综述类: 1、Towards the Next Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions。最经典的推荐算法综述 2、Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. JB Schafer 关于协同过滤最经典的综述 3、Hybrid Recommender Systems: Survey and Experiments 4、项亮的博士论文《动态推荐系统关键技术研究》 5、个性化推荐系统的研究进展.周涛等 6、Recommender systems L Lü, M Medo, CH Yeung, YC Zhang, ZK Zhang, T Zhou Physics Reports 519 (1), 1-49 ( ) 个性化推荐系统评价方法综述.周涛等 协同过滤: factorization techniques for recommender systems. Y Koren collaborative filtering to weave an information Tapestry. David Goldberg (协同过滤第一次被提出) Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms. Badrul Sarwar , George Karypis, Joseph Konstan .etl of Dimensionality Reduction in Recommender System – A Case Study. Badrul M. Sarwar, George Karypis, Joseph A. Konstan etl Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering. Kai Yu, Anton Schwaighofer, Volker Tresp, Xiaowei Xu,and Hans-Peter Kriegel systems:a probabilistic analysis. Ravi Kumar Prabhakar recommendations: item-to-item collaborative filtering. Greg Linden, Brent Smith, and Jeremy York of Item-Based Top- N Recommendation Algorithms. George Karypis Matrix Factorization. Ruslan Salakhutdinov Decompositions,Alternating Least Squares and other Tales. Pierre Comon, Xavier Luciani, André De Almeida 基于内容的推荐: Recommendation Systems. Michael J. Pazzani and Daniel Billsus 基于标签的推荐: Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Survey. Zi-Ke Zhang(张子柯), Tao Zhou(周 涛), and Yi-Cheng Zhang(张翼成) 推荐评估指标: 1、推荐系统评价指标综述. 朱郁筱,吕琳媛 2、Accurate is not always good:How Accuacy Metrics have hurt Recommender Systems 3、Evaluating Recommendation Systems. Guy Shani and Asela Gunawardana 4、Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. JL Herlocker 推荐多样性和新颖性: 1. Improving recommendation lists through topic diversification. Cai-Nicolas Ziegler Sean M. McNee, Joseph Lausen Fusion-based Recommender System for Improving Serendipity Maximizing Aggregate Recommendation Diversity:A Graph-Theoretic Approach The Oblivion Problem:Exploiting forgotten items to improve Recommendation diversity A Framework for Recommending Collections Improving Recommendation Diversity. Keith Bradley and Barry Smyth 推荐系统中的隐私性保护: 1、Collaborative Filtering with Privacy. John Canny 2、Do You Trust Your Recommendations? An Exploration Of Security and Privacy Issues in Recommender Systems. Shyong K “Tony” Lam, Dan Frankowski, and John Ried. 3、Privacy-Enhanced Personalization. Alfred 4、Differentially Private Recommender Systems:Building Privacy into the Netflix Prize Contenders. Frank McSherry and Ilya Mironov Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley Campus 5、When being Weak is Brave: Privacy Issues in Recommender Systems. Naren Ramakrishnan, Benjamin J. Keller,and Batul J. Mirza 推荐冷启动问题: Boltzmann Machines for Cold Start Recommendations. Asela Preference Regression for Cold-start Recommendation. Seung-Taek Park, Wei Chu Cold-Start Problem in Recommendation Systems. Xuan Nhat and Metrics for Cold-Start Recommendations. Andrew I. Schein, Alexandrin P opescul, Lyle H. U ngar bandit(老虎机算法,可缓解冷启动问题): 1、Bandits and Recommender Systems. Jeremie Mary, Romaric Gaudel, Philippe Preux 2、Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms and Empirical Evaluation 基于社交网络的推荐: 1. Social Recommender Systems. Ido Guy and David Carmel A Social Networ k-Based Recommender System(SNRS). Jianming He and Wesley W. Chu Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks. Referral Web:combining social networks and collaborative filtering 基于知识的推荐: 1、Knowledge-based recommender systems. Robin Burke 2、Case-Based Recommendation. Barry Smyth 3、Constraint-based Recommender Systems: Technologies and Research Issues. A. Felfernig. R. Burke 其他: Trust-aware Recommender Systems. Paolo Massa and Paolo Avesani
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