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取决于你的学校和学习科目。有的研究项目就是出报告。有的实习项目就是实习报告。一般而言,都是需要写毕业论文的。至于答辩从我个人体验来看大部分不需要答辩。交上去等审核就行。1.是的。其实是5月底6月初开始考试,然后7月头开始做论文 2.可以提前交的~文科不知道,理科的我从来没见过提前交的,因为事情太多了~ 3.提前交了可以早点答辩的~我不记得我读硕士的时候有统一的答辩时间,反正我是交完了论文,然后跟导师联系答辩时间,然后导师找了个方便的时间给我答辩英国的硕士研究生一般来说有两次答辩的机会,如果没有通过,第二次重修,假如还是没有通过就拿不到硕士学位了,学校就会发给你一个diploma,就是结业证书。这个diploma在国内基本不认可,一般外企国企,公务员,事业单位,还有落户等等都是不承认这个diploma的,所以在英国读硕士一定要好好学习

不多。英国的研究生顺利毕业时间为一年或者一年半。九月份入学的学生,通常学习时间为一年;而一月份入学的学生,学习一年半的居多。具体来讲,普通英国的研究生分为两个学期授课,一个学期写毕业论文。一个学期的时间为三到四个月左右,比如九月开学,一直会上课到圣诞节,圣诞节交完作业以后,这一学期便结束。第二个学期一般从一月中旬开始,到四月底或五月初结束。一月份入学的学生会加入上一年九月的学生一起学习,也就是说,这是一月份入学学生的第一学期。五月的时候,对于九月入学的学生来说,已经完成两个学期的授课学习,接下来就是写毕业论文。 毕业论文一般要求八月底之前交,九月出成绩。如果授课时期没有挂科,加上毕业论文通过,便可以算是毕业了,时间为一年。但是,对于一月份入学的学生来说,五月份的时候只完成了一个学期的授课学习。这时,导师会询问你是否选择现在开始写毕业论文。如果不写论文,那此时就是暑假,等着九月份开学再开始上第二学期的课。第二年一月份完成第二学期授课学习后,开始写论文。论文一般在五月初交,六月拿到成绩。如果没有挂科,加毕业论文通过,那就毕业了,时间为一年半。一月份入学的学生也有机会一年毕业,那就是,五月份的时候放弃享受暑假,开始写毕业论文,八月底交。如果毕业论文通过,等到九月份开学,上到第二年的一月,没有挂科,就可以毕业了。延期毕业的情况就是挂科和毕业论文未通过。一般挂科是有一次机会补考或者重修的,毕业论文未通过,还是可以拿到毕业证,但是没有学位证。



每个学生毕业都是要写论文的,相当于一个总结。只是专业不同,理工科一般是毕业设计,要自已设计一套系统(各专业要求不一样),比如软件专业要设计一个程序或者是某个小型数据库之类的,再来证明其可行性,理论基础等。由此形成的对于这个设计的解释性文字就是毕业论文。 如果是文科专业的,就没有毕业设计,只有毕业论文了。

Critical Thought PaperThe sexual health care services in Shanghai, China, has been shown some progress in sexual health care by offering more service and mainly for free for people living around. This research will integrate some Chinese societal elements, such as traditional Chinese values as well as the changing of values to analyze how Shanghai is take an effort in providing sexual health care. It will also discuss how Shanghai is treating LGBTQ+ publicly. Meanwhile, the department of Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention has provided some free services with other sectors of health care in China, such as community health hospitals. This important sector will be analyzed in detail to illustrate the health care services that people can get access in Shanghai can get condoms in multiple ways. Since “Condoms remain the best form of simultaneous protection against sexually transited infections and unintended pregnancies” (Mullinax, et al., 2017, ), the ways of obtaining condoms are important in sexual health care. Any person in China is free to obtain some condoms from community health hospitals, which is not the only way that offers people condoms. In some hotels, they would provide free condoms or condoms at a fair price, such as several dollars for one box. Customers of hotels can get condoms in their rooms. But some hotels do not provide condoms in the room. Besides these special places. Compared with some western countries, there is no condom selling on China’s college campuses. When students need condoms, they can purchase from pharmacies, doctors at a normal hospital, and online shops, or get condoms from community health hospitals at no cost. The developed take-out service in China also enables Chinese customers to buy condoms or other related products online and the products will be delivered within about half an hour by delivers. This service is mainly provided in urban areas where the take-out service is well developed in China. This service can proceed in a kind of secret way where the deliverers would not know what the products are when they are packaged in a sealed box or bag by a pharmacy. The delivers can provide fast delivery service to meet the needs of customers. Since deliverers can normally reach the house from the house without the influences of the pandemic, the customers can receive an effective service especially when they do not want to go out and buy some condoms from a pharmacy at was well-known for its one-child policy, which put pressure on people to learn birth control. As one important normal approach to achieve this goal, community health hospitals have been the main places to provide people with free condoms. The community health hospitals also take the responsibility to provide sexual health care information to the people living around them. Since there are a large number of community health hospitals in China locate in every small community, the doctors in community health hospitals can offer more personalized and more private services for people who demand sexual health care information. The public hospitals provide services of STI/HIV test, which will normally cost like 10 US dollars, which is affordable for almost all the people who demand such a test. China also announced recently to reduce the tariff on HIV medicines, lowering the cost for consumers. The public hospitals in China have the authority to provide STI/HIV tests. Meanwhile, the public hospital is easy to find in urban areas. In rural areas, there is no such institute to provide STI/HIV we have learned in class that HPV ranks the first in STI prevalence as well as incidents in the United States, it is worthy to discuss how Chinese people are coping with HPV. In recent five years, with increasing knowledge of HPV among the public, there is a huge demand for HPV vaccines. With this demand, the country is trying to import more HPV vaccines and some domestic universities have produced domestic HPV vaccines. The supplies of them could not normally meet the large demands in many cities. Even though both men and women can get HPV vaccines, in China, females are the main group to demand HPV vaccines. In many cities, they have to make appointments after months to get one shot. Meanwhile, the price for HPV vaccines is much higher than many common vaccines in China. One shot of four price HPV vaccine would cost about 500 US dollars. A nine-price HPV vaccine shot could cost about 900 US dollars and even more as it is highly demanded with a low supply. This phenomenon illustrates that more Chinese females are aware of the importance of the HPV is studied that “HPV transmission via sex toys may be feasible” (Anderson, et al., 2014, ), showing the importance of mind the sanitation of sexual toys. However, in China, there can be no instruction provided by public health services concerning sex toys. Since traditional Chinese values do not consider sexual activities is a decent thing to talk about, the health information about sexual activities is not educated to the public. Sexual toys, as new products in China in recent years, are likely to be neglected when doctors are trying to educate some patients about sexual health care. Even Chinese doctors could be shy to talk about sexual toys as they are maintained within a certain group of consumers. The public lacks information about sexual toys. Even in Shanghai, a modern city of China, the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention does not provide any information about sexual toys on its website (Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention, 2021).LGBTQ+ is not openly accepted in Shanghai. Although many Western countries have allowed LGBTQ+, there is no public authority that shows an acceptance to it which can be seen from the marriage law. The marriage law has not made any modifications to allow LGBTQ+ couples. At the same time, the public does not show public acceptance of it. There are fewer LGBTQ+ movements in Shanghai than in America, which might be one of the reasons why Chinese society does not witness rapid development in LGBTQ+. Privately, there are many people who belong to LGBTQ+. Although they are not publicly accepted, they can normally go on streets like a couple without many biases in Shanghai since Shanghai is keeping to open to new ideas and new phenomenon. Nevertheless, this situation might be different in rural areas of China where elderly people normally hold traditional beliefs by considering LGBTQ+ abnormal. This has become a problem and an obstacle for some families which have children who belong to LGBTQ+. The development of LGBTQ+ is slow proceeding in current a conclusion, sexual health service is provided in many forms in Shanghai. The supply of condoms has multiples approaches where consumers can purchase, such as via the internet, take-out service, public hospitals, hotels. Community health hospitals also provide condoms for free, which are easy to find in communities. The test of STI/HIV is provided in public hospitals at a fair cost, about 10 US dollars. The public also shows an awareness of HPV by presenting a huge demand for imported HPV vaccines. Sexual toys are however hard to be mentioned in Shanghai while people hold a traditional value considering it is kind of unusual. Even doctors would be shy to talk about them. Moreover, LGBTQ+ has not been accepted by the public in Shanghai until , T. A., Schick, V., Herbenick, D., Dodge, B., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2014). A study of human papillomavirus on vaginally inserted sex toys, before and after cleaning, among women who have sex with women and men. Sexually transmitted infections, 90(7), , M., Sanders, S., Dennis, B., Higgins, J., Fortenberry, J. D., & Reece, M. (2017). How condom discontinuation occurs: interviews with emerging adult women. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(4-5), Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention. (2021). “Sexual Disease Prevention”. Retrieved from:

取决于学校和学习科目。有的研究项目就是出报告。有的实习项目就是实习报告。都需要写毕业论文。如需留学培训推荐选择myOffer留学。留学培训是一种有组织留学知识、语言技能的培训,在使学生了解出国考试的必备能力及准备方法的同时,为学生能够尽快适应到国外的语言环境、文化风俗,更好的在国外学习和生活作准备。myOffer留学作为一个颠覆传统留学模式的全信息化、自动化申请平台,其线下的资深留学导师都是曾就读、就职于海外高等学府的教授、讲师以及优秀留学生,基于完整、透明的全球大学专业数据库以及1对1的个性指导,让全球跨境留学生的申请更加理性、高效。【测一测你能上哪所海外大学?】 想要了解更多关于留学的相关信息,推荐选择myOffer留学。myOffer留学打造了一支成熟、稳定且均有3-8年以上丰富行业经验的导师团队,通过精细模块化作业以及线上+线下双线服务模式,已成功将5万余名、超过100个国籍的学生输送到心仪的海外大学,并为数以千计的学生创造了前往众多国际知名企业的实习机会。








只要是正式大学,任何专业都要写毕业论文 除非是野鸡大学 那种大学的文凭得不到国家的认可 只需拿钱买一个就行 就不用写毕业论文





在英国就读本科阶段,前面的课程都已经通过,却因为最后的大论文不过关导致不能顺利毕业确实是一件很可惜的事情,但是也是有办法可以觉得。下面是我的一些建议,仅供题主参考:1、解决办法一:向院校申诉,或者转学。异国他乡,“环境”绝对是不可忽视的因素。只有选择适合自己的生活学习的环境,真正融入当下的生活,才有可能开发出自身未知的可能性,发挥自身潜能去吸收新的东西。所以转学,绝对是把自己从“水深火热”之中解救出来的办法之一。2、解决办法二:申请硕士院校。时间对于很多人来说无论从金钱还是时间还是精神上来说都是巨大的考验,甚至可以说是“折磨”, 同时如果还要继续回到之前的学院“故地重游”,我想对于绝大多数人来说都是不愿接受的/涌。互铭/而排除“本科未毕业”的这个难题,去直接申请硕士的院校,无论是从时间金钱还是精神压力上来说似乎都是一个值得的选择。3、解决办法三:回国人员证明留学国外的生活并不是像在朋友圈里面看起来那么多姿多彩的,那个国家里发生的故事或许已经对生活蒙上了一层纱。如果不愿意再去面对,其实找渠道做回国人员证明也是一条行得通的路,至少证明自己有留学经历,也不会让自己这些年付出的所有心血白费。





如果您在桑德兰大学本科阶段的论文未能过关,导致不能毕业,您需要采取以下措施:1. 理性分析情况首先,您需要冷静分析自己的情况,寻找出导致论文未过的原因,并尝试着找到解决方案。您可以向课程老师或导师咨询,了解论文要求和评分标准,然后对照自己的论文,找到薄弱环节,并采取相应的措施进行改进。2. 查看学校政策您需要了解桑德兰大学的政策,包括是否允许补交或重新提交论文来达到毕业要求等。您需要与学校的学生服务中心联系,询问相关事宜,并咨询是否有其他解决方案。3. 接受学校提供的支持桑德兰大学拥有完善的学生支持机制,您可以寻求学生服务中心提供的相关支持,包括学术支持、个人辅导和心理健康支持等。在此过程中,您可向老师和导师请教建议,了解如何提高论文质量,并得到更好的成绩。4. 寻找外部帮助您还可以寻求外部的学术支持和辅导帮助,例如找到一位有相关领域经验的论文撰写专家进行指导,或是加入学术论坛,向其他背景相似的学生寻求帮助和建议。总之,在处理这个问题时,冷静下来并与学校和其他相关人员取得联络是非常重要的。桑德兰大学提供了许多资源和支持工具来帮助学生度过这个难关,并成功完成学业。在保持积极态度的同时,您需要不断努力,改进论文,争取有更好的结果。



不要单独使用thisWhen the journalist wrote the report, he wasn’t aware the driver had left the scene of a serious has created an unfortunate situation.大家看这个句子,你能看出this指的是什么吗?既可以理解为“这个记者不留神”,也可以理解为“司机的逃逸行为”。那么应该如何避免这种歧义呢?答案就是不要单独使用this,而是应该搭配一个所要指代的名词。如果this指的是“记者不留神”,就把this换成“This lack of awareness…”如果this指的是“司机的逃逸行为”,就把this换成“This driver behaviour…”

尽可能少使用.和 suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, ., pollution.看到这个句子,可能我们一般会想到两种不同的理解:I suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, this is, suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, for example, pollution.但到底是哪一个呢?其实:.是拉丁语 id est 的缩写,意为that is(即). 是拉丁语exempli gratia 的缩写,意为for example(例)既然容易让人误解,那在写作中就尽量不使用,而是使用“that is”和“for example”。

注意多个短语产生的歧义Dave is working on a project plan. He will mail it to you to proofread by April 1st.看这个句子,4月1号那天到底是谁要去干什么呢?既可以理解为Dave把项目书发给you,也可以理解为you来校订项目计划书。如果是第一个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project plan, which he will mail you. Please proofread it by April 1st.如果是第二个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project will mail it to you by April 1st so that you can proofread it.

不要混淆代词的单复数为了表达的更清晰,确保they, their, our指代的是复数的东西,如果不是的话最好重写句子。错误表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. They include the itinerary(行程).They指代的是什么呢?这个they的使用就是混淆了代词的数。正确的表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. The guidebook includes the is a guidebook, which includes the itinerary, at each guest’s table.

避免弱逻辑的陈述你的句子要支撑起你文章的论点,它们应当是简洁和逻辑严密的,不要写一个被普遍接受的、不需要争辩的观点。例如,不要写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever recorded.相反,你可以这样写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever due to human activity.这个句子陈述了一个论点,加上支撑的观点会使你的论证更加严密。

避免教条的语气教条的主张是指那些以一种自负的方式陈述你的观点的主张。例如:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives must be what drives the program experience.这个句子中使用了“must”这个词,给人一种命令的感觉,这就是教条的语气,写作中应当避免这样的语气。应该这样写:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives should be what drives the program experience.上面句子中的“must”换成了“should”,命令教条式的语气就变成了建议的语气,这样就会好很多。




我不知道你是那所学校,我是华威去年硕士毕业的。强烈建议你不要回国 我觉得真没必要 写好论文答辩完毕再回国不是更好吗 我的导师前年一共带了8个学生,只有一个毕业论文FAIL了。原因就是这个人回国了。她的理由的不明白为什么要回去,也没有好的理由,因为这段时间是让学生写论文的,不是放假的。

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