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毕业论文英文摘要是对毕业论文研究内容、方法、结果和结论的简要概括,通常包括以下几个部分:1. 研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的背景和相关研究现状,说明本研究的意义和价值。2. 研究目的:明确研究的目的、问题或假设。3. 研究方法:简要介绍研究采用的方法、数据来源、样本及实验设计等。4. 研究结果:简要总结研究所得到的主要结果和发现。5. 结论与意义:总结研究的主要结论,并说明其在学术和实践领域的意义和价值。下面是一个毕业论文英文摘要的范例:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Consumer BehaviorAbstract: This study explores the impact of social media on consumer behavior. With the rapid development of social media in recent years, it has become an important platform for consumers to obtain information, communicate and make purchases. In order to investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior, this study conducted a survey of 500 consumers in China, and analyzed the data using SPSS software. The results show that social media has a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth communication. In addition, social media also affects the way consumers perceive product quality and brand image. The findings of this study have important implications for marketers and businesses, providing insights into how social media can be used to effectively influence consumer behavior and enhance brand : Social media, Consumer behavior, Purchase decision, Brand loyalty, Word-of-mouth communication需要注意的是,英文摘要应该简洁明了、语言通顺、逻辑清晰,突出研究的重点和创新点,同时避免太过于细节和专业术语。建议在写作前多参考相关领域的论文摘要,以提高摘要的质量和规范性。

去淘宝网找一找 很多的 连原文及翻译都有 我的毕业论文的翻译就是买的





























































①首行居中打印论文英文标题(Times New Roman四号加粗)

②下空一行居中打印英文单词“Abstract”(Times New Roman小四号加粗)。

③下空一行打印摘要内容(Times New Roman小四,倍行距,两端对齐)

④摘要内容后下空一行打印“Key Words”( Times New Roman 小四号加 粗),其后接着打印关键词(3-7个关键词,Times New Roman小四号)。除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写。各关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。


Self-Knowledge of Emma




Emma lives in a quite simple environment. When she is a little child, her mother dies and she is spoiled by her father. Having such a background, Emma is dominant, aggressive and imaginative. After she experiences the two major affairs in her life----the relationship with Harriet and her emotion towards Mr. Knightley, she realizes her own faults and acquires self-knowledge of both moral faults and emotion.

After Emma fails to be a match-maker of Harriet and Mr. Knightley, she comes to know that feelings can not be imagined and that she should not force her own idea on others’ mind. And this is the very beginning of Emma’s self-knowledge.


Key Words: Emma; characters; match-making; self-knowledge


A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference between Chinese and English


Word is the product of society,which is the history of mankind and which is the crystallization of history and embodied a nation's social consciousness from generation to generation, history, culture, and other areas all the features of human society. The essence of which is dependent because of their different cultural background, language background and traditional factors above. chinese and english are quite as mode of living,values,atandard of behavior,formality,customs. Language is is both the carrier and the product of culture, the cultural enrichment of information is an important part of culture, Language reflects the culture of development and changes, but also a direct reflection of the cultural we all know china and english has different cultural atmosphere .china has a long history and rich culture. English in the contemporary world political, economic, cultural and other fields to play with temporary no other language can replace the role of English in a number of countries in addition to the mother tongue but also as a second language or foreign language in common use in many countries. As a symbol system, "English" is a kind of language, on their use, in today's world there are all sorts of "English" and "English" is in fact the name of a simple terms, we can not hope that justice Literal It is a single, homogeneous phenomenon it is all around the world and under different circumstances the use of the many variants of the English pool. However, due to geographical, historical, cultural, and social customs of different factors such as the impact of today's visit to English furniture has evolved into a wider impact on the two variants of the worldwide English, which is British English and American English. With the development of their own language, their own characteristics of the formation, and there are differences between. In American English and British English, is concerned about the characteristics of the "norms" word. In this paper, the British and American English in origin and development of a simple introduction, the United Kingdom and the United States in terms of language study and to explore differences in the two English-speaking characteristics and differences, the right to express and enrich the relevant knowledge of English, improve application English ability.

Key word: dependent; culture; atmosphere





毕业论文英文摘要是对毕业论文研究内容、方法、结果和结论的简要概括,通常包括以下几个部分:1. 研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的背景和相关研究现状,说明本研究的意义和价值。2. 研究目的:明确研究的目的、问题或假设。3. 研究方法:简要介绍研究采用的方法、数据来源、样本及实验设计等。4. 研究结果:简要总结研究所得到的主要结果和发现。5. 结论与意义:总结研究的主要结论,并说明其在学术和实践领域的意义和价值。下面是一个毕业论文英文摘要的范例:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Consumer BehaviorAbstract: This study explores the impact of social media on consumer behavior. With the rapid development of social media in recent years, it has become an important platform for consumers to obtain information, communicate and make purchases. In order to investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior, this study conducted a survey of 500 consumers in China, and analyzed the data using SPSS software. The results show that social media has a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth communication. In addition, social media also affects the way consumers perceive product quality and brand image. The findings of this study have important implications for marketers and businesses, providing insights into how social media can be used to effectively influence consumer behavior and enhance brand : Social media, Consumer behavior, Purchase decision, Brand loyalty, Word-of-mouth communication需要注意的是,英文摘要应该简洁明了、语言通顺、逻辑清晰,突出研究的重点和创新点,同时避免太过于细节和专业术语。建议在写作前多参考相关领域的论文摘要,以提高摘要的质量和规范性。



毕业论文是指高等学校(或某些专业)为对本科学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前撰写的论文,有规定的论文排版。那么毕业论文如何排版呢?一起了解下吧。 !!此处使用的是Microsoft office 365的Word文档。

作者姓名(五号,宋体,居中) 单位名称(五号宋体,居中,含地址邮箱) 摘要:单个段落,字数不多于250个,五号字。摘要(三句话:1、文章意义;2、文章主要内容,包括主要思想,方法,结论;3、成果应用领域,意义) 关键词:5号字小写,不超过5个词。 英文名称:小四TimesNewRoman字体,加粗,内容与中文对应 英文摘要:五号TimesNewRoman字体,内容与中文摘要对应 关键词:与中文关键词对应 1.一级标题,小四宋体, 加粗,左对齐 二级标题,五号宋体加粗,左对齐 其实每个学校都有自己的固定范本,此处用比较通用的举例。

中文摘要用第三人称编写,简短精炼,明确具体。摘要格式要规范,不能出现本文、论文等类似字样,不能出现数学公式、插图、表格、参考文献序号等。摘要中应用黑体明确列述该文的创新点(新理论,新观点,新技术,新工艺等等),以便于创新性知识的发现,提取和评价。英文摘要同中文一致,创新点用斜体标出(宋体、小四)。 关键词(黑体、小四、加粗,左对齐):词1;词2;词3(宋体,小四,要求3-8个,用分号隔开) 页眉:奇数页页眉,居中,宋体,五号,填写内容为“XXX学院学士学位论文”。偶数页页眉居中,宋体,五号,论文中文题目。

Abstract(小四、Times New Roman体、加粗),然后衔接英文摘要部分。 Key words(小四、Times New Roman体、加粗):word1; word2; word3(小四、Times New Roman体,一律小写,英文缩写除外)。

在工具栏中选择【引用】-【目录】,挑选自己想要的格式即可。 若目录标题不够则可以在【目录】旁添加1、2、3级标题。

二级标题式样(小四、黑体、加粗、左对齐) 三级标题式样(小四、宋体、加粗、左对齐) 正文内容。(小四,宋体,倍行距,字符不缩放,字符间距为“标准”;参考文献标识符号[1],方括号加数字,小四,Times New Roman,上标表示;所有数字和英文全部为Times New Roman字;除目录可适当调整行距外,其他部分全部为倍行距。页面上下边距为,左右边距为;中英文题目、摘要和关键词页面用罗马数字注页码,其他部分用阿拉伯数字注页码,页码为页脚标识,六号、宋体、居中。) 表(一律用三线表) 表 表的名称(表序分两级,小四、宋体、加粗、居中) 表内文字:小四号、宋体、上下左右居中 注(五号、宋体、加黑):内容(五号、宋体),有多条注释,用“①、②……”分列。

二级标题式样(小四、黑体、加粗、左对齐) 三级标题式样(小四、宋体、加粗、左对齐)


引言作为学术论文正文的起始部分,其撰写的好与坏直接关系到读者是否愿意或考虑是否有必要继续将文章阅读下去。 每段落首行缩进2字,或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2字,字体使用宋体。




每节的节标题选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题2”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:四号,倍行距,段后为0,段前行。 节中的一级标题选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题3”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:小四,倍行距,段后为0,段前行。

分隔可用word文档中的分隔符自动插入。 找到菜单栏中的【布局】-【分隔符】,选择自己需要的分隔选项即可。

举个例子:如图,表,附注,公式等。文中参考文献采用阿拉伯数字根据全文统一编号,在正文中引用时在右上角标出。 附录中的图、表、附注、参考文献、公式另行编号。 直接使用插入脚注就可以在右上角进行标记。


期刊文献的著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者、文献题名[文献类型标识]、刊名、年、卷(期):起止页码(五号、宋体)。

普通图书(专著)的著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者、书名[文献类型标识].、其他责任者(选择项)、版本(第1版不标注)、出版地:出版者,出版年:页码(选择项)。 析出文献的著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者、析出文献题名[文献类型标识] 、 编者、原文献名、出版地:出版者、出版年:析出文献起止页码。 学位论文的著录格式:[序号] 作者、题名:[文献类型标识].保存地:保存者、年份。 报纸文章的著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者、文献题名[文献类型标识]、报纸名,出版日期(版次)。

专利文献的著录格式:[序号] 专利申请者、专利题名[文献类型标识]、专利国别、专利号,出版日期。 技术标准(规范)的著录格式:[序号] 起草责任者、标准代号标准顺序号—发布年 、标准名称[文献类型标识]、出版地:出版者,出版年(也可略去起草责任者、出版地、出版者和出版年)。 各种未定义类型文献的著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者、文献题名[Z]、出版地:出版者,出版年。 外文文献的引用格式:各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文格式相同,其中题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母应大写,为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差。 用(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例如[1] KANAMORI H. Shaking without Quaking [J]. Science (S0036-8075), 1998, 279: 2063。

附录2: 附录3: 以上单独成页

感谢院系领导 感谢指导老师 以上单独成页



1、 需填写的项目由本人用碳素墨水手写或打印。

2、 封面上的毕业论文(设计)编号填写统一编排的'12位学号。

3、 届、班级均采用阿拉伯数字,班级应标明某级某班。

4、 用纸要求(以下所有用纸按此要求)




第二部分:目录 (单独用一页 对齐方式:两端对齐、倍行距)

目 录(标题三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中;)

摘要(关键词)(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………(页码)

英文摘要(关键词)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………………(页码)

致谢(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………………………………(页码)

………(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………………… (页码)

(一级标题)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………… (页码)

XXXXXX(二级标题)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………… (页码)

(三级标题) (小四号,Times New Roman)…………………………………… (页码)


参考文献(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………………………………(页码)


1. 文章标题:二号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中


2.中文摘要、关键词(中英文关键词、摘要段落:左右缩进2 个字符)






英文摘要标题Abstract:(小三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中)

英文摘要正文(小四号,Times New Roman,双倍行距)

英文关键词标题Key words:(小四号,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

英文关键词正文(小四号,Times New Roman,词间用逗号隔开)

第四部分: 主体部分

正文:论文正文都必须包括引言(introduction),正体、结束语 (conclusion)论点正确、逻辑性强、文理通顺、层次分明、表达确切。把实践结果上升到理论认识或应用理论的高度,最终解决实际问题,并提出自己的见解和观点;

1. 前言标题(三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

前言内容(小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用倍行距)




1 XXXX(一级标题)



一级标题(三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

二级标题(四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

三级标题(小四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)


正文用小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用倍行距


正文中图、表均需编排序号,有图、表题目及说明(五号、Times New Roman),如table 。

4.每页页脚居中注明页码, 页码起始 从Introduction 部分开始第1页。页眉设置要求:居中,以小5号字宋体键入“辽宁对外经贸学院毕业论文”。页眉从正文页开始设置,到参考文献部分结束,包括参考文献部分。封底不加页眉。

第五部分: 参考文献(三号、宋体、加粗、顶格)


第六部分: 致 谢(三号、Times New Roman、居中、单独一页)

致谢内容(小四号、Times New Roman)




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Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to explore the core competitiveness of the summary, China's small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises by the rapid development of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises in national economic development played an increasingly important role in the survival of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the development of more and more people Concern. The next era is the era of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, a dynamic small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises will continue to play its operating flexibility comfortable, convenient sales, cash flow flexibility, and other advantages in the competitive market economy in our own place, and China's economy to inject new vitality into the in development have their own advantages, but also faced a series of issues, the SMEs face a prominent issue is the lack of competitiveness, in particular the general lack of core competitiveness. The future market competition will be the core competitiveness of the competition. Since last year based on international and domestic trade the deterioration of the environment, this year's trade situation is very grim. China's SMEs to the plight of growth, expansion, able to compete successfully in the market, it must continue to nurture and build their core competitiveness, to enhance its capacity for sustainable development, enhance its international competitiveness on the market .This paper on small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises on the importance of the national economy, followed on the current trading environment that foster and enhance core competitiveness of the necessity and secondly through the core competitiveness of the overall outline for the research papers provide the basis for theoretical basis and Guidance; Third, analysis of China's small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the core competitiveness of the current situation and existing problems; fourth, to small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the core competitiveness of nurturing way and the implementation of specific measures. Finally, the article discusses the issue made a concluding. Key words: small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises; core competitiveness and nurture
















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④摘要内容后下空一行打印“Key Words”( Times New Roman 小四号加 粗),其后接着打印关键词(3-7个关键词,Times New Roman小四号)。除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写。各关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。


Self-Knowledge of Emma




Emma lives in a quite simple environment. When she is a little child, her mother dies and she is spoiled by her father. Having such a background, Emma is dominant, aggressive and imaginative. After she experiences the two major affairs in her life----the relationship with Harriet and her emotion towards Mr. Knightley, she realizes her own faults and acquires self-knowledge of both moral faults and emotion.

After Emma fails to be a match-maker of Harriet and Mr. Knightley, she comes to know that feelings can not be imagined and that she should not force her own idea on others’ mind. And this is the very beginning of Emma’s self-knowledge.


Key Words: Emma; characters; match-making; self-knowledge


A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference between Chinese and English


Word is the product of society,which is the history of mankind and which is the crystallization of history and embodied a nation's social consciousness from generation to generation, history, culture, and other areas all the features of human society. The essence of which is dependent because of their different cultural background, language background and traditional factors above. chinese and english are quite as mode of living,values,atandard of behavior,formality,customs. Language is is both the carrier and the product of culture, the cultural enrichment of information is an important part of culture, Language reflects the culture of development and changes, but also a direct reflection of the cultural we all know china and english has different cultural atmosphere .china has a long history and rich culture. English in the contemporary world political, economic, cultural and other fields to play with temporary no other language can replace the role of English in a number of countries in addition to the mother tongue but also as a second language or foreign language in common use in many countries. As a symbol system, "English" is a kind of language, on their use, in today's world there are all sorts of "English" and "English" is in fact the name of a simple terms, we can not hope that justice Literal It is a single, homogeneous phenomenon it is all around the world and under different circumstances the use of the many variants of the English pool. However, due to geographical, historical, cultural, and social customs of different factors such as the impact of today's visit to English furniture has evolved into a wider impact on the two variants of the worldwide English, which is British English and American English. With the development of their own language, their own characteristics of the formation, and there are differences between. In American English and British English, is concerned about the characteristics of the "norms" word. In this paper, the British and American English in origin and development of a simple introduction, the United Kingdom and the United States in terms of language study and to explore differences in the two English-speaking characteristics and differences, the right to express and enrich the relevant knowledge of English, improve application English ability.

Key word: dependent; culture; atmosphere







今天给童鞋们详细说明在毕业论文中,中英文摘要的格式及字体要求。当你的毕业论文初稿完成,建议通过papertime论文查重工具进行初稿查重及修改降重。中文摘要部分的标题为“摘要”,用黑体三号字居中。摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,两端对齐,汉字用宋体,外文字用Times New Roman体。



英文摘要部分的标题为“Abstract”,用Times New Roman体三号字加粗。摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman体字书写,两端对齐,标点符号用英文标点符号。“Key Words”与中文摘要部分的关键词对应;每个关键词的每个英文单词的第一个英文字母应大写;每个关键词之间空四个英文字符宽度,不用逗号或其他符号间隔。



毕业论文英文摘要是对毕业论文研究内容、方法、结果和结论的简要概括,通常包括以下几个部分:1. 研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的背景和相关研究现状,说明本研究的意义和价值。2. 研究目的:明确研究的目的、问题或假设。3. 研究方法:简要介绍研究采用的方法、数据来源、样本及实验设计等。4. 研究结果:简要总结研究所得到的主要结果和发现。5. 结论与意义:总结研究的主要结论,并说明其在学术和实践领域的意义和价值。下面是一个毕业论文英文摘要的范例:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Consumer BehaviorAbstract: This study explores the impact of social media on consumer behavior. With the rapid development of social media in recent years, it has become an important platform for consumers to obtain information, communicate and make purchases. In order to investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior, this study conducted a survey of 500 consumers in China, and analyzed the data using SPSS software. The results show that social media has a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth communication. In addition, social media also affects the way consumers perceive product quality and brand image. The findings of this study have important implications for marketers and businesses, providing insights into how social media can be used to effectively influence consumer behavior and enhance brand : Social media, Consumer behavior, Purchase decision, Brand loyalty, Word-of-mouth communication需要注意的是,英文摘要应该简洁明了、语言通顺、逻辑清晰,突出研究的重点和创新点,同时避免太过于细节和专业术语。建议在写作前多参考相关领域的论文摘要,以提高摘要的质量和规范性。

Abstract:This work is to study the concept of "Green Logistics", its background and its social values. It also analyzes supply chain management of the Green Logistics. With booming economical developments, as well as developments of human material civilization, global resources are reducing on daily basis. The environment that human being relying on is facing menaces. Under the situation, the "Green Logistics" became the new trend in 1990s. With its objective to be renewable, "Green Logistics" is growing strong and permeating into many aspects of today's society. Being a strongly generalizing and interrelated industry, model logistics is a fundamental of domestic economy of every country. Because of the increasing logistics volumes, revolution of logistics management and industrial sizes of logistical equipment, logistics management's effects on ecological environment are becoming heftier. With all the above mentioned needs, the developed countries have created the concept of "Green Logistics".Keywords: Environment, logistics, green logistics, green supply chain.

Korchina Logistics Group is a young and reliable Logistic Provider. Since established in 1994, Korchina has grown up very actively. Currently Korchina has 25 Logistics Branches over the worlds, 3 Airlines GSA offices and 4 subsidiary companies in field of Trading, Insurance Brokerage, Newspaper Publishing and E-Goods Maintenance Service. Also more than 500 Korchina staff is ready to serve you at anytime & anywhere. Korchina Group’s Service Sprit is displayed in our Mott – We want to be your Logistics Solution. Korchina’s Logistics Consulting Team always provides you with Tailor-Made Service and optimum cost. We believe that our effort will become your Group HistoryKorchina Group has very dynamic history. We started logistic business in 1994 under the name of Korchina Freight Limited. Since 1996 Korchina has been appointed as an cargo handling agent of Global enterprise such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, KEC, Microchips, Fujitsu etc. At this moment we are working for over 2,000 large & medium size enterprises. In 1997 Korchina has lunched Third Party Logistics with its Hong Kong Logistics. Hub. Currently we are operating 4 Distribution Centers in Hong Kong, Singapore Shenzhen and Shanghai. Also in 1997 Korchina set up its first branch in Singapore, and then in 1998 we opened three China branches in Shanghai, Qingdao and Shenzhen. In order to organize great Asian Network, Korchina expedited to set up overseas branches. So Guangzhou branch opened in 1999, and Taiwan & Thailand branches in 2000. In 1998 Korchina Group needed to cooperate with other logistics companies in Europe and USA and Korchina affiliated World Cargo Alliance which is Independent Forwarders’ Association. Also in 2001 Korchina has been registered as “IATA Approved Cargo Agent”. This means that our operation facility and manpower are matching with global standard. Starting from 1999, Korchina has been elected as one of key support agent to Korean Air, and we have maintained “Top Ten Agent Award” for the last 7 years. At present Korchina Group is supporting over 20 international airlines including Korean Air, Cathy Pacific, Polar Air, United Air, Air China and China Airlines and so on. With start of 2nd Millennium, Korchina Group took up establishment of much more overseas offices. So that Korchina opened Tianjin, Dalian and Xiamen branches in 2001, and Beijing, Ningbo, Yantai and Dongguan in 2003. Furthermore, we set up more Asian offices in Japan, Malaysia, Yantai branches in 2004, and Korchina Group explored USA, Cambodia, Suzhou branches in present of year 2006, Korchina Group has totally 14 branches in China, and 11 branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and United States. Therefore, Korchina is acting as one of the leading forwarder in this region. Service Scope of Korchina LogisticsKorchina has tried to provide total services to our respectable clients, and we are still expanding our service coverage. At present, Korchina handles all of logistics requirement, and your logistics dream will be converted into a real world. Our advanced service scope are ;- Logistics Consulting  Airfreight & Sea Freight Forwarding Airline General Sales Agency Air & Sea Cargo Consolidation Warehouse Management & Inventory Control Domestic & Worldwide Distribution Container Drayage & Cross-Border Trucking Cargo Insurance Agency Customs Brokerage  Worldwide Courier ServiceKorchina’s Unique Logistics SolutionKorchina’s Logistics Solution can be represented in three key words that are Tailor-Made Service, IT-Logistics and One Contact Solution. Tailor Made Service is that the customer’s demand turns into a real world of logistics flow. In order to design the Tailor Made Service, first of all, Korchina’s logistics consulting team studies production environment such as your manufacturing processing, product nature and production schedule. And then we review your supply chain of production material, delivery schedule, import & export cargo flow and your logistics requirement. When we successfully check all of production environment & logistics environment, then we can suggest Your Logistics Solution, that is Tailor-Made Service for only your company. IT-logistics is to exchange Shipping Information through internet world. Currently Korchina Group has completed our own IT Platform including Internet Booking, Cargo Tracing, Web-based Inventory Control and Electronic Document System. Through Korchina IT Platform, you can monitor actual flow of your shipment whenever you want, wherever you are. If you assign Korchina to handle your property, you can be comfortable because our Cyber office is next to your Contact Solution is to give you Easy Access to Korchina Network and Comprehensive Liability. Our One Contact Solution consists of One Network, One Payment Channel and One Responsible Party. Whenever or wherever you touch any Korchina Station or Global Customer Service Center, your shipping request will be in process smoothly. Our global networks will move your shipment safely and accurately, from origin to destination, under only one name of Korchina Logistics. This is the first step of One Contact Solution. Also Korchina is willing to be a Representative for One Payment Channel and One Responsible Party. On behalf of you, we will manage your multiple logistics partners, according to your instruction. You can appoint Korchina Group as One Payment Channel of all logistics expense. Furthermore, Korchina will act as One Responsible Party of your logistic accidents and cargo claim. When cargo claim or unexpected shipping error happen, Korchina Insurance & legal service team will quickly take action to prevent your property. This is the perfect aspect of One Contact Worldwide NetworkKorchina Logistics Group has expanded its worldwide network to maximize the customer’s benefit. At present Korchina has 25 Logistics Branches over the worlds, 3 Airlines GSA offices in Hong Kong, Korea and Cambodia. Korchina Head Office is located in Hong Kong, and Head Office provides our branches with diverse supporting in Management, Financing, Accounting, IT Innovation and Cargo Claim & Legal Advice. In Hong Kong and China territory, Korchina Group has been running 5 Regional Offices with 13 branches, that is, Bejing, Tianjin and Dailin belong to North China Regional Office. Qingao and Yantai belong to Shangdong Regional Office. Shanghai, Ningbo and Suzhou belong to East China Regional Office. Guangzhou and Xiamen belong to South China. And then Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan belongs to Greater Hong Kong Regional Office. In South West Asia, Korchina Group manages its own branch in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia. For the future 5 years, we will invest more fund and resource in this area. So this region will be Korchina Group’s next growth momentum, in link with Vietnam and India. In North East Asia, Korchina has branches in Taiwan, Japan and Korea. These countries are well industrialized with Electronics business, and the 3 branches are strategically very important to develop IT related cargo market. Especially our Korea office explores General Sales Agency business for online & offline air carriers. In United Stats, Korchina Group also expands its network. After opening Los Angel office in 2005, we are eager to increase Trans-pacific cargo from eastbound. We believe that Korchina will secure a new growth engine in this largest cargo ’s TodayLet’s take a look of Korchina’s current location. We have 26 Korchina Logistics Global Branches, working in Freight GCA Branches, acting as Airline’s General Service we have 4 subsidiary companies likeKorchina Insurance Agency, selling all Property Insurance TNC, providing Offshore Company Management & Digital Clinic Ltd, Providing Home Appliance Repair Journal, which is a local Weekly per business result of year 2005/2006, Korchina Group generated USD90 Million of Annual Sales Turnover and of Net we are proud of Korchina’s Working Culture. “Creative Mind & Innovation”, Korchina Group encourages all company members to have Creative Mind. It makes us review Trouble Shooting from different point of view. Further more, Innovation Concept requests us to change existing work procedure toward better efficiency & higher production. Korchina’s dream is to deliver “the best working formula” to you. And Korchina Logistics Group is always aiming Your you.




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