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在雅思口语中,很多时候需要积累一定的高分模板。因为能够让考生亲身体会英语说话的逻辑,还能增强我们遣词造句的能力。并且在很大程度上,训练了我们的语法。因此,今天小站君为大家带来描述科学的雅思口语part1话题模板。希望考生能够好好练习。 Do you like science?It’s ok I suppose, but I’m not particularly interested in it, I have to admit! You know, it’s not something I’ve ever got really excited about! Having said that though, science is such a broad subject, so although I’m not really that interested in most of it, there are some areas of it that I think are pretty cool, such as astronomy for example, like how the universe came into 我想没关系,但我对它并不特别感兴趣,我得承认!你知道,这不是我曾经真正兴奋过的事情!尽管如此,科学是一门很广泛的学科,虽然我对大部分学科并不感兴趣,但我认为其中有些领域相当酷,比如天文学,比如宇宙是如何形成的。 Are there many science museums in your hometown?No, not I mean, off hand, there’s only one I can think of, which is the, umm… ah what’s it called?! Oh yeah, the Science & Technology Museum, that’s the There may be others, but none that I’m aware of!不,不是真的。我的意思是,手边只有一个我能想到的,那就是,嗯……那叫什么?哦,是的,科技博物馆,就是那个。可能还有其他人,但我没有意识到! Did you like science classes when you were young?Let me have a Um… Most of the science classes I had, I didn’t really enjoy at all, cos I was never any good at science, and if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, most of the classes were just pretty boring, which is a bit of a pity really! You know, I think I could have actually really enjoyed science if it was taught in a more fun So yeah, I guess I was just unlucky with my teachers!让我想一想。嗯……不。我上过的大多数科学课,我一点都不喜欢,因为我从来都不擅长科学,而且如果我对你完全诚实的话,大多数课程都很无聊,这真的有点遗憾!你知道,我认为如果真的以一种更有趣的方式教授,我真的会很享受科学。所以,我想我和我的老师不太走运! How did you learn science at school?Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far 嗯,我们主要是通过课本和笔记,所以它和其他科目很相似。尽管如此,我们偶尔会做一些实验,这很有趣,但不幸的是,这些课程很少,而且相距甚远。 Do you think children should have both art classes and science classes?Yeah, I’d say it is a good thing to have both, because I think it helps children discover where their interests You know, if for example, they didn’t have art classes, then they would probably never know if they had a gift for it or So I think being exposed to as many things as possible at an early age really helps children develop their talents and 是的,我认为这两者都是一件好事,因为我认为这有助于孩子们发现他们的兴趣所在。例如,如果他们没有艺术课,那么他们可能永远不会知道他们是否有天赋。所以我认为在早年接触尽可能多的东西真的有助于孩子们发展他们的天赋和兴趣。 Do you think science is important to our society?Yeah, I’d say it’s extremely important, cos I mean, science helps our society to um…how can I put it?uh… I guess what I’m kind of trying to say is that it helps us to continue improving our standard of You know, without science, technology wouldn’t be able to progress, and in terms of combating diseases, we wouldn’t be able to come up with vaccines and cures if it wasn’t for So yeah, it’s incredibly important to 是的,我认为这是非常重要的,因为我的意思是,科学帮助我们的社会……我该怎么说呢?呃……我想我想说的是,它有助于我们继续提高我们的生活水平。你知道,没有科学,技术就不能进步,在防治疾病方面,如果不是科学,我们就不能提出疫苗和治疗方法。是的,这对我们来说非常重要。雅思口语高分词组:Having said that though– 不过话又说回来I guess what I’m kind of trying to say is that – 我想说的大概就是…Combating disease- 和疾病作斗争Vaccine - 疫苗discover where their interests lie = find out where their interests aregift= talentThough saying that - 不过话又说会阿里few and far between - 稀少a bit of a pity – 有点可惜off hand– 无准备地说 (you can say this when you make a statement without having had much time to think)that’s the one– 就那个!以上即是青藤资讯为您分享的雅思口语高分范文内容。更多雅思口语备考内容,本站将及时与您分享,尽请关注!



Today,more than ever before,we depend on the expediency brought about by such modern devices as As a result,when we feel the need to communicate with friends,instead of picking up the pen to set down to serious writing,we pick up the Indeed,we speak so much and write so little that some people begin to suspect that phones will kill letter However widely used it is today,the phone will not take the place of letter,for both phone and letter writing have respective functions to There are at least two reasons,as far as I am concerned,why this will not For one thing,although phones admittedly have already taken over many roles traditionally played by the letter,there are certain areas such as commercial transactions and legal correspondence,in which black and white sincerity and confirmation is still a For another,in no way can a quick phone conversation convey and accomplish as much as a deliberate,well worded letter For instance,there seems to be no better device than letter writing to express deep,heart-felt,profound love,a fact underlined by the enormous love letters of great men and As we know,in the 1960’s,there had been so much talk that TV would kill And it has never Today we are in a similar We can be certain,for the reasons discussed above,that letter writing is


Technology Is Changing Our LivesThe effect of technology in our day-to-day life can be seen or felt almost We use mobile phones for communications, we surf the Internet for information, knowledge and entertainment, and we drive our cars to work or take flights to make business We shall always have faith in ourselves, because mankind has almost unlimited potential for creation and self-


“科学”英文science读法:英 ['saɪəns]  美 ['saɪəns] 释义:1、 科学;技术;学科;理科2、 (Science)人名;(英)赛恩斯political science政治学 natural science自然科学 archival science档案学例句:1、The book stands out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of modern 这部著作是现代科学发展史上著名的里程碑之一。2、We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other 我们必须实现科学技术现代化,否则我们要落后于其他国家。扩展资料science的近义词:skill 读法:英 [skɪl]  美 [skɪl] 释义:1、 技能,技巧;本领,技术2、 (Skill)人名;(瑞典)希尔短语:1、presentation skill演讲技巧2、Conceptual Skill概念性技能3、job skill岗位技能要求 4、Learn skill学习技能5、People Skill人际技能

science英 [ˈsaɪəns]美 [ˈsaɪəns]详细释义科学;自然科学;自然科学的学习与研究;理科;自然科学学科scientific knowledge科学知识他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。His work advanced the science of 他养成了对科学的兴趣。He developed an interest in 他决定研究科学。He decided to study




If we had no winter the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometime taste of adversity prosperity would not be so ——Bradstreet如果没有冬天,春天不会如此悦人,如果不是时时品尝不幸,幸运也不会如此受人欢迎。 ——布雷史崔

There is but one step from the sublime to the 崇高与荒谬仅一步之遥。——Napoleon 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。 if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the Adversity is a good 逆境是锻炼人的最好场所。 Art is long, life is 人生有涯艺无涯。 Well begun, half 好的开始是成功的一半。




science 科学scientist 科学家

scientistmathematicianscientist 科学家数学家

scientist英 [ˈsaɪəntɪst]  美 [ˈsaɪəntɪst] 科学家[ 复数 scientists ]短语New Scientist 新科学家 ; 新科学人 ; 新科学家杂志 ; 新迷信家computer scientist 计算机科学家 ; 电脑科学家 ; 详细翻译扩展资料scientist的近义词:inventor英 [ɪnˈventə(r)]  美 [ɪnˈventər] 发明家;[专利] 发明人;创造者[ 复数 inventors ]短语App Inventor 应用程序发明家 ; 应用发明家 ; 发明家 ; 编程

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