单一的 椰子汁
榨汁机的三种不同工作原理 一、高速离心式榨汁机这是目前国内市场上最为普遍的榨汁机类型,它的工作原理是利用刀网每分钟几千转的高速转动把水果粉碎,强大的离心力使果
食品营养与安全论文中国食品的强化与发展 我国为保证营养素的均衡、全面,提出了食品营养的强化的概念。食品营养的强化是在食品中添加营养素(这些营养素往往是在日常生活
简单结构:主要由圆筒机壳、回转叶轮、刀片和机架组成。 工作原理:以一定速度因此,离心式切片机也称为离心式切割机。