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My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.



During the process of the completion of this tfiesis, I have received muchguidance, help and support from many people. Here I'd like to extend my sinceregratitude.

Firstly, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor Song Hongbo for his enlighteningguidance and valuable advice through the entire process from preparation toaccomplishment. Without his great patience and constant encouragement, theaccomplishment of this thesis wouldn't have been possible. I am also deeplyimpressed by his strong sense of responsibility and professional dedication, which hasnot only taught me how to do academic research but also set a good example for myfuture work.

Secondly, many thanks go to all the other teachers who have taught me duringmy postgraduate period. Their lively and enlightening lectures have enriched myknowledge in linguistics, academic writing, statistics, and translation and so on. Alsomy heartfelt thanks go to my friends and classmates, who offer me great support andhelp in data collection, thesis writing and so on.

Last but not the least, I'd like to give my special thanks to my beloved parents,my elder sister,my wife, and my newly born son Leo, who have always stood by meand brought me much joy.

This thesis would not have been completed without much assistance,encouragement and support from many people. I want sincerely to avail thisopportunity to express my cordial thanks to those who have granted me invaluableinstructions during the process of thesis writing.

First and foremost, I extend my greatest gratitude to Professor Hongbo Song,myadvisor and supervisor, for his insightful guidance and earnest help. He advised me tothink over the selection of the subject and to carry out a series of relevant research at avery early time; and during the process of writing,he spent a lot of time guiding me ina right direction and provided many useful suggestions. It is under his strenuous helpthat I could complete this thesis in time.

Moreover, my sincere thanks go to my teachers in the School of ForeignLanguages at Zhejiang Gongshang University. They provide me with a wonderfullearning environment where I learn and grow up for their tireless instructions that willdefinitely exert a deep influence on my later life.

Besides, I express my gratitude to my friends and fellow classmates. They sharetheir knowledge with me and help me out when I am faced with any difficulties aboutthe thesis. They have tried their best to give me their precious suggestions during theprocess of writing the thesis.

Last but not least, I am deeply in debt to my beloved parents for theirencouragement, understanding and endless love during my life. They have created thebest environment for me to focus on the thesis writing during the winter holiday, andall this could not be possible without their selfless sacrifice and persistent support.










Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study.

First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot.

Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support.

Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.

I would like to dedicate my paper to all those who have offered me tremendousassistance during the three years in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

First of all, my heartiest thanks flow to my supervisor, Professor Cao Daogen, forhis helpful guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement both in mystudy and in my life. His profound insight and accurateness about my paper taught meso much that they are engraved on my heart. He provided me with beneficial help andoffered me precious comments during the whole process of my writing, without whichthe paper would not be what it is now.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university that greatly broadened my horizon and enriched myknowledge in my study. Their inspirational and conscientious teaching have providedme with a firm basis for the composing of this paper and will always be of great valueto my future academic research.

My thanks also go to the scholars whose monographs and academic papers haveenlightened me in the writing of this paper.

Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to my family and friends,especially my three roommates, Chen Linghua, Gong Sha and Huang Jin, whoseencouragement and support have made my accomplishments possible.












5. 找到知道章末尾的目录,将光标移动到前一章,点击分隔符,下一页分割,可以把目录和目录的前一节,以同样的方式引用到一段之后,删除多余的空间。





1. 论文中的参考文献和致谢是怎样设置进目录中去的 参考文献和致谢没法生成,是由于你把参考文献和致谢都放进尾注里边了,目录的生成是要在正文中(包括标题)才能显现,解决的方法很容易。 你只需要在尾注的分隔符前面打入“参考文献”4个字,接着空1格,接着点击“插入”——“分隔符”——“分节符类型“点击”下1页“——”肯定“,这时候”致谢“就会自动分配到下1页了。然后给参考文献和致谢都标上1级标题,再在目录中点击右键”更新目录“,选择”更新目录内容“就能够了。” 摘要“生成时为1大段是由于你没将”摘要“孤行,这样生成才会出现1整段的现象,解决的方法只需将”摘要“独立成为1行就好了。 2. 论文致谢献怎么加到目录中 嗯,我也在做论文,找了些资料,你可以这样做,挺麻烦的论文格式要求参考文献在正文之后,参考文献后还有发表论文情况说明、附录和致谢,而Word的尾注要么在文档的结尾,要么在“节”的结尾,这两种都不符合我们的要求。 解决的方法似乎有点笨拙。首先删除尾注文本中所有的编号(我们不需要它,因为它的格式不对),然后选中所有尾注文本(参考文献说明文本),点“插入|书签”,命名为“参考文献文本”,添加到书签中。这样就把所有的参考文献文本做成了书签。在正文后新建一页,标题为“参考文献”,并设置好格式。光标移到标题下,选“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”为“书签”,点“参考文献文本”后插入,这样就把参考文献文本复制了一份。选中刚刚插入的文本,按格式要求修改字体字号等,并用项目编号进行自动编号。 到这里,我们离完美还差一点点。打印文档时,尾注页同样会打印出来,而这几页是我们不需要的。当然,可以通过设置打印页码范围的方法不打印最后几页。这里有另外一种方法,如果你想多学一点东西,请接着往下看。 选中所有的尾注文本,点“格式|字体”,改为“隐藏文字”,切换到普通视图,选择“视图|脚注”,此时所有的尾注出现在窗口的下端,在“尾注”下拉列表框中选择“尾注分割符”,将默认的横线删除。同样的方法删除“尾注延续分割符”和“尾注延续标记”。删除页眉和页脚(包括分隔线),选择“视图|页眉和页脚”,首先删除文字,然后点击页眉页脚工具栏的“页面设置”按钮,在弹出的对话框上点“边框”,在“页面边框”选项卡,边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“本节”;“边框”选项卡的边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“段落”。切换到“页脚”,删除页码。选择“工具|选项”,在“打印”选项卡里确认不打印隐藏文字(Word默认)。 好了,试着打印一下尾注所在的页,是不是白纸?! 或者按我的办法,大同小异,感觉不添加书签会方便些: 先将参考文献部分复制粘贴到一个新word中,你会发现,前面的序号全部变成1了,需要按你原来的,手动改为12345。..,然后按原论文中参考文献格式,刷一下。 然后把这部分再复制到论文后面就可以了。 接下来,把论文中原来的参考文献,全部选中,字体——隐藏,即可。 这样参考文献后面就可以插入分页符了,接下来,像附录、致谢、简历每个各占几页。 最后一起生成目录 3. 为什么致谢不能在目录里面自动生成呢 致谢不能在目录里面自动生成,是因为你用插入尾注的功能,再插入尾注以后的文字就不能生成目录,要想致谢在目录中生成有以下几个方法:参考文献若是以尾注形式加入论文后。 再想在参考文献后加入致谢和附录。 怎么也加入不了。 因为它们都被默认为尾注了。 而且在目录中也不会出现。 头大啊头大。 这里有一个笨方法:one:将参考文献复制一份。 粘贴到原参考文献前面。这时你会发现新粘贴的参考文献编号发生紊乱。 不要着急。 只要用点耐心手动修改即可。 (原来的参考文献也要保留。否则后果严重。 )two:将复制来的“参考文献”设置为“标题一”,再将致谢和附录粘贴到新参考文献后面。 three:将原来的参考文献以“格式—字体—隐藏字体”的形式隐藏起来。four:更新目录。 致谢和附录都出现了。 有木有?。 4. word2010如何添加致谢到目录 以下操作全部在一个文档里面操作,即单个文件同时使用多种页眉页脚(含页码)的方式: 1、光标停留在目录末尾处,插入分隔符:选项卡“页面布局”→分隔符→分节符“下一页” 2、光标停留在需要加页码的第一页,编辑页脚,在“页眉页脚工具”选项卡,“链接到前一条页眉”默认是启用状态,点击一下即停用,这样才可能与前边的内容设置不同的页脚,比如自定义插入不同格式页码、标题之类的内容。 3、在需要的页面插入页码,设置页码格式→起码页码为1 4、如果你之前已经在封面、目录插过页码了,在上述操作之后,你可以直接把前边页面的页码删掉。 5. 如何将论文摘要、致谢、参考文献加入到自动生成目录 如何将论文摘要、致谢、参考文献加入到自动生成目录的方法。 如下参考: 1.单击进入endnote设置页面,如下所示。 2.设置endnote,选择该部分的结尾,然后单击apply,如下所示。 3.因此尾注是在本节末尾生成的。 4.单击章节导航,查看文章中有多少章节。 5. 找到知道章末尾的目录,将光标移动到前一章,点击分隔符,下一页分割,可以把目录和目录的前一节,以同样的方式引用到一段之后,删除多余的空间。 6.分为四节,中间部分有两节,参考部分仍分为两部分。 7.找到引用所在的部分,点击合并到前面的部分,使操作直到中间部分变成一个部分。引用后面是可以插入分隔符的文档。 6. 毕业论文 同是天涯沦落人,我找到了高手的解答 你也试试吧 注意1个误区:如果尾注的设置是“在文档的末尾”,那么不管在尾注的后面添加多少个回车后面的内容都是尾注,作为尾注是不能成为目录的。 在尾注后面添加空白页的方法 注意一个知识点:节——不同的节,可以设置不同的页眉页脚,设置不同的页面设置,添加节,点击:插入-分隔符-分节符-下一页/连续等 因此,在保证楼主在正文写作过程中没有添加节的情况下,即论文正文处于同一节,这时, 1.在尾注之前,论文正文结尾的地方点击插入-分隔符-分节符-连续, 2.在刚才的那个位置点击插入-引用-尾注和脚注-尾注-选择“在节的末尾”,点击“应用”,这时尾注就跟在正文的那一节,而不是整篇文档的末尾了。 3.还是在刚才的位置,点击插入-分隔符-分节符-下一页,这时下一页空白也就是另外一节,你就可以写东西了,而且写的东西和尾注无关。 还有我在生成的时候也是显示了整段内容,你把标题级降一级试试,好像就可以,还有把不要生成的正文部分都设定成正文格式,再试一下 7. 论文中的参考文献和致谢是怎样设置进目录中去的拜托各位了 3Q 参考文献和致谢没法生成,是由百于你把参考文献和致谢都放进尾注里边了,目录的生成是要在正文中(包括标题)才能显现,解决的方法很容易。 你只需要度在尾注的分隔符前面打入“参考文献”4个字,接着空1格,接着点击“插入”——“分隔符”问——“分节符类型“点击”下1页“——”肯定“,这时候”致谢“就会自动分配到下答1页了。然后给参考文献和致谢都标上1级标题,再在目录中点击右键”更新目录“,选择”更新目录内内容“就能够了。” 摘要“生成时为1大段是由于你没将”摘要“孤行,这样生成才会出现1整段的现象,解决的方法只需将”摘要“独立成为1行就好容了。 查看原帖>>。








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