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研究领域: 绿色建筑技术 在研项目 :村镇建筑低品位能源利用关键技术研究与工程示范,国家十一五攻关项目, 项目批准号:2011BAJ08B09,2011-2015 村镇建筑节能关键技术集成与示范, 国家十一五攻关项目, 项目批准号:2011BAJ08B10,2011-2015 大型客站地源热泵空调系统应用技术研究,上海铁路局科研项目,2011-2012 论文杨洁,涂光备,张旭,干扰效应对高层住宅建筑风压差系数的影响,同济学报,2004,11,1442-1446; 郑时龄, 陈易, 杨洁等, 上海世博会设计导则, 同济大学出版社, 2007,9 杨洁,王凌飞,张旭,上海世博会展馆建筑空调负荷预测指标影响因素分析, 暖通空调,第36卷77-80 杨洁,周慧鑫,张旭,湿法施工毛细管末端冬季换热性能实验研究,土木建筑与环境工程,第33卷第2期,80-85,2011,4

127 评论


现任天津医科大学基础医学院院长、免疫学教研室副主任、国家教育部免疫微环境与疾病重点实验室副主任、国家卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家、国家教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”天津市“131人才”第一层次人选、天津市细胞与分子免疫学重点实验室副主任、天津市特聘教授、天津市优秀教师、病原生物学与免疫学教授,担任天津市免疫学会秘书长、天津市国际生物治疗学会会员、国际RNA学会会员、中国免疫学会终身会员、中国细胞生物学会会员、中华医学会医学细胞生物学常务委员、中华微生物与免疫学会青年委员会副主委、临床生物化学与分子生物学理事、天津市生化与分子生物学理事、中华微生物学与免疫学杂志编委、中国检验医学杂志(英文版)编委、中国肿瘤临床(英文版)编委、医学分子生物学杂专编委、医学参考报编委。近五年,杨洁教授承担科研项目20多项,科研经费400余万人民币,包括 “863”课题1项、国家自然科学基金2项、多项国际合作项目,发表学术论文38篇,其中SCI收录论文10余篇,第一作者或通讯作者6篇,累计影响因子高于76,单篇影响因子最高达。SCI收录1. Yang J, Aittomaki S, Pesu M, Carter K, Saarinen J, Kalkkinen N, Kieff E, Silvennoinen O. Identification of p100 as a coactivator for STAT6 that bridges STAT6 with RNA polymerase II. EMBO J. 2002 Sep 16;21(18):4950-4958. (IF:)2. Aittomaki S, Yang J, Scott EW, Simon MC, Silvennoinen O. Distinct functions for signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 and in transcriptional activation of Fc gamma receptor I . 2002 Aug 1;100(3):1078-1080. (IF:)3. Ungureanu D, Vanhatupa S, Kotaja N, Yang J,Aittomaki S, Janne OA, Palvimo JJ, Silvennoinen O. PIAS proteins promote SUMO-1 conjugation to STAT1. Blood. 2003 Nov 1;102(9):3311-3313. (IF:)4. Paukku K, Yang J,Silvennoinen O. Tudor and nuclease-like domains containing protein p100 function as coactivators for signal transducer and activator of transcription 5. Mol Endocrinol. 2003 Sep;17(9):1805-1814. (IF:)5. Aittomaki S, Yang J, Scott EW, Simon MC, Silvennoinen O. Molecular basis of Stat1 and cooperation in cytokine-induced Fcgamma receptor I promoter activation. Int Immunol. 2004 Feb;16(2):265-274. (IF:)6. Valineva T, Yang J,Palovuori R, Silvennoinen O. The transcriptional co-activator protein p100 recruits histone acetyltransferase activity to STAT6 and mediates interaction between the CREB-binding protein and STAT6. J Biol Chem. 2005 Apr 15;280(15):14989-14996. (IF:).7. Valineva T, Yang J,Silvennoinen O. Characterization of RNA helicase A as component of STAT6-dependent enhanceosome. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34(14):3938-3946. (IF:)8. Wang Y, Yang J, Gao Y, Dong LJ, Liu S, Yao Z. Reciprocal Regulation of 5alpha-Dihydrotestosterone, Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-8 During Proliferation of Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma. Cancer Biol Ther. 2007 Mar 1;6(6): 864-871 (IF:)9. Shaw N, Zhao M, Cheng C, Xu H, Saarikettu J, Li Y, Da Y, Yao Z, Silvennoinen O, Yang J, Liu ZJ, Wang BC, Rao Z. The multifunctional human p100 protein 'hooks' methylated ligands. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2007 Aug;14(8):779-784. (IF:)10. Yang J,Valineva T, Hong J, Bu T, Yao Z, Jensen ON, Frilander MJ, Silvennoinen O. Transcriptional co-activator protein p100 interacts with snRNP proteins and facilitates the assembly of the spliceosome. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007; 35(13):4485-4494. (IF:)11. Li H, Wang Y, Gao Y, Shao J, Zhao X, Deng W, Liu Y, Yang J, Yao Z. Effects of Raf kinase inhibitor protein expression on metastasis ans progression of human epithelial ovarian cancer. Mol. Cancer Res. 2008;6(6): 917-928 (IF:)12. Wang Y, Liu Y, Han R, Yang J, Zhi Z, Zhang Y, Yao Z, Gao W, Shwn Z. Temporal evolution of soluble Fas and Fas ligand in patients with orthotopic liver transplantation. Cytokine. 2008; 41(3): 240-243 (IF:. Li H, Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhao X, Liu Y, Sun B,Yang J, Yao Z. Effects of raf kinase inhibitor protein expression on metastasis and progression of human breast cancer. Mol. Cancer Res. 2009;7(6): 832-840 (IF:)14. Yang J, Wang Y, Gao Y, Shao J, Zhang X, Yao Z. Reciprocal regulation of 17β-estradiol, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 during growth and progression of epithelial ovarian cancer. Cytokine 2009;46(3): 382-391 (IF:)15. Saarikettu J, Ovod V, Vuoksio M, Grönholm J,Yang J, Silvennoinen O. Monoclonal antibodies against human Tudor-SN. Hybridoma (Larchmt). 2010 Jun;29(3):231-236 (IF:)16. Liu X, Dong L, Zhang X, Wang B, Wang X, Li H, He J, Ge L, Yao Z, Jing X, Yang J. Identification of p100 protein target promoters by chromatin immunoprecipitation Guided Ligation and Selection (ChIP-GLAS). Cell. Mol. Immunology 2010,8(1):88-91. (IF :)17. Wang X, Liu X, Fang J, Lu Y, He J, Yao X, Yao Z, Yang J. Coactivator p100 protein enhances STAT6-dependnent transcriptional activation but has no effect on STAT1-mediated gene transcription. Anat. Rec. 2010; 293(6): 1010-1016 (IF:)18. Wang Z, Shao J, Zhou Q, Liu J, Zhu Y, Yang J, Wei M. The -251A>T polymorphism of interleukin-8 is associated with longer mechanical ventilation and hospital staying after coronary surgery. Cytokine. 2010; 50(3): 268-272 (IF:)19. Gao X, Ge L, Shao J, Su C, Zhao H, Saarikettu J, Yao X, Yao Z, Silvennoinen O, Yang J. Tudor-SN interacts with and co-localizes with G3BP in stress granules under stress conditions. FEBS Lett. 2010; 584: 3525-3532(IF:)20. Zhang G, Jing X, Wang X, Shi W, Sun P, Su C, Zhu M, Yang Z, Yao Z, Yang J. Contribution of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-18 in the formation of human nasal polyps [J]. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2011,294(6):953-960 (IF:)21. Dong L, Zhang X, Fu X, Zhang X, Gao X, Zhu M, Wang X, Yang Z, Jensen ON, Saarikettu J, Yao Z, Silvennoinen O, Yang J. PTB-associated splicing factor (PSF) functions as a repressor of STAT6-mediated Ig epsilon gene transcription by recruitment of Biol Chem. 2011 Feb 4;286(5):3451-9.(IF:)

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    研究领域: 绿色建筑技术 在研项目 :村镇建筑低品位能源利用关键技术研究与工程示范,国家十一五攻关项目, 项目批准号:2011BAJ08B09,2011-201

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