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Genetics Primer for Exercise Science and Health Stephen M Roth Copyright 2007 ISBN: 0736063439 ISBN13: 9780736063432 192pp Paperback Regular Price: $00 About the Product Genetics Primer for Exercise Science and Health is the first text dedicated to the basic concepts of genetics in relation to the broad range of topics in exercise science and Author Stephen M Roth, PhD, makes the content comprehensible for readers who are unfamiliar with genetics without sacrificing the foundational and critical understanding necessary for interpreting research findings and incorporating genetics into research Genetics Primer for Exercise Science and Health maintains a practical focus and addresses common concerns when preparing to study genetics, such as how to use online search tools to identify existing research literature and how to identify and select candidate genes using genome Through this text, readers will discover these concepts: The basics of DNA and genetics as they relate to health, physical activity, and sport Specific skills and strategies for interpreting and applying genetics findings in research How genetics research may affect sport performance training and clinical practice The ethical issues raised by genetics in society and sportSpecial focus sections are incorporated throughout the text, providing expanded discussions of interesting topics in each Students see examples of how the principles described in the book have played out in real-life research, and they receive explicit instructions on planning and interpreting genetics Pedagogical aids such as summaries, key terms, and review questions also make this text ideal for efficient Part I presents readers with the basic biology and genetics information they need in order to understand and apply the information to exercise Part II explores the research and design methods that will help readers interpret and apply their Part III addresses some of the current research findings in the area of genetics in exercise and health and discusses current issues in the field, including the potential for misuse of new genetic technologies and the ethics involved in gene Genetics Primer for Exercise Science and Health is the second volume in Human Kinetics’ Primers in Exercise Science Series, which provides students and professionals with a nonintimidating basic understanding of the science behind its topic and, where appropriate, how that science is These books are written by leading researchers and teachers in their respective areas of The authors present in an easy-to-understand manner the essential concepts in dynamic, complex areas of scientific The books in the series are ideal for researchers and professionals who need some background in an unfamiliar scientific The books also function as accessible basic references for those who will be returning to the material This particular book adds a health dimension to the exercise science focus of the series, with discussions on disease- and health-related Genetic research will play an important role in the future practice of exercise science and health, requiring students and professionals to have this basic knowledge for success in their Through its practical presentation of current and basic topics, Genetics Primer for Exercise Science and Health makes the case for more universities to introduce genetics courses to their Having the essential topics of genetics in a single, practical introductory text will facilitate the work of instructors, students, and About the Author Stephen M Roth, PhD, is an assistant professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Maryland, where he teaches courses in genetics and exercise science and He has extensive training in both exercise science and human genetics, and he directs the Functional Genomics Laboratory, where he maintains a research program dedicated to understanding the role of genetics in the contexts of aging, health, and D Roth has more than 45 peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals, many of which are in the areas of genetics, health, and In 2005, the American College of Sports Medicine presented him with a New Investigator Award recognizing his work in genetics and exercise He also has an award from the National Institutes of Health to further his training in genetic epidemiology, extending his existing training in exercise physiology and human D Roth is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Physiological Society, and the American Society of Human G He is an assistant editor for Exercise and Sport Sciences R Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments Part I Basics of Genetics Chapter Individual Differences: The Role of Genetics in Exercise Science and Health Hidden Aspect of Average Values Why Do We See Variation in a Physical Trait? Summary Learning AidsChapter DNA, RNA, and Protein Basic Cell Biology DNA Our Genetic Material as Chromosomes Special Focus: The Human Genome Project RNA Amino Acids and Proteins Structure of Genes Summary Learning AidsChapter Transcription, Translation, and the Genetic Code Moving From DNA to RNA: Transcription Posttranscriptional Modifications of RNA Moving From RNA to Protein: Translation Posttranslational Modifications of Proteins Genetic Code Summary Learning AidsChapter Moving Genetic Material to the Next Generation Basic Reproduction Sex Cell Production and Meiosis Special Focus: Mitosis Versus Meiosis Chromosomal Recombination Mendelian Inheritance Patterns Summary Learning AidsChapter Heritability and the Basics of Genetic Variation Familial Resemblance: Genes and Environment Heritability as a Measure of Genetic Contribution Special Focus: Twin and Family Studies Genetic Variation Types of Genetic Variation Special Focus: Labeling Polymorphisms How Genetic Variation Can Influence Physical Traits How Do Polymorphisms Arise? Genetic Variation and Evolution Summary Learning AidsChapter Genetic Variation and Disease Mendelian Disease Genetics Special Focus: Muscular Dystrophy Complex Disease Special Focus: Obesity as a Complex Trait Gene x Environment Interactions Gene x Gene Interactions Summary Learning AidsChapter Linkage Disequilibrium, Haplotype, and Environmental Interaction Recombination Revisited Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Analysis in Families Haplotype: Combinations of Neighboring Alleles Special Focus: The International HapMap Project Diplotype: Combinations of Haplotypes Gene x Environment Interaction Revisited An Introduction to Epigenetics Summary Learning AidsPart II Research Design and Methods Chapter Getting Started: Basic Skills for Genetics Research Is Genetic Variation Important for My Trait of Interest? Using PubMed Interpreting Existing Literature Identifying and Selecting Candidate Genes and Polymorphisms Using Genome Databases Summary Learning AidsChapter Issues in Study Design and Analysis How Genetics Necessarily Alters Study Design Typical Study Designs Subject Recruitment Geographical Ancestry Special Focus: Race in Genetics Prospective Versus Retrospective Statistical Approaches Interpretation of Results: Association versus Cause and Effect Summary Learning AidsChapter Basic Laboratory Methods in Genetics DNA from Blood or Cheek Cells Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Genotyping with Restriction Enzymes Genotyping with Fluorescent Tags Special Focus: DNA Microarrays DNA Sequencing Summary Learning AidsPart III Current Findings and Extensions of Genetics Research Chapter Current Research Findings in the Genetics of Exercise Science and Health Overview of Current Findings Special Focus: The Human Gene Map for Performance and Health-Related Fitness Phenotypes ACTN3 and Muscular Performance ApoE and Cognitive Impairment ACE and Sport Performance Myostatin and Muscle Mass Summary Learning AidsChapter Personalized Medicine Genetics and Complex Disease Revisited Promise and Limitations of Personalized Medicine Special Focus: Pharmacogenomics Genetics in Nutrition and Exercise Prescription Genetics in Disease Prevention Summary Learning AidsChapter Ethical Challenges in Genetics and Society Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Genomics Gene Therapy for Disease Treatment Special Focus: Stem Cells Genetics in Sport: Genetic Testing and Gene Doping for Performance Summary Learning AidsAppendix A: Answers to Review Questions Appendix B: Evolution and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Glossary Bibliography Index About the Author


Submitted to Journal (投稿)Manuscript received by Editorial Office (投稿成功)With editor (提交到主编处) Under review (正在审稿中) Required Reviews Completed (表示审稿意见已经返回给编辑)   Evaluating Recommendation (意为编辑正在评估审稿人的意见,作者会收到编辑给出的建议)   Decision in process (等待稿件处理意见)   Minor revision/Major revision (小修或大修) Revision Submitted to Journal (修改后返回到编辑部)10、Accepted (接受)  Reject (拒稿)

根据网友投稿经验,有些杂志的文章投稿状态变化滞后,有时候,虽然是“with editor”,事实上已经是“Under review”,而有些杂志的“with editor”就是“Under review”;当然有些杂志的“with editor”和“Under review”分得比较清楚!祝好运!


就是编辑在审阅,如果编辑同意了就会送审,状态会改为under review。这个要看具体情况了,投稿后最先出现的with editor表示有编辑接手稿件的处理,技术审查之后出现的with editor表示文章已经又回到了责编手中,下一步责编着手邀请审稿人,如果审稿以后出现的with editor表示审稿意见已经返回到责编手中。不同的期刊有差别,类似elsevier旗下的期刊先技术审查后with editor,也有一些期刊先with editor,然后技术审查,接下来继续with editor。中国期刊方阵“中国期刊方阵”的基本框架分为4个层面,形成宝塔形结构。第一个层面为“双效”期刊。以全国现有8135种期刊为基数,按10%—15%的比例选取社会效益、经济效益好的1000余种期刊,作为“中国期刊方阵”的基础。通过各省(区、市)和中央部委评比推荐产生。第二个层面为“双百”期刊。即通过每两年一届评比产生的百种重点社科期刊、百种重点科技期刊。每届进入全国“双百”重点期刊数量控制在200种左右。第三个层面为“双奖”期刊。是全国“双百”重点期刊基础上评选出的国家期刊奖、国家期刊奖提名奖的期刊。此类期刊约100种左右。第四个层面为“双高”期刊,即高知名度、高学术水平的期刊。此类期刊约50种。以上内容参考 百度百科——期刊


Submitted to Journal (投稿)Manuscript received by Editorial Office (投稿成功)With editor (提交到主编处) Under review (正在审稿中) Required Reviews Completed (表示审稿意见已经返回给编辑)   Evaluating Recommendation (意为编辑正在评估审稿人的意见,作者会收到编辑给出的建议)   Decision in process (等待稿件处理意见)   Minor revision/Major revision (小修或大修) Revision Submitted to Journal (修改后返回到编辑部)10、Accepted (接受)  Reject (拒稿)

就是编辑在审阅,如果编辑同意了就会送审,状态会改为under review。这个要看具体情况了,投稿后最先出现的with editor表示有编辑接手稿件的处理,技术审查之后出现的with editor表示文章已经又回到了责编手中,下一步责编着手邀请审稿人,如果审稿以后出现的with editor表示审稿意见已经返回到责编手中。不同的期刊有差别,类似elsevier旗下的期刊先技术审查后with editor,也有一些期刊先with editor,然后技术审查,接下来继续with editor。中国期刊方阵“中国期刊方阵”的基本框架分为4个层面,形成宝塔形结构。第一个层面为“双效”期刊。以全国现有8135种期刊为基数,按10%—15%的比例选取社会效益、经济效益好的1000余种期刊,作为“中国期刊方阵”的基础。通过各省(区、市)和中央部委评比推荐产生。第二个层面为“双百”期刊。即通过每两年一届评比产生的百种重点社科期刊、百种重点科技期刊。每届进入全国“双百”重点期刊数量控制在200种左右。第三个层面为“双奖”期刊。是全国“双百”重点期刊基础上评选出的国家期刊奖、国家期刊奖提名奖的期刊。此类期刊约100种左右。第四个层面为“双高”期刊,即高知名度、高学术水平的期刊。此类期刊约50种。以上内容参考 百度百科——期刊

如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:1)Editor Assigned 编辑分派。2)Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请。这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。




如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:1)Editor Assigned 编辑分派。2)Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请。这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。

是指文章提交到海外杂志的一种状态,收到后是under review,然后一直是with editor如果时间太长,估计一定是你的文章太专业,你推荐的审稿人又不愿意审稿。耐心等待,你可以尝试再次推荐审稿人,有的审稿人很多,时间问题,不必担忧了。




文章投稿杂志后一般先是显示submitted to journal ( 或者是article received, with journal officed等),然后就是with editor, 在这一步一般有以下几种情况,第二种,进入下一步,一般是主编进行pre-review,也就是来看看你的文章够不够进行审稿的基本条件,如果可以,好,那么指定编辑,此为with editor 2, 如果没有通过,对不起,你此时没有经过审稿就被拒了,这种情况越来越多了,投稿量太大,编辑部顶不住了,审稿人都难找了。水平高的杂志都有这个阶段,也就是只有很少的一部分投稿会安排审稿,所以有时候看到自己的文章号很大,不用担心,有很多文章根本没有审稿就被枪毙了。下一步就是指定的编辑找审稿人了,找到了,ok,under review。


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