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I want to be a think it's interesting job.

325 评论


我的梦想是当一名警察我的梦想是长大后当一名警察。小时候,我看见穿制服的警察,觉得特别的神气,在电视里看到警察冒着生命危险去抢险救人时,我对他们更有了一种崇拜。他们不顾自己的安危,维护着社会的安宁。当有人问我长大后想干什么时,我会很自豪地说:“当警察。”但我明白当一名警察并不是一件容易的事,光想还不行的。关键是要学好文化知识,积极锻炼好身体,这样才有可能实现我的梦想。我把我的梦想记在心中,努力学习。争取让我的梦想早日成真。My dream is to be a policemanMy dream is to be a policeman after grow I was young, I saw uniformed police officers, I feel a special air, see onTV cop risked his life to rescue in time, I told them more of a cult. They disregard their own safety, to maintain the social someone asked if I want to do when you grow up, I will be very proud to say: "when the police." But I understand that when a police officer is not an easy thing to do, the light still not work like. The key is to learn cultural knowledge, and actively exercise good health, so will it be possible to realize my put my dream in mind and study hard. Strive to make my dreams come true as soon as possible.

273 评论


As we all know,everyone has a dream. It's ourselves's dreams that make us stick on learning.

103 评论


中文翻译:每个人都有自己的理想,我也不例外。从很小的时候,我就羡慕身穿帅气警服,佩带武器的警察叔叔 。他们在别人有困难的时候帮助别人,为人民服务。获得人名群众的赞赏。为了我们的生命安全,和财产的安全,日夜兼程的保卫我们。所以我非常喜欢警察。 我所受的教育告诉我警察是维护社会正义,为人民服务的楷模。老师告诉我们警察的专业工作主要是维护社会治安,所以他们经常会抓获各种各样的违法乱纪分子,被人民赞颂为英雄,这也是其他职业的人们很少有机会得到的待遇。正因为如此,不管多么狡猾凶残的罪犯只要听到警察来了都会落荒而逃。并且警察为人民利益自己吃苦耐劳,在节日不能与自己的家人团聚,不能和他们一起分享快乐,要为我们的安全更加努力工作,他们从不擅离职守,真正的警察时刻都会牢记自己的身份和责任,从骨头里疾恶如仇,即使脱掉警服,身穿便衣也仍然保留警察本色,即使退休转业也不改变职业素质,他们每一个基因里都会刻下警察的职业印记,并把这些优良品质遗传给他们的子孙万代。 这就是警察的责任与义务,和他们光荣的品质,他们都是正义的化身,我一定要好好学习,将来做一名为人民服务的好警察,为大家安全做出贡献的英雄,让我们努力学习为我们的理想做出奋斗,为自己人生的道路打下基础,为日后在社会竞争立于不败之地。让我们努力奋斗吧!!! 英文翻译:Everyone has their own ideals, I am no exception. From an early age, I envy dressed in smart uniforms, weapons and wearing police uncle. That they have a difficult time in someone else to help others, serve the people. Appreciated by the masses to obtain the names. The sake of our safety and property security, day and night to defend our hardships. So I very much like the education has told me that the police is to maintain social justice, serving the people of the model. The teacher told us that the professional police work is mainly to maintain social order, so they are often captured a variety of irregularities elements, by the people praise as a hero, which is in other occupations, people rarely have the opportunity to receive treatment. Because of this, no matter how cunning murderous criminals whenever they hear the police officers fled to the city. And the police for their hard-working people's interests, in the festival can not be reunited with their families, can not share their happiness with them, it is necessary for our security to work harder, they never deserted,The real police, at all times bear in mind their role and responsibilities, from the bones Jieruchou, even off a police uniform, police officers dressed in civilian clothes and still retain character, even if retirement does not change the professional quality jobs, their genes will be something which every one police career mark, and to these fine qualities on to their is the police's responsibilities and obligations, and their glorious quality, they are the embodiment of justice, I must learn in the future to serve the people to do a good cop, for everyone contribute to the security of the hero, let us try ideal for us to learn to make the struggle for their life's path lay the foundation for the future in an invincible position in the social competition. Let us work hard bar! ! !

296 评论


In every country there is always have a very important job and that is to keep our country safe and catch the criminals (/bad guys) and put them in will not have a safe country without are very important so we have to be respectful to them.希望这可帮你~(^.^)

222 评论


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