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First read the picture is a hidden secret everywhere "mystery", because whether map page and cover or HuanChen, is the organic component in these places, authors have offered a lot for readers artwork. Only guide children from beginning to end, can find many reading picture is often neglected details readers. Read these details, the understanding of text will make further , from the cover story guess. Whatever book, cover is the first view in the eye, and readers to read stories to children before the children can arouse the reading desire. "Guess how much I love you" on the cover of the book is a picture, a XiaoLiang rabbit rabbit caught big rabbit ears, if what he is saying. Teachers can guide the children, guess what they look conversation topics, and the story -- guess how much I love and HuanChen had not leak. HuanChen is cover and book a mounts, between the core of the many HuanChen also draw with pictures, but you can never thought they merely on adornment effect of the design and immediately after a while, in fact, not only with the text of the HuanChen story, sometimes enhancing themes. "My dad" in the book of humor, through the child exaggerated fantasy, shaping a laughter let a person's dad image: the daddy day and night, wearing a long pajama, he afraid Wolf, a jump over the moon, can eat like a horse, to swim like a fish flexible... "My dad is HuanChen design on the" my dad "that a small yellowish-brown pajamas locally. The earthworm's diary of HuanChen unexpectedly is earthworm in different periods, that picture is the first day of school oneself, have oneself and family photographs, good friends, and his exam scores and teachers' comments, we seem to see the small earthworms growth record, although not yet started reading stories, but has been these lovely pictures to attract.

341 评论



130 评论


はじめに 中文的前言。在这里,你要写上 :1 你为什么要写这篇论文,你的动机是什么。。。2 你的这篇论文是怎么个论证过程。用什么手法论证。。。。3 你论文最终要起到个什么作用。对你,对你写的对象有什么的帮助。。。

209 评论


日语毕业论文提纲范文 中国茶文化与日本茶道的联系中国茶文化と日本茶道のつながり 学生姓名 摘 要(也可以用日文要旨) 茶道自中国传入日本,与日本的传统文化相互融合从而具有了日本民族独有的气质和韵味。它与日本的宗教、艺术、社会、哲学、美术、伦理、礼仪溶为一体,从而行成了一门综合性的`文化,在日本文化中占据着十分重要的地位。 对于茶道的研究一直是日本文化研究的一个重要领域。对于茶道的研究离不开对对东方文化的研究,茶道是世界东方两个民族文化融合的结晶,具有东方文化的特质。本文旨在研究中日茶文化交流的过程,茶道的变迁以及它在现实生活中的意义。在前人研究的基础上通过对茶的起源以及茶道的发展;儒教、道教、佛教对茶道的影响;中国历代对日本茶道的影响。 关键词:茶道,传统,和静清寂,禅,文化 章节设计 1. はじめに 问题提起と茶文化の定 义 研究の目的と意 义 2. 先行研究と研究方法. 先行研究 研究方法と资料 収 集 3. 茶の起源と茶文化の 発 展 茶の起源 茶文化の 発 展 4. 日本の茶道 宋代 闘 茶の输入と茶道の普及 唐物と书院茶 寂茶と村田珠光 千利休と茶道大成 5. 儒教、道教、 仏 教と茶道 道教と茶道 儒教と茶道 仏 教(禅)と茶道 6. おわりに 各章节拟论述内容(至少要有各章的内容,如果能详细到各节的内容更好) 1. はじめに ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 2. 先行研究と研究方法 ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 3. 茶の起源と茶文化の 発 展 ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 4. 日本の茶道 ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 5. 儒教、道教、 仏 教と茶道 ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 6. おわりに ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ ✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕✕ 参考文献 [1]周文棠.2003.茶道[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社 [2]丁文.1998.中国茶道[M].西安: 陕西旅游出版社 [3]千宗室.1992.[茶经]与日本茶道的历史意义[M].天津:南开大学出版社 [4]靳飞.2004.茶禅一味[M].日本的茶道文化.天津:百花文艺出版社 [5]高旭晖·刘桂华.2003.茶文化学概论[M].合肥:安徽美术出版社 [6]王从仁.2001.中国茶文化[M].上海:上海古籍出版社 [7]陈珲·吕国利.2000.中华茶文化寻踪[M].北京:中国城市出版社 [8]黄志根.2000.中华茶文化[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社 [9]郭孟良.2003.中国茶史[M].太原:山西古籍出版社 [10]王国安、要英.2000.茶与中国文化[M].上海:汉语大词典出版社 [11]董尚胜·王建荣.2003.茶史[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社 [12](唐) 陆羽·(清) 陆廷灿.2003.茶经续茶经陆羽[M].北京:中国工人出版社 [13]殷伟.2001.中国茶史演义[M].昆明:云南人民出版社 [14]鲁迅.1933.准风月谈[C].北京:人民文学出版社 [15]谷川 彻 三.1977.茶の美学[M].淡交社 [16]熊 仓 功夫.1981.茶の汤の礼仪と芸能[M].淡交社. [17]久松真一.1984.茶道の哲学[M].思想社. [18]久松真一.1984.日本文化的使命と茶道[M].思想社 [19] 仓 沢 行洋.1990.芸术の哲学[M].东方出版社 [20] 仓 沢 行洋.1988.一期一会覚书[M].灯影社 [21]桑田忠亲.1994.古田 织 部の茶道[M].淡交社 [22]千宗室.1983.『茶 経 』と我が国茶道の歴史的意 义 [M].淡交社. [23]吉村亨.1984.日本の茶[M].淡交社 [24]川胜平太.1987.茶の文化と文明.东京.小学馆 [25]守屋毅.1981.茶の文化その综合的研究第一部.淡交社 [26] 仓 泽 .1992.日本茶道文化概论. 淡交社 ;

118 评论


Read a picture from the begining to the end drawing "the mysterious map " being originally a secret being concealing everywhere , being to draw this organic ingredient because of cover is still lining papers disregarding being a title page,before these local authors be that reader has presented many exquisite pictures. Only when guiding a child to read a picture from the begining to the end,ability discovers many minor detail being often ignored by reader. Read have known these detail, only make of that can have going a step further to the version make of. 1, guesses a story from cover. That no matter which book , cover all are that the first maps into the reader eye's, but let a child be in progress to the story before reading conjecturing is able to raise a child reading a desire intensely. Painting has "guess me having loving you much" one one two important young gods of the earth rabbit on this book cover , small rabbit seizes ear of big rabbit, as if in saying some what. The teacher can guide a child to read picture right away , guess their conversation content, the examination questions drawing forth a story thereby guesses me having loving you much. 2, misses and does not go over lining papers. Lining papers is a slip sheet between cover and the book core , painting also has a picture on many lining papers drawing capital , only, you may be sure not to believe they are patterns playing decoration role only but one turns over immediately but live with, in fact, draw this lining papers being closely linked with the text story not only , return the lifting subject back to a meeting sometimes. Permeate exaggerated fantasy of child originally "my father " in this humorous drawing,image having molded a father who lets person be overwhelmed with laughter: This father is having a piece of long nightclothes on the whole day , he is not afraid of a wolf, being able to skip over the moon in one try of springing , eating as many as horse , loafing about as nimble as fish, ... "My upper father's" lining papers pattern is a "my father " on one's body little part of that piece of palm fibre yellow nightclothes. "Earthworm's diary " lining papers goes so far as to all be an earthworm in what different period takes pictures but , have self the first heavens the class hour having a picture taken as a souvenir, Have self to prepare the family , group photo of the good friend , still have self have an exam school report card and the teacher comment, we take notes as if having seen growing up of small earthworm , have already been attracted stop by these lovable tableaux although not beginning to read a story. 3, title page that can tell a story. The title page is the first name being writing the title of a book and the author like one page , higher authority after lining papers , before book core. Not only the title page being only one fan door of story leading to text,not only being whom to inform you of is a story's, leading character in a novel , it may tell a story sometimes. This book has "guess me having loving you much" two title pages in fact , the first is a page be that one brings the colophon striding over along only second pages . Pay attention to, on the first title pages please,the author has drawn small one rabbit riding on on neck of big one rabbit. You are looked at, big rabbit at this time is a transfixion's, and big rabbit and head of small rabbit have sprained over, besides the eye like a pair of black spot is gazing at a book, besides being just a story you are asking you about seemingly: Have Hail Columbia , you been ready? Walk into the story lining that this is called "guess me having loving you much" quickly together with us! Should turn the page over, you are able to see three have been full of big dynamic small picture rabbit going be carrying small rabbit on the back have elevated hindleg , prepare to take off , suddenly askew superjacent leap up, ... This is that coherent taking off of one acts in fact this once jumps , two rabbit jumps right away to have arrived at text in the later li. Thereupon, we see small rabbit have seized long ear of big rabbit tightly , hear him asking about mother: "Guess me having loving you much"? This dynamic rich tableau locks reader's line of sight firmly , also difficult to want not to watch down. 希望能帮到你哦 :)

310 评论


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