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毕业论文(graduation study),按一门课程计,是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。

从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行 科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。学生须在教师指导下,选定课题进行研究,撰写并提交论文。目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力;加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练;从总体上考查学生学习所达到的学业水平。





论文是一个汉语词语,拼音是lùn wén,古典文学常见论文一词,谓交谈辞章或交流思想。当代,论文常用来指进行各个学术领域的研究和描述学术研究成果的文章,简称之为论文。它既是探讨问题进行学术研究的一种手段,又是描述学术研究成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等。



1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。 4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。 5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。 6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。 帮你解决 ,,, 如有需+wo..... 指导完成 、。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

写作之前的思考:是学习阶段的终结还是新阶段的开始。考虑清楚。 一、毕业论文的总体熟悉 1、概念:毕业论文是有特定的审定标准的论文,对选题、中心论点、资料论据、框架结构、语言表述有明确的规定和要求。 2、对象:毕业论文是和专家的对话。不要写大段的作家生平、作品介绍,在最后答辩时同样要注重,陈述时不要介绍论文内容,而应该注重在为什么要写这篇论文、自己的创新点、局限性、不足这些地方。 3、标准和要求: 1)论点明确,要在3-5分钟之内能陈述清楚自己的论点。论点新奇论文可以达到优秀的水平。 2)中心突出,无论分几个方面说明,都要始终围绕中心主题。 3)论据充分,扎实。所找的材料要贴切论题,别人的评论、作家的自述、各家的论争、以前和现在的对这个论题所研究的结果都可以做论据。 4)思路清楚,结构合理。分段代表不同的思路,不同的层次。没有段落的文章不是好文章,反之,分段太多太碎的也不是好文章。分段不宜过多,3-5段。 5)表述要清楚明了。文字不要华丽,少用修辞手法,文章风格要质朴、清楚,语言要干净利落。 6)写作要规范。注释、引文要高度的严格,论点的提出要有依据,要做到学术规范。 7)要有新的角度、新的观点。 4、态度:要用全部的聪明和力量去完成,尽可能的查找一切的材料,要高度的重视、思考一切相关的问题,尽可能达到最大限度的深度和广度。 二、写作时注重的几个问题 1、选题(是至关重要的):决不是随便选一个题目的问题。选题是一个复杂而丰富的过程,是对自己以往学习的一个完整清理的过程。要认真回顾对哪些内容印象更深、更感爱好,哪些是有可能写的比较好的,可能会接触哪些材料。题目本身的大小难易不是问题,是并不重要的,要害在于怎么写。怎么写永远比写什么重要,任何半点突破都是有价值的,和别人的差异就是价值。论题举例: 古典中的现代和现代中的古典(有着哲学思辨的意味) 论钱钟书知识的围城 论沈从文笔下的湘西女神 徐志摩诗歌的文体特征 日记(书信)在现代小说中的运用 鲁迅作品中的民俗现象 以上都是论题独到、论点新奇的例子。下面举反例: 论艺术美与生活美(论题过大) 论朱自请的散文(论题过大) 论骆驼祥子和小福子的死(论题过小) 要从某一部作品顺带谈一个问题,选择一个角度来深入的讨论。 2、收集材料:材料的收集是一个思考的过程,要带着问题进行,要有明确的针对性,逐步的凝聚眼光、集中思路,其中要注重一大一小两个问题: 大:收集材料的过程是完成文献综述的过程。跟自己论题相关的成果有哪些,重要的观点、已经运用过的角度和方法、概括前人的观点,这是论文的有机组成部分,要放在论文的第一段来写。 小:要准确的记录材料的出处、出版社、时间、页数。 3、提提纲:提纲的逻辑关系、层次感对论文的步骤有直接关系。 4、初稿:初稿尽早尽快的写,要连贯,一气呵成,然后再进行修订。 5、修订:最后的修改和确定要放慢速度,仔细的斟酌、严谨的推敲,反复的打磨。 三、非凡需要主要的几个问题 1、论文的看法和观点要尽可能的客观、公允。持之有据,论之有理。有材料来支持,有逻辑性认同,避免随意性,不要轻易说一些过头、过大的话,更不要为了支持自己的论点而贬低其他的观点。涉及到对应关系的时候更要客观公允。 2、引文一定要规范。假如打了引号就要注明出处。要注明原出处,不要用时间差异太大的版本(比如引用五四时期的材料就要用五四时期出版的,不要用现代的),用正规的版本,尽可能的避免转引。 3、要写自己的感受、体会、感想,写自己的东西,不要七拼八凑。


China's pre-market thinking of the cold Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid growth of our economy and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China's thriving pre-school education. However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school market is one of them. With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China's pre-school education. This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of countermeasures. Key words: market market compulsory pre-school market

The thought process of network recruitment applied in the tourism business is quickly developing due to the advancements of telecommunication devices and technological improvement of the internet. As the internet is becoming more integrated into our daily lives, the tourism industry is also becoming familiar with it and is fully utilizing it for the management of labor and resources. The following dissertation will further expand your understanding regarding the unique characteristics and the bright future of the internet on the development of the tourism business in terms of it's advantages and disadvantages and potential to be fully pressed into service.

Recruitment network in the tourism industry of thinking, as the communication and electronic products and the formation of the rapid development of network technology, the Internet more and more in-depth people's lives; recruitment network in the tourism business in human resources management is widely used. In this paper, the characteristics of network technology recruitment, development prospects and recruitment network in the tourism industry in the application of the situation and their strengths and deficiencies in the application areas were also discussed

As everyone knows, the audit of CPA has become the whole social economic supervision system is an indispensable important part in such a great environment, accounting firms have become social and economic development services indispensable role. At present, in the service of Henan province most industrial and commercial enterprises accounting firm for the vast majority of small and medium-sized accounting firm. Therefore, visible in small and medium-sized accounting firm in the development of social economy of Henan province service work importance. This paper combines with the author 's small CPA firm 's actual situation, on small firms in the human resources management in humanistic management advantages and disadvantages in the aspects of the analysis and the it comes to humane management of the pros and cons, on one hand, any enterprises toward standardization development and promotion, it should not be, or should abandon the humanity this undesirable management way, replace sb. Is scientific and normalized management system ; on the other hand, under the influence of traditional Chinese culture : " employees first" and " people-oriented" as many companies advocating humane management concept, but in real work," people first " and " people-oriented" but there are a lot of places not just as one wishes, managers should be how to define "staff first " and " people-oriented" in the actual operation, how to correctly grasp the "staff the first" and " people-oriented" humane management, combined with the actual spread out to this problem were analyzed and discussed.


As things become increasingly frequent cultural exchanges and integration, as well as modern science and technology, culture, art, posters for the new concepts, posters increasingly focusing on the unique style of the rich character development and the design idea. Underwear modern poster design in the information ever want the market environment improving product visibility, do not forget to allow consumers to view, we must rely on "creativity." "Creative" advertising to target advertising for the creation of an unprecedented, fully reflect and meet certain people's emotional or substance of creative thinking. Through imagination, composition and creation process, will be targeting the potential for real property into the public can feel the concrete images. This paper first female to female consumer market and consumer psychology, conducted an investigation and analysis. Underwear bills creative inseparable from the market, the market is the source of creative inspiration. Only after sufficient market accumulation, there can be more collisions of thinking, creativity only have greater opportunities. Female underwear specific consumer products. posters in the design process must be fully aware of the group's structure and needs, the idea is to identify their characteristics, demand. Then according to the target consumer psychology to the point of seeking to design to meet the emotional needs of consumers. The article then focused on the analysis of contemporary underwear poster design status, creativity and cultural connotations. Now, China's underwear poster graphics performance of a single comparison, the majority of people-centered, but there are also unique. The bills reflect personality emerged. Unique underwear poster design must be based on the "new combination of old elements" of the creative principle, classical and modern combination do both compatible, "You are part of me, I have you." "Minimalism" graphics performance requirements, through such means for Reconstruction creation, to a strong visual impact results. Customized to the psychological feelings aroused their concern and sympathy, so as to achieve transfer product information, successful product marketing purposes. And the positioning of bills creative premise that only underwear bills positioning confirmed, to determine the content of the advertisements and advertising style. Advertising posters will be in the position to demonstrate the concept, given its deep cultural connotations, let the audience through advertising posters. understand where the author national and regional traditions, and understanding of traditional Chinese contain a modern design philosophy, truly "the only nation that is the world." Finally the article on graduation poster design process were discussed. From the point of design, design style, the tone design, the design performance practices, the way into the design and the design of the advertisement to conduct a detailed analysis, allowing readers to the author's creative concept of a deeper level of understanding and awareness.

Along with the East and West culture day by day frequent exchange and the fusion, as well as the modern science and technology, the culture, art, the new idea which brings to the handbill poster notice, the handbill poster notice more and more pays great attention to the unique style the development and the rich individuality idea design. The modern underwear handbill poster notice design wants in the information complex market environment to enhance the product well-knownness, achieves lets the consumer glance does not forget, must depend on to "the creativity". "The creativity" is the advertisement person one kind which carries on to the advertisement creation object unprecedented, fully reflected and satisfies people some kind of matter or the emotion creative thought. Through process and so on imagination, combination and creation, sublimates the advertisement object latent realistic attribute the embodiment which can feel for the social public. This article first has carried on the investigation and the analysis to the feminine expense market and the feminine consumer psychology. The underwear handbill poster notice creativity cannot leave the market, the market is the creativity inspiration origin. Only has the process enough market accumulation, can appear the more thoughts collision, the opportunity which the creativity produces is only then bigger. The female is the underwear product specific consumer, in the handbill poster notice design process must fully understand this community the structure and the need, discover their characteristic, the demand in the idea. Then seeks the design according to the goal consumer's psychology to cut into the spot, meets the consumer emotion needs. Then the article has analyzed now the underwear handbill poster notice design present situation, the creativity as well as the cultural connotation with emphasis. At present our country underwear handbill poster notice graph performance quite is unitary, most by person primarily, but also has establishes a new school, manifests the individuality handbill poster notice appearance. The original underwear handbill poster notice design must follow "the old element new combination" the creation principle, unifies classical and the modern age, achieves the two to be compatible, namely "in you has me, in me has you". Under "简约" the graph performance request, passes technique and so on overweight construction carries on the creation, in order to stronger visual impact effect. Caters to the consumer psychology feeling simultaneously to arouse their interest and the sympathetic chord, thus achieved the transmission product information, the success carries on the product promotion the goal. But locates is the handbill poster notice creativity premise, only has the underwear handbill poster notice the localization to determine, can determine the advertisement content and the advertisement style. Displays the handbill poster notice advertisement localization in the concept, simultaneously entrusts with its deep cultural connotation, lets the audiences through the handbill poster notice design, understood the author is at national and the local tradition, understood in the tradition contains the modern design idea, truly achieves "only has the nationality, is the world". Finally the article has carried on the discussion to the graduation handbill poster notice design flow. Cuts into the spot, the design style, the design main key, the design expression means, the design from the design cuts into the way as well as the design advertisement language carries on the detailed analysis, lets the reader have a deeper level to author's creativity idea the understanding and the understanding. Key word: Creativity consumer culture connotation localization 简约 heavy construction

Along with the people living standard unceasing enhancement, the digital control is one of without doubt goals which the people pursues, it the convenience which brings to the person also is cannot be denied, volume control is a typical example, but the people are more and more high to its request, must work, the scientific research for the modern people, the life, provides a better more convenient facility to need to obtain from the digital technology, all to the numerical control, the intellectualized control direction are developing. In the contemporary acoustic equipment, usually uses the potentiometer to carry on the volume control. When frequently carries on the volume control, also is easy to cause the potentiometer to wear appears the breakdown. Therefore, so long as changes the potentiometer adjustment by the machinery adjustment the digital adjustment, may avoid a series of breakdowns appearance which initiates because of the potentiometer attrition. The present paper is precisely in view of the above question, introduced one kind the digital volume control electric circuit which with d/a converter DAC0832, binary reversible counter 74L S193 and 555 timers designs, is controlled the rank to be possible to reach 256 levels, and the periphery electric circuit is extremely simple. Key word: Volume, electric circuit, digital signal, simulated signal

人类已经进入互联网时代,但相当多的青少年并不懂得如何利用网络资源,他们把时间荒废在形形式式的网络游戏之中。面对这样的困境,无论是教育界人士还是网络游戏运营商都应当承担起责任——于是有人创造性地提出了“教育型网络游戏”这一概念。然而严肃教育与娱乐游戏之间总有难以调和的鸿沟,若能创造性地处理这些矛盾,不仅在教育界是一种突破,让千万青少年得以享受快乐的学习过程,而且也能让游戏运营商在获得声誉的同时从中赢利。本文第一部分探讨了网络教育游戏的现状和在我国的发展前景,并提出面临的问题;第二部分简述了商业模式及其要素的概念,从而使其引入到对网络教育游戏的分析上;第三部分则对国内几款富有特色的网络教育游戏进行了分析比较,突出其商业模式的优劣之处;最后是总结和展望,试图为网络、教育、游戏和商业之间寻找良好的结合点提供参考依据和理论支持。 The humanity already entered the Internet time, but quite many young people did not understand how using the network resource, they to leave uncultivated the time during the shape form-like network game. Facing such difficult position, therefore regardless of were the educational circles public figures or the network game operators must undertake the responsibility - - some people creatively to propose “the education network game” this concept. However educates the gap which seriously and between the arcade game always has compromises with difficulty, if can creatively process these contradictions, not only in the educational circles is one kind of breakthrough, lets the young people be able to enjoy the joyful learning process surely, moreover can also let the game operator while obtain the prestige the profit. This article first part has discussed the network education game's present situation and in our country's prospects for development, and proposes faced with question; The second part has summarized the business model and the essential factor concept, thus causes it to introduce to the network education game's analysis in; The third part has carried on the analysis comparison to the domestic several section of rich characteristic's network education game, highlights its business model place of the fit and unfit quality; Finally summarizes and the predict that attempts for between the network, the education, the game and the trade seeks for the good combining site to provide the reference and the theory support.


As everyone knows, the audit of CPA has become the whole social economic supervision system is an indispensable important part in such a great environment, accounting firms have become social and economic development services indispensable role. At present, in the service of Henan province most industrial and commercial enterprises accounting firm for the vast majority of small and medium-sized accounting firm. Therefore, visible in small and medium-sized accounting firm in the development of social economy of Henan province service work importance. This paper combines with the author 's small CPA firm 's actual situation, on small firms in the human resources management in humanistic management advantages and disadvantages in the aspects of the analysis and the it comes to humane management of the pros and cons, on one hand, any enterprises toward standardization development and promotion, it should not be, or should abandon the humanity this undesirable management way, replace sb. Is scientific and normalized management system ; on the other hand, under the influence of traditional Chinese culture : " employees first" and " people-oriented" as many companies advocating humane management concept, but in real work," people first " and " people-oriented" but there are a lot of places not just as one wishes, managers should be how to define "staff first " and " people-oriented" in the actual operation, how to correctly grasp the "staff the first" and " people-oriented" humane management, combined with the actual spread out to this problem were analyzed and discussed.

Along with the people living standard unceasing enhancement, the digital control is one of without doubt goals which the people pursues, it the convenience which brings to the person also is cannot be denied, volume control is a typical example, but the people are more and more high to its request, must work, the scientific research for the modern people, the life, provides a better more convenient facility to need to obtain from the digital technology, all to the numerical control, the intellectualized control direction are developing. In the contemporary acoustic equipment, usually uses the potentiometer to carry on the volume control. When frequently carries on the volume control, also is easy to cause the potentiometer to wear appears the breakdown. Therefore, so long as changes the potentiometer adjustment by the machinery adjustment the digital adjustment, may avoid a series of breakdowns appearance which initiates because of the potentiometer attrition. The present paper is precisely in view of the above question, introduced one kind the digital volume control electric circuit which with d/a converter DAC0832, binary reversible counter 74L S193 and 555 timers designs, is controlled the rank to be possible to reach 256 levels, and the periphery electric circuit is extremely simple. Key word: Volume, electric circuit, digital signal, simulated signal

In recent years, China's standard of living of the people of the significant increase in the demand for housing and real estate investment enthusiasm has also risen, making the real estate market is hot, real estate development enterprises have mushroomed in general to grow up fast , Followed by the real estate market, the land of the competition, the competitiveness of bank funds, real estate development enterprises in order to win this competition, it can not be blind to choose projects, the project must be strictly Financial evaluation and analysis of the feasibility of its full and effective verification, is the only way to the fierce competition would not stand in place. In this paper, mainly through the introduction of real estate development projects throughout the pre-planning process, and the project carried out a detailed financial evaluation and analysis, and introduced a number of practical and financial evaluation of a number of closely related issues, such as: risk prevention, financing , Project cost management. Through analysis of the feasibility of the project, and projects to achieve trade-offs. First, the real estate project carried out a number of theoretical knowledge, including the classification of the project, project planning, project location, as well as financial analysis and the concept of the financial statements and their analysis and evaluation methods, and on its financial Evaluation of a mutually supportive relationship with all the preliminary work is closely related to the financial evaluation; Second, the Court of Changchun rich projects, including: project profile, project market demand forecast, the progress of the works projects, measures to ensure the implementation of the project And cost control, project sales and so on; then, the project was carried out financial analysis, including: the cost of the project cost analysis, investment analysis, financial and project evaluation and detailed analysis. Finally, though not involved in a number of financial evaluation, but the success or failure of the financial evaluation is very important. The article used the theory and practice of the method of theoretical discourse, let readers of the real estate development projects at the theoretical level, there is a basic understanding, which also cited an actual case, and the first case An all-round, and then the case for the project cost analysis, investment profits, cash flow analysis, so that readers will be able to make the real estate project financial analysis to a deeper understanding. Through the project evaluation and financial analysis, paper concluded that the current cost of sales as well as change the situation, the project financial evaluation showed that the project is feasible and is in line with the expected yield and the yield industry If other factors in project implementation and to maintain the same level in the forecast, then the project will be completed by the end produce the desired results. This article is the evaluation of the financial analysis, financial evaluation, but things do not exist in isolation, it is the first of a multi-data collection process, it was followed by the collection of data sorting process can last up with a variety of financial statements, and On the basis of these statements to calculate a variety of economic indicators, through analysis of these indicators compared to the final decision of the viability of the project. In fact, the real estate project financial evaluation of real estate development business trade-off is very important, we have every real estate enterprises should pay attention to it, so that both companies to bring profits to the customer can bring the desired product To avoid the follow-up issues, people and social groups to a perfect work.

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